Huge win for long gun lovers !!!!

You moron. I already explained to you the reasons to own an AR-15

1. To use for recreational purposes

2. To use for self defense

3. To have for the "necessary for the security of a free state".

Just because pathetic little pussies like you don't have a use for one don't meant the rest of of don't.
4. Firepower superiority.

Very good news
Xiden lost and safe long guns will be allowed when the next yahoo or nut case buys his AR-15 and blows away a group of innocent people for whatever absurd or insane reason, please dust off all the old excuses and have them ready, because laPierre is having a bit of financial trouble with the IRS, I here.

Oh, and be sure to mail your justifications to the surviving family members. Judge Roger T. Benitez won't give a damn, as it's all academics and ideology to him.
Innocent people are far far more likely to get shot with a cheap handgun in the hands of a street thug in a Black ghetto than from an AR-15.

The great majority of people that get shot with guns are druggies, gang bangers and street thugs in Democrat control big city shitholes.
So lets get all the cards on the table; a weapon that has been PROVEN to be the favorite choice of the majority of mass shooters in the last 20 years or so has to stay in circulation because gang bangers can gain easier access to Saturday Night Specials and the lot. And since YOU introduced race into the discussion, it seems you're okay that the majority of victims of the AR-15's used in mass shootings have NOT been black folk.

Nope, it's all cool with you so long as some psychological comfort zone of "don't let the liberals win" is sated. A sad statement that you don't give a damn about the following. Carry on.

You are really confused about this.

First of all there have a number of "mass" shooting that were done with weapons other than AR-15s, including the latest one.

The AR-15 is not the weapon of choice of the great majority of gun crimes in the US. It is a cheap or stolen handgun, most often in possession of a Black or Brown druggie, street thug or gang banger living in a Democrat controlled shithole.

The FBI keeps stats on gun crime in the US. Of the ten thousand or so crimes every year that are not suicides only about 400 "long guns" are used. AR-15 is a subset of long guns.

According to most estimates there are about 20 million AR-15s and another like number of what you stupid Moon Bats love to call "assault weapons" and percentage wise that is an extremely low number used in crime.

Confused shitheads like you don't get to take away my right to own an AR-15 because somebody else may occasionally use one in a crime. I have about 30 of them now and none of them have ever been used in a crime nor will they. Don't be an asshole to advocate something like that. It makes you look like a dickhead.

Are you shitheads going to also take away my swimming pool because in a year more people drown in polls than are killed by AR-15s?

If you are concerned about gun deaths in the US talk to these Democrat nitwits that govern the high crime rate in the big city shitholes where most of the gun crime takes place because they don't even enforce the existing gun laws or hold the Blacks and Browns accountable for their high rate of crime. In fact the idiot Democrats have been defunding the very police that help to stop gun crime. How stupid is that? You are not one of these morons that help to elect Democrats are you? Because that would really be dumb, wouldn't it?
The only confusion here is yours in thinking you can BS you way past simple facts. I never said the AR-15 was the ONLY weapon used in mass shootings in the last few years, but a MAJORITY of them. I posted an objective article listing that addressed this very should have read it, as it pointed to the variations and "sub-sets" of weapons used in mass shootings. The conclusion points to your failure to diminish the impact of these weapons that were formerly banned.

Spare us all your moronic whining about your "right" being denied. As I stated before, a plethora of weapons equal in stature were available during the ban. Folk like you just knee jerk the NRA propaganda based on a childish attitude of " I want it because I want it". You could care less about the FACT that said particular weapon did it's job in sales and usage...pity it was by mass shooters.

Now since you need a blankie or pacifier in the form of numerous weapons, you would be able to keep them so long as they were purchased before a ban....just like in 1994. My problem is that if you sell them with no ability to trace or account for (receipts, proof of purchase)....they could end up in the hands of some rabid right wing yahoo or some nut case. But hey, since no ban has existed since 2004, everything is cool with you....too bad for the mass shooting victims.

I already addressed your attempted dodge regarding race and don't dare acknowledge the simple truth of my response, as it exposed your irrational and insipid stubbornness to concede a point.

And TFB if you don't like the term "assault weapon", because that's the classification used by law enforcement and the military. Write a whine ridden letter to them.

So continue to name call and attempt to shift the conversation to some blather about blacks and crime and the Democratic party....the objective, rational reader sees your folly. Unless you've got something new and worthwhile to add, I'd say we're done here.

You continue to be confused even after I took my time to explain it to you. You little stupid Libtards never get anything right, do you?

Lets get to the real basics here because I don't think you have a clue as to what you are spouting.

What do you want?

1. Less gun deaths?

2. Take the right to keep and bear arms away from the people don't want the US to be a Socialist shithole?

Which one?
Typical irrational, smoke blowing goalpost shift by LaPierre don't DARE directly respond to how I deconstructed your previous screed. Just as I predicted. You're done. Adios.
I have no fear of AR15s
I do have a fear of hidden pistols
Ahh, but it 's not about your personal fear (real or perceived), it's about the FACT that a formally banned weapon has been the favorite choice of mass shooters for the past few years. What the judge did was just green light more of the same:

The judge cannot be overturned and it was a T judge ..I bet
Small consolation for the next mass shooting victims.
If you’re worried about violence, ask Democrats why they’ve released tens of thousands of violent felons from prison early.
Check yourself before pointing the finger:


Very good news
Xiden lost and safe long guns will be allowed when the next yahoo or nut case buys his AR-15 and blows away a group of innocent people for whatever absurd or insane reason, please dust off all the old excuses and have them ready, because laPierre is having a bit of financial trouble with the IRS, I here.

Oh, and be sure to mail your justifications to the surviving family members. Judge Roger T. Benitez won't give a damn, as it's all academics and ideology to him.
Innocent people are far far more likely to get shot with a cheap handgun in the hands of a street thug in a Black ghetto than from an AR-15.

The great majority of people that get shot with guns are druggies, gang bangers and street thugs in Democrat control big city shitholes.
So lets get all the cards on the table; a weapon that has been PROVEN to be the favorite choice of the majority of mass shooters in the last 20 years or so has to stay in circulation because gang bangers can gain easier access to Saturday Night Specials and the lot. And since YOU introduced race into the discussion, it seems you're okay that the majority of victims of the AR-15's used in mass shootings have NOT been black folk.

Nope, it's all cool with you so long as some psychological comfort zone of "don't let the liberals win" is sated. A sad statement that you don't give a damn about the following. Carry on.

You are really confused about this.

First of all there have a number of "mass" shooting that were done with weapons other than AR-15s, including the latest one.

The AR-15 is not the weapon of choice of the great majority of gun crimes in the US. It is a cheap or stolen handgun, most often in possession of a Black or Brown druggie, street thug or gang banger living in a Democrat controlled shithole.

The FBI keeps stats on gun crime in the US. Of the ten thousand or so crimes every year that are not suicides only about 400 "long guns" are used. AR-15 is a subset of long guns.

According to most estimates there are about 20 million AR-15s and another like number of what you stupid Moon Bats love to call "assault weapons" and percentage wise that is an extremely low number used in crime.

Confused shitheads like you don't get to take away my right to own an AR-15 because somebody else may occasionally use one in a crime. I have about 30 of them now and none of them have ever been used in a crime nor will they. Don't be an asshole to advocate something like that. It makes you look like a dickhead.

Are you shitheads going to also take away my swimming pool because in a year more people drown in polls than are killed by AR-15s?

If you are concerned about gun deaths in the US talk to these Democrat nitwits that govern the high crime rate in the big city shitholes where most of the gun crime takes place because they don't even enforce the existing gun laws or hold the Blacks and Browns accountable for their high rate of crime. In fact the idiot Democrats have been defunding the very police that help to stop gun crime. How stupid is that? You are not one of these morons that help to elect Democrats are you? Because that would really be dumb, wouldn't it?
The only confusion here is yours in thinking you can BS you way past simple facts. I never said the AR-15 was the ONLY weapon used in mass shootings in the last few years, but a MAJORITY of them. I posted an objective article listing that addressed this very should have read it, as it pointed to the variations and "sub-sets" of weapons used in mass shootings. The conclusion points to your failure to diminish the impact of these weapons that were formerly banned.

Spare us all your moronic whining about your "right" being denied. As I stated before, a plethora of weapons equal in stature were available during the ban. Folk like you just knee jerk the NRA propaganda based on a childish attitude of " I want it because I want it". You could care less about the FACT that said particular weapon did it's job in sales and usage...pity it was by mass shooters.

Now since you need a blankie or pacifier in the form of numerous weapons, you would be able to keep them so long as they were purchased before a ban....just like in 1994. My problem is that if you sell them with no ability to trace or account for (receipts, proof of purchase)....they could end up in the hands of some rabid right wing yahoo or some nut case. But hey, since no ban has existed since 2004, everything is cool with you....too bad for the mass shooting victims.

I already addressed your attempted dodge regarding race and don't dare acknowledge the simple truth of my response, as it exposed your irrational and insipid stubbornness to concede a point.

And TFB if you don't like the term "assault weapon", because that's the classification used by law enforcement and the military. Write a whine ridden letter to them.

So continue to name call and attempt to shift the conversation to some blather about blacks and crime and the Democratic party....the objective, rational reader sees your folly. Unless you've got something new and worthwhile to add, I'd say we're done here.

I posted actual data that shows that no, they are not even close to the majority, in fact, I think your link said they were in 26% of mass public shootings, is that a majority?
Very good news
Xiden lost and safe long guns will be allowed when the next yahoo or nut case buys his AR-15 and blows away a group of innocent people for whatever absurd or insane reason

IN OTHER WORDS: we should outlaw EVERYTHING that has the potential to be abused? Because sooner or later, an otherwise harmless person with no record of violence and no reason to deny him a sale will take a gun and shoot someone with it?

Do ya know we have laws against that? They are called MURDER CHARGES.

But I guess in your diseased, non-functioning brain, better to just BAN GUNS from legal ownership just in case one crackpot turns up, even if it means disarming the entire public leaving them victim to every armed thug and criminal out there who doesn't obey laws leading to thousands of deaths!

But why stop with guns. One can easily murder with other things too: cars, axes, knives, crossbows, and pencils. You can even murder with a shopping bag. And bags make no noise nor leave any entry hole.

Let's ban EVERYTHING that has a potential for abuse until we are a totally safe, totally controlled, totally state-operated society treating its citizenry like 3 year olds, RIGHT ASSHOLE?
here's a refresher course in reality:
Well then, here's one for you:

The AR-15 has been the weapon of choice for the majority of mass shooters in the last few years.
Congrats! You're arguing about ELEVEN incidents over decades, that involve no more injuries and deaths than we already have every day from 90 other causes! So banning such a basic, popular and needed rifle would really have little effect. And you should be happy they are using ARs---- in the full Lexicon of semi auto rifles, the AR is about the gentlest one out there!
:rolleyes: I wrote "last few years"...didn't say should read more carefully. That's why I provided an objective link that lists the distinctions of the weapons used. Here, this time READ IT! Fact check: AR-15 style rifles used in 11 mass shootings since 2012

But I do acknowledge an error on my part, as the official record is that this particular weapon is 26% of the mass shootings. I don't think the victims would be thrilled either way AR-15 rifles were used in 26 percent of the last 80 mass shootings in America

And as for mass shootings for the last 30 years, you'll note a slight up tick since 2004 (sunset year for the 1994 AWB) A timeline of mass shootings in the U.S.
View attachment 498279
Ahh, but the devil is in the details: PolitiFact - Greg Abbott says that according to FBI, more people are killed each year with clubs, hammers than with rifles

Go to the serving family members of mass shootings in the last 30 years with your justification...let us know how that works out for you.
I have no fear of AR15s
I do have a fear of hidden pistols
Ahh, but it 's not about your personal fear (real or perceived), it's about the FACT that a formally banned weapon has been the favorite choice of mass shooters for the past few years. What the judge did was just green light more of the same:

The judge cannot be overturned and it was a T judge ..I bet
Small consolation for the next mass shooting victims.
If you’re worried about violence, ask Democrats why they’ve released tens of thousands of violent felons from prison early.
Check yourself before pointing the finger:


It isn't the weapon of choice...the handgun moron...

And, dipshit....knives kill more people every single year than all rifles do.....more people are killed deer, falling off ladders and by lawn mowers than are killed in mass public shootings each year....

You have to focus on the rarest of rare events, more rare than lightning strikes because you know that of the 10,235 gun murders in the US in 2019... 73 people were murdered in mass public shootings...

More people are killed by knives, clubs, deer, ladders and lawn mowers than are killed in all the mass public shootings each year...and the majority of those few mass public shootings are with hand guns, not doofus.

knife murders.....2009-2013.....

Rifle murder....


The actual number of mass shootings from Mother Jones......

Here you go...the number of mass public shootings according to Mother Jones...rabid, anti gun, left wing news source.....not the NRA...

The list below comes from the old definition of 4 killed to make a shooting a mass shooting...if you now go to the link there are more than listed below...but that is because Mother Jones changed the list from the time I first posted it...and changed to obama's new standard of only 3 dead to make a mass shooting...

I have put obama's updated number in parenthesis..........

we will see....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation



2018... 12

2017: 11 ( 5 according to the old standard)


2015....4 ( obama's new standard....7)

2014....2 (4)












2002 not listed so more than likely 0

















1985... not listed so probably 0


1983...not listed so probably 0

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

Rental Truck in Nice, France, 86 murdered in 5 minutes...

Total number murdered in mass public shootings by year...

Lawn mower deaths every year.... more than 90

Lawnmowers kill more people than bears or sharks or alligators each year

This article says 90 people died a verys......but it also points out Deer kill 200 people a year....more than mass public shooters do...

found that, on average, lawnmower accidents were responsible for the deaths of an average of 90 Americans annually
deer attacks, responsible for an annual average of 200 people;

Falling off ladder deaths...300...

Gun murder 2019.....20,235

Deaths in actual mass public shootings... ( someone do the math and tell us what percent of 10,235 the number 73 equals.....)

Ladder Safety.

2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones
1985...(none listed)
1983 (none listed)
Last edited:
I have no fear of AR15s
I do have a fear of hidden pistols
Ahh, but it 's not about your personal fear (real or perceived), it's about the FACT that a formally banned weapon has been the favorite choice of mass shooters for the past few years. What the judge did was just green light more of the same:

The judge cannot be overturned and it was a T judge ..I bet
Small consolation for the next mass shooting victims.
If you’re worried about violence, ask Democrats why they’ve released tens of thousands of violent felons from prison early.
Check yourself before pointing the finger:


You are a moron....rifles are no more deadly in a mass public shooting than pistols or shotguns because the range is so idiot.......the one thing that makes mass public shootings dangerous is the gun free zone idiots like you create so that no one can shoot back and save lives...

The AR-15 is not the weapon of choice for the majority of mass public shootings, you idiot...not even close....


With all the concern about assault weapons since the federal ban sunset in 2004, it is interesting to see what a small share of murders are committed with any type of rifle and how even that share has fallen over time. The percentage of firearm murders with rifles was 4.8% prior to the ban starting in September 1994, 4.9% from 1995 to 2004 when the ban was in effect, and just 3.6% after that (3.9% if you look at just the first ten years after the an ended). The data is from the FBI UCR reports.

The average rate of firearm murders committed with rifles after the assault weapons ban was statistically significantly less than the rate during the ban at the 0.0001 percent level for a two-tailed t-test. There was no statistically significant difference in rates for the period before the ban with the assault weapon ban period.

There are similar drops over time if one looks at the share of total murders committed with rifles.

With all the concern about assault weapons, how has the share of murders with rifles changed over time? - Crime Prevention Research Center

With all the concern about assault weapons since the federal ban sunset in 2004, it is interesting to see what a small share of murders are committed with any type of rifle and how even that share has fallen over time. The percentage of firearm murders with rifles was 4.8% prior to the ban...

Very good news
Xiden lost and safe long guns will be allowed when the next yahoo or nut case buys his AR-15 and blows away a group of innocent people for whatever absurd or insane reason

IN OTHER WORDS: we should outlaw EVERYTHING that has the potential to be abused? Because sooner or later, an otherwise harmless person with no record of violence and no reason to deny him a sale will take a gun and shoot someone with it?

Do ya know we have laws against that? They are called MURDER CHARGES.

But I guess in your diseased, non-functioning brain, better to just BAN GUNS from legal ownership just in case one crackpot turns up, even if it means disarming the entire public leaving them victim to every armed thug and criminal out there who doesn't obey laws leading to thousands of deaths!

But why stop with guns. One can easily murder with other things too: cars, axes, knives, crossbows, and pencils. You can even murder with a shopping bag. And bags make no noise nor leave any entry hole.

Let's ban EVERYTHING that has a potential for abuse until we are a totally safe, totally controlled, totally state-operated society treating its citizenry like 3 year olds, RIGHT ASSHOLE?
here's a refresher course in reality:
Well then, here's one for you:

The AR-15 has been the weapon of choice for the majority of mass shooters in the last few years.
Congrats! You're arguing about ELEVEN incidents over decades, that involve no more injuries and deaths than we already have every day from 90 other causes! So banning such a basic, popular and needed rifle would really have little effect. And you should be happy they are using ARs---- in the full Lexicon of semi auto rifles, the AR is about the gentlest one out there!
:rolleyes: I wrote "last few years"...didn't say should read more carefully. That's why I provided an objective link that lists the distinctions of the weapons used. Here, this time READ IT! Fact check: AR-15 style rifles used in 11 mass shootings since 2012

But I do acknowledge an error on my part, as the official record is that this particular weapon is 26% of the mass shootings. I don't think the victims would be thrilled either way AR-15 rifles were used in 26 percent of the last 80 mass shootings in America

And as for mass shootings for the last 30 years, you'll note a slight up tick since 2004 (sunset year for the 1994 AWB) A timeline of mass shootings in the U.S.
View attachment 498279
Ahh, but the devil is in the details: PolitiFact - Greg Abbott says that according to FBI, more people are killed each year with clubs, hammers than with rifles

Go to the serving family members of mass shootings in the last 30 years with your justification...let us know how that works out for you.

You really are stupid....did you even read the dumb Politifact article?

Obviously, you didn't, you dumb ass....

Politifact took Abbot's statement...

Greg Abbott wrote, "FBI: More people killed with hammers & clubs each year than rifles," and supplied a link to a Jan. 3, 2013, Fox News commentary piece that originated on and referred to FBI murder statistics from 2005 through 2011.

Abbot said Rifles...not all guns you idiot.......and politifact knows this too....

They ignored what he actually said, you idiot....and then added in

The Facebook post did not include homicides the FBI attributed to handguns (6,220), firearms whose type was not stated (1,587) and "other guns" (97).

No...statement was on rifles you doofus......and they lied by using Handguns and "other guns," when he said idiot.....

And, he was right, you idiot...

I have no fear of AR15s
I do have a fear of hidden pistols
Ahh, but it 's not about your personal fear (real or perceived), it's about the FACT that a formally banned weapon has been the favorite choice of mass shooters for the past few years. What the judge did was just green light more of the same:

The judge cannot be overturned and it was a T judge ..I bet
Small consolation for the next mass shooting victims.
If you’re worried about violence, ask Democrats why they’ve released tens of thousands of violent felons from prison early.
Check yourself before pointing the finger:




The very link you used, you moron, said they were used in 26% of mass public shootings.....

To be the "Weapon of Choice," you moron, would need to be at least 51%........

Hand guns are the weapon of choice because you can carry them concealed and they weigh moron...

Very good news
Xiden lost and safe long guns will be allowed when the next yahoo or nut case buys his AR-15 and blows away a group of innocent people for whatever absurd or insane reason, please dust off all the old excuses and have them ready, because laPierre is having a bit of financial trouble with the IRS, I here.

Oh, and be sure to mail your justifications to the surviving family members. Judge Roger T. Benitez won't give a damn, as it's all academics and ideology to him.
Innocent people are far far more likely to get shot with a cheap handgun in the hands of a street thug in a Black ghetto than from an AR-15.

The great majority of people that get shot with guns are druggies, gang bangers and street thugs in Democrat control big city shitholes.
So lets get all the cards on the table; a weapon that has been PROVEN to be the favorite choice of the majority of mass shooters in the last 20 years or so has to stay in circulation because gang bangers can gain easier access to Saturday Night Specials and the lot. And since YOU introduced race into the discussion, it seems you're okay that the majority of victims of the AR-15's used in mass shootings have NOT been black folk.

Nope, it's all cool with you so long as some psychological comfort zone of "don't let the liberals win" is sated. A sad statement that you don't give a damn about the following. Carry on.


Your link.....Newsweek.....26%....did you not even bother to read your link......

Very good news
Xiden lost and safe long guns will be allowed when the next yahoo or nut case buys his AR-15 and blows away a group of innocent people for whatever absurd or insane reason, please dust off all the old excuses and have them ready, because laPierre is having a bit of financial trouble with the IRS, I here.

Oh, and be sure to mail your justifications to the surviving family members. Judge Roger T. Benitez won't give a damn, as it's all academics and ideology to him.
Innocent people are far far more likely to get shot with a cheap handgun in the hands of a street thug in a Black ghetto than from an AR-15.

The great majority of people that get shot with guns are druggies, gang bangers and street thugs in Democrat control big city shitholes.
So lets get all the cards on the table; a weapon that has been PROVEN to be the favorite choice of the majority of mass shooters in the last 20 years or so has to stay in circulation because gang bangers can gain easier access to Saturday Night Specials and the lot. And since YOU introduced race into the discussion, it seems you're okay that the majority of victims of the AR-15's used in mass shootings have NOT been black folk.

Nope, it's all cool with you so long as some psychological comfort zone of "don't let the liberals win" is sated. A sad statement that you don't give a damn about the following. Carry on.

You are really confused about this.

First of all there have a number of "mass" shooting that were done with weapons other than AR-15s, including the latest one.

The AR-15 is not the weapon of choice of the great majority of gun crimes in the US. It is a cheap or stolen handgun, most often in possession of a Black or Brown druggie, street thug or gang banger living in a Democrat controlled shithole.

The FBI keeps stats on gun crime in the US. Of the ten thousand or so crimes every year that are not suicides only about 400 "long guns" are used. AR-15 is a subset of long guns.

According to most estimates there are about 20 million AR-15s and another like number of what you stupid Moon Bats love to call "assault weapons" and percentage wise that is an extremely low number used in crime.

Confused shitheads like you don't get to take away my right to own an AR-15 because somebody else may occasionally use one in a crime. I have about 30 of them now and none of them have ever been used in a crime nor will they. Don't be an asshole to advocate something like that. It makes you look like a dickhead.

Are you shitheads going to also take away my swimming pool because in a year more people drown in polls than are killed by AR-15s?

If you are concerned about gun deaths in the US talk to these Democrat nitwits that govern the high crime rate in the big city shitholes where most of the gun crime takes place because they don't even enforce the existing gun laws or hold the Blacks and Browns accountable for their high rate of crime. In fact the idiot Democrats have been defunding the very police that help to stop gun crime. How stupid is that? You are not one of these morons that help to elect Democrats are you? Because that would really be dumb, wouldn't it?
The only confusion here is yours in thinking you can BS you way past simple facts. I never said the AR-15 was the ONLY weapon used in mass shootings in the last few years, but a MAJORITY of them. I posted an objective article listing that addressed this very should have read it, as it pointed to the variations and "sub-sets" of weapons used in mass shootings. The conclusion points to your failure to diminish the impact of these weapons that were formerly banned.

Spare us all your moronic whining about your "right" being denied. As I stated before, a plethora of weapons equal in stature were available during the ban. Folk like you just knee jerk the NRA propaganda based on a childish attitude of " I want it because I want it". You could care less about the FACT that said particular weapon did it's job in sales and usage...pity it was by mass shooters.

Now since you need a blankie or pacifier in the form of numerous weapons, you would be able to keep them so long as they were purchased before a ban....just like in 1994. My problem is that if you sell them with no ability to trace or account for (receipts, proof of purchase)....they could end up in the hands of some rabid right wing yahoo or some nut case. But hey, since no ban has existed since 2004, everything is cool with you....too bad for the mass shooting victims.

I already addressed your attempted dodge regarding race and don't dare acknowledge the simple truth of my response, as it exposed your irrational and insipid stubbornness to concede a point.

And TFB if you don't like the term "assault weapon", because that's the classification used by law enforcement and the military. Write a whine ridden letter to them.

So continue to name call and attempt to shift the conversation to some blather about blacks and crime and the Democratic party....the objective, rational reader sees your folly. Unless you've got something new and worthwhile to add, I'd say we're done here.

You continue to be confused even after I took my time to explain it to you. You little stupid Libtards never get anything right, do you?

Lets get to the real basics here because I don't think you have a clue as to what you are spouting.

What do you want?

1. Less gun deaths?

2. Take the right to keep and bear arms away from the people don't want the US to be a Socialist shithole?

Which one?
Typical irrational, smoke blowing goalpost shift by LaPierre don't DARE directly respond to how I deconstructed your previous screed. Just as I predicted. You're done. Adios.

You didn't answer my question Moon Bat.

I asked you why you wanted to ban AR-15s.

Is it to have fewer gun deaths or is it to take the power away from the people so they can't oppose your filthy ass Socialist agenda?

Which one of the two is it?

If it is number one then you are barking up the wrong tree Sport because the great majority of gun deaths in the country are not done with AR-15s. That data has already been presented to you but you being a typical stupid uneducated Moon Bat don't want to hear the truth.

Just admit it. You don't was us Patriots to be armed because we become a threat to your agenda to turn the US into a Socialist shithole.

Be honest for a change.
More people are killed in car accidents, than assault rifles per year.!Are we going to ban automobiles?! Hand guns kill more people per year than Assault rifles. Why the focus on Assault rifles. The government wants to eliminate the States militia in America.
That is yet another moronic meme that the NRA loved to promote. Since there are a hell of a lot more cars on the roads than weapons in general circulation, you are bound to have more fatal accidents ... and the key word is ACCIDENT, because cars were NOT designed to kill people. The AR-15 is a highly versatile weapon that gives one great does EXACTLY what it was designed to do....KILL with accuracy for one or more targets.

When the 1994 AWB was in place, you STILL had access to a slew of handguns, rifles, shotguns in numerous styles and variations. The second the GOP let that law sunset, AR-15's flew off the shelves and became the weapon of choice for the majority of mass shooters in the last 2 decades or so. A matter of fact, a matter of history.
Oh, and if "the government" wanted to eliminate the State militia, it would have done so when the National Guard was created. However, militias that are recognized by the various states still exist and function: These states have their own armies not under the control of the Commander In Chief - We Are The Mighty

What I see is a Government, and political attempt to remove a military type weapon from public access. This is a blatant infringement on the 2nd amendment. Mass shooter psychopaths are going to find a weapon to do harm regardless of if a ban exist or not. We need more mental health resources, not weapons bans.!
You don't "see" anything because the actual historical record regarding militias and gun control DO NOT support your supposition and "blatant infringement" on the 2nd Amendment.

The generalized statement that mass shooters would exists without the 1994 AWB is true.....BUT.....they would be denied the very weapons they chose AFTER the ban sunset to kill more people effectively. Yes, we need better mental health resources, as it is difficult to legislate against crazy. But since we've scene staunch resistance to any gov't sponsored mental health bills, the reliance on the private sector seems to be inadequate in dealing with such a problem as they are handicapped by an edict to make a profit in any endeavor.

As the lady said, "and so it goes".

You don't know what you are talking about...

There is only one mass public shooting where the rifle had an advantage in the shooting, and that was Las Vegas, where the range was over 200 yards......but he was also firing into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people, at night, from a concealed and fortified position.......with his initial shooting masked by the concert.

And if the crowed wasn't trapped in that concert arena, he wouldn't have been able to kill as many since they would have run away or found cover.....since shooting at moving targets at hundreds of yards is almost impossible for all but expertly trained shooters...

At the range of every other mass public shooting a rifle has no advantage over pistols or shotguns....... the range of a mass public shooting the AR-15 is no better than a pump action are 2 idiot...

Boulder....used an AR-15 with magazines that held more than 10 bullets.. 10 killed.....

Virginia Tech...2 pistols, one with 10 round magazine..... 32 killed.

Do you see that the AR-15 killed fewer people than the 2 pistols?

Boulder...10 killed with an AR-15 rifle and regular magazines ( holding more than 10 bullets)

Luby's Cafe..... 2 pistols....24 killed.

Do you see that the 2 pistols killed more than the AR-15?

Do you know what the difference was between these attacks?

The cops immediately responded and shot at the attacker in boulder, causing him to stop shooting unarmed victims, and then he shot himself....

Virginia Tech and Luby's Cafe, the police didn't get there, and at Luby's Cafe, the one woman who could have shot and killed the attacker had to leave her gun in her car because of stupid gun free zone laws....

Boulder AR-15 with magazines that hold more than 10 know, regular magazines..... 10 killed...

Kerch, Russia, Polytechnic school shooting.... 5 shot, pump action shotgun...which means it had 5 shells which is 5 less than 10........20 killed 70 wounded.

Do you see that the AR-15 killed fewer people than the 5 shot, pump action shotgun?

The difference? The Russian police station was 100 yards away from the school...and it still took them 10 minutes to get to the school...and he managed to kill 20 people with a 5 shot, pump action shotgun....10 more than the Boulder shooter with a rifle and a regular sized magazine...

So a mass public shooting the number of bullets in the gun magazine don't mean anything......the gun doesn't make the difference....

What makes the difference?

1) if the target is a gun free zone, more people get killed.

2) if someone starts shooting at the attacker, they commit suicide, or surrender, or runaway....

That is what you don't understand and don't care to understand since you simply have a mental issue when it comes to the AR-15 rifle.

That rifle had no special advantage in a mass public shooting.
My God, you wasted a LOT of time and space to try and justify murders by a weapon that was previously banned...a weapon that has on numerous occasions that has been the weapon of choice for mass murderers.

Your regurgitate the SOS, long debunked, found in the last gasps of LaPierre before the IRS got a hold of the NRA shenanigans .... good guys with guns, various "it might have been, would've, could've, should've" scenarios. NONE of that blather changes the FACTS of the following: AR-15 rifles were used in 26 percent of the last 80 mass shootings in America

The only "mental issue" here has to deal with the insipid stubbornness and willful ignorance of those trying to minimize the ramifications of the mass shootings this weapon caused once re-released to the general public.

Your last sentence is an absurd revisionist joke in the face of recent historical fact.
Every American can own these fake assault weapons
Gee, how many mass shootings and deaths by these "fake" weapons with "fake" bullets have happened in, oh say the last 20 years?
Not enough. We need you to shit your pants more.

We will get machine guns back before I die.

You'll have to get a carry bag for your excess testosterone and a wheel barrow for your ego.
As if that gun will make the community safer. What a joke.
It'll make me safer. The Community can fuck off.
these two responders have given the most childish and absurd responses I've read here so far. Seems they just ignore what they don't like. AR-15 rifles were used in 26 percent of the last 80 mass shootings in America
Very good news
Xiden lost and safe long guns will be allowed when the next yahoo or nut case buys his AR-15 and blows away a group of innocent people for whatever absurd or insane reason

IN OTHER WORDS: we should outlaw EVERYTHING that has the potential to be abused? Because sooner or later, an otherwise harmless person with no record of violence and no reason to deny him a sale will take a gun and shoot someone with it?

Do ya know we have laws against that? They are called MURDER CHARGES.

But I guess in your diseased, non-functioning brain, better to just BAN GUNS from legal ownership just in case one crackpot turns up, even if it means disarming the entire public leaving them victim to every armed thug and criminal out there who doesn't obey laws leading to thousands of deaths!

But why stop with guns. One can easily murder with other things too: cars, axes, knives, crossbows, and pencils. You can even murder with a shopping bag. And bags make no noise nor leave any entry hole.

Let's ban EVERYTHING that has a potential for abuse until we are a totally safe, totally controlled, totally state-operated society treating its citizenry like 3 year olds, RIGHT ASSHOLE?
here's a refresher course in reality:
Well then, here's one for you:

The AR-15 has been the weapon of choice for the majority of mass shooters in the last few years.
Congrats! You're arguing about ELEVEN incidents over decades, that involve no more injuries and deaths than we already have every day from 90 other causes! So banning such a basic, popular and needed rifle would really have little effect. And you should be happy they are using ARs---- in the full Lexicon of semi auto rifles, the AR is about the gentlest one out there!
:rolleyes: I wrote "last few years"...didn't say should read more carefully. That's why I provided an objective link that lists the distinctions of the weapons used. Here, this time READ IT! Fact check: AR-15 style rifles used in 11 mass shootings since 2012

But I do acknowledge an error on my part, as the official record is that this particular weapon is 26% of the mass shootings. I don't think the victims would be thrilled either way AR-15 rifles were used in 26 percent of the last 80 mass shootings in America

And as for mass shootings for the last 30 years, you'll note a slight up tick since 2004 (sunset year for the 1994 AWB) A timeline of mass shootings in the U.S.

Dipstick.....we have social media now.......24/7 news coverage......that is what encourages mass public shootings......and the rifle doesn't matter in mass public shootings as the facts show...

There is only one mass public shooting where the rifle had an advantage in the shooting, and that was Las Vegas, where the range was over 200 yards......but he was also firing into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people, at night, from a concealed and fortified position.......with his initial shooting masked by the concert.

And if the crowed wasn't trapped in that concert arena, he wouldn't have been able to kill as many since they would have run away or found cover.....since shooting at moving targets at hundreds of yards is almost impossible for all but expertly trained shooters...

At the range of every other mass public shooting a rifle has no advantage over pistols or shotguns....... the range of a mass public shooting the AR-15 is no better than a pump action are 2 idiot...

Boulder....used an AR-15 with magazines that held more than 10 bullets.. 10 killed.....

Virginia Tech...2 pistols, one with 10 round magazine..... 32 killed.

Do you see that the AR-15 killed fewer people than the 2 pistols?

Boulder...10 killed with an AR-15 rifle and regular magazines ( holding more than 10 bullets)

Luby's Cafe..... 2 pistols....24 killed.

Do you see that the 2 pistols killed more than the AR-15?

Do you know what the difference was between these attacks?

The cops immediately responded and shot at the attacker in boulder, causing him to stop shooting unarmed victims, and then he shot himself....

Virginia Tech and Luby's Cafe, the police didn't get there, and at Luby's Cafe, the one woman who could have shot and killed the attacker had to leave her gun in her car because of stupid gun free zone laws....

Boulder AR-15 with magazines that hold more than 10 know, regular magazines..... 10 killed...

Kerch, Russia, Polytechnic school shooting.... 5 shot, pump action shotgun...which means it had 5 shells which is 5 less than 10........20 killed 70 wounded.

Do you see that the AR-15 killed fewer people than the 5 shot, pump action shotgun?

The difference? The Russian police station was 100 yards away from the school...and it still took them 10 minutes to get to the school...and he managed to kill 20 people with a 5 shot, pump action shotgun....10 more than the Boulder shooter with a rifle and a regular sized magazine...

So a mass public shooting the number of bullets in the gun magazine don't mean anything......the gun doesn't make the difference....

What makes the difference?

1) if the target is a gun free zone, more people get killed.

2) if someone starts shooting at the attacker, they commit suicide, or surrender, or runaway....

That is what you don't understand and don't care to understand since you simply have a mental issue when it comes to the AR-15 rifle.

That rifle had no special advantage in a mass public shooting.
My, but you are a one trick's my response to your previous blather Huge win for long gun lovers !!!!
More people are killed in car accidents, than assault rifles per year.!Are we going to ban automobiles?! Hand guns kill more people per year than Assault rifles. Why the focus on Assault rifles. The government wants to eliminate the States militia in America.
That is yet another moronic meme that the NRA loved to promote. Since there are a hell of a lot more cars on the roads than weapons in general circulation, you are bound to have more fatal accidents ... and the key word is ACCIDENT, because cars were NOT designed to kill people. The AR-15 is a highly versatile weapon that gives one great does EXACTLY what it was designed to do....KILL with accuracy for one or more targets.

When the 1994 AWB was in place, you STILL had access to a slew of handguns, rifles, shotguns in numerous styles and variations. The second the GOP let that law sunset, AR-15's flew off the shelves and became the weapon of choice for the majority of mass shooters in the last 2 decades or so. A matter of fact, a matter of history.
Oh, and if "the government" wanted to eliminate the State militia, it would have done so when the National Guard was created. However, militias that are recognized by the various states still exist and function: These states have their own armies not under the control of the Commander In Chief - We Are The Mighty

What I see is a Government, and political attempt to remove a military type weapon from public access. This is a blatant infringement on the 2nd amendment. Mass shooter psychopaths are going to find a weapon to do harm regardless of if a ban exist or not. We need more mental health resources, not weapons bans.!
You don't "see" anything because the actual historical record regarding militias and gun control DO NOT support your supposition and "blatant infringement" on the 2nd Amendment.

The generalized statement that mass shooters would exists without the 1994 AWB is true.....BUT.....they would be denied the very weapons they chose AFTER the ban sunset to kill more people effectively. Yes, we need better mental health resources, as it is difficult to legislate against crazy. But since we've scene staunch resistance to any gov't sponsored mental health bills, the reliance on the private sector seems to be inadequate in dealing with such a problem as they are handicapped by an edict to make a profit in any endeavor.

As the lady said, "and so it goes".

You don't know what you are talking about...

There is only one mass public shooting where the rifle had an advantage in the shooting, and that was Las Vegas, where the range was over 200 yards......but he was also firing into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people, at night, from a concealed and fortified position.......with his initial shooting masked by the concert.

And if the crowed wasn't trapped in that concert arena, he wouldn't have been able to kill as many since they would have run away or found cover.....since shooting at moving targets at hundreds of yards is almost impossible for all but expertly trained shooters...

At the range of every other mass public shooting a rifle has no advantage over pistols or shotguns....... the range of a mass public shooting the AR-15 is no better than a pump action are 2 idiot...

Boulder....used an AR-15 with magazines that held more than 10 bullets.. 10 killed.....

Virginia Tech...2 pistols, one with 10 round magazine..... 32 killed.

Do you see that the AR-15 killed fewer people than the 2 pistols?

Boulder...10 killed with an AR-15 rifle and regular magazines ( holding more than 10 bullets)

Luby's Cafe..... 2 pistols....24 killed.

Do you see that the 2 pistols killed more than the AR-15?

Do you know what the difference was between these attacks?

The cops immediately responded and shot at the attacker in boulder, causing him to stop shooting unarmed victims, and then he shot himself....

Virginia Tech and Luby's Cafe, the police didn't get there, and at Luby's Cafe, the one woman who could have shot and killed the attacker had to leave her gun in her car because of stupid gun free zone laws....

Boulder AR-15 with magazines that hold more than 10 know, regular magazines..... 10 killed...

Kerch, Russia, Polytechnic school shooting.... 5 shot, pump action shotgun...which means it had 5 shells which is 5 less than 10........20 killed 70 wounded.

Do you see that the AR-15 killed fewer people than the 5 shot, pump action shotgun?

The difference? The Russian police station was 100 yards away from the school...and it still took them 10 minutes to get to the school...and he managed to kill 20 people with a 5 shot, pump action shotgun....10 more than the Boulder shooter with a rifle and a regular sized magazine...

So a mass public shooting the number of bullets in the gun magazine don't mean anything......the gun doesn't make the difference....

What makes the difference?

1) if the target is a gun free zone, more people get killed.

2) if someone starts shooting at the attacker, they commit suicide, or surrender, or runaway....

That is what you don't understand and don't care to understand since you simply have a mental issue when it comes to the AR-15 rifle.

That rifle had no special advantage in a mass public shooting.
My God, you wasted a LOT of time and space to try and justify murders by a weapon that was previously banned...a weapon that has on numerous occasions that has been the weapon of choice for mass murderers.

Your regurgitate the SOS, long debunked, found in the last gasps of LaPierre before the IRS got a hold of the NRA shenanigans .... good guys with guns, various "it might have been, would've, could've, should've" scenarios. NONE of that blather changes the FACTS of the following: AR-15 rifles were used in 26 percent of the last 80 mass shootings in America

The only "mental issue" here has to deal with the insipid stubbornness and willful ignorance of those trying to minimize the ramifications of the mass shootings this weapon caused once re-released to the general public.

Your last sentence is an absurd revisionist joke in the face of recent historical fact.

And here you go....trying to cover for your screw ups...

Your original sentence...


After my posts that called out this stupidity?

a weapon that has on numerous occasions that has been the weapon of choice for mass murderers.

And now you try to cover for your screw up....where you stated they were used in the majority of mass public shootings, while in the very link you posted it stated they were 26%......

this is what you post now...

NONE of that blather changes the FACTS of the following: AR-15 rifles were used in 26 percent of the last 80 mass shootings in America

The AR-15 has no advantage in mass public shootings.....the only reason you use mass public shootings is because most people see them covered in the press 24/7 after they happen....while handguns are used in almost every other shooting of the 10,235 that happened in 2019...

Rifle murders 2019......that include all rifle types, not just AR-15s?

364........ out of 10,235 gun murders....

Murders in mass public shootings in 2019?

73....and not all of them were with rifles.....

600 million guns in private hands......over 19.4 million Americans can legally carry their guns in public for self defense....

20 million AR-15 rifles in private hands....

73 people killed in mass public shootings...

Deer kill 200 people a year.....ladder falls kill over 300....lawnmowers between 90-100...

This is why your hyper emotional silliness brands you an irrational, anti-gun extremist....
More people are killed in car accidents, than assault rifles per year.!Are we going to ban automobiles?! Hand guns kill more people per year than Assault rifles. Why the focus on Assault rifles. The government wants to eliminate the States militia in America.
That is yet another moronic meme that the NRA loved to promote. Since there are a hell of a lot more cars on the roads than weapons in general circulation, you are bound to have more fatal accidents ... and the key word is ACCIDENT, because cars were NOT designed to kill people. The AR-15 is a highly versatile weapon that gives one great does EXACTLY what it was designed to do....KILL with accuracy for one or more targets.

When the 1994 AWB was in place, you STILL had access to a slew of handguns, rifles, shotguns in numerous styles and variations. The second the GOP let that law sunset, AR-15's flew off the shelves and became the weapon of choice for the majority of mass shooters in the last 2 decades or so. A matter of fact, a matter of history.
Oh, and if "the government" wanted to eliminate the State militia, it would have done so when the National Guard was created. However, militias that are recognized by the various states still exist and function: These states have their own armies not under the control of the Commander In Chief - We Are The Mighty

What I see is a Government, and political attempt to remove a military type weapon from public access. This is a blatant infringement on the 2nd amendment. Mass shooter psychopaths are going to find a weapon to do harm regardless of if a ban exist or not. We need more mental health resources, not weapons bans.!

You see wrong. It is not a infringement on second amendment rights. Military style weapons can be banned. They are designed to kill people. They are light and have a high rate of fire. A mass shooter may find another weapon but it will give more people a chance to escape.

You don't know what you are talking about........if you did, you would know that Military weapons are, in fact, directly protected by the 2nd Amendment as per the Miller Supreme Court ruling...

As to mass public again don't have any idea what you are talking about...

There is only one mass public shooting where the rifle had an advantage in the shooting, and that was Las Vegas, where the range was over 200 yards......but he was also firing into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people, at night, from a concealed and fortified position.......with his initial shooting masked by the concert.

And if the crowed wasn't trapped in that concert arena, he wouldn't have been able to kill as many since they would have run away or found cover.....since shooting at moving targets at hundreds of yards is almost impossible for all but expertly trained shooters...

At the range of every other mass public shooting a rifle has no advantage over pistols or shotguns....... the range of a mass public shooting the AR-15 is no better than a pump action are 2 idiot...

Boulder....used an AR-15 with magazines that held more than 10 bullets.. 10 killed.....

Virginia Tech...2 pistols, one with 10 round magazine..... 32 killed.

Do you see that the AR-15 killed fewer people than the 2 pistols?

Boulder...10 killed with an AR-15 rifle and regular magazines ( holding more than 10 bullets)

Luby's Cafe..... 2 pistols....24 killed.

Do you see that the 2 pistols killed more than the AR-15?

Do you know what the difference was between these attacks?

The cops immediately responded and shot at the attacker in boulder, causing him to stop shooting unarmed victims, and then he shot himself....

Virginia Tech and Luby's Cafe, the police didn't get there, and at Luby's Cafe, the one woman who could have shot and killed the attacker had to leave her gun in her car because of stupid gun free zone laws....

Boulder AR-15 with magazines that hold more than 10 know, regular magazines..... 10 killed...

Kerch, Russia, Polytechnic school shooting.... 5 shot, pump action shotgun...which means it had 5 shells which is 5 less than 10........20 killed 70 wounded.

Do you see that the AR-15 killed fewer people than the 5 shot, pump action shotgun?

The difference? The Russian police station was 100 yards away from the school...and it still took them 10 minutes to get to the school...and he managed to kill 20 people with a 5 shot, pump action shotgun....10 more than the Boulder shooter with a rifle and a regular sized magazine...

So a mass public shooting the number of bullets in the gun magazine don't mean anything......the gun doesn't make the difference....

What makes the difference?

1) if the target is a gun free zone, more people get killed.

2) if someone starts shooting at the attacker, they commit suicide, or surrender, or runaway....

That is what you don't understand and don't care to understand since you simply have a mental issue when it comes to the AR-15 rifle.

That rifle had no special advantage in a mass public shooting.

You don't know what you are talking about. You cannot own bazookas or other military style equipment. There is no reason for anyone to own a AR-15.
Can we own this?View attachment 498481
You tell me...and then tell me how this compares to the AR-15.
More people are killed in car accidents, than assault rifles per year.!Are we going to ban automobiles?! Hand guns kill more people per year than Assault rifles. Why the focus on Assault rifles. The government wants to eliminate the States militia in America.
That is yet another moronic meme that the NRA loved to promote. Since there are a hell of a lot more cars on the roads than weapons in general circulation, you are bound to have more fatal accidents ... and the key word is ACCIDENT, because cars were NOT designed to kill people. The AR-15 is a highly versatile weapon that gives one great does EXACTLY what it was designed to do....KILL with accuracy for one or more targets.

When the 1994 AWB was in place, you STILL had access to a slew of handguns, rifles, shotguns in numerous styles and variations. The second the GOP let that law sunset, AR-15's flew off the shelves and became the weapon of choice for the majority of mass shooters in the last 2 decades or so. A matter of fact, a matter of history.
Oh, and if "the government" wanted to eliminate the State militia, it would have done so when the National Guard was created. However, militias that are recognized by the various states still exist and function: These states have their own armies not under the control of the Commander In Chief - We Are The Mighty

What I see is a Government, and political attempt to remove a military type weapon from public access. This is a blatant infringement on the 2nd amendment. Mass shooter psychopaths are going to find a weapon to do harm regardless of if a ban exist or not. We need more mental health resources, not weapons bans.!

You see wrong. It is not a infringement on second amendment rights. Military style weapons can be banned. They are designed to kill people. They are light and have a high rate of fire. A mass shooter may find another weapon but it will give more people a chance to escape.

You don't know what you are talking about........if you did, you would know that Military weapons are, in fact, directly protected by the 2nd Amendment as per the Miller Supreme Court ruling...

As to mass public again don't have any idea what you are talking about...

There is only one mass public shooting where the rifle had an advantage in the shooting, and that was Las Vegas, where the range was over 200 yards......but he was also firing into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people, at night, from a concealed and fortified position.......with his initial shooting masked by the concert.

And if the crowed wasn't trapped in that concert arena, he wouldn't have been able to kill as many since they would have run away or found cover.....since shooting at moving targets at hundreds of yards is almost impossible for all but expertly trained shooters...

At the range of every other mass public shooting a rifle has no advantage over pistols or shotguns....... the range of a mass public shooting the AR-15 is no better than a pump action are 2 idiot...

Boulder....used an AR-15 with magazines that held more than 10 bullets.. 10 killed.....

Virginia Tech...2 pistols, one with 10 round magazine..... 32 killed.

Do you see that the AR-15 killed fewer people than the 2 pistols?

Boulder...10 killed with an AR-15 rifle and regular magazines ( holding more than 10 bullets)

Luby's Cafe..... 2 pistols....24 killed.

Do you see that the 2 pistols killed more than the AR-15?

Do you know what the difference was between these attacks?

The cops immediately responded and shot at the attacker in boulder, causing him to stop shooting unarmed victims, and then he shot himself....

Virginia Tech and Luby's Cafe, the police didn't get there, and at Luby's Cafe, the one woman who could have shot and killed the attacker had to leave her gun in her car because of stupid gun free zone laws....

Boulder AR-15 with magazines that hold more than 10 know, regular magazines..... 10 killed...

Kerch, Russia, Polytechnic school shooting.... 5 shot, pump action shotgun...which means it had 5 shells which is 5 less than 10........20 killed 70 wounded.

Do you see that the AR-15 killed fewer people than the 5 shot, pump action shotgun?

The difference? The Russian police station was 100 yards away from the school...and it still took them 10 minutes to get to the school...and he managed to kill 20 people with a 5 shot, pump action shotgun....10 more than the Boulder shooter with a rifle and a regular sized magazine...

So a mass public shooting the number of bullets in the gun magazine don't mean anything......the gun doesn't make the difference....

What makes the difference?

1) if the target is a gun free zone, more people get killed.

2) if someone starts shooting at the attacker, they commit suicide, or surrender, or runaway....

That is what you don't understand and don't care to understand since you simply have a mental issue when it comes to the AR-15 rifle.

That rifle had no special advantage in a mass public shooting.

You don't know what you are talking about. You cannot own bazookas or other military style equipment. There is no reason for anyone to own a AR-15.

There is no reason for anyone to own a AR-15.

And when you say something stupid like this, we know you don't know what you are talking listened to some left wing, anti-gun activist and simply repeated the last thing that idiot said....

Self Defense and Hunting, also competition idiot.
You have a penchant for name calling, yet you demonstrate a lack of critical thinking and analysis along with a lack of basic historical knowledge on this subject.

Here's a homework assignment for you: Look up the list of weapons that were on the 1994 AWB list, the look up what weapons were available during it's ten year action. Then tell us just how you couldn't find one weapon for hunting or self defense or for games (competition). Then let us know if you still can maintain your previous declaration.
I have no fear of AR15s
I do have a fear of hidden pistols
Ahh, but it 's not about your personal fear (real or perceived), it's about the FACT that a formally banned weapon has been the favorite choice of mass shooters for the past few years. What the judge did was just green light more of the same:

The judge cannot be overturned and it was a T judge ..I bet
Small consolation for the next mass shooting victims.
If more people were armed, there would be fewer mass shooting victims.
Possibly the dumbest mantra from LaPierre's collection. Since the sunset of the 1994 AWB, mass shootings have been on the rise.



There is only one mass public shooting where the rifle had an advantage in the shooting, and that was Las Vegas, where the range was over 200 yards......but he was also firing into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people, at night, from a concealed and fortified position.......with his initial shooting masked by the concert.

And if the crowed wasn't trapped in that concert arena, he wouldn't have been able to kill as many since they would have run away or found cover.....since shooting at moving targets at hundreds of yards is almost impossible for all but expertly trained shooters...

At the range of every other mass public shooting a rifle has no advantage over pistols or shotguns....... the range of a mass public shooting the AR-15 is no better than a pump action are 2 idiot...

Boulder....used an AR-15 with magazines that held more than 10 bullets.. 10 killed.....

Virginia Tech...2 pistols, one with 10 round magazine..... 32 killed.

Do you see that the AR-15 killed fewer people than the 2 pistols?

Boulder...10 killed with an AR-15 rifle and regular magazines ( holding more than 10 bullets)

Luby's Cafe..... 2 pistols....24 killed.

Do you see that the 2 pistols killed more than the AR-15?

Do you know what the difference was between these attacks?

The cops immediately responded and shot at the attacker in boulder, causing him to stop shooting unarmed victims, and then he shot himself....

Virginia Tech and Luby's Cafe, the police didn't get there, and at Luby's Cafe, the one woman who could have shot and killed the attacker had to leave her gun in her car because of stupid gun free zone laws....

Boulder AR-15 with magazines that hold more than 10 know, regular magazines..... 10 killed...

Kerch, Russia, Polytechnic school shooting.... 5 shot, pump action shotgun...which means it had 5 shells which is 5 less than 10........20 killed 70 wounded.

Do you see that the AR-15 killed fewer people than the 5 shot, pump action shotgun?

The difference? The Russian police station was 100 yards away from the school...and it still took them 10 minutes to get to the school...and he managed to kill 20 people with a 5 shot, pump action shotgun....10 more than the Boulder shooter with a rifle and a regular sized magazine...

So a mass public shooting the number of bullets in the gun magazine don't mean anything......the gun doesn't make the difference....

What makes the difference?

1) if the target is a gun free zone, more people get killed.

2) if someone starts shooting at the attacker, they commit suicide, or surrender, or runaway....

That is what you don't understand and don't care to understand since you simply have a mental issue when it comes to the AR-15 rifle.

That rifle had no special advantage in a mass public shooting.
Already addressed this. You need a new line of smoke, kid.

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