HTF Did Trump Win?


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
I've been watching the political pundits from many sources (yeah, get a life - I know)) and everyone indicated that only straight, white male uneducated country hicks and greedy billionaires were going to vote for Trump. Roughly, I figure that to be about 10 to 15% of the electorate..., maybe.

WTF happened?
I've been watching the political pundits from many sources (yeah, get a life - I know)) and everyone indicated that only straight, white male uneducated country hicks and greedy billionaires were going to vote for Trump. Roughly, I figure that to be about 10 to 15% of the electorate..., maybe.

WTF happened?
"Everyone" (actually a tiny minority in the media and academie, of course) was wrong, of course.

And normal Americans got tired of having things they didn't want, shoved down their throats by the minority of liberals in power.

So when a candidate showed up who was tough enough to kick the liberals out and keep kicking, the normal Americans voted him in.
You know, I think if Hollywood stars and dingbat pundits just STFU, the Beast would be president.
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.
Hard working Americans rallied behind Trump, the ONLY candidate who wasn't a bought and paid for establishment hack pledged to throw them and their jobs under the bus. The political establishment thought they had the elections rigged, that it wasn't possible for a non bought and paid for establishment candidate to win, Trump proved them wrong now they are shitting themselves.
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.
Fascinating. So who were these "scammers"?

Your theory makes the 9/11 idiots look like pikers.
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.

LOL its a vast right wing conspiracy? :laugh::laugh::laugh: Or more likely working class Americans are sick of the lefts shit.
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.
Fascinating. So who were these "scammers"?

They would be Republican campaign organizers. Keep in mind that this is my suspicion, please don't take it as an accusation.
I've been watching the political pundits from many sources (yeah, get a life - I know)) and everyone indicated that only straight, white male uneducated country hicks and greedy billionaires were going to vote for Trump. Roughly, I figure that to be about 10 to 15% of the electorate..., maybe.

WTF happened?

Watch Michael Moore's "Trumpland". Moore predicted Trump would win based on his experiences as a life-long resident of Michigan and the people who work for the major auto manufacturers. Great focus group. Also if you can get the online streaming of Frank Luntz's focus group on "60 Minutes", that explained things very well, too. Fantastic segment.

Focus group reflects nation's dark mood ahead of Election Day
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.
Fascinating. So who were these "scammers"?

They would be Republican campaign organizers. Keep in mind that this is my suspicion, please don't take it as an accusation.
Well, that's a break from the Comey/Putin conspiracy, unless of course you think the Kremlin instructed the GOP on these tactics.
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.

LOL its a vast right wing conspiracy? :laugh::laugh::laugh: Or more likely working class Americans are sick of the lefts shit.

Then how did Hillary win the popular vote?

The history of Republican victory's in the past 20 years or so, shows an abnormal, yet consistent contradiction with polling - usually occurring only in key electoral districts.

Are all the pollsters wrong? Is there methodology consistently flawed? It don't think so...unless you account for the possibility that people blatantly lie when polled, and that those people are all of the same political persuasion.

Remember it's not illegal to lie when polled, so this would not be in any way cheating on the elections themselves - just generating misinformation for their opponents to base their strategies on.
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.
Fascinating. So who were these "scammers"?

They would be Republican campaign organizers. Keep in mind that this is my suspicion, please don't take it as an accusation.
Well, that's a break from the Comey/Putin conspiracy, unless of course you think the Kremlin instructed the GOP on these tactics.

No. I suspect that the Republicans have been doing this for quite a number of years.
I've been watching the political pundits from many sources (yeah, get a life - I know)) and everyone indicated that only straight, white male uneducated country hicks and greedy billionaires were going to vote for Trump. Roughly, I figure that to be about 10 to 15% of the electorate..., maybe.

WTF happened?

Watch Michael Moore's "Trumpland". Moore predicted Trump would win based on his experiences as a life-long resident of Michigan and the people who work for the major auto manufacturers. Great focus group. Also if you can get the online streaming of Frank Luntz's focus group on "60 Minutes", that explained things very well, too. Fantastic segment.

Focus group reflects nation's dark mood ahead of Election Day
Thanks, but no. I am not that bored or vacuous.
I also base this theory on knowing most Republicans to be extremely competitive people...they'll do almost anything to win in whatever they do.
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.

LOL its a vast right wing conspiracy? :laugh::laugh::laugh: Or more likely working class Americans are sick of the lefts shit.

Then how did Hillary win the popular vote?

The history of Republican victory's in the past 20 years or so, shows an abnormal, yet consistent contradiction with polling - usually occurring only in key electoral districts.

Are all the pollsters wrong? Is there methodology consistently flawed? It don't think so...unless you account for the possibility that people blatantly lie when polled, and that those people are all of the same political persuasion.

Remember it's not illegal to lie when polled, so this would not be in any way cheating on the elections themselves - just generating misinformation for their opponents to base their strategies on.

Because the trumpster didn't try to win it for one. He figured out that it was the electoral votes that mattered thus he focused on them, and he spent one fifth of what she did. She spent money like it was water. AND LOST. Because, as a candidate, she sucked eggs.
I suspect that the Republicans are winning elections using a simple and legal scam:

They simply tell their most loyal people to lie when answering polls. i.e. to say that they will vote for the democratic candidate.

This skews polls in favor of the Democrats, which in turn causes the Democratic campaigns to mis-allocate campaign resources.

For example, Republicans lying when polled in Wisconsin made it seem that Wisconsin was solidly Democrat when it was in fact a battle ground state. The Democrats felt safe not campaigning in Wisconsin or allocating campaign resources. The result was that they lost Wisconsin.

Besides that, when the Obamacare premiums were raised, just before the election, it pissed a hell of a lot of people off - so they voted for Trump.

LOL its a vast right wing conspiracy? :laugh::laugh::laugh: Or more likely working class Americans are sick of the lefts shit.

Then how did Hillary win the popular vote?

The history of Republican victory's in the past 20 years or so, shows an abnormal, yet consistent contradiction with polling - usually occurring only in key electoral districts.

Are all the pollsters wrong? Is there methodology consistently flawed? It don't think so...unless you account for the possibility that people blatantly lie when polled, and that those people are all of the same political persuasion.

Remember it's not illegal to lie when polled, so this would not be in any way cheating on the elections themselves - just generating misinformation for their opponents to base their strategies on.

/---- Wait for the DOJ to investigate fraudulent voting.
I've been watching the political pundits from many sources (yeah, get a life - I know)) and everyone indicated that only straight, white male uneducated country hicks and greedy billionaires were going to vote for Trump. Roughly, I figure that to be about 10 to 15% of the electorate..., maybe.

WTF happened?

"Idiocracy" was repeated often on cable systems in September and October, and people realized that Democrats really were just like those people.
I've been watching the political pundits from many sources (yeah, get a life - I know)) and everyone indicated that only straight, white male uneducated country hicks and greedy billionaires were going to vote for Trump. Roughly, I figure that to be about 10 to 15% of the electorate..., maybe.

WTF happened?
The GOP cheated, as usual. There were 7.2 million voters, mostly minorities, who were prevented from voting under the guise of voter fraud, though not one person alleged to have voted in 2 stated was charged!!!

The GOP's Stealth War Against Voters

Like all weapons of vote suppression, Crosscheck is a response to the imaginary menace of mass voter fraud. In the mid-2000s, after the Florida-recount debacle, the Bush administration launched a five-year investigation into the allegedly rampant crime but found scant evidence of wrongdoing. Still, the GOP has perpetuated the myth in every national election since. Recently, North Carolina Board of Elections chief Kim Strach testified to her legislature that 35,750 voters are "registered in North Carolina and another state and voted in both in the 2012 general election." [Editor’s note: This quote was taken from the power point that accompanied Strach’s testimony. In a subsequent letter, she informed us that during her presentation she "stressed that we were not suggesting that 35,750 voters had committed any type of fraud. My testimony was that the data we received from the Crosscheck Program showed that in the 2012 general election, there were 35,750 people who voted in North Carolina whose first and last names and dates of birth matched persons who voted in the same election in another state.”] Yet despite hiring an ex-FBI agent to lead the hunt, the state has charged exactly zero double voters from the Crosscheck list. Nevertheless, tens of thousands face the loss of their ability to vote – all for the sake of preventing a crime that rarely happens. So far, Crosscheck has tagged an astonishing 7.2 million suspects, yet we found no more than four perpetrators who have been charged with double voting or deliberate double registration.

On its surface, Crosscheck seems quite reasonable. Twenty-eight participating states share their voter lists and, in the name of dispassionate, race-blind Big Data, seek to ensure the rolls are up to date. To make sure the system finds suspect voters, Crosscheck supposedly matches first, middle and last name, plus birth date, and provides the last four digits of a Social Security number for additional verification.

In reality, however, there have been signs that the program doesn't operate as advertised. Some states have dropped out of Crosscheck, citing problems with its methodology, as Oregon's secretary of state recently explained: "We left [Crosscheck] because the data we received was unreliable."

In our effort to report on the program, we contacted every state for their Crosscheck list. But because voting twice is a felony, state after state told us their lists of suspects were part of a criminal investigation and, as such, confidential. Then we got a break. A clerk in Virginia sent us its Crosscheck list of suspects, which a letter from the state later said was done "in error."

The Virginia list was a revelation. In all, 342,556 names were listed as apparently registered to vote in both Virginia and another state as of January 2014. Thirteen percent of the people on the Crosscheck list, already flagged as inactive voters, were almost immediately removed, meaning a stunning 41,637 names were "canceled" from voter rolls, most of them just before Election Day.

We were able to obtain more lists – Georgia and Washington state, the total number of voters adding up to more than 1 million matches – and Crosscheck's results seemed at best deeply flawed. We found that one-fourth of the names on the list actually lacked a middle-name match. The system can also mistakenly identify fathers and sons as the same voter, ignoring designations of Jr. and Sr. A whole lot of people named "James Brown" are suspected of voting or registering twice, 357 of them in Georgia alone. But according to Crosscheck, James Willie Brown is supposed to be the same voter as James Arthur Brown. James Clifford Brown is allegedly the same voter as James Lynn Brown.

And those promised birth dates and Social Security numbers? The Crosscheck instruction manual says that "Social Security numbers are included for verification; the numbers might or might not match" – which leaves a crucial step in the identification process up to the states. Social Security numbers weren't even included in the state lists we obtained.

We had Mark Swedlund, a database expert whose clients include eBay and American Express, look at the data from Georgia and Virginia, and he was shocked by Crosscheck's "childish methodology." He added, "God forbid your name is Garcia, of which there are 858,000 in the U.S., and your first name is Joseph or Jose. You're probably suspected of voting in 27 states."

Swedlund's statistical analysis found that African-American, Latino and Asian names predominate, a simple result of the Crosscheck matching process, which spews out little more than a bunch of common names. No surprise: The U.S. Census data shows that minorities are overrepresented in 85 of 100 of the most common last names. If your name is Washington, there's an 89 percent chance you're African-American. If your last name is Hernandez, there's a 94 percent chance you're Hispanic. If your name is Kim, there's a 95 percent chance you're Asian.

The Crosscheck program, started by Kris Kobach, has spread to over two dozen states, tagging more than 7 million voters as possibly suspect. Christopher Smith/Washington Post/Getty

This inherent bias results in an astonishing one in six Hispanics, one in seven Asian-Americans and one in nine African-Americans in Crosscheck states landing on the list. Was the program designed to target voters of color? "I'm a data guy," Swedlund says. "I can't tell you what the intent was. I can only tell you what the outcome is. And the outcome is discriminatory against minorities."
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I've been watching the political pundits from many sources (yeah, get a life - I know)) and everyone indicated that only straight, white male uneducated country hicks and greedy billionaires were going to vote for Trump. Roughly, I figure that to be about 10 to 15% of the electorate..., maybe.

WTF happened?
"Everyone" (actually a tiny minority in the media and academie, of course) was wrong, of course.

And normal Americans got tired of having things they didn't want, shoved down their throats by the minority of liberals in power.

So when a candidate showed up who was tough enough to kick the liberals out and keep kicking, the normal Americans voted him in.
Nope, the polls were right and the exit polls were right, the GOP cheated as they always do and the Democrats are too stupid to stop them!

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