How’s the Lefts Push to Force You Into an EV Going?

I’m not considering to fully power the vehicle, but just to add charge anytime outside in the sun (solar). Wind while driving? Perhaps? It’s free?

Are solar panels so weak they can’t help enough to be any added value?
Solar panels still suck.
Geez, 40-50 years and there has been some improvement, but meh.
Not exactly noteworthy, you know?
Maybe if one builds a doublewide carport with solar panels on the top and rigs up a charging thing they could charge their EV.
It wouldn't work with a singlewide carport.
$45 billion down the shitter. Everything the party that likes to fuck kids touches turns to shit.... and then dies.

Nah, Janet Yellen wants 3,000 billion of your money EVERY YEAR so that eventually, they can finance the whole grid and subsidize all the auto makers into making EV cars a reality so that at that point, people will have no choice but to buy EVs because they will have run the ICE industry out of business.

That is when all the subsidies dry up and suddenly people find out what EVs really cost and only affluent people will afford them, as a primary or secondary car.

And the rest of you schmoes can just go F off and rely on government EV transportation.

At least as much as your carbon footprint will allow them to grant you.

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