Hudson Mayor takes a stand against school board indoctrination.

The book was sent home.
It contained suggested writing topics among 642

No child was given that assignment to write and none did

The children were given a book that they shouldn't have. They were given the book to use. I know you only have two brain cells, but try rubbing them together.
"Class!.. Listen up!.. Before you leave be sure to note the homework assignment written here!:"
Potentially grab your new 642 things book and, instead just chucking it in the bottom of your locker along with those smelly gym shorts and all those other books you'll never find any use for, keep it in your backpack and haul it home. Who knows, maybe your mom will develop an itch and want to inspect it for lice, crabs, porn or something?
Out of 642 suggestions….you have a cow about these? This is a high school creative writing class, not a bunch of 3rd graders. The suggestions are meant to provoke a creative response and relative to things going on. Do you think 16 yr olds have never thought about sex? What dumb thing to have a cow about. Once again the rightwing is attempting to impose it’s own version of questionable “morality” into education.
There are many, many things to write about. . . none of them need to speculate on questionable morality and ethics. When they do? It makes the population more willing to accept the outrageous, absurd, and vile behavior we see in our so-called, "leaders."

This is atrocious. Parents should not have to have their children, their minor kids exposed to such questionable smut, illegal activities and perversions.

That you would defend this says more about you than it does about the community. And it isn't just a "conservative," issue. There are many liberals that don't want things like, having their kids fantasizing about murdering, illicit sex, drinking and drugging, etc.

This is societal corruption, there aren't any two ways about this.

None of these teachers or administrators are legal guardians, they are not responsible for the adults these young people will become in the future.

. . . I would be highly curious if there were any writing prompts that questioned or prompted the young scholars to write on the higher moral questions in society, things like, what is truth, beauty, and justice. . . ???

For my money? I highly doubt it. The government funded schooling does very little to encourage critical thinking, all it does is promote dreams of corrupt fantasies of the most material and temporal among the plebeian masses.

This is NOT a conservative/liberal issue. . . this is a war of the elites upon the masses. I don't expect you to understand this. . you have been too conditioned in your thoughts to understand it.

You yourself suffer from a severe form of Stockholm Syndrome, you exhibit it everyday, and will, till your dying breath, defend the oppression and corruption of the mind control.
My money says charges of child porn are unfounded
How about educational misconduct?

my money says this is just a little worse than what goes on in lib classrooms all over the country

everyone associated with teaching that garbage should be fired

meaning the teachers in the classroom, principals and of course the school board

You could “potentially” commit a crime?
. . . and you could, "potentially," make a useful contribution to the forum.

But we don't really believe that will happen.

The fact is, it wasn't "potentially," made as an assignment, it WAS an assignment, it was one of a choice of many selections that a student could choose, thus, they were exposed to such filth, and, implicitly, the STATE was sanctioning such corruption in the minds of our youth.
This is typical of the twisted liberals running public education
I must assume your retarded ass didnt read the thread. A Judge told the mayor the board could be charged with child porn

The mayor claims a judge told him that
How bout we do this…..
The mayor produce an actual judge who claims a 642 item list that suggests the writer describe having sex constitutes child porn
If he can’t, he should resign
The fact is, it wasn't "potentially," made as an assignment, it WAS an assignment, it was one of a choice of many selections that a student could choose,

The fact is…..they were not given the objectionable writing suggestions as an assignment and nobody wrote about those suggestions
This is typical of the twisted liberals running public education

This is typical of the twisted liberals running public education
Typical LEFTISTS running education.

Real liberals gave us the bill of rights.

Real liberals gave us the Enlightenment.

Real liberals actually fought against state controlled compulsory education.

Is, or has Massachusetts, ever been, "Conservative?"

I don't think so. . . but the big government bureaucrats/leftists FORCED their will on the liberals there.

". . Our form of compulsory schooling is an invention of the state of Massachusetts around 1850. It was resisted — sometimes with guns — by an estimated 80% of the Massachusetts population, the last outpost in Barnstable on Cape Cod not surrendering its children until the 1880’s when the area was seized by militia and children marched to school under guard.

Now here is a curious idea to ponder. Senator Ted Kennedy’s office released a paper not too long ago claiming that prior to compulsory education the state literacy rate was 98% and after it the figure never again reached above 91% where it stands in 1990. I hope that interests you.. . "
The fact is…..they were not given the objectionable writing suggestions as an assignment and nobody wrote about those suggestions
They may not have written about them. . . but they were given them.
They may not have written about them. . . but they were given them.

So…..a student may have read a suggestion that they could write about having sex

How does that constitute child porn?
Any Judge would laugh you out of court

They have real crimes to worry about

It IS a real crime.. besides,, your idiot judges let violent criminals out to prey on innocent people. Your morons are going after non mask wearers and plastic straw users.

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