Huma Weiner:I Am Boring,Unattractive,Naive&Married A Dumb Weiner For His Millions.

Weiner and Huma, our new modern day "Dumb & Dumber".

a big mistake to call somebody "dumb" if you simply do not understand their motives.

One is sick. and a tool, as somebody pointed out in the other thread.

The other one is cold, level-headed, perfectly calculating and aiming very far politician in a making.

Doesn't that pretty much sum up the current "Weiner's Wife" debacle?
Why else would any desperate woman Marry Anthony Weiner? The guy is short, very annoying and unattractive, has no talent, no normal person likes him, yet someone out there actually married him and now has to suffer the embarrassment of her pervert husband for years to come. You have to wonder what social lights ask her at private parties.

Are you proud of being a sociopath and a self righteous jerk wholly without empathy? Or have you considered therapy?
When we heard Huma speak, some of us had to wonder if she had any intelligence. It was like, hey, you know, my husband gets his jollies sending his weiner to young ladies on the web, but its ok, I still love him and I still love his money. If the weiner wants to pretend to be a real man to total strangers, no big deal, I have access to his bank account. so is Victoria's Secret having any specials?
after watching her pathetic speech earlier, maybe we can just translate it for the dumb informed.
Huma: Good Evening, or is it afternoon, anyway, my name is Humo Weiner, wife of this pathetic buffoon standing next to me, now as u all know, Anthony here decided to show his Don Johnson again to numerous very young ladies in other states. But that's ok with me because my short weiner husband Anthony is worth 5 million dollars and I want and deserve the money to spend on Leeman Burdines and very expensive Ferrarri's. Thank you,,,,ANY QUESTIONS?

I'd diviorce him and take a chunk of that cash as payment for my public embarassment. Even 5 mil isn't reason enough to stay married to that perv. Weiner makes my skin crawl.
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She's has some good features that are wasted on her skinny body. She should have been an extra on Schlinder's List. She's practically a lab experiment or a Cosmo girl.

Doesn't that pretty much sum up the current "Weiner's Wife" debacle?
Why else would any desperate woman Marry Anthony Weiner? The guy is short, very annoying and unattractive, has no talent, no normal person likes him, yet someone out there actually married him and now has to suffer the embarrassment of her pervert husband for years to come. You have to wonder what social lights ask her at private parties.

This is the most girlish post ever. All emotions. You forgot to add "he probably has a small penis". I would ask you more in depth on how you feel but thats a waste. You dont even know why you're doing it

Partisan hackery.
after watching her pathetic speech earlier, maybe we can just translate it for the dumb informed.
Huma: Good Evening, or is it afternoon, anyway, my name is Humo Weiner, wife of this pathetic buffoon standing next to me, now as u all know, Anthony here decided to show his Don Johnson again to numerous very young ladies in other states. But that's ok with me because my short weiner husband Anthony is worth 5 million dollars and I want and deserve the money to spend on Leeman Burdines and very expensive Ferrarri's. Thank you,,,,ANY QUESTIONS?

I'd diviorce him and take a chunk of that cash as payment for my public embarassment. Even 5 mil isn't reason enough to stay married to that perv. Weiner makes my skin crawl.
But isn't divorce a sin according to the bible?
after watching her pathetic speech earlier, maybe we can just translate it for the dumb informed.
Huma: Good Evening, or is it afternoon, anyway, my name is Humo Weiner, wife of this pathetic buffoon standing next to me, now as u all know, Anthony here decided to show his Don Johnson again to numerous very young ladies in other states. But that's ok with me because my short weiner husband Anthony is worth 5 million dollars and I want and deserve the money to spend on Leeman Burdines and very expensive Ferrarri's. Thank you,,,,ANY QUESTIONS?

I'd diviorce him and take a chunk of that cash as payment for my public embarassment. Even 5 mil isn't reason enough to stay married to that perv. Weiner makes my skin crawl.
But isn't divorce a sin according to the bible?

I'm not much of a Bible genius but I'd say that it is definitely regarded negatively.
Unattractive? She's damned ugly. She looked like she was miserable as hell before she started her prepared statement ... and that fool she's married to was all but hanging from her ear lobes reading her statement. Me? That shit is a one time offense - I would have grabbed my baby and been out that door before he knew anything about it.

But, hey. It's New York. He'll probably be elected regardless of being asked to just bow out.

What's wrong with you people? With a good paper bag with two holes in it I think I could look beyond her ugliness.
Unattractive? She's damned ugly. She looked like she was miserable as hell before she started her prepared statement ... and that fool she's married to was all but hanging from her ear lobes reading her statement. Me? That shit is a one time offense - I would have grabbed my baby and been out that door before he knew anything about it.

But, hey. It's New York. He'll probably be elected regardless of being asked to just bow out.

What's wrong with you people? With a good paper bag with two holes in it I think I could look beyond her ugliness.

Redundancy is key. You'll need two bags, but despite her skeletal features I think she'd look just fine if she gained some weight for Christ sake. The milk has definitely gone bad. The chick just needs some meat on her.
I absolutely fucking hate democrats...don't get me wrong...but Huma is fuckable for sure.
Weiner and Huma, our new modern day "Dumb & Dumber".

"I'm a lot more like Lorena Bobbitt than Hillary. ... If he does something like that I'm walking away with one thing, and it's not alimony, trust me" -- Wendy Vitter, asked if she would be as forgiving as Hillary if her husband did a Bill Clinton ... before husband Dave was caught in a brothel's clientele book and getting dressed up in diapers.

Wendy didn't make good on that -- as far as we know-- nevertheless if I'm Anthony i'm sleeping with one eye open for the indefinite future. :popcorn:
Looking at it from Huma's point of view, Anthony isn't that bad. Yes he's a weenie wagger but in his own bathroom with consenting women. He's not in the park scaring children and he's not being some whore's client number 9. He doesn't actually meet these women.

He will continue to have support in NYC because his opponent is an open dyke lesbian.

Doesn't that pretty much sum up the current "Weiner's Wife" debacle?
Why else would any desperate woman Marry Anthony Weiner? The guy is short, very annoying and unattractive, has no talent, no normal person likes him, yet someone out there actually married him and now has to suffer the embarrassment of her pervert husband for years to come. You have to wonder what social lights ask her at private parties.

Are you proud of being a sociopath and a self righteous jerk wholly without empathy? Or have you considered therapy?

"social lights"? Is that an intentional play on words? :razz:
you know, if the average guy pulled this chit on the net, wouldn't u think that the cops would soon be knocking at his door? What? showing your wiener to very young ladies on the web is legal in NY? Weiner should be joining in with those perverts from NBC's Predators.


Sexting is legal amongst consenting adults no matter how much your womb aches about it

Very true!

But it is very sad that Weiner has cratered his career. He stood up to the Republicans in Congress who stood on procedure as a way of avoiding health care for the 9/11 first responders.

900 first responders had died from related illnesses when Weiner had had enough of the bullshit of the Republicans.

I know 99.99% of you all won't watch it, but it's too bad Republicans can't bring this kind of passion to their work.

Republicans Abandon 9/11 First Responders; Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) Explodes
[ame=""]Republicans Abandon 9/11 First Responders; Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) Explodes - YouTube[/ame]
Actually, your vapid charges avoid the elephant sitting in the room: Weiner's bullshit turns headlines brackish. If he is elected, there will be journalistic brownouts. :rolleyes:
She's not naive or dumb. She is taking a page out of Hilary Clinton's book.

Also maybe they have an open marriage. Some women don't mind their husbands messing around with other women .

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I've seen women stay with much worse men while not giving nice guys the time of day.

The heart wants what the heart wants.

yes, logically, she should drop him like a bad habit because he is awful, but a lot of people think when they've put a lot of work into a bad relationship, they need to keep it going or all that work was for nothing.
She's not naive or dumb. She is taking a page out of Hilary Clinton's book.

Also maybe they have an open marriage. Some women don't mind their husbands messing around with other women .

Good point, and anyone that actually watched her statement would see where she notes the couple discussed it and consider it between the two of them. Which then incites the question, why so many wags here and in Blogospheristan think it's somehow everybody else's business.

As if this is an isolated case just because some muckraker found out about it. :cuckoo:

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