How'd We Miss Comment on Trump's Presser Yesterday?

Well I think the lock down is mostly state and local government decisions. Unless he issues some executive order, it still up to them. He is talking about having a meeting with various businesses and state official's about how the country should be reopen. Does it required a meeting or do the states and governors just lift the lock down based on advise of health care professionals or CDC. Personally the way this virus can be transmitted even with people who show the symptoms, its will be a tough decision. Obviously it can go on for long.

Ivanka could start a line of fashionable masks, that will turn their heads and people cannot help but give a thumbs up salute.

Still, I just hope the right people make the right decision and we already know Trump will take the credit.
Ivanka's Masks is a great idea! One you can breathe through. I tried a bra cup. Couldn't breathe. My neighbor offered a bandanna. But no one around here is wearing one yet, so I've got a little time to hold out for Ivanka's.
OL, there are plenty of epidemiologists and medical experts who have said that we should have never shut down in the first place.

Just because your TEE VEE and the corporate press hasn't rolled them in front of you, doesn't mean that they are not well respected and experts in their field.
I've never run into an article from any of them. Got any? (PS no tv)
No, I have only watched several videos of lectures from several doctors and epidemiologists about how they have never actually cultured the virus to prove it even exists. There have been no electron microscopes actually looking at the "virus."

I have also found out about how the PCR test is not a gold standard test.

IT is a very complex topic that cannot be summed up in a short article, you would need to watch an hour. . . hour and half lecture to really understand what is going on, I am sorry.

I found an article, but it is VERY complex.

In short, depending on how you DO the test, will actually, believe it or not, sometimes, for some diseases, determine the results.

For instance, even YOU could have, according to the diagnostic criteria for lung cancer, have those types of cells in YOUR lungs, if those tests were amplified enough times. However, your immune system will deal with that threat in a timely fashion.

What this means, is, chances are, a very large percentage of the population already has Covid-19. The CDC and FDA wanted to maintain control of testing protocols, and not have either independent authorities, or the WHO, or the State authorities have authority over the testing procedures, so that they would be the ones would be allowed to determine how many times the PCR test could be amplified. This then, determines how many folks will "test positive for the virus."

. . . and thus, will enable the media to promote scare tactics and then political police state measures.

Here, I found a pretty unbiased article here;

Two good lectures telling the truth about what is going on here;

The article referenced in that last video is here, if you care to try to comprehend it.
Folder Contents
The folks that run things like to suppress stuff. That is why you are in prison now.

He also does a much better job of making the PCR test issue understandable.

"From “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel” [1]:

“Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms.”

Translation: A positive test doesn’t guarantee that the COVID virus is causing infection at all. And, ahem, reading between the lines, maybe the COVID virus might not be in the patient’s body at all, either.

From the World Health Organization (WHO): “Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance: Laboratory testing for 2019-nCoV in humans” [2]:

“Several assays that detect the 2019-nCoV have been and are currently under development, both in-house and commercially. Some assays may detect only the novel virus [COVID] and some may also detect other strains (e.g. SARS-CoV) that are genetically similar.”

Translation: Some PCR tests register positive for types of coronavirus that have nothing to do with COVID—including plain old coronas that cause nothing more than a cold.

The WHO document adds this little piece: “Protocol use limitations: Optional clinical specimens for testing has [have] not yet been validated.”

Translation: We’re not sure which tissue samples to take from the patient, in order for the test to have any validity.


“…The SARS-CoV-2RNA [COVID virus] is generally detectable in respiratory specimens during the acute phase of infection. Positive results are indicative of the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA; clinical correlation with patient history and other diagnostic information is necessary to determine patient infection status…THE AGENT DETECTED MAY NOT BE THE DEFINITE CAUSE OF DISEASE (CAPS are mine). Laboratories within the United States and its territories are required to report all positive results to the appropriate public health authorities.”

Translation: On the one hand, we claim the test can “generally” detect the presence of the COVID virus in a patient. But we admit that “the agent detected” on the test, by which we mean COVID, “may not be the definite cause of disease.” We also admit that, unless the patient has an acute infection, we can’t find COVID. Therefore, the idea of “asymptomatic patients” confirmed by the test is nonsense. And even though a positive test for COVID may not indicate the actual cause of disease, all positive tests must be reported—and they will be counted as “COVID cases.” Regardless.

From a manufacturer of PCR test kit elements, Creative Diagnostics, “SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Multiplex RT-qPCR Kit” [4]:"

Well these tests are new and it is rare to get it right the first time. Everyone is trying to develop a test for it and thus some will be betters than others depending on a variety of factors. Everyone is trying to determine what the test results mean and how to apply the results in the correct manner. When you do not have a lot of time on your side it will be a hit or miss as many different sources are working on something relative new. If they have the experience, knowledge, equipment and share results, then they have a better change at success. Even if its a near miss then they can improve on it. Time is a major factor. Panic, economic issues, and politicians are blocking the street. Science is not always perfect but rumors are worse. It is easy to find imperfection and harder to be perfect on the first pitch.

False positive will happen but it it motivates them to take precautions then its not a bad thing when this problem is contagious. Some will get it and it appears that they will survive with no or minimal symptoms. How deadly it is depends on other factors. So catching the disease is one issue and its spread is secondary issue. So both have to be addressed.

You did not read, or understand how different jurisdictions amplify the results of the Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel for their own purposes at all, I am sorry.

I absolutely hate your argument that people are LYING about how many patients are dying of Covid for political reasons. It is doctors, Mr. Beale, who report those deaths. They watch those people drown of pneumonia or slowly die of breakdown of internal organs. They aren't confused. I think you are.
The lying about cause of death is a typical ploy but those afraid of what the statistics will say. It is people making accusation that have no knowledge of the process and misinterpreting data.

Professional people who are licensed to determine cause of death. They are not going to lie because this is their job. They will first list what cause the immediate death. Then they will add other things that contributed such as a heart disease, etc. etc It is nothing more than what cause the death at a point in time. Additional things will be listed that play a factor. Information gatherer is reported for statistics. When they do their examination they will list all things that played a role in the death of a person. The first will be the primary cause of death. So with corona virus , if it is determine that it is the immediate cause of death it will be listed first. If someone had respiratory problem and other thinks that played a factor they will be listed. This is all for statistical purpose. IF the person did not have corona virus they may have lived a bit longer.

for example a suicide by gun wound will be listed as the primary cause of death. The person may have had aggressive lung cancer. It is not the immediate cause of death. It will probably be mention in the report as it's a form that ask such questions and has to be filled out.

Now people assume that if a person dies in a car accident and if they had corona virus that it would be listed as the main cause of death. Well the virus is not the cause of death in that situation. If anyone did that, they would probably lose their license and livelihood.

Still the car accident will be listed first as the main cause of death. Now additionally they may add corona virus in the things found in the body during the examination but it is not listed as the cause of death. Its just statistical data that they collect if they wanted to collect this information.

Such information is not used in cause of death but may be statistical data with determining how many people have the virus. It is obvious that all people do not die just because they have the virus.
Well I think the lock down is mostly state and local government decisions. Unless he issues some executive order, it still up to them. He is talking about having a meeting with various businesses and state official's about how the country should be reopen. Does it required a meeting or do the states and governors just lift the lock down based on advise of health care professionals or CDC. Personally the way this virus can be transmitted even with people who show the symptoms, its will be a tough decision. Obviously it can go on for long.

Ivanka could start a line of fashionable masks, that will turn their heads and people cannot help but give a thumbs up salute.

Still, I just hope the right people make the right decision and we already know Trump will take the credit.
Ivanka's Masks is a great idea! One you can breathe through. I tried a bra cup. Couldn't breathe. My neighbor offered a bandanna. But no one around here is wearing one yet, so I've got a little time to hold out for Ivanka's.
OL, there are plenty of epidemiologists and medical experts who have said that we should have never shut down in the first place.

Just because your TEE VEE and the corporate press hasn't rolled them in front of you, doesn't mean that they are not well respected and experts in their field.
I've never run into an article from any of them. Got any? (PS no tv)
No, I have only watched several videos of lectures from several doctors and epidemiologists about how they have never actually cultured the virus to prove it even exists. There have been no electron microscopes actually looking at the "virus."

I have also found out about how the PCR test is not a gold standard test.

IT is a very complex topic that cannot be summed up in a short article, you would need to watch an hour. . . hour and half lecture to really understand what is going on, I am sorry.

I found an article, but it is VERY complex.

In short, depending on how you DO the test, will actually, believe it or not, sometimes, for some diseases, determine the results.

For instance, even YOU could have, according to the diagnostic criteria for lung cancer, have those types of cells in YOUR lungs, if those tests were amplified enough times. However, your immune system will deal with that threat in a timely fashion.

What this means, is, chances are, a very large percentage of the population already has Covid-19. The CDC and FDA wanted to maintain control of testing protocols, and not have either independent authorities, or the WHO, or the State authorities have authority over the testing procedures, so that they would be the ones would be allowed to determine how many times the PCR test could be amplified. This then, determines how many folks will "test positive for the virus."

. . . and thus, will enable the media to promote scare tactics and then political police state measures.

Here, I found a pretty unbiased article here;

Two good lectures telling the truth about what is going on here;

The article referenced in that last video is here, if you care to try to comprehend it.
Folder Contents
The folks that run things like to suppress stuff. That is why you are in prison now.

He also does a much better job of making the PCR test issue understandable.

"From “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel” [1]:

“Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms.”

Translation: A positive test doesn’t guarantee that the COVID virus is causing infection at all. And, ahem, reading between the lines, maybe the COVID virus might not be in the patient’s body at all, either.

From the World Health Organization (WHO): “Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance: Laboratory testing for 2019-nCoV in humans” [2]:

“Several assays that detect the 2019-nCoV have been and are currently under development, both in-house and commercially. Some assays may detect only the novel virus [COVID] and some may also detect other strains (e.g. SARS-CoV) that are genetically similar.”

Translation: Some PCR tests register positive for types of coronavirus that have nothing to do with COVID—including plain old coronas that cause nothing more than a cold.

The WHO document adds this little piece: “Protocol use limitations: Optional clinical specimens for testing has [have] not yet been validated.”

Translation: We’re not sure which tissue samples to take from the patient, in order for the test to have any validity.


“…The SARS-CoV-2RNA [COVID virus] is generally detectable in respiratory specimens during the acute phase of infection. Positive results are indicative of the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA; clinical correlation with patient history and other diagnostic information is necessary to determine patient infection status…THE AGENT DETECTED MAY NOT BE THE DEFINITE CAUSE OF DISEASE (CAPS are mine). Laboratories within the United States and its territories are required to report all positive results to the appropriate public health authorities.”

Translation: On the one hand, we claim the test can “generally” detect the presence of the COVID virus in a patient. But we admit that “the agent detected” on the test, by which we mean COVID, “may not be the definite cause of disease.” We also admit that, unless the patient has an acute infection, we can’t find COVID. Therefore, the idea of “asymptomatic patients” confirmed by the test is nonsense. And even though a positive test for COVID may not indicate the actual cause of disease, all positive tests must be reported—and they will be counted as “COVID cases.” Regardless.

From a manufacturer of PCR test kit elements, Creative Diagnostics, “SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Multiplex RT-qPCR Kit” [4]:"

Well these tests are new and it is rare to get it right the first time. Everyone is trying to develop a test for it and thus some will be betters than others depending on a variety of factors. Everyone is trying to determine what the test results mean and how to apply the results in the correct manner. When you do not have a lot of time on your side it will be a hit or miss as many different sources are working on something relative new. If they have the experience, knowledge, equipment and share results, then they have a better change at success. Even if its a near miss then they can improve on it. Time is a major factor. Panic, economic issues, and politicians are blocking the street. Science is not always perfect but rumors are worse. It is easy to find imperfection and harder to be perfect on the first pitch.

False positive will happen but it it motivates them to take precautions then its not a bad thing when this problem is contagious. Some will get it and it appears that they will survive with no or minimal symptoms. How deadly it is depends on other factors. So catching the disease is one issue and its spread is secondary issue. So both have to be addressed.

You did not read, or understand how different jurisdictions amplify the results of the Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel for their own purposes at all, I am sorry.

I absolutely hate your argument that people are LYING about how many patients are dying of Covid for political reasons. It is doctors, Mr. Beale, who report those deaths. They watch those people drown of pneumonia or slowly die of breakdown of internal organs. They aren't confused. I think you are.

From the CDC itself.

Well I think the lock down is mostly state and local government decisions. Unless he issues some executive order, it still up to them. He is talking about having a meeting with various businesses and state official's about how the country should be reopen. Does it required a meeting or do the states and governors just lift the lock down based on advise of health care professionals or CDC. Personally the way this virus can be transmitted even with people who show the symptoms, its will be a tough decision. Obviously it can go on for long.

Ivanka could start a line of fashionable masks, that will turn their heads and people cannot help but give a thumbs up salute.

Still, I just hope the right people make the right decision and we already know Trump will take the credit.
Ivanka's Masks is a great idea! One you can breathe through. I tried a bra cup. Couldn't breathe. My neighbor offered a bandanna. But no one around here is wearing one yet, so I've got a little time to hold out for Ivanka's.
OL, there are plenty of epidemiologists and medical experts who have said that we should have never shut down in the first place.

Just because your TEE VEE and the corporate press hasn't rolled them in front of you, doesn't mean that they are not well respected and experts in their field.
I've never run into an article from any of them. Got any? (PS no tv)
No, I have only watched several videos of lectures from several doctors and epidemiologists about how they have never actually cultured the virus to prove it even exists. There have been no electron microscopes actually looking at the "virus."

I have also found out about how the PCR test is not a gold standard test.

IT is a very complex topic that cannot be summed up in a short article, you would need to watch an hour. . . hour and half lecture to really understand what is going on, I am sorry.

I found an article, but it is VERY complex.

In short, depending on how you DO the test, will actually, believe it or not, sometimes, for some diseases, determine the results.

For instance, even YOU could have, according to the diagnostic criteria for lung cancer, have those types of cells in YOUR lungs, if those tests were amplified enough times. However, your immune system will deal with that threat in a timely fashion.

What this means, is, chances are, a very large percentage of the population already has Covid-19. The CDC and FDA wanted to maintain control of testing protocols, and not have either independent authorities, or the WHO, or the State authorities have authority over the testing procedures, so that they would be the ones would be allowed to determine how many times the PCR test could be amplified. This then, determines how many folks will "test positive for the virus."

. . . and thus, will enable the media to promote scare tactics and then political police state measures.

Here, I found a pretty unbiased article here;

Two good lectures telling the truth about what is going on here;

The article referenced in that last video is here, if you care to try to comprehend it.
Folder Contents
The folks that run things like to suppress stuff. That is why you are in prison now.

He also does a much better job of making the PCR test issue understandable.

"From “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel” [1]:

“Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms.”

Translation: A positive test doesn’t guarantee that the COVID virus is causing infection at all. And, ahem, reading between the lines, maybe the COVID virus might not be in the patient’s body at all, either.

From the World Health Organization (WHO): “Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance: Laboratory testing for 2019-nCoV in humans” [2]:

“Several assays that detect the 2019-nCoV have been and are currently under development, both in-house and commercially. Some assays may detect only the novel virus [COVID] and some may also detect other strains (e.g. SARS-CoV) that are genetically similar.”

Translation: Some PCR tests register positive for types of coronavirus that have nothing to do with COVID—including plain old coronas that cause nothing more than a cold.

The WHO document adds this little piece: “Protocol use limitations: Optional clinical specimens for testing has [have] not yet been validated.”

Translation: We’re not sure which tissue samples to take from the patient, in order for the test to have any validity.


“…The SARS-CoV-2RNA [COVID virus] is generally detectable in respiratory specimens during the acute phase of infection. Positive results are indicative of the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA; clinical correlation with patient history and other diagnostic information is necessary to determine patient infection status…THE AGENT DETECTED MAY NOT BE THE DEFINITE CAUSE OF DISEASE (CAPS are mine). Laboratories within the United States and its territories are required to report all positive results to the appropriate public health authorities.”

Translation: On the one hand, we claim the test can “generally” detect the presence of the COVID virus in a patient. But we admit that “the agent detected” on the test, by which we mean COVID, “may not be the definite cause of disease.” We also admit that, unless the patient has an acute infection, we can’t find COVID. Therefore, the idea of “asymptomatic patients” confirmed by the test is nonsense. And even though a positive test for COVID may not indicate the actual cause of disease, all positive tests must be reported—and they will be counted as “COVID cases.” Regardless.

From a manufacturer of PCR test kit elements, Creative Diagnostics, “SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Multiplex RT-qPCR Kit” [4]:"

Well these tests are new and it is rare to get it right the first time. Everyone is trying to develop a test for it and thus some will be betters than others depending on a variety of factors. Everyone is trying to determine what the test results mean and how to apply the results in the correct manner. When you do not have a lot of time on your side it will be a hit or miss as many different sources are working on something relative new. If they have the experience, knowledge, equipment and share results, then they have a better change at success. Even if its a near miss then they can improve on it. Time is a major factor. Panic, economic issues, and politicians are blocking the street. Science is not always perfect but rumors are worse. It is easy to find imperfection and harder to be perfect on the first pitch.

False positive will happen but it it motivates them to take precautions then its not a bad thing when this problem is contagious. Some will get it and it appears that they will survive with no or minimal symptoms. How deadly it is depends on other factors. So catching the disease is one issue and its spread is secondary issue. So both have to be addressed.

You did not read, or understand how different jurisdictions amplify the results of the Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel for their own purposes at all, I am sorry.

I absolutely hate your argument that people are LYING about how many patients are dying of Covid for political reasons. It is doctors, Mr. Beale, who report those deaths. They watch those people drown of pneumonia or slowly die of breakdown of internal organs. They aren't confused. I think you are.

From the CDC itself.


So they will test if possible and licensed medical examiners will make their best professional judgement. Sometimes cause of death is not definitive but the certificate still needs to be filled out and best judgement of people who do this type of work is acceptable. Of course they can use unknown cause of death if that is there opinion.

Deaths attributed to pneumonia down sharply


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How did this one get by us? I heard a sound byte on the radio while out shopping, and I immediately started imagining the screams from my fellow Trump critics. But I googled it when I got home and see that it was yesterday's news. Crickets here, so far as I can tell. Posters are still starting threads griping that there is no end in sight to this lockdown. But the President says he's going to open us up! He's going to talk to politicians and people of reason! (He never mentions doctors or scientists or researchers.) So how did something this big get by us? When he points to his head and says "This is my metric" ..... that is some scary shit.

"He never mentions doctors or scientists or researchers."

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Why are you liberals always so wrong? Because of TDS. You can't even actually go listen to what was said. Then you drag your ill-informed disinformation into this place and spread it around like a virus.
How did this one get by us? I heard a sound byte on the radio while out shopping, and I immediately started imagining the screams from my fellow Trump critics. But I googled it when I got home and see that it was yesterday's news. Crickets here, so far as I can tell. Posters are still starting threads griping that there is no end in sight to this lockdown. But the President says he's going to open us up! He's going to talk to politicians and people of reason! (He never mentions doctors or scientists or researchers.) So how did something this big get by us? When he points to his head and says "This is my metric" ..... that is some scary shit.

Dr Fauci is a liar who may be no smarter than the 3rd world missing links at WHO

its easy for him to say shutdown because he is not the one getting roasted when the economy collapses

Deaths attributed to pneumonia down sharply


Republican goes on Fox and says something and you guys jump right on it with no proof

This was after Dr. Scott Jensen, a Minnesota physician and Republican state senator, told a local station he received a 7-page document coaching him to fill out death certificates with a COVID-19 diagnosis without a lab test to confirm the patient actually had the virus.

who sent him this and let see what it actually says. Coaching him or providing guidance like most things that provide guidance to get everyone on the same page. Still I would like to see this 7 page document and you would expect him to show it when making accusation.

Dr. Jensen also disclosed that hospitals are paid more if they list patients with a COVID-19 diagnosis.

And hospitals get paid THREE TIMES AS MUCH if the patient then goes on a ventilator.

Right now Medicare is determining that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you get $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator you get $39,000, three times as much.

Medicare is a government program and who is the the leader of the federal government. Trump

12 experts from around the world.

They just are saying that MSM main stream media,

Below is our list of twelve medical experts whose opinions on the Coronavirus outbreak contradict the official narratives of the MSM, and the memes so prevalent on social media.

So MSM is the bad guy, you quote an article that is basically attacking main stream media, whatever that is. I guess Low stream media is better or maybe Right stream media
How did this one get by us? I heard a sound byte on the radio while out shopping, and I immediately started imagining the screams from my fellow Trump critics. But I googled it when I got home and see that it was yesterday's news. Crickets here, so far as I can tell. Posters are still starting threads griping that there is no end in sight to this lockdown. But the President says he's going to open us up! He's going to talk to politicians and people of reason! (He never mentions doctors or scientists or researchers.) So how did something this big get by us? When he points to his head and says "This is my metric" ..... that is some scary shit.

"He never mentions doctors or scientists or researchers."

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Why are you liberals always so wrong? Because of TDS. You can't even actually go listen to what was said. Then you drag your ill-informed disinformation into this place and spread it around like a virus.

See page 6.
How did this one get by us? I heard a sound byte on the radio while out shopping, and I immediately started imagining the screams from my fellow Trump critics. But I googled it when I got home and see that it was yesterday's news. Crickets here, so far as I can tell. Posters are still starting threads griping that there is no end in sight to this lockdown. But the President says he's going to open us up! He's going to talk to politicians and people of reason! (He never mentions doctors or scientists or researchers.) So how did something this big get by us? When he points to his head and says "This is my metric" ..... that is some scary shit.

Even the tRumplings know what he says is pretty much immaterial at this point.

Ah but those "pressers' he holds followed by instant fact checking are working. Don't let him stop now! LOL
How did this one get by us? I heard a sound byte on the radio while out shopping, and I immediately started imagining the screams from my fellow Trump critics. But I googled it when I got home and see that it was yesterday's news. Crickets here, so far as I can tell. Posters are still starting threads griping that there is no end in sight to this lockdown. But the President says he's going to open us up! He's going to talk to politicians and people of reason! (He never mentions doctors or scientists or researchers.) So how did something this big get by us? When he points to his head and says "This is my metric" ..... that is some scary shit.

"He never mentions doctors or scientists or researchers."

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Why are you liberals always so wrong? Because of TDS. You can't even actually go listen to what was said. Then you drag your ill-informed disinformation into this place and spread it around like a virus.

See page 6.

So why did you post it without at least finding and viewing the context of the quote? Lazy- that's why. I look into shit before I post it. Otherwise, you are being an asshole and spreading disinformation.
How did this one get by us? I heard a sound byte on the radio while out shopping, and I immediately started imagining the screams from my fellow Trump critics. But I googled it when I got home and see that it was yesterday's news. Crickets here, so far as I can tell. Posters are still starting threads griping that there is no end in sight to this lockdown. But the President says he's going to open us up! He's going to talk to politicians and people of reason! (He never mentions doctors or scientists or researchers.) So how did something this big get by us? When he points to his head and says "This is my metric" ..... that is some scary shit.

"He never mentions doctors or scientists or researchers."

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Why are you liberals always so wrong? Because of TDS. You can't even actually go listen to what was said. Then you drag your ill-informed disinformation into this place and spread it around like a virus.

See page 6.

So why did you post it without at least finding and viewing the context of the quote? Lazy- that's why. I look into shit before I post it. Otherwise, you are being an asshole and spreading disinformation.

Like I said, I learned some stuff that day. I'm not lazy. Too trusting, though.
I didn't intentionally spread disinformation. I would never do that.
How did this one get by us? I heard a sound byte on the radio while out shopping, and I immediately started imagining the screams from my fellow Trump critics. But I googled it when I got home and see that it was yesterday's news. Crickets here, so far as I can tell. Posters are still starting threads griping that there is no end in sight to this lockdown. But the President says he's going to open us up! He's going to talk to politicians and people of reason! (He never mentions doctors or scientists or researchers.) So how did something this big get by us? When he points to his head and says "This is my metric" ..... that is some scary shit.

"He never mentions doctors or scientists or researchers."

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Why are you liberals always so wrong? Because of TDS. You can't even actually go listen to what was said. Then you drag your ill-informed disinformation into this place and spread it around like a virus.

See page 6.

So why did you post it without at least finding and viewing the context of the quote? Lazy- that's why. I look into shit before I post it. Otherwise, you are being an asshole and spreading disinformation.

Like I said, I learned some stuff that day. I'm not lazy. Too trusting, though.
I didn't intentionally spread disinformation. I would never do that.

Are you trusting of the Breitbart website?
How did this one get by us? I heard a sound byte on the radio while out shopping, and I immediately started imagining the screams from my fellow Trump critics. But I googled it when I got home and see that it was yesterday's news. Crickets here, so far as I can tell. Posters are still starting threads griping that there is no end in sight to this lockdown. But the President says he's going to open us up! He's going to talk to politicians and people of reason! (He never mentions doctors or scientists or researchers.) So how did something this big get by us? When he points to his head and says "This is my metric" ..... that is some scary shit.

"He never mentions doctors or scientists or researchers."

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Why are you liberals always so wrong? Because of TDS. You can't even actually go listen to what was said. Then you drag your ill-informed disinformation into this place and spread it around like a virus.

See page 6.

So why did you post it without at least finding and viewing the context of the quote? Lazy- that's why. I look into shit before I post it. Otherwise, you are being an asshole and spreading disinformation.

Like I said, I learned some stuff that day. I'm not lazy. Too trusting, though.
I didn't intentionally spread disinformation. I would never do that.

Are you trusting of the Breitbart website?

Nope. I've caught them lying. Gateway Pundit too. And CNN and some of the others give partial quotes to give a certain impression, which is why I went to YouTube, after I heard about it on the radio.

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