HUGE Biden rally crowd!

Wow...reminds me of Trumps inaugeration.

Oh the memories...


this will never get old...:auiqs.jpg:

I may be going waaaaaaaaaay out on a limb here but I seem to remember what it comes down to is votes on election day, not asses in seats at rallies.

Ain't it a delicious irony that the same wags who keep wailing about "waaaah, your superior popular vote numbers are meaningless, waaaah" can turn on a dime, do a 180 and go "look, haha this guy has no numbers".

Having it both ways --- Senseless.
Wow...reminds me of Trumps inaugeration.

He had more people there than Reagan got electoral votes.

I still wonder how it is he could attend his own inauguration even though it was raining, and yet couldn't go honor a WWI memorial where Queen Elizabeth and all the heads of state in the universe went, because it was raining.

Hell he could have stayed inside and watched the inauguration on TV.
Wow...reminds me of Trumps inaugeration.

He had more people there than Reagan got electoral votes.

I still wonder how it is he could attend his own inauguration even though it was raining, and yet couldn't go honor a WWI memorial where Queen Elizabeth and all the heads of state in the universe went, because it was raining.

Hell he could have stayed inside and watched the inauguration on TV.
What do you think about the crowd that this thread is about? Does it make you want to evade? Maybe talk about Trump's crowds?
Wow...reminds me of Trumps inaugeration.
Lol, I don't blame you for trying to derail the thread. If I was a lefty, I'd change the topic too. Unfortunately, this thread is not about Trump's inauguration, it is about Biden's crowd at the rally, as seen in the opening post link. How about Biden's crowd?

I heard that rally was cancelled because of coronavirus concerns. Hence, what are you talking about?
Wow...reminds me of Trumps inaugeration.
Lol, I don't blame you for trying to derail the thread. If I was a lefty, I'd change the topic too. Unfortunately, this thread is not about Trump's inauguration, it is about Biden's crowd at the rally, as seen in the opening post link. How about Biden's crowd?

I heard that rally was cancelled because of coronavirus concerns. Hence, what are you talking about?
Lol, it's hard to tell if the rally is cancelled or not when the crowd size is so small. It appears that Biden was in fact having a rally though.
Wow...reminds me of Trumps inaugeration.

He had more people there than Reagan got electoral votes.

I still wonder how it is he could attend his own inauguration even though it was raining, and yet couldn't go honor a WWI memorial where Queen Elizabeth and all the heads of state in the universe went, because it was raining.

Hell he could have stayed inside and watched the inauguration on TV.
What do you think about the crowd that this thread is about? Does it make you want to evade? Maybe talk about Trump's crowds?
Who cares? It's a cult following.
Wow...reminds me of Trumps inaugeration.

Hillary couldn't fill High School gyms just like sleepy Joe. How'd that turn out for Hillary? Meanwhile Trump fills stadiums with thousands who can't get inside because there are no seats left. Hmmmm......

Whelp --- she got three million more votes than him, so what's the correlation supposed to be here?

Amazing fun fact: I have gone to a speech by a total of one (1) POTUS candidate in my lifetime, yet somehow I've voted in every election, even the primaries. And other offices too. How the freak did I do that?

Are we still pretending people don't amass to watch freak shows? Y'all still think that's gonna work?

"Ratings mentality" --- SMH

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