Huma Weiner:I Am Boring,Unattractive,Naive&Married A Dumb Weiner For His Millions.

Doesn't that pretty much sum up the current "Weiner's Wife" debacle?
Why else would any desperate woman Marry Anthony Weiner? The guy is short, very annoying and unattractive, has no talent, no normal person likes him, yet someone out there actually married him and now has to suffer the embarrassment of her pervert husband for years to come. You have to wonder what social lights ask her at private parties.

This is the most girlish post ever. All emotions. You forgot to add "he probably has a small penis". I would ask you more in depth on how you feel but thats a waste. You dont even know why you're doing it

Partisan hackery.

Girl is partisan? One trick pony wasn't given talking points on this subject :lol:
She's not naive or dumb. She is taking a page out of Hilary Clinton's book.

Also maybe they have an open marriage. Some women don't mind their husbands messing around with other women .

Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 2

Her husband never messed around with other women.
She's not naive or dumb. She is taking a page out of Hilary Clinton's book.

Also maybe they have an open marriage. Some women don't mind their husbands messing around with other women .

Good point, and anyone that actually watched her statement would see where she notes the couple discussed it and consider it between the two of them. Which then incites the question, why so many wags here and in Blogospheristan think it's somehow everybody else's business.

As if this is an isolated case just because some muckraker found out about it. :cuckoo:

Quite. It she wants to stay with him, it is her business and no one else's. What you or anyone else would or should do is irrelevant.
after watching her pathetic speech earlier, maybe we can just translate it for the dumb informed.
Huma: Good Evening, or is it afternoon, anyway, my name is Humo Weiner, wife of this pathetic buffoon standing next to me, now as u all know, Anthony here decided to show his Don Johnson again to numerous very young ladies in other states. But that's ok with me because my short weiner husband Anthony is worth 5 million dollars and I want and deserve the money to spend on Leeman Burdines and very expensive Ferrarri's. Thank you,,,,ANY QUESTIONS?

I'd diviorce him and take a chunk of that cash as payment for my public embarassment. Even 5 mil isn't reason enough to stay married to that perv. Weiner makes my skin crawl.
But isn't divorce a sin according to the bible?

I think she's Muslim and I believe it's allowed.

Doesn't that pretty much sum up the current "Weiner's Wife" debacle?
Why else would any desperate woman Marry Anthony Weiner? The guy is short, very annoying and unattractive, has no talent, no normal person likes him, yet someone out there actually married him and now has to suffer the embarrassment of her pervert husband for years to come. You have to wonder what social lights ask her at private parties.

Are you proud of being a sociopath and a self righteous jerk wholly without empathy? Or have you considered therapy?

"social lights"? Is that an intentional play on words? :razz:

Has to be. I thought it was quite original and clever of him. -J.
I don't know that Huma was into the socialite scene. I think she worked as Hillary's assistant since 96' and wasn't a social butterfly at all. That was I heard once. Who knows.
TheSeventhTiger said:
Huma Weiner:I Am Boring,Unattractive,Naive&Married A Dumb Weiner For His Millions.

You couldn't get a piece that looks that good.

Seriously the crack smoking is rampant. She's far from ugly and smarter than most of the morons running around here. If you hate Weiner fine. Leave his wife out of it. I know it is hard though. Double standards are SOP for Leftytoons.
TheSeventhTiger said:
Huma Weiner:I Am Boring,Unattractive,Naive&Married A Dumb Weiner For His Millions.

You couldn't get a piece that looks that good.

Seriously the crack smoking is rampant. She's far from ugly and smarter than most of the morons running around here. If you hate Weiner fine. Leave his wife out of it. I know it is hard though. Double standards are SOP for Leftytoons.
That's a very ridiculous statement as most of the posters on this thread who are denigrating the lady are right wingers. Got any more brilliance to share?
Yes I am brilliant thank you. Telling people not to be hypocrites is not ridiculous at all. Someone goes after Mrs. Saviour Michelle they go apeshit. You don't pick and chose when it is ok. It is never ok.
Does Anthony deserve Humma? Probably not. He's shown his tool, as well as what a tool he is.

Why does she stay with him? Probably because she's hoping he wins the mayoral race and gets elected to a lofty place in NYC politics.

She's in it for the fame and an opportunity to become the first lady of NYC. When I heard her statement, it sounded like she and he had spent a night trying to figure out the best way of stating what he'd done.

If Weiner loses the race? I predict that his wife will divorce him in 6-12 months afterwards, because she didn't get the perks she was hoping for.

Personally? I liked Weiner while he was in Congress, he made a bold statement for the middle and lower class, but after watching his actions unfold on the news, I'm guessing he has no class.

It's open season on Weiner, and I hope everyone gets a shot, no matter what their political affiliations are.

He's a douche, needs to leave politics forever, and become a regular civilian.

At least then.................he could text pictures of his junk and not have any blowback (other than from his family).
huma weener is a fucking muslime with ties to the muslime brotherhood and other islamic terrorists.

there is a glaring part of Huma Abedin’s personal story that is not being told – her ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic supremacists.

The connections not only extend to her mother and father, who are both deeply tied to al-Qaida fronts, but to Abedin herself, as WND previously reported in a series of exposes.

Some are claiming Abedin is trying to follow in the footsteps of Hillary Clinton, whose loyalty to her husband during the Monica Lewinsky scandal increased her popularity and was credited with helping to launch her political career.

Abedin served as Clinton’s longtime chief of staff, with the two working closely together for nearly 20 years.

Read more at The explosive secret Huma is hiding
well, if Wiener loses the election, he can always be a corner hot-dog stand guy, such a suitable job for a pervert.

You've actually got to have a brain to do that.

Weiner would probably get his "hotdog" caught in a bun and try to feed it to someone.

He's already done that digitally.

Fuck Weiner..................I hope his career as a politician is over.
well, if Wiener loses the election, he can always be a corner hot-dog stand guy, such a suitable job for a pervert.

You've actually got to have a brain to do that.

Weiner would probably get his "hotdog" caught in a bun and try to feed it to someone.

He's already done that digitally.

Fuck Weiner..................I hope his career as a politician is over.
:lol::lol: this thread is too funny! god I hope some guy named Oscar M. Weiner runs against the "Other Weiner".

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