Hundreds of jobs in high-tech sector go unfilled every year; Economics Ministry has a


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I think this is great idea since Israel is so well known for its high tech industry; and if more workers are needed, training the people is the way to go. Perhaps something like this can be done in the high tech industry here because many older workers were let go and now can't find work in their fields.

Hundreds of jobs in high-tech sector go unfilled every year; Economics Ministry has a plan to find ‘new’ workers

BY DAVID SHAMAH August 8, 2014

After years of complaints of age discrimination in Israeli technology — workers being shown the door when they get to age 40 or so and finding it hard to get a new job — Israel’s government is turning the job picture on its head, actively seeking older workers for high-tech positions.

The reason — Israel is facing a major shortage of tech workers. So the government is turning to engineers and programmers 45 and over to fill the gap. Under a new program, the Economics Ministry will provide free retraining for older workers, teaching them the latest technologies that will allow them to step into the high-paying jobs that are going begging now.

Read more:

Israel to retrain workers over 45 to fill tech jobs | The Times of Israel

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