Human Caused Global Warming

Oh needed to add this one:


Rather than changes in earth's CO2 causing temperature to change, scientists have actually found that changes in earth's temperatures always precedes changes in CO2 by 400 to a 1000 years -- just the opposite of what global warming proponents would have us believe.
Temperature doesn't always precede CO2. As the graph shows. And when you throw in the position of contenents and many other factors, that too throws a monkey wrench into your ideas.View attachment 32901
View attachment 32901 View attachment 32901
Sorry about the duplication.
I don't agree with you. Accept we don't. All of the graphs you posted are using manufactured data. Understand?

Provide the unaltered data from the stations.
Yeah. The graphs is showed were manufactured. Manufactured from reliable scientific investigation.
Yep, they follow this rule;
form Wikipedia:
"In statistics and applications of statistics, normalization can have a range of meanings.[1] In the simplest cases, normalization of ratings means adjusting values measured on different scales to a notionally common scale, often prior to averaging. In more complicated cases, normalization may refer to more sophisticated adjustments where the intention is to bring the entire probability distributions of adjusted values into alignment"
Statistics has little or nothing to do with it. What matters are the measurements.

Bullshit. Mann et al are using stats to generate their little fantasies. Grow up kid. You're out of your depth and don't even understand the base lies they are telling you. When real statisticians look over Mann et al's work they invariably rip it to shreds within hours. In other words your precious high priests are terrible at math.
Which side is actually calling for the imprisonment or death of the opposition?

Yours has called for violence, over and over. Crick has documented that well. Plus, you've freely admitted you want Dr. Mann and other scientists in the gulag. There's not a single denier here who doesn't support such political persecution.

In contrast, nobody here on the rational side here has called for hurting or imprisoning anyone. All the goosestepping here is on your side. When you flail about and point to some random meaningless person somewhere who did call for imprisonment, we here say that person is a dumbass. We simply don't have that Stalinist DNA which is so common in the deniers.
Bullpuckey, as they say. Your pathetic attempt to cast the net of vitriol that your high priests and acolytes have hurled at the sceptics is duly noted, and laughed at out of hand. To date the ONLY published threats have been by your side.

"The death penalty
In this article I am going to suggest that the death penalty is an appropriate punishment for influential GW deniers. But before coming to this surprising conclusion, please allow me to explain where I am coming from.
I have always been opposed to the death penalty in all cases, and I have always supported the clear and consistent stand of Amnesty International on this issue. The death penalty is barbaric, racist, expensive, and is often applied by mistake. Apparently, it does not even act as a deterrent to would-be murderers. Hopefully, the USA and China will come to their senses soon.
Even mass murderers should not be executed, in my opinion. Consider the politically motivated murder of 77 people in Norway in 2011. Of course the murderer does not deserve to live, and there is not the slightest doubt that he is guilty. But if the Norwegian government killed him, that would just increase the number of dead to 78. It would not bring the dead back to life. In fact, it would not achieve anything positive at all. I respect the families and friends of the victims if they feel differently about that. I am simply presenting what seems to me to be a logical argument.
GW deniers fall into a completely different category from Behring Breivik. They are already causing the deaths of hundreds of millions of future people. We could be speaking of billions, but I am making a conservative estimate."

Richard Parncutt - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Bullpuckey, as they say. Your pathetic attempt to cast the net of vitriol that your high priests and acolytes have hurled at the sceptics is duly noted, and laughed at out of hand.

I already mentioned the desperation and dishonesty of the tactic you're using. You know, pointing to some random meaningless person you found somewhere, and then declaring that person represents the entire rational side. Even for you, that's pathetic.

To date the ONLY published threats have been by your side.

You mean except for the ones you and the other deniers here keep making. And the threats you can find in mass quantities from deniers everywhere.

You, Westwall, have personally demanded jail for for scientists who come to conclusions that disagree with your political dogma. It's especially hypocritical of you to be projecting your Stalinist way of thinking on to ethical people.

Every denier on this board backs the Stalinist tactic of political prison for climate scientists. A few have made direct threats of violence, and many have made indirect threats.

In contrast, no rational person here has asked for anyone to be jailed, or made any threats of violence.

You're Stalinists, and we're not.
Bullpuckey, as they say. Your pathetic attempt to cast the net of vitriol that your high priests and acolytes have hurled at the sceptics is duly noted, and laughed at out of hand.

I already mentioned the desperation and dishonesty of the tactic you're using. You know, pointing to some random meaningless person you found somewhere, and then declaring that person represents the entire rational side. Even for you, that's pathetic.

To date the ONLY published threats have been by your side.

You mean except for the ones you and the other deniers here keep making. And the threats you can find in mass quantities from deniers everywhere.

You, Westwall, have personally demanded jail for for scientists who come to conclusions that disagree with your political dogma. It's especially hypocritical of you to be projecting your Stalinist way of thinking on to ethical people.

Every denier on this board backs the Stalinist tactic of political prison for climate scientists. A few have made direct threats of violence, and many have made indirect threats.

In contrast, no rational person here has asked for anyone to be jailed, or made any threats of violence.

You're Stalinists, and we're not.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:Dude! You're too funny! "Random meaningless persons"? David Suzuki is a random person?

Post the threats made by deniers you silly person. No, the Stalinists are YOU! The posts I provided are from the leading lights in YOUR camp. There are MANY more I can post but the reasonable thinking people already know that. If we make a comment it is invariably one of defensive nature as in"if you asshats try and put us in "re-education" camps, you had better be well prepared."

You are such a pathetic liar. Really, just go away. You're such a poor excuse for a representative of your cause you give me no joy in destroying you. You're simply no challenge.
Bullpuckey, as they say. Your pathetic attempt to cast the net of vitriol that your high priests and acolytes have hurled at the sceptics is duly noted, and laughed at out of hand.

I already mentioned the desperation and dishonesty of the tactic you're using. You know, pointing to some random meaningless person you found somewhere, and then declaring that person represents the entire rational side. Even for you, that's pathetic.

To date the ONLY published threats have been by your side.

You mean except for the ones you and the other deniers here keep making. And the threats you can find in mass quantities from deniers everywhere.

You, Westwall, have personally demanded jail for for scientists who come to conclusions that disagree with your political dogma. It's especially hypocritical of you to be projecting your Stalinist way of thinking on to ethical people.

Every denier on this board backs the Stalinist tactic of political prison for climate scientists. A few have made direct threats of violence, and many have made indirect threats.

In contrast, no rational person here has asked for anyone to be jailed, or made any threats of violence.

You're Stalinists, and we're not.
Thanks for not calling these idiots Nazis. Because with how into science the Germans were with things like rocketry, thery would probably have acceted the truth of human caused global warming. But for someone like Stalin, who caused up to 10 million Ukrainians to starve to death, that is more along the lines of denier logic. Except the level of destruction that they seem willing to invite is even worse.
Bullpuckey, as they say. Your pathetic attempt to cast the net of vitriol that your high priests and acolytes have hurled at the sceptics is duly noted, and laughed at out of hand.

I already mentioned the desperation and dishonesty of the tactic you're using. You know, pointing to some random meaningless person you found somewhere, and then declaring that person represents the entire rational side. Even for you, that's pathetic.

To date the ONLY published threats have been by your side.

You mean except for the ones you and the other deniers here keep making. And the threats you can find in mass quantities from deniers everywhere.

You, Westwall, have personally demanded jail for for scientists who come to conclusions that disagree with your political dogma. It's especially hypocritical of you to be projecting your Stalinist way of thinking on to ethical people.

Every denier on this board backs the Stalinist tactic of political prison for climate scientists. A few have made direct threats of violence, and many have made indirect threats.

In contrast, no rational person here has asked for anyone to be jailed, or made any threats of violence.

You're Stalinists, and we're not.
Thanks for not calling these idiots Nazis. Because with how into science the Germans were with things like rocketry, thery would probably have acceted the truth of human caused global warming. But for someone like Stalin, who caused up to 10 million Ukrainians to starve to death, that is more along the lines of denier logic. Except the level of destruction that they seem willing to invite is even worse.

Yet another moron who thinks he's smart. Listen up little Nazi, it was AMERICAN and BRITISH science that kicked the ass of those twerps, the Germans.
Is this your weak-assed attempt at a scare tactic?

Yes, in the same way that they take at-risk youth to prisons to scare them straight. I figure if I point to specific examples of what denialism usually leads to, that might scare you straight.

I doubt it will work, though. It rarely does. The lure of the perverted denialist lifestyle is just too strong. It gives those who embrace it the cheap emotional validation that they're hooked on, while removing any need for them to behave rationally. That total abdication of reason which the denier cult allows is irresistible to those who are too lazy to work at thinking.

I figure if I point to specific examples of what denialism usually leads to, that might scare you straight.
I'm very happy being Kool-Aid free. You however should try it sometime, but I seriously doubt that you will break your brain-washed beliefs.
Dude! You're too funny! "Random meaningless persons"? David Suzuki is a random person?

Yep. I had never heard of the guy before deniers started claiming he was my leader. Just because you're into pop-science instead of actual science, don't assume others are.

Post the threats made by deniers you silly person.

We can start with this thread.

The Whoppers Being Told By The Agw Climate Crusaders US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Post #38 has a long list of such quotes compiled by Crick

Post #37 has skook letting us know we better elect red senators if we don't want to be shot by him and his pals.

skookerasbil said:
The limpwristers have no clue about how passionate real Americans are because they cant comprehend the concept of absolute truths which real Americans hold dear......truths like American traditions the far left works daily on to extinguish. I talk to these people all the time and they are many. The AGW k00ks and the rest of the faggoty left think that the 70 million guns sold the last 6 years are bought by nuts with a gun obsession:funnyface::funnyface:. LOL.....we all laugh about that.

The AGW k00ks should be praying that the Senate becomes red in fact, they should ALL be going out and voting for a red candidate.

Post #10, from Billy_Bob. Short and to the point, he wants us dead if we don't obey.

Billy_bob said:
These fuckers need to be looking in the buisness end of a gun as they try to trample and take our rights from us. IMHO

And let's not forget about you in post #14, getting your phony stand-your-ground defense in place to justify killing us.

Westwall said:
Well, it is you and yours who wish to place any sceptic in prison, or kill them, so I think self defense is a legitimate option if you idiots ever try and go that far. But please will be a response to YOUR actions. We will never initiate such a vile act. That's the purview of scum like you.

That was just one thread. How much more do you want?

No, the Stalinists are YOU!

Yet your side is the only side here calling for scientists to be jailed. Every denier here demands it. Good little apparatchiks, you are. And you keep running from that point. Good tactic on your part, since the actions of your side are indefensible, not to mention morally repugnant to all decent people.

The posts I provided are from the leading lights in YOUR camp.

Let's go over your list.

1. Richard Parncutt. Who? I still have no idea who this guy is. Random nobody.

2. Random nobody group that made a dark comedy video. Monty Python blowing-people-up stuff. If you're a moron, you could miss the dark humor. Normal people don't miss it.

3. Some purple text about a satirical play by random nobodies. If you're a moron, you could say that's a threat. Normal people couldn't.

4. A quote from David Suzuki that was pretty dumb. If you ever find me or anyone here declaring we need to do what David Suzuki says, you've certainly got a stunning comeback at hand to use.

Meanwhile, you're still a proud Stalinist who wants to put scientists in the gulag. Compared to you and your side's lust to imprison, Suzuki is rather tame.

There are MANY more I can post but the reasonable thinking people already know that. If we make a comment it is invariably one of defensive nature as in"if you asshats try and put us in "re-education" camps, you had better be well prepared."

It's SOP for statist tyrants to claim self-defense to justify offing their opponents.

You are such a pathetic liar. Really, just go away. You're such a poor excuse for a representative of your cause you give me no joy in destroying you. You're simply no challenge.

When you stop kissing the asses of people who announce they want to murder me, and also stop demanding that scientists go to the gulag, I'll stop pointing out what a proud Stalinist ratfuck you are. Deal?
Thanks for not calling these idiots Nazis. Because with how into science the Germans were with things like rocketry, thery would probably have acceted the truth of human caused global warming. But for someone like Stalin, who caused up to 10 million Ukrainians to starve to death, that is more along the lines of denier logic. Except the level of destruction that they seem willing to invite is even worse.

I am going to put this very bluntly as it appears that you and your moronic cult of alarmist Nazi's like to project your own beliefs on others.

IF you had your way, everyone would be denied food, water, warmth, and every other necessity of life. Your energy killing policies are depriving millions of people those very basic necessities. And just like your silly ass ban on DDT where you intended to kill millions. I wonder what they would say toady if their voices could be heard and how their lives were wasted for the failed liberal agenda

Your silly ass band of clowns intends to deprive third world countries of any economic growth or ability to use medications to aid them because your so smart and you think you have the right to take from everyone else for them.. Stalin and Hitler both espoused those same demonic/dictatorial traits and you encourage them too..

Your shoddy crap you put forth as evidence has been shredded time and time again. Then you resort to projecting your own wants and desires for control onto others, pointing out how utterly disgusting it is, while secretly holding on to the dream..

I cant decide which is more revolting to me. The fact that you believe what you spout or the fact that you would betray your country and hand over the freedoms of all for your agenda?
Dude! You're too funny! "Random meaningless persons"? David Suzuki is a random person?

Yep. I had never heard of the guy before deniers started claiming he was my leader. Just because you're into pop-science instead of actual science, don't assume others are.

Post the threats made by deniers you silly person.

We can start with this thread.

The Whoppers Being Told By The Agw Climate Crusaders US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Post #38 has a long list of such quotes compiled by Crick

Post #37 has skook letting us know we better elect red senators if we don't want to be shot by him and his pals.

skookerasbil said:
The limpwristers have no clue about how passionate real Americans are because they cant comprehend the concept of absolute truths which real Americans hold dear......truths like American traditions the far left works daily on to extinguish. I talk to these people all the time and they are many. The AGW k00ks and the rest of the faggoty left think that the 70 million guns sold the last 6 years are bought by nuts with a gun obsession:funnyface::funnyface:. LOL.....we all laugh about that.

The AGW k00ks should be praying that the Senate becomes red in fact, they should ALL be going out and voting for a red candidate.

Post #10, from Billy_Bob. Short and to the point, he wants us dead if we don't obey.

Billy_bob said:
These fuckers need to be looking in the buisness end of a gun as they try to trample and take our rights from us. IMHO

And let's not forget about you in post #14, getting your phony stand-your-ground defense in place to justify killing us.

Westwall said:
Well, it is you and yours who wish to place any sceptic in prison, or kill them, so I think self defense is a legitimate option if you idiots ever try and go that far. But please will be a response to YOUR actions. We will never initiate such a vile act. That's the purview of scum like you.

That was just one thread. How much more do you want?

No, the Stalinists are YOU!

Yet your side is the only side here calling for scientists to be jailed. Every denier here demands it. Good little apparatchiks, you are. And you keep running from that point. Good tactic on your part, since the actions of your side are indefensible, not to mention morally repugnant to all decent people.

The posts I provided are from the leading lights in YOUR camp.

Let's go over your list.

1. Richard Parncutt. Who? I still have no idea who this guy is. Random nobody.

2. Random nobody group that made a dark comedy video. Monty Python blowing-people-up stuff. If you're a moron, you could miss the dark humor. Normal people don't miss it.

3. Some purple text about a satirical play by random nobodies. If you're a moron, you could say that's a threat. Normal people couldn't.

4. A quote from David Suzuki that was pretty dumb. If you ever find me or anyone here declaring we need to do what David Suzuki says, you've certainly got a stunning comeback at hand to use.

Meanwhile, you're still a proud Stalinist who wants to put scientists in the gulag. Compared to you and your side's lust to imprison, Suzuki is rather tame.

There are MANY more I can post but the reasonable thinking people already know that. If we make a comment it is invariably one of defensive nature as in"if you asshats try and put us in "re-education" camps, you had better be well prepared."

It's SOP for statist tyrants to claim self-defense to justify offing their opponents.

You are such a pathetic liar. Really, just go away. You're such a poor excuse for a representative of your cause you give me no joy in destroying you. You're simply no challenge.

When you stop kissing the asses of people who announce they want to murder me, and also stop demanding that scientists go to the gulag, I'll stop pointing out what a proud Stalinist ratfuck you are. Deal?

You really should check yourself!

You're making accusations that could very well land you in a court of law.
Last edited by a moderator:
Dude! You're too funny! "Random meaningless persons"? David Suzuki is a random person?

Yep. I had never heard of the guy before deniers started claiming he was my leader. Just because you're into pop-science instead of actual science, don't assume others are.

Post the threats made by deniers you silly person.

We can start with this thread.

The Whoppers Being Told By The Agw Climate Crusaders US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Post #38 has a long list of such quotes compiled by Crick

Post #37 has skook letting us know we better elect red senators if we don't want to be shot by him and his pals.

skookerasbil said:
The limpwristers have no clue about how passionate real Americans are because they cant comprehend the concept of absolute truths which real Americans hold dear......truths like American traditions the far left works daily on to extinguish. I talk to these people all the time and they are many. The AGW k00ks and the rest of the faggoty left think that the 70 million guns sold the last 6 years are bought by nuts with a gun obsession:funnyface::funnyface:. LOL.....we all laugh about that.

The AGW k00ks should be praying that the Senate becomes red in fact, they should ALL be going out and voting for a red candidate.

Post #10, from Billy_Bob. Short and to the point, he wants us dead if we don't obey.

Billy_bob said:
These fuckers need to be looking in the buisness end of a gun as they try to trample and take our rights from us. IMHO

And let's not forget about you in post #14, getting your phony stand-your-ground defense in place to justify killing us.

Westwall said:
Well, it is you and yours who wish to place any sceptic in prison, or kill them, so I think self defense is a legitimate option if you idiots ever try and go that far. But please will be a response to YOUR actions. We will never initiate such a vile act. That's the purview of scum like you.

That was just one thread. How much more do you want?

No, the Stalinists are YOU!

Yet your side is the only side here calling for scientists to be jailed. Every denier here demands it. Good little apparatchiks, you are. And you keep running from that point. Good tactic on your part, since the actions of your side are indefensible, not to mention morally repugnant to all decent people.

The posts I provided are from the leading lights in YOUR camp.

Let's go over your list.

1. Richard Parncutt. Who? I still have no idea who this guy is. Random nobody.

2. Random nobody group that made a dark comedy video. Monty Python blowing-people-up stuff. If you're a moron, you could miss the dark humor. Normal people don't miss it.

3. Some purple text about a satirical play by random nobodies. If you're a moron, you could say that's a threat. Normal people couldn't.

4. A quote from David Suzuki that was pretty dumb. If you ever find me or anyone here declaring we need to do what David Suzuki says, you've certainly got a stunning comeback at hand to use.

Meanwhile, you're still a proud Stalinist who wants to put scientists in the gulag. Compared to you and your side's lust to imprison, Suzuki is rather tame.

There are MANY more I can post but the reasonable thinking people already know that. If we make a comment it is invariably one of defensive nature as in"if you asshats try and put us in "re-education" camps, you had better be well prepared."

It's SOP for statist tyrants to claim self-defense to justify offing their opponents.

You are such a pathetic liar. Really, just go away. You're such a poor excuse for a representative of your cause you give me no joy in destroying you. You're simply no challenge.

When you stop kissing the asses of people who announce they want to murder me, and also stop demanding that scientists go to the gulag, I'll stop pointing out what a proud Stalinist ratfuck you are. Deal?

You really should check yourself!

Your making accusations that could very well land you in a court of law.

Trust me, morons like this are no threat and they are not worth the effort. Far better to use their asshattery as a springboard to educate those who wish to know what is going on. These losers have been fighting a rear guard action since the first CLIMATEGATE and they are losing it badly.
Which side is actually calling for the imprisonment or death of the opposition?

Yours has called for violence, over and over. Crick has documented that well. Plus, you've freely admitted you want Dr. Mann and other scientists in the gulag. There's not a single denier here who doesn't support such political persecution.

In contrast, nobody here on the rational side here has called for hurting or imprisoning anyone. All the goosestepping here is on your side. When you flail about and point to some random meaningless person somewhere who did call for imprisonment, we here say that person is a dumbass. We simply don't have that Stalinist DNA which is so common in the deniers.
In typical fashion you mindlessly blame the other side for the actions your side is guilty of. You have become more predictable than the rotation of the earth
In YOUR typical fashion, you blatantly lie.
No it is you guys who lie. Lets see the public calls for death and imprisonment of warmers by the skeptic side. You like to point to instances on this board where people have asked why you idiots don't commit suicide but you don't seem to know the difference between a voluntary act and involuntary imprisonment or execution.

All you seem to know is how to lie and support liars.
boedicca;9470539 said:
In order to reduce your own personal creation of greenhouse gasses, hold your breath forever.

SSDD;9341885 said:
I wonder how many of these warmer idiots will suicide out of sheer despair when the hoax finally comes tumbling down?

CrusaderFrank;9351969 said:
It never ends well for Death worshipong Cults, CO2 is their Jonesville and they will glady drink the KoolAid

daveman;9286914 said:
So, it looks like you can kill yourself out of shame now. But that's one emotion you're incapable of, isn't it?

Kosh;9265767 said:
If the OP and all the other AGW cult members would stop breathing the CO2 problem will be fixed..

dilloduck;9222002 said:
I just made one and you're right---it's too expensive to let people with breathing problems live.

Redfish;9002464 said:
Lets see now, if your charts and conclusions are correct, we need to kill all the chinese and indians. Should we nuke them? no, too much fall out. Poison their water? stop shipping food to them? how about the booming populations in indonesia and south america, how do we eliminate them?

HenryBHough;8907868 said:
Nice part of cults is that they tend to mass suicide.

In this instance, if they are right, their lemmingesque checking out would do an immense bit toward ending the warming they fear most. Provided they all just took dirt naps instead of being roasted and emitting all those nasty pollutants......

CrusaderFrank;8907884 said:
Oh Please! Oh God! That would be so fucking awesome! They don't even have to die, just get off the Internet

gallantwarrior;8850843 said:
Really, the absolute best way for humans to limit their emissions is to minimize the number of humans. I most heartily welcome the voluntary participation of those who believe that humans are a major factor in "global warming", or "climate change" (whatever the current buzzword is) in the "minimize humans" green program..go ahead, do us all a favor, your personal contribution to decreasing human damage to the planet will be welcomed.

CrusaderFrank;8850029 said:
This is why I say the Warmers are a sick, death-worshiping Cult

Kosh;8268794 said:
Well all you AGW church members if you believe that CO2 drives climate you might want to show belief by not breathing anymore.

Sunshine;8197631 said:
Reduce air pollution. Stop breathing. We promise to miss you. But we will enjoy the cleaner air.

gallantwarrior;8152161 said:
I have issued this challenge before to all the adherents of the AGW cult before:
If you are so very concerned about the damage being done to the Earth by human infestation, please lead the way. You are more than welcome to contribute, up close and personal, to improving the situation. I'll be watching the obits to see whether you all are convinced enough to put your money where your mouth is.

gallantwarrior;8043002 said:
The solution to AGW issue is simple, and very inexpensive. Since CO2 is a normally occurring byproduct of human respiration, I challenge every proponent of AGW, every worshiper of the whole AGW myth, to cease all respiration, and ensure that anyone in your family joins you in you effort to diminish humanity's contribution to CO2 emissions.
C'mon, step up and show us how committed you are to saving the environment.

flacaltenn;8043233 said:
"If you want to save the Planet, Stop breathing dammit"

Uncensored2008;9525238 said:
So why wouldn't you stop the damage you do by killing yourself?

If you'd like more, my search results had another 8 pages to go.
I have never wished death on the idiots, but I have reminded them that there are political consequences to being terminally wrong on a subject that affects everyone on the planet. Already the march in New York City demonstrated the amount of people concerned on this subject, enough so that they took action, and will continue to take action. And many more will join them.

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