Humm, If Dems Wanted to Fund the Military, Why Did They Block the Funding Bill Last Night?


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
The Democrats have been taking huge heat all day over their reckless, stupid shutdown. Amazingly, even the New York Times and the AP ran headlines saying that the Dems caused the shutdown by blocking the funding bill last night. Well, a short time ago, the Dems proposed a cop-out bill to fund only the military during the shutdown. Mitch McConnell rightly shut down that attempt to duck consequences. If the Dems really cared about funding the military, why did they block the funding bill last night? And why didn't they introduce this bill last night? Why didn't they suggest only funding the military last night while they were busy blocking the funding bill?

And, hey, Dems, what about all the other federal employees who are now gonna go without pay because of your obsession with giving amnesty to illegal aliens? How about our DHS agents on the border? How about all our support personnel in intelligence agencies who are not designated as "essential" but who play important roles nonetheless? How about all the thousands of federal contractors who provide crucial support to intelligence operations but who do not qualify as "essential" personnel and thus can't get paid? How about all the IRS workers who should be processing early tax returns? How about all the HUD workers who should be helping low-income people? Why don't you fund them too?

Thank heavens the Republicans control the Senate and forced the Democrats to vote on the funding bill. Recall that the Democrats blocked a vote on Thursday, after the GOP-controlled House passed a funding bill, but the Dems didn't dare prevent the Senate from voting on the bill on Friday. And when the vote happened, 44 of 49 Democrats voted against the bill, and in so doing shut down the government, while 45 of 50 Republicans voted for the bill (McCain was unavailable to vote). If Schumer had not insisted on a filibuster, the funding bill would have passed 51-49 because Vice President Pence would have cast the 51st vote. And we would not be having this discussion.
How many threads are you going to start on the very same topic?
The Democrats have been taking huge heat all day over their reckless, stupid shutdown. Amazingly, even the New York Times and the AP ran headlines saying that the Dems caused the shutdown by blocking the funding bill last night. Well, a short time ago, the Dems proposed a cop-out bill to fund only the military during the shutdown. Mitch McConnell rightly shut down that attempt to duck consequences. If the Dems really cared about funding the military, why did they block the funding bill last night? And why didn't they introduce this bill last night? Why didn't they suggest only funding the military last night while they were busy blocking the funding bill?

And, hey, Dems, what about all the other federal employees who are now gonna go without pay because of your obsession with giving amnesty to illegal aliens? How about our DHS agents on the border? How about all our support personnel in intelligence agencies who are not designated as "essential" but who play important roles nonetheless? How about all the thousands of federal contractors who provide crucial support to intelligence operations but who do not qualify as "essential" personnel and thus can't get paid? How about all the IRS workers who should be processing early tax returns? How about all the HUD workers who should be helping low-income people? Why don't you fund them too?

Thank heavens the Republicans control the Senate and forced the Democrats to vote on the funding bill. Recall that the Democrats blocked a vote on Thursday, after the GOP-controlled House passed a funding bill, but the Dems didn't dare prevent the Senate from voting on the bill on Friday. And when the vote happened, 44 of 49 Democrats voted against the bill, and in so doing shut down the government, while 45 of 50 Republicans voted for the bill (McCain was unavailable to vote). If Schumer had not insisted on a filibuster, the funding bill would have passed 51-49 because Vice President Pence would have cast the 51st vote. And we would not be having this discussion.
The military doesn't vote Democrat
How many threads are you going to start on the very same topic?

Probably as many as it takes for you to admit he is right. Ball's in your court, do the right thing.

He is not right. Both parites are to blame. Neither has done the job they were elected to do. The fact that we even one CR to start with means they were not doing the job they were paid to do.

As far as the military goes, when there was a (D) in the White House the GOP cared about the military and made sure they got paid. Now that there is an (R) in the White house they do not give a shit about them as they want to use them as a tool against the Dems

All of you fucking party zealots from both sides are just making it worse and are the very reason the idiots in DC can get away with not doing their job.
The military isn't sacred, it is just another tool owned by the people. Anyone that can't live with that then get out and go find a job.
The Democrats have been taking huge heat all day over their reckless, stupid shutdown. Amazingly, even the New York Times and the AP ran headlines saying that the Dems caused the shutdown by blocking the funding bill last night. Well, a short time ago, the Dems proposed a cop-out bill to fund only the military during the shutdown. Mitch McConnell rightly shut down that attempt to duck consequences. If the Dems really cared about funding the military, why did they block the funding bill last night? And why didn't they introduce this bill last night? Why didn't they suggest only funding the military last night while they were busy blocking the funding bill?

And, hey, Dems, what about all the other federal employees who are now gonna go without pay because of your obsession with giving amnesty to illegal aliens? How about our DHS agents on the border? How about all our support personnel in intelligence agencies who are not designated as "essential" but who play important roles nonetheless? How about all the thousands of federal contractors who provide crucial support to intelligence operations but who do not qualify as "essential" personnel and thus can't get paid? How about all the IRS workers who should be processing early tax returns? How about all the HUD workers who should be helping low-income people? Why don't you fund them too?

Thank heavens the Republicans control the Senate and forced the Democrats to vote on the funding bill. Recall that the Democrats blocked a vote on Thursday, after the GOP-controlled House passed a funding bill, but the Dems didn't dare prevent the Senate from voting on the bill on Friday. And when the vote happened, 44 of 49 Democrats voted against the bill, and in so doing shut down the government, while 45 of 50 Republicans voted for the bill (McCain was unavailable to vote). If Schumer had not insisted on a filibuster, the funding bill would have passed 51-49 because Vice President Pence would have cast the 51st vote. And we would not be having this discussion.

The military doesn't vote Democrat

And the price of tea in China is now 24 cents per ounce.

If the Dems really cared about funding the military, why did they vote to shut down the government last night, less than 24 hours ago?

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