How would a naval battle look like between the US and Russia?

Seperate from the USA there are around 40 submarines in the Mediteranean Sea belonging to NATO countries.
Much more surface ships.

The Mediterenean is a "lake" controlled by NATO.
A few Russian ships/submarines won't change anything, but it is a good "doomsday" theme for the media.
what if the carriers are sunk by subs?

you can't sink an air base

You underestimate the power of the US Navy. There is a reason we have been the leading military superpower for the past few decades. Supercarriers are one of the reasons. Not to mention we do still have submarines of our own.

carriers are mobile but are limited in some respects.

The Russian air bases can have unlimited aircraft capability. Missile bases near Crimea too.

The US navy can bottle up the Bosporus, but the Russian navy is already out of the bottle.

I don't see superpowers going to war over this BTW

Of course we won't be going to war with Russia. Hypothetically though, our navy is leagues ahead of the next best country. Not to mention the hundreds of military bases we have spread across the globe, capable of launching their own air strikes.
You underestimate the power of the US Navy. There is a reason we have been the leading military superpower for the past few decades. Supercarriers are one of the reasons. Not to mention we do still have submarines of our own.

carriers are mobile but are limited in some respects.

The Russian air bases can have unlimited aircraft capability. Missile bases near Crimea too.

The US navy can bottle up the Bosporus, but the Russian navy is already out of the bottle.

I don't see superpowers going to war over this BTW

Of course we won't be going to war with Russia. Hypothetically though, our navy is leagues ahead of the next best country. Not to mention the hundreds of military bases we have spread across the globe, capable of launching their own air strikes.

it warms the cockles of my heart when liberals become war mongers just because their Nobel Peace prize winning president rattles a saber
carriers are mobile but are limited in some respects.

The Russian air bases can have unlimited aircraft capability. Missile bases near Crimea too.

The US navy can bottle up the Bosporus, but the Russian navy is already out of the bottle.

I don't see superpowers going to war over this BTW

Of course we won't be going to war with Russia. Hypothetically though, our navy is leagues ahead of the next best country. Not to mention the hundreds of military bases we have spread across the globe, capable of launching their own air strikes.

it warms the cockles of my heart when liberals become war mongers just because their Nobel Peace prize winning president rattles a saber

The liberal war-mongers are no better than the "conservative" chickenhawks who became peaceniks the moment a Democrat decided to bomb a country.
Of course we won't be going to war with Russia. Hypothetically though, our navy is leagues ahead of the next best country. Not to mention the hundreds of military bases we have spread across the globe, capable of launching their own air strikes.

it warms the cockles of my heart when liberals become war mongers just because their Nobel Peace prize winning president rattles a saber

The liberal war-mongers are no better than the "conservative" chickenhawks who became peaceniks the moment a Democrat decided to bomb a country.

wait a few posts and one of you libs will play the race card
it warms the cockles of my heart when liberals become war mongers just because their Nobel Peace prize winning president rattles a saber

The liberal war-mongers are no better than the "conservative" chickenhawks who became peaceniks the moment a Democrat decided to bomb a country.

wait a few posts and one of you libs will play the race card

You wouldn't be disagreeing with Obama if he was white... :eusa_shifty:

How would a naval battle look like between the US and Russia?


Second question would this be the biggest naval battle since world war II???:doubt: and thirdly could it happen?
Do you realize Russia has the nuclear capability to barbacue this country in less than a half hour?


We have an arsenal that would do the same to them so it's a zero sum equation. Our navy is far superior to anything they thought about putting out there. No serious analyst in the world would argue otherwise.
what if the carriers are sunk by subs?

you can't sink an air base

You underestimate the power of the US Navy. There is a reason we have been the leading military superpower for the past few decades. Supercarriers are one of the reasons. Not to mention we do still have submarines of our own.

carriers are mobile but are limited in some respects.

The Russian air bases can have unlimited aircraft capability. Missile bases near Crimea too.

The US navy can bottle up the Bosporus, but the Russian navy is already out of the bottle.

I don't see superpowers going to war over this BTW

This is why the carriers never leave home without attack subs, destroyers, cruisers, etc...

As for "not being able to sink and air base"...have you ever seen what a cluster bomb can do to a runway? Yeah comrade, try taking off when your runway looks like swiss cheese....
No such thing as a "Naval Battle," i.e. when ships pulled alongside (Ironsides, Monitor/Merrimac) and blew the living shit out of each other. Sinking ships is not a priority either. Today's ships PROJECT firepower. They are a platform to launch weapons. I think the largest conventional deck-mounted gun in the fleet these days is a 3-inch bullet. Back in my day (80's) - the largest was a 16-inch (aboard BB's) and the "norm" was a 5-inch 50 gun-mount.
It's a non-sequitur, since neither the Russians nor the Americans are going to engage in said naval battle over anything we do in Syria. It ain't going to happen. End of story.

Agreed. The only nations that are currently behind us in this operation are Israel and France. This is the far more likely out come. Every nation on the planet will simultaneously drop our treasuries once Russia and China do. . . because, well, we were warned that intervention in Syria would have, "dire consequences." And this will do far more damage to our cities and towns than any military maneuver ever will. :cool:

[ame=]The First 12 Hours of a US Dollar Collapse - YouTube[/ame]
Today, there are far more effect ways for the BRIC nation's to get what they want from us, we have become vulnerable. This mental exercise, it is an exercise in futility. We can not be sure our command and control would be so stupid as to follow the orders of a rogue criminal civilian government that clearly DOES NOT represent the wishes of the people. Does anyone seriously doubt that?

If a battle between Russian and US Naval Forces were to break out in the area, Russia could sink our entire fleet, Carriers and all, in a matter of minutes if they were prepared for it.

I present to you, the Tupolev Tu-22 Backfire Bomber --


Which can travel at around 1,200 MPH at altitude. Ain't gonna hit it until it's too late.

Russia has somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 of them.

Each one can carry 3 of these --


Called the "Kitchen" missile. And it can take a Super Carrier like Grant took Richmond. Almost 13,000lbs of Hell. It can be launched from 300 Miles away and travels at Mach 4.6 -- Virtually incapable of being stopped.

The Backfire can also carry (separately) six of these --


Called the 'Kickback' it climbs to an altitude of 40,000 feet and dives on its target at speeds exceeding Mach five. The fastest air-launcehd missile in the world.

The Backfire can also carry the Moskit, aka; Sunburn Missile. Which causes Naval Commanders everywhere to shit their pants.

Look it up.

It would take the monumental stupidity of a stupid motherfucker like the Stuttering Clusterfuck to piss the Russians off so close to their own backyard.

If he goes over there running his stupid fucking mouth and pushing the Russians around, we really could see WWIII.

If you're gonna take on the Russians, you hit them HARD and you do NOT play with them. Otherwise........ Bad news.

Only an idiot of inestimable magnitude would underestimate Russian Military Power and their willingness to use it.

They would wipe our Military presence from the face of the Earth in that area -- Quick. If they're in the mood.
If a battle between Russian and US Naval Forces were to break out in the area, Russia could sink our entire fleet, Carriers and all, in a matter of minutes if they were prepared for it.


They would wipe our Military presence from the face of the Earth in that area -- Quick. If they're in the mood.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Wake're dreaming.
Look at the history of naval might by the US and the Russians. We have won our wars with naval fleets while the Russians have lost theirs.
If a battle between Russian and US Naval Forces were to break out in the area, Russia could sink our entire fleet, Carriers and all, in a matter of minutes if they were prepared for it.

I present to you, the Tupolev Tu-22 Backfire Bomber --


Which can travel at around 1,200 MPH at altitude. Ain't gonna hit it until it's too late.

Russia has somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 of them.

Each one can carry 3 of these --


Called the "Kitchen" missile. And it can take a Super Carrier like Grant took Richmond. Almost 13,000lbs of Hell. It can be launched from 300 Miles away and travels at Mach 4.6 -- Virtually incapable of being stopped.

The Backfire can also carry (separately) six of these --


Called the 'Kickback' it climbs to an altitude of 40,000 feet and dives on its target at speeds exceeding Mach five. The fastest air-launcehd missile in the world.

The Backfire can also carry the Moskit, aka; Sunburn Missile. Which causes Naval Commanders everywhere to shit their pants.

Look it up.

It would take the monumental stupidity of a stupid motherfucker like the Stuttering Clusterfuck to piss the Russians off so close to their own backyard.

If he goes over there running his stupid fucking mouth and pushing the Russians around, we really could see WWIII.

If you're gonna take on the Russians, you hit them HARD and you do NOT play with them. Otherwise........ Bad news.

Only an idiot of inestimable magnitude would underestimate Russian Military Power and their willingness to use it.

They would wipe our Military presence from the face of the Earth in that area -- Quick. If they're in the mood.
Gawd, I hope their not that suicidal in the Kremlin.
Actually, we have carriers, submarines, destroyers, F-22's, Stealth Bombers, Long Range Reconnaissance aircraft, and a much larger air force. If we summoned the full might of our navy against Russia's there would be no contest. China wouldn't be able to fart in our direction without us knowing.

But let's just not do anything to invite that scenario, shall we? Stay out of Syria!
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We have been degrading our military for five years while Russia has been building theirs. Just because something was true in the past does not make it true today.

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