HPV Vaccine cuts cervical cancer by 90%

I dont know if you have this vaccine in the US but this is incredibly good news for humanity. we should all celebrate this news.

My state mandates it. It works when it works. However, there have been cases of recipients having really really life altering Guillain-Barre type reactions to it that aren't often seen with traditional vaccinations. Athletes going from being top players to barely able to function in a matter of days type reactions.
My state mandates it. It works when it works. However, there have been cases of recipients having really really life altering Guillain-Barre type reactions to it that aren't often seen with traditional vaccinations. Athletes going from being top players to barely able to function in a matter of days type reactions.
So, the choice: Do you want to be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life or possibly deal with cervical cancer at some later date? And if all the risk is dependent on sexual exposure, why is this being pushed for eight year old girls? IMHO, it's slow kill.
Placing comely models in the visuals are not going to cut it, Tommy. HPV vaccine links to the Beijing CDC’s golden boy virologist Yong-zhen Zhang, who has written on the topic. Uteri in Mojiang women have also been tested for HPV, the county from which came SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative, RaTG13. The link to Zhang is EC Holmes, who co-authored papers with Zhang. Holmes links to the Zoology Department at Oxford, and ChAdOx1 AstraZeneca vaccine links to a monkey virus from The Gambia. Edward Hooper documents the Brit who went to the The Gambia in May 1955 to obtain monkey kidney samples, Dr. Kingsley Sanders, Medical Research Council of the United Kingdom.

Therefore, the adenovirus technology now used in COVID-19 vaccines, which began circa 1953, should also be examined for links to Guillain-Barre.

I dont know if you have this vaccine in the US but this is incredibly good news for humanity. we should all celebrate this news.

Damn, we've had it here for 20 years. I sometimes forget how far behind your shithole country is. Have you guys heard of penicillin? It's simply wonderful!

I dont know if you have this vaccine in the US but this is incredibly good news for humanity. we should all celebrate this news.


The pill was touted out as the miracle for birth control too.

Then nearly a generation later women started dying from the side effects.


Placing comely models in the visuals are not going to cut it, Tommy. HPV vaccine links to the Beijing CDC’s golden boy virologist Yong-zhen Zhang, who has written on the topic. Uteri in Mojiang women have also been tested for HPV, the county from which came SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative, RaTG13. The link to Zhang is EC Holmes, who co-authored papers with Zhang. Holmes links to the Zoology Department at Oxford, and ChAdOx1 AstraZeneca vaccine links to a monkey virus from The Gambia. Edward Hooper documents the Brit who went to the The Gambia in May 1955 to obtain monkey kidney samples, Dr. Kingsley Sanders, Medical Research Council of the United Kingdom.

Therefore, the adenovirus technology now used in COVID-19 vaccines, which began circa 1953, should also be examined for links to Guillain-Barre.
Well you are obviously an expert on this issue and have given it a lot of thought. Im just pleased that it is helping women to avoid cancer.
Damn, we've had it here for 20 years. I sometimes forget how far behind your shithole country is. Have you guys heard of penicillin? It's simply wonderful!
So have we. This report is based on the results over that period.

The study, published in the Lancet, looked at what happened after the vaccine was introduced for girls in England in 2008.

Perhaps you could read the link before making a show of yourself?
So, the choice: Do you want to be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life or possibly deal with cervical cancer at some later date? And if all the risk is dependent on sexual exposure, why is this being pushed for eight year old girls? IMHO, it's slow kill.
It's being pushed on 8 year old girls because it is not effective on women past puberty. It is effective against a type of cancer caused by promiscuity. All 8 year old girls are presumed to be promiscuous when they are over 18. The vaccine is quite effective.

I dont know if you have this vaccine in the US but this is incredibly good news for humanity. we should all celebrate this news.
They have had a vaccine for that for a few years. If you have multiple partners then it is probably a good idea to take the prick and be safe.
So, the choice: Do you want to be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life or possibly deal with cervical cancer at some later date? And if all the risk is dependent on sexual exposure, why is this being pushed for eight year old girls? IMHO, it's slow kill.

I am always on the side of vaccines being voluntary. That said, I have known a lot of parents to sweat this particular vaccine because of too many stories of people being slammed by it with no clear rhyme or reason. These people who get whacked are often reportedly healthy kids with no history of allergies, adverse vaccine reactions, illness, etc. There just doesn't seem any predictor of if your child is at risk for the extreme reactions until it happens. I mean I know parents of teenage girls in particular who would hide in the bushes and blow dart people with other vaccines if they could who are very anxious about the Gardasil jabs going in their children. Of course, the powers that be pretend these reactions are from something else and not the shot even if your Susie went from star basketball player to a drooling blob in the days after the shot.
I am always on the side of vaccines being voluntary. That said, I have known a lot of parents to sweat this particular vaccine because of too many stories of people being slammed by it with no clear rhyme or reason. These people who get whacked are often reportedly healthy kids with no history of allergies, adverse vaccine reactions, illness, etc. There just doesn't seem any predictor of if your child is at risk for the extreme reactions until it happens. I mean I know parents of teenage girls in particular who would hide in the bushes and blow dart people with other vaccines if they could who are very anxious about the Gardasil jabs going in their children. Of course, the powers that be pretend these reactions are from something else and not the shot even if your Susie went from star basketball player to a drooling blob in the days after the shot.
Whenever the fast talking guy in the TV commercial says "Side effects may include death", why do people almost always think to themselves, "That doesn't mean me"?
It's being pushed on 8 year old girls because it is not effective on women past puberty. It is effective against a type of cancer caused by promiscuity. All 8 year old girls are presumed to be promiscuous when they are over 18. The vaccine is quite effective.
"Side effects may include death".
Well you are obviously an expert on this issue and have given it a lot of thought. Im just pleased that it is helping women to avoid cancer.
No expert, just intensely curious about the origins of the commie virus which links to such things. For example, Yong-zhen Zhang (HPV published) and EC Holmes team up to co-author research papers, and Zhang knows very well that his buddy Holmes knows about Zhang’s alma mater, Kunming Institute of Zoology. At that Institute is no doubt a fossil of Haikouichthys.

’....Kunming City....’

It was the Kunming Institute of Zoology that confirmed the identity of the Rhinolophus sinicus bat from the Tongguan copper mine in the case of the six miners with severe pneumonia.

So without posting further articles from these guys, we cut to the chase. The Japanese Olive Flounder links to a receptor both malaria and SARS-CoV-2 use: CD147.

CD147 / Japanese Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) Viral-Induced Genes

AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine links the chimpanzee their vaccine is based on, Y25 (AZD1222) to malaria vaccine trials from the same place: The Gambia. The Paralichthys study above links both vaccines via the receptor CD147.

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