Hudson Mayor takes a stand against school board indoctrination.

Who was actually endangered?
None of the students were actually given the assignment

Hi, RW. I read two articles, one said school officials disseminated the books in question to students, and later collected the books when they were determined to contain content inappropriate for minors.

Therefore in addition to possible criminal charges for Child Endangerment, the charge of "Disseminating Obscene Or Indecent Material To A Minor" is definitely applicable.

General rule. A person is guilty of disseminating obscene matter to a minor if he knowingly distributes, or exhibits or offers to distribute or exhibit to a minor...

RW, in this case I agree the charge of child pornography is questionable, however, in my opinion, since the books containing the questionable material were in fact given to underage students, it appears disseminating indecent materials to a minor is applicable.

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since the books containing the questionable material were in fact given to underage students, it appears disseminating indecent materials to a minor is applicable.
Never mind that:
To register their students, parents must sign form indicating mature content might be discussed.
Application for the course includes parental acknowledgement of a college environment that may include themes or content not found in a more controlled secondary school environment,” said David Zuro, president of the Hudson City School District Board of Education, in a statement.
Imagine a senior in HS being subjected to "mature content" in a college course with a warning that his parents had signed off on, bringing home a book providing hundreds of suggested writing topics, none of which were ever assigned for homework. Kind of makes one wonder what really prompted that student to bring the book home?
Never mind that:

Imagine a senior in HS being subjected to "mature content" in a college course with a warning that his parents had signed off on, bringing home a book providing hundreds of suggested writing topics, none of which were ever assigned for homework. Kind of makes one wonder what really prompted that student to bring the book home?

Can a parent authorize the school authorities to disseminate indecent material to students, in violation local or state law?

Can parents signing the permission slip also be arrested for facilitating the dissemination of indecent materials to minors?

When you're done doing your research let me know the results.
Can a parent authorize the school authorities to disseminate indecent material to students, in violation local or state law?

Can parents signing the permission slip also be arrested for facilitating the dissemination of indecent materials to minors?

When you're done doing your research let me know the results.
When you're done having a cow maybe you could picture having a bright kid in twelfth grade taking the initiative to potentially gain some college credit while still in HS. Yes, they teach college students adult things because we want them treated like adults. Most parents would gladly accept the tradeoff just to save their kid the time and expense. "Dissemination of indecent material" -- writing suggestions.. Seriously? Have you looked elsewhere on the internet at all in the past decade or so? You think such kids are somehow being shielded from it or something? Do you hide all the romance novels when visitors come over with their kids? Wake up. You know, about half of 12th graders are 18. Old enough to vote, drive, and join the military. Whether you can tell or not, this is all just politically manufactured BS.
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More lies from you

It was never given as an assignment

Read the article, dumbshit. The assignment was sent home. The parent was doing her due diligence and reviewed what was assigned to her child.

So, are you just stupid, or lying per usual.
When you're done having a cow maybe you could picture having a bright kid in twelfth grade taking the initiative to potentially gain some college credit while still in HS. Yes, they teach college students adult things because we want them treated like adults. Most parents would gladly accept the tradeoff just to save their kid the time and expense. "Dissemination of indecent material" -- writing suggestions.. Seriously? Have you looked elsewhere on the internet at all in the past decade or so? You think such kids are somehow being shielded from it or something? Do you hide all the romance novels when visitors come over with their kids? Wake up. You know, about half of 12th graders are 18. Old enough to vote, drive, and join the military. Whether you can tell or not, this is all just politically manufactured BS.
Thank you for sharing your opinion.

Read the article, dumbshit. The assignment was sent home. The parent was doing her due diligence and reviewed what was assigned to her child.

So, are you just stupid, or lying per usual.
The book was sent home.
It contained suggested writing topics among 642

No child was given that assignment to write and none did
We hear a lot about the conflicts between liberal, and far leftist educators attempting to redefine the morality of the children in this nation, and parents who wish to have traditional values adhered to. Many times, some claim they are even trying to hide their activities from parents and community leaders. When discovered, it seems like the only way to rectify the situation, is to vote for new board members, and even then, the teacher's unions seem to protect wrong doing.

The only way to reform the system, is to make changes at the top, with the board of education. But, routing out corrupt thinking there is a nightmare.

One parent went to the Mayor of her town, believing that what was being taught went so far as to break the law. And? The mayor agreed! He took it to a friendly judge. . .

He then went to a board meeting, and threw down the gauntlet, resign in disgrace, or face prosecution.

Hudson Mayor Craig Shubert, parents call for resignation of Hudson School Board, teachers after students receive book of inappropriate writing prompts​

". . .Monica Havens, the mother of a high school senior who received the “642 Things to Write About” book, previously worked as a teacher for 11 years, shared some of the prompts from the book at the board meeting, among them:

  • “Choose how you will die.
  • Write a scene that begins: ‘It was the first time I killed a man.’
  • Describe your favorite part of a man’s body using only verbs.
  • You have a dream that you’ve murdered someone. Who is it, how and why did the murder happen, and what happens afterward?
  • You are a serial killer. What TV shows are on your DVR list? Why?
  • The kill fee.
  • Write a sex scene you wouldn’t show your mom.
  • Rewrite the sex scene from above into one that you’d let your mom read.
  • You have just been caught in bed by a jealous spouse. How will you talk your way out of this?
  • Write a sermon for a beloved preacher who has been caught in a sex scandal.
  • Describe a time when you wanted to orgasm but couldn’t.
  • Ten euphemisms for sex.
  • You are a brand-new suicide-hotline counselor. Describe how you feel during the course of your first call.
  • Write a letter from the point of view of a drug addict.
  • Drink a beer. Write about the taste.
  • Write an X-rated Disney scenario.
  • A roomful of people who want to sleep together.
  • The first time you had sex.”

Other topics are perfectly benign, such as describing the worst Thanksgiving dish you’ve ever had, or your perfect day as an astronaut.. . ."

. . . naturally, once caught, the principle and school board issued excuses and equivocations, and were not available for comment.

Out of 642 suggestions….you have a cow about these? This is a high school creative writing class, not a bunch of 3rd graders. The suggestions are meant to provoke a creative response and relative to things going on. Do you think 16 yr olds have never thought about sex? What dumb thing to have a cow about. Once again the rightwing is attempting to impose it’s own version of questionable “morality” into education.
I really doubt that many HS seniors are only 16, but this is what having a cow can look like as a writing assignment:
Chapter 1:
Havens said she found out about the book from a friend who shared a screen-shot of a page in the book with her.

“I asked my daughter if she had been reading a book with inappropriate stuff in it and she said yes,” Havens said.

Havens said she asked her daughter to get the book from her backpack when she discovered the “horrific” prompts.

“I can’t even wrap my brain around a teacher, I don’t care if it’s for college credit, these are minors,” Havens said.

Erik Dirker, a police officer with the city of Stow, called for the school to install cameras in classrooms at the board meeting.

“Police officers wear body cameras to monitor their behavior, and they have brief interactions with the public. You guys have our kids all day and we don’t know what’s going on in the classrooms,” Dirker said at the meeting.

I demand that there be cameras in classrooms as a matter of public record that we can pull and view what is being taught to our kids and what is being said to our kids,” Dirker said at the meeting.
Chapter 2:
Read the article, dumbshit. The assignment was sent home. The parent was doing her due diligence and reviewed what was assigned to her child.
What was that Ben Franklin quote again?
What was Orwell talking about?
If you put cameras in classrooms, who'll be watching the watchers?
It's public education, right? Govt promising things.. -- so why not just destroy it all?
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Call the police! Wait,.. aren't the police just more pinko, commie, government promising things at taxpayer expense? I know, let's call the Army!:
“I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids." —Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper
Out of 642 suggestions….you have a cow about these? This is a high school creative writing class, not a bunch of 3rd graders. The suggestions are meant to provoke a creative response and relative to things going on. Do you think 16 yr olds have never thought about sex? What dumb thing to have a cow about. Once again the rightwing is attempting to impose it’s own version of questionable “morality” into education.
The funny part is that they think that having a potential topic related to sex constitutes “child porn”
And the mayor checked with his legal experts and they agreed school board members could be arrested
Cause high school students, especially those taking college level classes, never taste beer and never ever think about sex, unless they get an assignment too!
It is ILLEGAL to encourage or tell high school students to drink alcohol dumb ass.

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