Howard Stern, black face, and "N" word joke video surfaces....Buh Bye King of All are done.....hard.....

I’m sure you understand whatever the fuck it is you were attempting to grunt out. Not that it matters. You’re still just a retard, little blind oblio. GFY again. :piss2:blindOblio. :fu:

Calm down, you're just another asshole.
I just watched it. It was a long time ago but I can't understand how his career ever survived that. It was insanely offensive.
Calm down, you're just another asshole.
Stfu you scumbag cockbite. Go suck down some dog shit and choke on it. Your such a piece of crap, you’re like the home of assholes. Now, fuck off you whining bitch.
Niger is Latin for black.
Negre is Spanish for black.
Negro is crackah for black
A racist history doesn't count for hard line liberals. Nobody cared when yearbook photos surfaced showing the former governor of Va., who was a democrat, in blackface and/or dressed like a KKK member. Nobody seems to care about the liberal Canadian P.M. in blackface and nobody is going to care about Stern.
A racist history doesn't count for hard line liberals. Nobody cared when yearbook photos surfaced showing the former governor of Va., who was a democrat, in blackface and/or dressed like a KKK member. Nobody seems to care about the liberal Canadian P.M. in blackface and nobody is going to care about Stern.
That depends upon convenience. Stern could become opportunity. Elected dems are the ones who get a pass on duplicity.
I just watched it. It was a long time ago but I can't understand how his career ever survived that. It was insanely offensive.
Once we headed down this slippery slope, the agenda of people saying wrong things or doing things they think is funny but offensive, the whole thing ended up having a life of its own. We are going down the communist track that we will not even smile anymore while in public as to not offend anyone. And it will end up that the politicians will be on the top of that list who cannot be insulted or demeaned if of the right party.
You know what I find fascinating? You actually hate successful black people more than you hate white people.
No I hate black folks who will bow down and kiss your pasty, white ass just to be accepted by white folks like you that hate them anyway.
That must be due to the fact that successful black people remind you of what a pathetic, loser negro you are...
That's the beauty of it all, a coward ass, POS like you can't define me.
No I hate black folks who will bow down and kiss your pasty, white ass just to be accepted by white folks like you that hate them anyway.

That's the beauty of it all, a coward ass, POS like you can't define me.

I'll bet you're a big Stern fan. Kimmel, too, right?

No I hate black folks who will bow down and kiss your pasty, white ass just to be accepted by white folks like you that hate them anyway.

Your problem, you ignorant fuck, is that you view every successful black person as someone who"bowed down" to be accepted by whites.

You're an ignorant, racist pussy. You are the shitty skidmark in the underwear of humanity...

That's the beauty of it all, a coward ass, POS like you can't define me.

I certainly can. I do it as I please, and I do so accurately. Now, back on the porch with you, Sambo...
That movie white chicks was far more offensive if nothing else because of how utterly God awful it was. But we don't see anyone calling out the Wayans for doing white face.
‘Nigg£r’ is nothing but a left wing political tool.
You know who agrees with you? FF 2 years. My how low you have sunk. Npw even your leaders are as classless as you.

Conversations became contentious after Rep. Crockett asked Rep. Greene: "Do you know what we are here for?" To which Rep. Greene responded, "I don't think you know what you are here for ... I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you're reading."

Is this treating the opposition with respect?

So go ahead Republicans. We know you want to say it. Say it.
Niger is Latin for black.
Negre is Spanish for black.
Negro is crackah for black

Back on subject. CLEARLY Howard Stern is the King of all media. Look at all the podcasts today. Every famous person has a podcast. Singers, athletes, actors, comedians. They all want to be Howard Stern.

Recently Jerry Seinfeld, a friend of Howard's, was on another comedians podcast and said Howard wasn't a comedian.

Howard hates Podcasts but I think he should be flattered. They are all trying to be him. And none of them come close. Joe Rogan? Ew! And they are free podcasts. Howard charges. Still he's the best. He's the only reason surrius satelite radio is in business. Competing against free radio and podcasts. Still number one.

And he's no longer outrageous. Now he's the best interviewer ever. If you want to hear the most famous bands perform 3 songs live, tune into Howard.

Your problem, you ignorant fuck, is that you view every successful black person as someone who"bowed down" to be accepted by whites.
Actually dumbass, the majority of successful, black folks are not boot licking sellouts like the clowns you fools love to prop up.
You're an ignorant, racist pussy. You are the shitty skidmark in the underwear of humanity...
Wow is that the best your bitch ass can come up with? WTF do I care about what a weak ass, cowardly punk like you has to say.
I certainly can. I do it as I please, and I do so accurately. Now, back on the porch with you, Sambo...
That's funny how most bitch ass, racist cowards will run that DS hiding behind a computer screen.
Actually dumbass, the majority of successful, black folks are not boot licking sellouts like the clowns you fools love to prop up.

Wow is that the best your bitch ass can come up with? WTF do I care about what a weak ass, cowardly punk like you has to say.

That's funny how most bitch ass, racist cowards will run that DS hiding behind a computer screen.
What I find funny is how so many gays, women, blacks, arabs and Hispanics are going to vote for Trump.

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