
Wuzzzzzuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupppppppppp Ohm.

Bring many hip boots.


are you left or right


Why are you always pulling this shit? Not the place for it. :nono:
Why not? Should be part of the intro. ie: Hi! I'm Pogo and I'm a die hard Republican. See?

Why? Because she's immediately dividing people up to pit against each other, and in Skye's case hanging a litmus test on a poster who just got here so she can decide whether she "approves" or not. That's fucking bullshit, and there need to be way too many things more important than politics and dividing people up into freaking fantasy sports teams. That's why. And she does this every time somebody signs up, and I'm sick and tired of it.

And no, my intro thread said nothing like that. Actually I pointedly avoided that and asked about the women.

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