HUGE! E. Jean Carroll Jacket Dress Comes into Question – Trump Accuser Stumbles During Testimony

Don’t project MiddledDick.

He was wrong. It’s what a jury says that counts. 👍

Ah. You figured that out? Good little feller.

I’d feel violated. And it would be sex abuse, not rape. But of course, that’s just silly. I’m not like you. Only a proctologist is sticking a finger up my ass, you quiff.

It would matter lot to me either way.

But Trump also isn’t like you. He’s straight.
Yeah straight, straight to the bank to pay women for sex.
The jury did’t find him liable for rape.

She was right.

What was trump "aquited" of?

NOTHING is the correct answer and thats why the poster was wrong.

Trump stuck his fingers in Caroll's vagina and defamed her by lying about it. Thats what he was found liable for.

If you weren't such a damn Trump tool you wouldn't be spending time parsing out if fingers in vagina is rape make, but wondering why the fuck your Dear Leader immediately resumes defamation after losing a 5 million dollar defamation case...what in the hell is wrong with him?
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Trump was acquitted of that.
He wasn’t acquitted.


You really can't make this comedy up.
What was trump "aquited" of?

Nothing. Learn how to spell.
NOTHING is the correct answer and thats why the poster was wrong.
No. He wasn’t acquitted of anything. Nor could he have been. Similarly, he wasn’t convicted of anything. Nor could he have been. Learn punctuation, too.
Trump stuck his fingers in Caroll's vagina
No. A civil jury bought that claim. But that doesn’t mean he did it. Her story was completely implausible.
and defamed her by lying about it.
Wrong. Denying that one ever engaged in a criminal act isn’t defamation. And you don’t know if he lied. Youre just guessing. Stupidly.
Thats what he was found liable for.
Partly correct. He was found liable for defamation. But the defamation wasn’t just a denial of her claim. Try to smarten up.
If you weren't such a damn Trump tool you wouldn't be spending time parsing out if fingers in vagina is rape make,
I’m not. I don’t believe it happened. And it wouldn’t be rape even if he had done it.

Words have actual meaning. You imbecile.
but wondering why the fuck your Dear Leader immediately resumes defamation after losing a 5 million dollar defamation case...what the hell is wrong with him?
He hasn’t been found liable for any subsequent defamation.

Damn, you’re truly a moron. Of imbecile. You’re a retard, either way. 👍
He hasn’t been found liable for any subsequent defamation.

He will be almost certainly found liable for clear as day continuing defamation. You should probably save yourself from catching yet another egg with your face by not denying that much.

All Trump had to do was STFU about Caroll and he wouldn't be at trial again, looking at having to pay millions more. But he is too stupid, ego driven, and undisciplined to do that simple thing....and you still want to put this fool into the White House again?
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