How's NYC's relaxed crime network working out so far?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Tell us how white people are destructive & racist. How blacks are victims, how diversity and leniency are desirable. Stuff like that.

Is there evidence any of these punks were out on bail? If not, the new bail laws have nothing to do with this.
Is there evidence any of these punks were out on bail? If not, the new bail laws have nothing to do with this.

Right cause-effect challenged PROG, right.

No. Facts.

Unless you can confirm otherwise, none of them were on bail, so the new laws had nothing to do with this swarming. That's the fact. I could tell you cameras in your home monitored by the state via wifi would prevent domestic crimes, would all Americans sign up for that? If this is your cause-effect argument, no cameras in your home, more domestic crimes?

I'm not making excuses for them, find them, arrest them and charge them. I'm refuting the claim which too many make that somehow early bail, which by the way, philosophically I disagree with and have stated so in Canada (and I've never required bail in my life), is related to this case, or, added crime. There are cases of serious crime in which keeping someone in jail makes sense, not all cases.

Here is the problem with holding people in prison without a crime it defies logic to assume guilt before it being proven in court. That's basic due process. It might be inconvenient and I'm sure it's frustrating to a cop who might have seen the crime, but that's how we ensure freedom and less govt abuse. Otherwise you will let media and the state decide your fate.

Second, what if someone sits in a jail cell for 2 months awaiting trial and the judge just fines them, gives them community service or puts them on probation? They already did jail time that no judge agreed to and which the judge didn't see fit for the crime they committed.

Democracy and liberty are difficult. No question. Sometimes a guy is going to be paroled and he will commit another crime. There is no system that is perfect, you try and do what's right and hope for redemption (a little more religion in citizens lives would help here, but I digress), but, sometimes you will fail. You can't lock up people for life for parking tickets, jay walking or even assaults. That's the only option you have left, and don't be surprised if people are arrested for their political views if you agree with this approach...
Is there evidence any of these punks were out on bail? If not, the new bail laws have nothing to do with this.

Right cause-effect challenged PROG, right.

No. Facts.

Unless you can confirm otherwise, none of them were on bail, so the new laws had nothing to do with this swarming. That's the fact. I could tell you cameras in your home monitored by the state via wifi would prevent domestic crimes, would all Americans sign up for that? If this is your cause-effect argument, no cameras in your home, more domestic crimes?

I'm not making excuses for them, find them, arrest them and charge them. I'm refuting the claim which too many make that somehow early bail, which by the way, philosophically I disagree with and have stated so in Canada (and I've never required bail in my life), is related to this case, or, added crime. There are cases of serious crime in which keeping someone in jail makes sense, not all cases.

Here is the problem with holding people in prison without a crime it defies logic to assume guilt before it being proven in court. That's basic due process. It might be inconvenient and I'm sure it's frustrating to a cop who might have seen the crime, but that's how we ensure freedom and less govt abuse. Otherwise you will let media and the state decide your fate.

Second, what if someone sits in a jail cell for 2 months awaiting trial and the judge just fines them, gives them community service or puts them on probation? They already did jail time that no judge agreed to and which the judge didn't see fit for the crime they committed.

Democracy and liberty are difficult. No question. Sometimes a guy is going to be paroled and he will commit another crime. There is no system that is perfect, you try and do what's right and hope for redemption (a little more religion in citizens lives would help here, but I digress), but, sometimes you will fail. You can't lock up people for life for parking tickets, jay walking or even assaults. That's the only option you have left, and don't be surprised if people are arrested for their political views if you agree with this approach...

Gosh you're right. With exception of this occasion they're all responsible members of the community.
one can discuss THE TREND.--------it is dangerous for lots of people to walk
in the streets of their own neighborhoods in Brooklyn-----the trend is towards
perp. to person violence-----mostly for theft and sometimes even for "kicks"----
it is skyrocketing. Likely contributing issues----1) economy 2) reduced
criminal charges, 3) the no bail policy
Is there evidence any of these punks were out on bail? If not, the new bail laws have nothing to do with this.

Right cause-effect challenged PROG, right.

No. Facts.

Unless you can confirm otherwise, none of them were on bail, so the new laws had nothing to do with this swarming. That's the fact. I could tell you cameras in your home monitored by the state via wifi would prevent domestic crimes, would all Americans sign up for that? If this is your cause-effect argument, no cameras in your home, more domestic crimes?

I'm not making excuses for them, find them, arrest them and charge them. I'm refuting the claim which too many make that somehow early bail, which by the way, philosophically I disagree with and have stated so in Canada (and I've never required bail in my life), is related to this case, or, added crime. There are cases of serious crime in which keeping someone in jail makes sense, not all cases.

Here is the problem with holding people in prison without a crime it defies logic to assume guilt before it being proven in court. That's basic due process. It might be inconvenient and I'm sure it's frustrating to a cop who might have seen the crime, but that's how we ensure freedom and less govt abuse. Otherwise you will let media and the state decide your fate.

Second, what if someone sits in a jail cell for 2 months awaiting trial and the judge just fines them, gives them community service or puts them on probation? They already did jail time that no judge agreed to and which the judge didn't see fit for the crime they committed.

Democracy and liberty are difficult. No question. Sometimes a guy is going to be paroled and he will commit another crime. There is no system that is perfect, you try and do what's right and hope for redemption (a little more religion in citizens lives would help here, but I digress), but, sometimes you will fail. You can't lock up people for life for parking tickets, jay walking or even assaults. That's the only option you have left, and don't be surprised if people are arrested for their political views if you agree with this approach...

Gosh you're right. With exception of this occasion they're all responsible members of the community.

You conflate two different issues.

Do you think somehow if the law were "hey, if you commit an assault we are going to hold you" had any impact on this crime?

That girl could have been killed. Do you think any of these kids considered that they might do life in prison? If they didn't consider this, they aren't concerned about changes to bail laws.

I didn't say they were responsible members of the community, stop putting words in my mouth. There are PLENTY of really really bad people walking the streets. Some steal the life savings of the elderly, others commit violent crimes, some go into communities and drum up crime for their budgets, we could go on and on. If they are caught, they deserve due process and judgement by a fair and impartial process.

As I said, freedom and civil liberty is difficult. There have been arrests, it's just a matter of time before all or most of them are charged. This attacked wasn't caused because of the bail release law in my opinion.
Charged? Oh sure, charged, released and a PROG-scolding they were naughty.

In my world the kid who stole her shoes loses a hand, and the rest lose toes and fingers. Then we set them free.
Charged? Oh sure, charged, released and a PROG-scolding they were naughty.

In my world the kid who stole her shoes loses a hand, and the rest lose toes and fingers. Then we set them free.

Oh, well that's not how America works. Even I know that.

You're in luck though, such places do exist, here is some information for you to research if you choose to go, I'm sure one way ticket prices aren't too steep. They probably aren't in high demand either:

Saudi Arabia:
Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia

North Korea:
North Korea - Wikipedia
Is there evidence any of these punks were out on bail? If not, the new bail laws have nothing to do with this.

Right cause-effect challenged PROG, right.

No. Facts.

Unless you can confirm otherwise, none of them were on bail, so the new laws had nothing to do with this swarming. That's the fact. I could tell you cameras in your home monitored by the state via wifi would prevent domestic crimes, would all Americans sign up for that? If this is your cause-effect argument, no cameras in your home, more domestic crimes?

I'm not making excuses for them, find them, arrest them and charge them. I'm refuting the claim which too many make that somehow early bail, which by the way, philosophically I disagree with and have stated so in Canada (and I've never required bail in my life), is related to this case, or, added crime. There are cases of serious crime in which keeping someone in jail makes sense, not all cases.

Here is the problem with holding people in prison without a crime it defies logic to assume guilt before it being proven in court. That's basic due process. It might be inconvenient and I'm sure it's frustrating to a cop who might have seen the crime, but that's how we ensure freedom and less govt abuse. Otherwise you will let media and the state decide your fate.

Second, what if someone sits in a jail cell for 2 months awaiting trial and the judge just fines them, gives them community service or puts them on probation? They already did jail time that no judge agreed to and which the judge didn't see fit for the crime they committed.

Democracy and liberty are difficult. No question. Sometimes a guy is going to be paroled and he will commit another crime. There is no system that is perfect, you try and do what's right and hope for redemption (a little more religion in citizens lives would help here, but I digress), but, sometimes you will fail. You can't lock up people for life for parking tickets, jay walking or even assaults. That's the only option you have left, and don't be surprised if people are arrested for their political views if you agree with this approach...

Gosh you're right. With exception of this occasion they're all responsible members of the community.

You conflate two different issues.

Do you think somehow if the law were "hey, if you commit an assault we are going to hold you" had any impact on this crime?

That girl could have been killed. Do you think any of these kids considered that they might do life in prison? If they didn't consider this, they aren't concerned about changes to bail laws.

I didn't say they were responsible members of the community, stop putting words in my mouth. There are PLENTY of really really bad people walking the streets. Some steal the life savings of the elderly, others commit violent crimes, some go into communities and drum up crime for their budgets, we could go on and on. If they are caught, they deserve due process and judgement by a fair and impartial process.

As I said, freedom and civil liberty is difficult. There have been arrests, it's just a matter of time before all or most of them are charged. This attacked wasn't caused because of the bail release law in my opinion.

nope----I DO believe that the "laxing" of arrest and charge and bail laws ----
have had a bit effect--------personal experience in my forsaken town
Is there evidence any of these punks were out on bail? If not, the new bail laws have nothing to do with this.
so, I RARELY disagree with you, but I do on this

whether any of the bad actors in the OP video have received what most would consider inappropriate bail or not, the fact that unreasonably lenient bail is the standard encourages this type of behavior

why? because bad actors know they can misbehave with impunity with very low probabilities of facing repercussions for their actions
Charged? Oh sure, charged, released and a PROG-scolding they were naughty.

In my world the kid who stole her shoes loses a hand, and the rest lose toes and fingers. Then we set them free.

I do not know whether they still do it, but Saudi Arabia used to cut off a hand of a thief.

Reportedly, (a) severed hands were regularly displayed to deter would-be thieves and (b) if a wallet were lying on the ground, no one would dare pick it up.

I think that most Americans would oppose such draconian punishment here, but they probably feel (as do I) that there are so many thugs because these terrible individuals know that at the most they will receive only a slap on the wrist, especially if they scream "Discrimination!!!!"
Then one of these animals stole the guy's shoes.

Her....They were beating on a teenage girl.

the girl's shoes------special sneakers

Jesus Christ, lets track these thugs down and bring back public stoning.

try to control yourself-----jail-time

That was attempted murder imo.

May be.

I was jumped by minority youth as a kid myself when coming back from my part-time job by transit. Broke my nose and marked me up good. I fought back because I won't ever go down without a fight. They stole my walkman, as I lied on the ground I grabbed one of the dirtbags bag that he happened to have his walkman in. i was praying he had some I.D in the bag, but unfortunately he didn't Still have it to this day.

Once myself and two others were hanging out and we were chased by three guys with pipes and sticks for no reason at all. I didn't know these guys, to this day I still didn't even exchange one word with them. They were a couple of years older and if not for the fact all of us were athletic and they were underperforming POS, I might not be here to type this, or maybe with less faculties. We could have been killed after a mile long chase.

I did some research years later about these three dirtbags as I learned more about how my country operates, especially in dirty Toronto. I found out who one of them were and what the game was being played. I hold my tongue on here about it.

Let's just say if you don't hold good and bad people accountable, you will become a nation that you and your families will not like. Defend your constitution for all citizens, even if you dislike them vigorously. Often things aren't what they seem.

It's clear in this case it was a mob assault, there's little to dissect. However, even cowardly lowlifes still need their day in court. That's the only way a system works. if it didn't, Trump would have been out of office long ago by accusation and media mob mentality tactics, not to mention Kavanaugh. Don't become like us. Don't give into instincts of rage because it will only hurt you down the road.

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