Humane, compassionate, fair and right.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

Obama believe that Comprehensive Immigration Reform is the humane, compassionate, fair and right thing to do for the12 million Illegal Aliens in the country. Remember those that entered the country illegal have committed a federal crime and to work the use false and stolen document which is document fraud and a felon. But the catch is they have not been “convicted” of a federal crime or document fraud. But has he ever given a second thought to if Comp. Immg. Reform is the humane, compassionate, fair and right thing for Americans?

12 million Illegal Aliens in this country are not all hard working law abiding people who only want to work and provide a better life for their children.

This is just a drop in the bucket why Comp. Immg. Reform is not the compassionate, humane, fair and right thing to do for Americans. Comp. Immg. Reform will triple the cost to Americans in lives and money. How can this be right for Americans? Maybe if you live in the white house and your children go to private schools.

Illegal Aliens kill 15 Americans daily and rape 8 children daily.
Illegal aliens murder 12 Americans daily

Unskilled and skilled Americans and their children has to compete with illegal alien for low wage jobs and family re-unification (chain migration) will create more competition for jobs. 26,000 Americans are unemployed or under-employed.
The Competition for Low-Wage Jobs -

Illegal aliens constitute over 25% of the federal prison population costing taxpayers $1.6 billion yearly.
AP: Private prisons profit from illegal immigrants - CBS News

Illegal Aliens cost tax payers billions each year in healthcare.
Illegal Immigrant Care in the Emergency Department

Amnesty will cost taxpayers $1.6 trillion.
Amnesty Will Cost U.S. Taxpayers at Least $2.6 Trillion

90% of MS-13, Surenos, and 18th Street gang members are Illegal Aliens and a cost and threat to Americans safety.
Immigration Enforcement Disrupts Criminal Gangs in Virginia | Center for Immigration Studies
Granny says dey gonna come up here anyway, so charge `em admission so's the gubmint can send her dat 2nd stimulus check...
Push for US Immigration Reform Gains Momentum
January 27, 2013 WASHINGTON — Democratic and Republican lawmakers report progress on a bipartisan push to reform U.S. immigration laws. An agreement on proposed legislation to fix America’s oft-lambasted immigration system could be announced later this week.
After years of failed and frustrated efforts at immigration reform, a bipartisan breakthrough could be close at hand. Democratic Senator Robert Menendez, speaking on ABC’s This Week program, said, “I am cautiously optimistic. I see the right spirit. I see things that were once off the table for agreement and discussion being on the table.” Menendez belongs to a group of Democratic and Republican senators that has been working to craft an immigration-reform package that could pass both houses of Congress. The lawmakers say the deal they envision would provide a means to give legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants while also strengthening U.S. border security.

Another member of the group, Republican Senator John McCain, also appeared on This Week. McCain said the ideas being discussed are not new, but the political landscape surrounding immigration reform has changed. “It is not that much different from what we tried to do in 2007. What has changed, honestly, is that there is a new appreciation on both sides of the aisle - including, maybe more importantly, on the Republican side of the aisle - that we have to enact a comprehensive immigration reform bill," he said. Republican opposition to immigration reform appears to have softened since last year’s presidential election, when more than two-thirds of Hispanic voters cast ballots for the Democratic Party's Barack Obama.

Prominent Republicans have said their party will be hard-pressed to win national contests unless it can attract greater support from Hispanics and other minority groups. But points of contention remain, including whether foreign citizens who entered the United States illegally or overstayed their visas can be eligible for eventual U.S. citizenship. Senator Menendez says yes. “Absolutely. First of all, Americans support it in poll after poll. Secondly, Latino voters expect it. Third, Democrats want it. And fourth, Republicans need it," he said.

For now, many Republican lawmakers are non-committal on a possible path to citizenship for the undocumented. But Senator McCain says the status quo is unacceptable. “We cannot go on forever with 11-million people living in this country in the shadows in an illegal status. We cannot forever have children who were brought here by their parents when they were small children to live in the shadows, as well. So I think the time is right [for immigration reform]," he said. Tuesday, President Obama will attempt to rally public support for immigration reform with a speech in Las Vegas, Nevada.


Obama believe that Comprehensive Immigration Reform is the humane, compassionate, fair and right thing to do for the12 million Illegal Aliens in the country. Remember those that entered the country illegal have committed a federal crime and to work the use false and stolen document which is document fraud and a felon. But the catch is they have not been “convicted” of a federal crime or document fraud. But has he ever given a second thought to if Comp. Immg. Reform is the humane, compassionate, fair and right thing for Americans?

12 million Illegal Aliens in this country are not all hard working law abiding people who only want to work and provide a better life for their children.

This is just a drop in the bucket why Comp. Immg. Reform is not the compassionate, humane, fair and right thing to do for Americans. Comp. Immg. Reform will triple the cost to Americans in lives and money. How can this be right for Americans? Maybe if you live in the white house and your children go to private schools.

Illegal Aliens kill 15 Americans daily and rape 8 children daily.
Illegal aliens murder 12 Americans daily

Unskilled and skilled Americans and their children has to compete with illegal alien for low wage jobs and family re-unification (chain migration) will create more competition for jobs. 26,000 Americans are unemployed or under-employed.
The Competition for Low-Wage Jobs -

Illegal aliens constitute over 25% of the federal prison population costing taxpayers $1.6 billion yearly.
AP: Private prisons profit from illegal immigrants - CBS News

Illegal Aliens cost tax payers billions each year in healthcare.
Illegal Immigrant Care in the Emergency Department

Amnesty will cost taxpayers $1.6 trillion.
Amnesty Will Cost U.S. Taxpayers at Least $2.6 Trillion

90% of MS-13, Surenos, and 18th Street gang members are Illegal Aliens and a cost and threat to Americans safety.
Immigration Enforcement Disrupts Criminal Gangs in Virginia | Center for Immigration Studies
That aint what John McCain recently said about them.

McCain say, so to speak, "Let's be like democrats", when it comes to immigration. lol..

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