How would you reform immigration?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
How would you reform immigration?

My plan would be
1. enforce/fine
2. grant amnesty to all employed and college students. + children.
3. allow 200,000 a year to become citizens.

Number 3. would be open to who ever that wants to become citizens(free for all policy!)...The illegals would be allowed into this line.

Very long line!:eek:
I would round up every illegal for immediate deportation. Out of the schools, colleges, hospitals and nursing homes. Tattoo everyone over 16 across the face. If they come back, they can be shot on sight by anyone, no questions asked. This includes visa overstayers.

Parents with American born children can take them or leave them for adoption.

Create chain gangs of prisoners to work the fields. The state can use the money the farmers pay for the workers.

Anyone except someone who entered illegally can apply for legal admission if they speak english and have a necessary skill.
Immigration is a joke until we secure our borders.
SECURE the borders, the ports and all access points. Strict control on who enters evict all illegals.

Enforce all criminal sanctions and fines against employers. Enforce all criminal sanctions and fines against all illegals that steal US identities. Anyone caught smuggling in illegals 20 years no parole Federal prison. Anyone armed while doing it 30 years.
I would round up every illegal for immediate deportation. Out of the schools, colleges, hospitals and nursing homes.
Parents with American born children can take them or leave them for adoption.

Create chain gangs of prisoners to work the fields. The state can use the money the farmers pay for the workers.

Anyone except someone who entered illegally can apply for legal admission if they speak english and have a necessary skill.
Good points. Aside from having a necessary skill for which there is a shortage of skilled workers, and have a good knowledge of the English language, I would also ensure that these individuals are not applying from terror sponsoring countries, and that they have "no" criminal record from their countries of origin. Anyone who was previously caught illegally in the country would not be admissible.
(1) Pass a Constitutional Amendment repealing the bogus rule that gives citizenship to everyone born here, regardless of legality or parentage.

(2) Grant permanent residency to everyone who can prove that he has been here and paying taxes for a minimum of three years. Permanent residency but NOT citizenship. Never. Disqualified due to the fact that they came here illegally.

(3) Enhance and enforce the current laws that criminalize employment of illegals. Make sure that THE HIRING SUPERVISOR of the workers is criminally responsible if he hires an illegal.

(4) Pass a guest worker statute that permits EMPLOYERS to bring guest workers in for limited-duration work periods, after which the employer must ensure that they return home, wherever that is. While here, they will pay a payroll tax equivalent to the Employer&Employee contribution to SS. This money will go into an individual trust fund, which the worker can have when he arrives back home in his permanent country of residence. If he doesn't go back, he doesn't get the money.

(5) Modify the immigration laws to give preference to applicants with education, marketable skills, or money to invest (we have that now). If you have no skills, no education, and no wealth, stay the fuck away - I don't care if your whole fucking family lives here now. Get a PhD, then we'll talk about it.

Every one of these initiatives would have overwhelming public support. Don't get bogged down in the perverse desire to have "comprehensive immigration reform." The real agenda of people who want "comprehensive reform" is that they want to produce a multi-thousand page law that is stuffed with pork and goodies for their favorite constituents, knowing that no one will have time to read the fucking law before it is passed.
1. Continue to improve border security
2. Develop a biometric National ID program
3. Institute a guest worker program
4. Punish employers who hire illegals. Jail not fines
5. Allow guest workers to apply for citizenship after ten years if they have a clean record and are paying taxes
I would round up every illegal for immediate deportation. Out of the schools, colleges, hospitals and nursing homes.
Parents with American born children can take them or leave them for adoption.

Create chain gangs of prisoners to work the fields. The state can use the money the farmers pay for the workers.

Anyone except someone who entered illegally can apply for legal admission if they speak english and have a necessary skill.
Good points. Aside from having a necessary skill for which there is a shortage of skilled workers, and have a good knowledge of the English language, I would also ensure that these individuals are not applying from terror sponsoring countries, and that they have "no" criminal record from their countries of origin. Anyone who was previously caught illegally in the country would not be admissible.
I would also maintain the current fast tracking of individuals who have extraordinary abilities or talent (pro athletes, TV celebrities/actors, company CEOs or presidents ...etc).

Another provision that currently exists, and should be maintained is to allow any outsider who is legally in the U.S. on a student visa studying medicine at a U.S. college the right to acquire a Green Card upon successful completion of the program. We definitely do not want to lose any doctors, especially those that are U.S. trained. Of course they would still need to undergo the usual background checks to make sure there is no criminal past and no links to terrorism. The background checks would be a formality since these individuals would need to undergo those same checks prior to being issued the student visa in the first place.
1. Secure the border with a border wall over the entire 2000+ mile US/Mexican border and hire 200 more BP agents for patrolling.
2. Punish employers with 10 years jail time + $1M fine for knowingly hiring illegal immigrants
3. Make the use of E-verify by all businesses mandatory
4. Mandatory rule forcing all businesses to hire Americans before hiring Legal immigrants through work visas.
5. Enforce the laws already on the books.
Go back to the quotas we had pre Johnson administration. Enough of the third-world mudrunners and their hordes of IQ deprived kin..
I would round up every illegal for immediate deportation. Out of the schools, colleges, hospitals and nursing homes.
Parents with American born children can take them or leave them for adoption.

Create chain gangs of prisoners to work the fields. The state can use the money the farmers pay for the workers.

Anyone except someone who entered illegally can apply for legal admission if they speak english and have a necessary skill.
Good points. Aside from having a necessary skill for which there is a shortage of skilled workers, and have a good knowledge of the English language, I would also ensure that these individuals are not applying from terror sponsoring countries, and that they have "no" criminal record from their countries of origin. Anyone who was previously caught illegally in the country would not be admissible.
I would also maintain the current fast tracking of individuals who have extraordinary abilities or talent (pro athletes, TV celebrities/actors, company CEOs or presidents ...etc).

Another provision that currently exists, and should be maintained is to allow any outsider who is legally in the U.S. on a student visa studying medicine at a U.S. college the right to acquire a Green Card upon successful completion of the program. We definitely do not want to lose any doctors, especially those that are U.S. trained. Of course they would still need to undergo the usual background checks to make sure there is no criminal past and no links to terrorism. The background checks would be a formality since these individuals would need to undergo those same checks prior to being issued the student visa in the first place.

There is something you need to be aware of. We graduate doctors who can't be doctors NOW. There's no reason to graduate more doctors from medical school until obama takes the cap off residency. At present, there are only 15,000 new resididents permitted every year. Can we get a big thank you obama for that one? If a med school grad can't get a residency they leave the US, even Americans.

It goes without saying that every student with a student visa not enrolled in a school nor attenting school should be immediately deported. Mohammed Atta came on a student visa and never attended a single class.

In addition, FULLY investigate schools that accept foreigners on a student visa because half those school exist on paper with a mail drop.
Good points. Aside from having a necessary skill for which there is a shortage of skilled workers, and have a good knowledge of the English language, I would also ensure that these individuals are not applying from terror sponsoring countries, and that they have "no" criminal record from their countries of origin. Anyone who was previously caught illegally in the country would not be admissible.
I would also maintain the current fast tracking of individuals who have extraordinary abilities or talent (pro athletes, TV celebrities/actors, company CEOs or presidents ...etc).

Another provision that currently exists, and should be maintained is to allow any outsider who is legally in the U.S. on a student visa studying medicine at a U.S. college the right to acquire a Green Card upon successful completion of the program. We definitely do not want to lose any doctors, especially those that are U.S. trained. Of course they would still need to undergo the usual background checks to make sure there is no criminal past and no links to terrorism. The background checks would be a formality since these individuals would need to undergo those same checks prior to being issued the student visa in the first place.

There is something you need to be aware of. We graduate doctors who can't be doctors NOW. There's no reason to graduate more doctors from medical school until obama takes the cap off residency. At present, there are only 15,000 new resididents permitted every year. Can we get a big thank you obama for that one? If a med school grad can't get a residency they leave the US, even Americans.

It goes without saying that every student with a student visa not enrolled in a school nor attenting school should be immediately deported. Mohammed Atta came on a student visa and never attended a single class.

In addition, FULLY investigate schools that accept foreigners on a student visa because half those school exist on paper with a mail drop.
Having a cap for doctors is lunacy since I know for a fact that lots of hospitals are having a hard time recruiting doctors. If they did implement a cap, why did they not coordinate the cap with the medical schools? This way the number of students that are accepted would correspond with the cap number.

I absolutely agree that anyone who is in the country on an expired student visa or on a valid student visa, but not attending classes needs to be deported. These folks should not ever be allowed to acquire citizenship.
1. Change the constitution: To be a natural born a citizen one parent must be a citizen provable by DNA. No more anchor babies.

2. Deport all illegals instantly upon capture. They must take any children with them. The children can be left for adoption the parents choose... or the children may come back when they turn 18.

3. Anyone caught employing illegals get a minimum of 10 years in jail and a 3 million dollar fine.... per each illegal.

4. No immigrant may have a criminal past. Crossing the border illegally automatically puts you out of the running to immigration status for life.

5. Immigrants with skills and who can speak English get put in the front of the line.

6. Legal status is a requirement for public services. IE... attending schools, medical treatment, social services.

7. Secure the border. Shoot to kill anyone crossing.

8. No one over the age of 40 will be considered.

How would you reform immigration?

My plan would be
1. enforce/fine
2. grant amnesty to all employed and college students. + children.
3. allow 200,000 a year to become citizens.

Number 3. would be open to who ever that wants to become citizens(free for all policy!)...The illegals would be allowed into this line.

Very long line!:eek:

Go back to the way it was when my ancestors came over on the boat and landed at Ellis Island. Anyone here NOW that is not a citizen and did not go thru the proper procedures, anyone not learning the laws of this land, anyone not being taught the land's used language, REMOVED. Deported. Any child born here and the parents not legal citizens, DEPORTED along with their parent. No parents? Then deport them to the land the parents came from.

Once they do what my ancestors did...then sure. They can stay. Otherwise, get out.

Oh, and fine the hell out of anyone who hires illigals...fines so large and hard, they go out of business. If they can't hire thru the legal channels with legal citizens, then they lose their "rights" to own the business.

Just sayin'.
Actually...syrenn's number eight I don't 100% agree with. If they are older than 40, know the laws of the land, speak english, have savings or are retired and have money to support themselves, go thru the steps to become citizens, are not felons,....then no age limit over 40.
Actually...syrenn's number eight I don't 100% agree with. If they are older than 40, know the laws of the land, speak english, have savings or are retired and have money to support themselves, go thru the steps to become citizens, are not felons,....then no age limit over 40.

It is quite the thing here to bring over "the family" which includes ancient grandma and grandpa.... who will never learn the language, learn the laws, or work a day in their lives..... and yet, are eligible for everything.

fuck um. We dont need to import leaches, we have enough of our very own. When we no longer have legal citizens in THIS country in need...fine. Until that time..... we don't need them from other countries.
Actually...syrenn's number eight I don't 100% agree with. If they are older than 40, know the laws of the land, speak english, have savings or are retired and have money to support themselves, go thru the steps to become citizens, are not felons,....then no age limit over 40.

It is quite the thing here to bring over "the family" which includes ancient grandma and grandpa.... who will never learn the language, learn the laws, or work a day in their lives..... and yet, are eligible for everything.

fuck um. We dont need to import leaches, we have enough of our very own. When we no longer have legal citizens in THIS country in need...fine. Until that time..... we don't need them from other countries.

Amen. I agree 100%. This thread is 100% against illegal immigration (except for the OP). I am also 100% against it, and the only exceptions I would make woudl be people bring skills that we are short of (this would likely be rare), and people bringing large amounts of capital, with which to open businesses and hire AMERICANS, at decent wages & benefits.

I would also abolish birthright citizenship which was never intended to foster an anchor baby racket. I'd clamp down hard on the phony documentation industry as well as employers violating IRCA.

I would also arrest mayors of sanctuary cities, get rid of all the amnesty laws Obama has authorized (children of illegals, relatives of active military, etc), and enact a mass deportation program like Eisenhower had in 1954 (Operation Wetback) when his agents went house to house in southwestern states, hunting down illegal aliens, and deported huge #s of them. Many more fled back to Mexico.

Lastly, I would not forget how this mess came about in the first place. This all is no accident. The Mexican govt has been engineering this debacle right from the begining.
Think they're not involved ? As a Spanish speaker (I'm 50% Hispanic), I read the guidebook they published for migrants that tutored them on how to get into the USA, and avoid immigration authorities. Remittances from the US ($25 Billion/year) is Mexico's second largest source of income (second only to their oil exports). Relief from welfare added to it, makes the invasion, in total, their LARGEST source of income, with us paying their poverty bill.

No immigration remedy would be near complete without a tough policy toward Mexico, who has been waging an imperialism war against the US for decades, using cheap labor troops and their remittances and human services payouts, instead of military troops. I would diplomatically, warn Mexico to cease as a first step. Upon failure of that, I would station US warships along both Mexican coasts, and blockade their oil exports and all imports, and sink any ship attempting to run the blockade. This may sound severe but WAR is severe and we have BEEN at war with Mexico (economic) for a long time, with only the Mexicans seeming to ascertain it.
I would also bolster the US.Mexican border with lots more CBP officers plus army troops, and build the Mexican border double fence, mandated by the 2006 Secure Fence Act, reinforced with 19 rows of constitina barbed wire in the American side (or a moat with alligators)
If the Mexicans still don't comply and quit their invasion, and take back their migrants, I'd authorize another 1848 style ass-kicking, followed by a complete takeover of Mexico, instead of the partial one from the 1846 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which incensed then President James K. Polk who thought we should have gotten control over ALL of Mexico (not just several western states). And we had done that, we would have none of this problem now. Wish you were here now, Mr. President.
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