Hugo Chavez Dies, Will They Hire "Fake Criers&Weepers" For The Funeral?


Doooon't cry for meeee, Venezuela !!
The truth is I never left you
All through my wild days
My mad existence
I kept my promise
Don't keep your distance

Hugo Chavez still dead !

See exclusive Dennis Rodman report, CNN this Sunday !
Tens of thousands of grieving supporters stood in lines that snaked around a grandiose military academy in an mass show of respect for Chavez, who died on Tuesday at age 58 after a two-year battle with cancer.

From soldiers in fatigues to officers in ceremonial dress, senior ministers to residents of the slums where Chavez was most loved, those in line vowed to defend his legacy and back his preferred heir, acting President Nicolas Maduro, in a new vote.

"Our people will never again see the bourgeoisie plundering this country," Maduro said, adding, "Better to be dead than traitors to the people and to Chavez!"

At Chavez's coffin, Venezuelans vow more revolution | Reuters

Bourgeoisie; that is the middle class in plain English.

The middle class has ALWAYS been the target of the left. You fucks have no problem with the Aristocracy, it is the middle you hate.

I surmise Maduro is using the term bourgeoisie to mean a social class “characterized by their ownership of capital, and their related culture”; hence, the personal terms bourgeois (masculine) and bourgeoise (feminine) culturally identify the man or woman who is a member of the wealthiest social class of a given society, and their materialistic worldview (Weltanschauung)
Looks like Hugo Chavez is the first fatality of the Sequester. And like they did with Chin Wung Ill, the Government will need to hire about 200 locals to "Pretend Cry" at the funeral. Shouldn't be that hard, just give all of them "1/2 an Onion" and they will cry for an hour.
So what are your thoughts about the "Unexpected Death" of The president's best buddy?

What an absurd OP .
Clearly someone who has not the slightest comprehension of what goes on in south America or the reasons why so many regard Hugo as not very different from a saint ..
To pose the question in the OP you'd have to be an not only living in the Bubble but acutely agoraphobic as well :eek:

Have you recovered from your uncontrollable weeping?

Dictators come, and dictators go, but Hugo was the dictator you wished to know...

Oh well, you're doing your best to get a good dictatorship going here in America...

This guy is a good crier!

Looks like Hugo Chavez is the first fatality of the Sequester. And like they did with Chin Wung Ill, the Government will need to hire about 200 locals to "Pretend Cry" at the funeral. Shouldn't be that hard, just give all of them "1/2 an Onion" and they will cry for an hour.
So what are your thoughts about the "Unexpected Death" of The president's best buddy?

What an absurd OP .
Clearly someone who has not the slightest comprehension of what goes on in south America or the reasons why so many regard Hugo as not very different from a saint ..

Are you a professional far-left extremist nutbag, or is this just your hobby?
I walked into a store today to grab a soda. So help me, the guy behind the counter looked EXACTLY like "Hugo". I started to laugh when I figured out who the guy looked like and then I asked him - "Do you know who you look like!?"

He says "yep" The he tells me "I have thought about taking a trip down there and scaring the hell out of those clowns - could you imagine me walking up to folks on the street and going BOO!!!"

I laughed for an hour at this guy!!
I walked into a store today to grab a soda. So help me, the guy behind the counter looked EXACTLY like "Hugo". I started to laugh when I figured out who the guy looked like and then I asked him - "Do you know who you look like!?"

He says "yep" The he tells me "I have thought about taking a trip down there and scaring the hell out of those clowns - could you imagine me walking up to folks on the street and going BOO!!!"

I laughed for an hour at this guy!!

I bought some furniture at a flea market from a guy who looked exactly -- and I mean down to every hair-- like Makmoood Amawackijob. Exactly, except he talked with a thick Appalachian accent. Man, put these people in touch with the CIA... :eek:
I surmise Maduro is using the term bourgeoisie to mean a social class “characterized by their ownership of capital, and their related culture”; hence, the personal terms bourgeois (masculine) and bourgeoise (feminine) culturally identify the man or woman who is a member of the wealthiest social class of a given society, and their materialistic worldview (Weltanschauung)

Unlike the landed Gentry, the Bourgeoise were not granted lands, title, nor privilege. Nor did they (we) inherit wealth. These were the merchants, those who earned their way through trades and crafts, and through individual effort.

They were and are, the middle class. The target of hatred by you of the left.
I surmise Maduro is using the term bourgeoisie to mean a social class “characterized by their ownership of capital, and their related culture”; hence, the personal terms bourgeois (masculine) and bourgeoise (feminine) culturally identify the man or woman who is a member of the wealthiest social class of a given society, and their materialistic worldview (Weltanschauung)

Unlike the landed Gentry, the Bourgeoise were not granted lands, title, nor privilege. Nor did they (we) inherit wealth. These were the merchants, those who earned their way through trades and crafts, and through individual effort.

They were and are, the middle class. The target of hatred by you of the left.

Maduro is most likely a socialist. So who would be the proletariat?
Maduro is most likely a socialist. So who would be the proletariat?

Most likely the proletarians, those who work for wages.

Nicolas Maduro is engaging in the same class warfare that Chavez and Barack Obama use - pitting the lower class against the middle, naming shop owners and tradesmen as "rich" while coddling the aristocracy (oil wealth in Venezuela, Hollywood here.)

It's the age old game in Marxism.
Sorry bout that,

1. If they don't actually bury Hugo is it still considered a funeral?
2. I hear he will be embalmed then dipped in wax:)
3. Then put on public veiw in a museum.
4. Made to live forever in the minds of those poor he payed to vote for him, kinda like what Obama did.
5. You suppose they will do the same for Obama when he kicks the bucket???

Maduro is most likely a socialist. So who would be the proletariat?

Most likely the proletarians, those who work for wages.

Nicolas Maduro is engaging in the same class warfare that Chavez and Barack Obama use - pitting the lower class against the middle, naming shop owners and tradesmen as "rich" while coddling the aristocracy (oil wealth in Venezuela, Hollywood here.)

It's the age old game in Marxism.

Conservatives worship and coddle the rich and have nothing but disdain and a prescription of punishment for anyone who isn't rich. So the LEARN.

Harry S. Truman had you figured out in 1948, and that was when the GOP was a moderate party.

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman

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