How would you rank the Presidents of your lifetime?

Here is my list.

1. Donald Trump
2. Ronald Reagan

large gap

3. George Bush Sr.
4. George Bush Jr.
5. Bill Clinton

large gap

6. Barrack Obama
7. Jimmy Carter

Ike is number one and the rest after him blew...

Well had Nixon been able to get the Nixon\Kennedy Healthcare passed he might have been number two had it not been for Watergate.

Vietnam war ruined Johnson legacy and Kennedy brains in Dalls made John legacy short...

Ford just a gap stop and Carter was a micromanager.

Reagan was acting and the last part of second term his Alzheimer's was in full swing.

Bush Sr. no new taxes sunk him and Ross Perot gave us Clinton.

Bill eight years saw the rise of National and International terrorism within the borders while he claimed he never had any sexual relationship with Monica but later admitted it and then bombed Iraq on the eve of his impeachment vote.

Bush jr. gave us Iraq and Afghanistan while also watching the crash of the Banking, Housing and Auto Industry which lead to Obama and you know the rest of the story...
Most, who lived thru the Great Depression would agree with the historians it is FDR as number one president, even Reagan who voted for FDR four times seemed to agree. After the first FDR election the nation seemed to take heart and strive to save America. The question today is; if FDR were still alive would we still be voting for him or Landon or Hoover?
Because of his health issues, I see Ike as a part-time president which raises Nixon's stock. When it comes to respect, I give hats off to Carter and GHW Bush for pretty much committing political suicide for sake of country. Carter with the appointment of Paul Volcker as Fed Chairman and Bush for fiscal responsibility.

G.H.W. Bush
G.W. Bush
Here is my list.

1. Donald Trump
2. Ronald Reagan

large gap

3. George Bush Sr.
4. George Bush Jr.
5. Bill Clinton

large gap

6. Barrack Obama
7. Jimmy Carter
Trump. Period. All the rest sucked completely. I have been alive since 84 so that's Reagan forward.
Trump will go down as one of the worst presidents in history. Right next to Bush43
1. Trump
2. Bush Sr
3. Bush Jr.
4. Clinton
5. Obama

If Obama didn’t cause all of those race riots I would have rated him above Clinton. I really hated Bill Clinton.
Best was Reagan with Trump 2nd but far behind, worst was LBJ.

The major problems we face today domestically all came out of the LBJ era.
In my lifetime

Great Presidents:

1. Trump
2. Reagan

Good Presidents:

3. Nixon
4. Eisenhower

Mediocre Presidents:

5. Ford
6. Truman
7. Bush
8. Bush

Asshole destructive Presidents

9. Kennedy
10. Johnson
11. Carter
12. Clinton
13. Obama
1. Trump
2. Bush Sr
3. Bush Jr.
4. Clinton
5. Obama

If Obama didn’t cause all of those race riots I would have rated him above Clinton. I really hated Bill Clinton.

Obama was a first rate asshole and incompetent as hell but Slick Willy was as corrupt as they come. The only reason I rated him one notch higher than Obama on my list is that as much of a shithead he was at least he had the political savvy to let Newt and the Republican Congress drive the agenda.

If Clinton had not lost his Democrat Congress because of stupid gun control he probably would have done as much damage to the country as Obama.

Thank god Crooked Hillary was not elected. She would have had all the corruption of Slick Willy and the destruction of Obama, maybe even more if that is possible.
Most, who lived thru the Great Depression would agree with the historians it is FDR as number one president, even Reagan who voted for FDR four times seemed to agree. After the first FDR election the nation seemed to take heart and strive to save America. The question today is; if FDR were still alive would we still be voting for him or Landon or Hoover?
Na, not really

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