Huckabee quits radio show

Good for him. his tv show pays waaaaay more.

I don't think it's so much the TV show as it is he plans to run in 2016.

This about it, he took a pass in 2012 because he didn't want to have another ugly throwdown with Romney like they did in 2008.

But now he's afraid the GOP looks like it's about to cave on the social issues.

Plus, he's running at 0% in the polls.
Good for him. his tv show pays waaaaay more.

I don't think it's so much the TV show as it is he plans to run in 2016.

This about it, he took a pass in 2012 because he didn't want to have another ugly throwdown with Romney like they did in 2008.

But now he's afraid the GOP looks like it's about to cave on the social issues.

Plus, he's running at 0% in the polls.


Most polls aren't even including him in the mix.

I do recall back in 2008, my Douchebag boss (before he let me go for daring to need medical attention) said that he'd vote for Hillary before Huckabee. So the Plutocratic wing would have a shit-fit if Huckabee was the nominee.

But as far as getting the GOP back in touch with working folks, minorities and women, he might be just what the doctor ordered.
Quitting a job in order to aspire for a higher office is par for the course.

The most blatant example is none other than Obama, who stabbed the members of his community for whom he organized, in order to run for the Illinois Senate seat, then stabbed the good (but obviously stupid) folks of that state, again, in order to run for the United States Senate seat, and then stabbed the folks of Illinois in the back, again, - quitting his Senate seat - in order to run for the Presidency, for which he was uniquely and singularly and pathetically unqualified. As the implementation of his signature achievement, Obamacare, clearly shows.

Obama is the Quitter-In-Chief whose greatest act in life if his stubbornness to cling to the office which he never earned and would have never got if his father had been white.

He only reason does not quit the office of the Presidency, is that he thinks that he is invincible, and because he has no shame and he has no self-respect and he has an army of loyal acolytes willing and wanting to be his Monica Lewinsky's.

Guy, guy, guy, we are talking about Huckabee here. Just because Obama occupies space rent free in your head, don't change the subject.
Huckster's ratings were extremely low.

Greg Gutfeld said today, to be sure and watch his show, Red Eye, at 11:pm as Huckabee was going to be on for the first time and was going to make a huge announcement. :dunno: I didn't catch what night.
No loss. He is boring.

P.S. There was zero chance that Cumulus was going to drop Rush.

Oh, I think they desperately wanted to get rid of him. they did get rid of his buddy Hannity.
You know nothing.
The Cumulus split with Limbaugh and Hannity is due to the fact that Limbaugh and Hannity are syndicated by Premiere, a division of Clear Channel, Cumulus’ top rival.

Cumulus, Limbaugh and Hannity to Part Ways

This story, from Breibart, (which is like getting your news from the town drunk) is dated July.

In August, Limbaugh reached a deal with Cumulus.

Rush Limbaugh Strikes Three-Year Deal With Cumulus - The Hollywood Reporter

Now we know why. They probably were grooming Huck to replace him, but Huckabee has presidential ambitions.

And he probably hates radio.
No loss. He is boring.

P.S. There was zero chance that Cumulus was going to drop Rush.

Oh, I think they desperately wanted to get rid of him. they did get rid of his buddy Hannity.

In Los Angeles they are moving to 1150 which used to be far left but fired all the lefties. They are revamping into core conservative calling itself The Patriot Channel.

Ah, the Crazy Channel....I'll have to check it out when KFIs on commercial.
I don't think it's so much the TV show as it is he plans to run in 2016.

This about it, he took a pass in 2012 because he didn't want to have another ugly throwdown with Romney like they did in 2008.

But now he's afraid the GOP looks like it's about to cave on the social issues.

Plus, he's running at 0% in the polls.


Most polls aren't even including him in the mix.

I do recall back in 2008, my Douchebag boss (before he let me go for daring to need medical attention) said that he'd vote for Hillary before Huckabee. So the Plutocratic wing would have a shit-fit if Huckabee was the nominee.

But as far as getting the GOP back in touch with working folks, minorities and women, he might be just what the doctor ordered.

Or, at 0%, he might not.

Huckster makes John Huntsman look like a serious candidate.

Or, at 0%, he might not.

Huckster makes John Huntsman look like a serious candidate.

As I recall, in 2008, Mike Huckabee with a nothing budget, effectively sank both Thompson and that Weird Mormon Robot you worship, and the establishment had to scramble to get behind McCain (a guy they really didn't want) lest the religious types take over the party.

And this is the thing. The GOP has been since 1980, the wealthy manipulating the religious to vote against their own economic interests.

On pure resumes, Huckabee's got a stronger one than anyone else the GOP might put up.

or, at 0%, he might not.

Huckster makes john huntsman look like a serious candidate.

as i recall, in 2008, mike huckabee with a nothing budget, effectively sank both thompson and that weird mormon robot you worship, and the establishment had to scramble to get behind mccain (a guy they really didn't want) lest the religious types take over the party.

And this is the thing. The gop has been since 1980, the wealthy manipulating the religious to vote against their own economic interests.

On pure resumes, huckabee's got a stronger one than anyone else the gop might put up.

Plus, he's running at 0% in the polls.


Most polls aren't even including him in the mix.

I do recall back in 2008, my Douchebag boss (before he let me go for daring to need medical attention) said that he'd vote for Hillary before Huckabee. So the Plutocratic wing would have a shit-fit if Huckabee was the nominee.

But as far as getting the GOP back in touch with working folks, minorities and women, he might be just what the doctor ordered.

Or, at 0%, he might not.

Huckster makes John Huntsman look like a serious candidate.

Actually, it was Jon Hunstman who made Jon Huntsman look like a serious candidate.
No loss. He is boring.

P.S. There was zero chance that Cumulus was going to drop Rush.

But his Fridays with Chris Wallace was to die for.:lol: Oh when they go at it it's hysterical.

This is an interesting turn of events. Boring or not to some of us, he commanded a great and wide guest list that many others can't get.
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I wonder if Huckabee will go on a crash diet like he did when he ran last time. He's gained all that weight back.
Yea he did. Looks like the Goodyear blimp now. Has so much respect for his appearance.
Huckabee is an affable Pat Buchanan.

Now, funny you should put it that way.

When Pat Buchanan talks about free trade and American interests, he's probably one of the few guys on the right who actually gets it. Free trade has been a REALLY SHITTY DEAL for most Americans.

He gets a little nutty when he talks about immigration and gays.

Huckabee seems to split the difference. He talks about real working guy issues, something the Conservative movement seems to have gotten lost on, mistaking Wall Street's interests for America's.

My favorite Huckabee Line "I look like the guy you work with, Romney looks like the guy who lays you off!"

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