Huckabee: Obama Grew Up in Kenya

Mike Huckabee, Born-Again Birther? | Rolling Stone Politics | National Affairs | Tim Dickinson on Political News

Huckabee then proceeded to lie that Obama had been raised in Kenya. (The president was raised in Hawaii and Indonesia and didn't even travel to Kenya until 1987, after his father's death.) Huckabee even invoked Newt Gingrich's odd theory about Obama's Kenyan, anti-colonial worldview: "His perspective as growing up in Kenya with a Kenyan father and grandfather," Huckabee said, "their view of the Mau Mau Revolution in Kenya is very different than ours."


A right winger Republican Preacher "man of Gawd" who publicly lies and bares false witness? Who didn't see that coming?
Anybody would be a fool to trust Huckabee on anything. He put down birthers before this fiasco.
I recall the last time he ran, he went on a diet and started running daily. Now, he weighs as much as he ever did.
Mike really is a slimeball when you peel back the layers a little bit. When he was governor of AR we had a hard time believing he was a republican the better part of the time.
I just heard this, and, heard that Tim Pawlenty is talking about wanting to reinstate DADT.

You know, once most of these clowns get over there chasing the base on the far right for the 2012, and start slicing and dicing the right-wing vote, it's going to be so split up that any one moderate Republican with a pulse is going to have the rest of the GOP vote all to himself.

2012 will be the TEA Party against the Leftists. I don't see anyone beating a true conservative who wants to straighten out the Budget, Entitlements, and the Debt.
The only thing that would be a bonus would be another "Grace Commission" where a top firm reconfigures the Federal Government to save a few $trillion by increasing efficiency.

except the tea party got hijacked by social conservatives and cares more about if gay people get married and the war on christmas
Has anyone seen Mike Huckabee's birth certificate lately and how can we be sure that its not a fake?
So, let me get this in perspective, Obama lies about the year of his birth, connecting his actual existence to the Selma marches... and the left say 'he misspoke'. Huckabee clearly confuses two countries and he's a liar.

Meh, I find it hard to see past the blatant hypocrisy to find the humor in this shit.

It's no wonder both political parties are rife with corruption.... because this bullshit is, apparently, far more important.
So, let me get this in perspective, Obama lies about the year of his birth, connecting his actual existence to the Selma marches... and the left say 'he misspoke'. Huckabee clearly confuses two countries and he's a liar.

Meh, I find it hard to see past the blatant hypocrisy to find the humor in this shit.

It's no wonder both political parties are rife with corruption.... because this bullshit is, apparently, far more important.

Good point.

We let ourselves get distracted with stupid stuff like this too easily.
So, let me get this in perspective, Obama lies about the year of his birth, connecting his actual existence to the Selma marches... and the left say 'he misspoke'. Huckabee clearly confuses two countries and he's a liar.

Meh, I find it hard to see past the blatant hypocrisy to find the humor in this shit.

It's no wonder both political parties are rife with corruption.... because this bullshit is, apparently, far more important.

Good point.

We let ourselves get distracted with stupid stuff like this too easily.
.....Until (of course) a Dem says such stupid things.

So, let me get this in perspective, Obama lies about the year of his birth, connecting his actual existence to the Selma marches... and the left say 'he misspoke'. Huckabee clearly confuses two countries and he's a liar.

Meh, I find it hard to see past the blatant hypocrisy to find the humor in this shit.

It's no wonder both political parties are rife with corruption.... because this bullshit is, apparently, far more important.

Good point.

We let ourselves get distracted with stupid stuff like this too easily.

I find the level of political 'debate' in the US to be disappointing to say the least. How many threads do we see on hard policies? Very few, and those that we do have aren't based on the actual policy.... they're based on the media's interpretation of said policies. I find it funny that we'll tear each other to shreds over some bullshit spin from HuffPuff or FNC.... but when it comes to analyzing actual policies and discussing the rational and potential benefits, pitfalls, constitutionality, etc.... we don't bother with that. And that is the shit that actually matters - it is what shapes our future.

Oh well.

From the story;

“The idea that he’s not a citizen –you know why that’s bad politics,” he told me. “Because if there was a shred of truth to it, Hillary Clinton and her wonderful investigative opposition research team would have found it and would have used it.”

So are you lying or just a moran?
His spokesperson said he 'misspoke'. Yeah right. He mentioned it twice in the same rant. Obviously playing to his base.

That man doesnt have much of a base.

Looks like he has a VERY large base. He must represent what many, if not most GOP voters are thinking and want in a candidate.

Gallup Poll: Mike Huckabee climbs to top of GOP 2012 field - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2012 Election -

So, let me get this in perspective, Obama lies about the year of his birth, connecting his actual existence to the Selma marches... and the left say 'he misspoke'. Huckabee clearly confuses two countries and he's a liar.

Meh, I find it hard to see past the blatant hypocrisy to find the humor in this shit.

It's no wonder both political parties are rife with corruption.... because this bullshit is, apparently, far more important.

Good point.

We let ourselves get distracted with stupid stuff like this too easily.

I find the level of political 'debate' in the US to be disappointing to say the least. How many threads do we see on hard policies? Very few, and those that we do have aren't based on the actual policy.... they're based on the media's interpretation of said policies. I find it funny that we'll tear each other to shreds over some bullshit spin from HuffPuff or FNC.... but when it comes to analyzing actual policies and discussing the rational and potential benefits, pitfalls, constitutionality, etc.... we don't bother with that. And that is the shit that actually matters - it is what shapes our future.

Oh well.

Maybe you should make an effort to elevate the debate instead of just complaining about it.
Mike Huckabee, Born-Again Birther? | Rolling Stone Politics | National Affairs | Tim Dickinson on Political News

Huckabee then proceeded to lie that Obama had been raised in Kenya. (The president was raised in Hawaii and Indonesia and didn't even travel to Kenya until 1987, after his father's death.) Huckabee even invoked Newt Gingrich's odd theory about Obama's Kenyan, anti-colonial worldview: "His perspective as growing up in Kenya with a Kenyan father and grandfather," Huckabee said, "their view of the Mau Mau Revolution in Kenya is very different than ours."


A right winger Republican Preacher "man of Gawd" who publicly lies and bares false witness? Who didn't see that coming?

I'll bet Huckabee came in his pants over the excitement of being able to work the phrase 'Mau Mau' into a conversation about Obama.
So, let me get this in perspective, Obama lies about the year of his birth, connecting his actual existence to the Selma marches... and the left say 'he misspoke'. Huckabee clearly confuses two countries and he's a liar.

Meh, I find it hard to see past the blatant hypocrisy to find the humor in this shit.

It's no wonder both political parties are rife with corruption.... because this bullshit is, apparently, far more important.

The entire left said Obama 'misspoke'? I didn't. Who are you talking about?
All Huckabee did was be hugely misinformed and look like an idiot.

I already put up the link where he clearly states that he dismisses Birthers entirely.

Do people just like beating a "stupid" drum or what? And this little ol conservative is rightly pissed off that he made such a moronic statement about Obama growing up in Kenya.

The least a Presidential candidate can be is more informed that all the conservative posters who know his future opponents history inside and out.

Sheesh. He looks like a fool not to know the simple facts of Obama's childhood in Indonesia.
Mike Huckabee, Born-Again Birther? | Rolling Stone Politics | National Affairs | Tim Dickinson on Political News

Huckabee then proceeded to lie that Obama had been raised in Kenya. (The president was raised in Hawaii and Indonesia and didn't even travel to Kenya until 1987, after his father's death.) Huckabee even invoked Newt Gingrich's odd theory about Obama's Kenyan, anti-colonial worldview: "His perspective as growing up in Kenya with a Kenyan father and grandfather," Huckabee said, "their view of the Mau Mau Revolution in Kenya is very different than ours."


A right winger Republican Preacher "man of Gawd" who publicly lies and bares false witness? Who didn't see that coming?

I'll bet Huckabee came in his pants over the excitement of being able to work the phrase 'Mau Mau' into a conversation about Obama.

What makes him a liar?

It made him look stupid. But a liar?

And what pray tell would saying Mau Mau make him come in his pants?

Maybe Huckabee's smarter than we think.

Maybe Huckabee's remarks were directed at the 51% of GOP likely primary voters who think Obama wasn't born in the US.
Mike Huckabee, Born-Again Birther? | Rolling Stone Politics | National Affairs | Tim Dickinson on Political News

Huckabee then proceeded to lie that Obama had been raised in Kenya. (The president was raised in Hawaii and Indonesia and didn't even travel to Kenya until 1987, after his father's death.) Huckabee even invoked Newt Gingrich's odd theory about Obama's Kenyan, anti-colonial worldview: "His perspective as growing up in Kenya with a Kenyan father and grandfather," Huckabee said, "their view of the Mau Mau Revolution in Kenya is very different than ours."


A right winger Republican Preacher "man of Gawd" who publicly lies and bares false witness? Who didn't see that coming?

I'll bet Huckabee came in his pants over the excitement of being able to work the phrase 'Mau Mau' into a conversation about Obama.

What makes him a liar?

It made him look stupid. But a liar?

And what pray tell would saying Mau Mau make him come in his pants?


Because Mau Mau generally evokes images of scary crazed AFRICAN types. eh?? get it?? nudge nudge wink wink.

He either lied or is profoundly ignorant of the facts. It has to be one or the other.

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