How WW3 Starts


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012
Forecast - Biden going to Israel where he will meet his demise by an Iranian rocket. This will solve the democrats problem of having him run in 2024. Will rally America for a bigger war in the Mideast Giving the neocons everything they want. WW3 begins
I'm not one to be afraid of anything... but one thing I've always worried about was a world war that reaches our shores at a time when I'm too old to do anything about it for myself and my loved ones.... and it looks like we are right on course.... I know what Biden wants... he wants a conflict so scary that the people will allow him to cancel the next election....
Iran has been kind enough to offer us a place to fight WWIII ... who do you think drops the first nuke? ...
It really doesn't matter who actually dropped it, it only matters who you are told dropped it, like everything else in your digital world. We will not be any safer here either, there will be no more hidey holes for anyone.
Forecast - Biden going to Israel where he will meet his demise by an Iranian rocket. This will solve the democrats problem of having him run in 2024. Will rally America for a bigger war in the Mideast Giving the neocons everything they want. WW3 begins
So the "neocons" are sending Biden to Israel?
It really doesn't matter who actually dropped it, it only matters who you are told dropped it, like everything else in your digital world. We will not be any safer here either, there will be no more hidey holes for anyone.

I live in the United States and we win ... it won't be pretty but we'll win ...

What's the point of detonating a nuke and not telling anyone it was you? ... these things ain't cheap ... other than California, we'd have to be a nation-state to afford such a weapon ... Russia, Iran, Israel ... are Pakistan or India rattling their swords? ...

Like as not to be us who drops first ... and we'll brag about it ... remember Hiroshima ? ... I just want us to be polite to the Iranians, it's a lot of trouble hosting the world-at-war ... almost as bad as hosting an Olympics ...
Biden is perfectly safe, the warmongers would never leave their future in the hands of BLM loving Harris. We know who they support. Harris doesn't have long ties to any of the conflicts or even potential conflicts, which would make her a total wild card.
I live in the United States and we win ... it won't be pretty but we'll win ...

What's the point of detonating a nuke and not telling anyone it was you? ... these things ain't cheap ... other than California, we'd have to be a nation-state to afford such a weapon ... Russia, Iran, Israel ... are Pakistan or India rattling their swords? ...

Like as not to be us who drops first ... and we'll brag about it ... remember Hiroshima ? ... I just want us to be polite to the Iranians, it's a lot of trouble hosting the world-at-war ... almost as bad as hosting an Olympics ...
When did we ever brag about Hiroshima?
We probably are heading into WWIII. But there won't be any nukes, just multiple theaters of never-ending conflict.

It will be 1984 all over again. George Orwell was such a genius!!!

That's what we have now ... never ending conflict ... so-called "police actions" ... "proxy wars" ... terrorism ... all without nukes ...

We don't fight World Wars anymore because we all have nuclear weapons ... and maybe we shouldn't have fought World Wars once the railroad came along ...

The lesson in 1984 was the price for peace and safety ... and no doubt Soviet streets were safer than American streets ... and the Russians paid dearly for that ... if we want freedom and liberty, there will be fist fights, and worse ... the Reservation in Brave New World ...
Biden is perfectly safe, the warmongers would never leave their future in the hands of BLM loving Harris. We know who they support. Harris doesn't have long ties to any of the conflicts or even potential conflicts, which would make her a total wild card.
The speaker of the house is in the order of succession. Conspiracies may be a reason there is not one now. The Nixon era removed V.P. Agnew, gave us Nelson Rockefeller and Ford. Carl Albert was the speaker of the house during Watergate.
We’re $30 trillion as it is. How are we going to pay for a war?

Before of after terrorists let go a 20 Megaton nuke in New York Harbor? ... er ... well ... maybe 5 kiloton ... or even just the plutonium, nice even dusting across the greater metro region ...

With Saudi Arabian oil-money, all kinds of things are possible ...
That's what we have now ... never ending conflict ... so-called "police actions" ... "proxy wars" ... terrorism ... all without nukes ...

We don't fight World Wars anymore because we all have nuclear weapons ... and maybe we shouldn't have fought World Wars once the railroad came along ...

The lesson in 1984 was the price for peace and safety ... and no doubt Soviet streets were safer than American streets ... and the Russians paid dearly for that ... if we want freedom and liberty, there will be fist fights, and worse ... the Reservation in Brave New World ...

Yes, I doubt that Soviet Streets were safer than American streets.

My Father-in-law, who lived in the Soviet Union, was mugged, was beaten and had to walk miles in bare feet to get home.

There was plenty of crime and homelessness in the Soviet Union, but the Soviet Government refused to admit it.

Sure, we already have a few wars here and there. But it looks like we're heading into a whole new magnitude of multiple wars.

Good time to buy stock in munitions companies.
Before of after terrorists let go a 20 Megaton nuke in New York Harbor? ... er ... well ... maybe 5 kiloton ... or even just the plutonium, nice even dusting across the greater metro region ...

With Saudi Arabian oil-money, all kinds of things are possible ...

Saudi Arabia has aggressively supported nuclear non proliferation for 70 years. What the hell are you talking about?

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