Hundreds of mail-in ballot applications are being rejected under Texas’ new voting rules

I have never been burgled or had my car stolen ... however, I still lock my house and car because the potential is ALWAYS there.

I'm sorry if my concern for potential crime makes it inconvenient for potential criminals. However, if that is how they choose to earn their living, that is something they will have to consider.
We are talking about elections not burglaries. Usually no one is around with a burglary. False equivalency noted.
I can demand that my county have enough polling places to accommodate.

"Ask not what your country can do for you ... but what you can do for your country".

-- John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
They often are, and when they are, it's referred to as Aggravated Burglary. It's a more serious Class A felony in many states.
That's for a burglary, not an election. Dude, try and make it real. That's an idiotic example.
"Ask not what your country can do for you ... but what you can do for your country".

-- John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
When I pay taxes, I'm doing for my country, and my country will do for me. That's how it works in this world.
They often are, and when they are, it's referred to as Aggravated Burglary. It's a more serious Class A felony in many states.
You do understand, that some of the bills now limit absentee ballots right? Why? Can you cite one good reason why it should be limited, barring the fact that Dejoy has also gutted the post office in recent years? It seems to me, days should be added, not reduced, right? Explain to us all why the days should be reduced?

As for the polling place, why were these 1688 polling places closed in mostly minority areas? Do you know? Have you ever wondered why? Do you care?
Are you going to pussy out on not answering my questions?
You do understand, that some of the bills now limit absentee ballots right? Why? Can you cite one good reason why it should be limited, barring the fact that Dejoy has also gutted the post office in recent years? It seems to me, days should be added, not reduced, right? Explain to us all why the days should be reduced?

As for the polling place, why were these 1688 polling places closed in mostly minority areas? Do you know? Have you ever wondered why? Do you care?
Are you going to pussy out on not answering my questions?

Allocations of polling places should be done with regard to the populations they service. A polling place requires poll workers, poll watchers, and needs to be in a place where independent press can also observe and corroborate actual poll attendance with number of votes cast.

We expect nothing less from the third-world elections where the US is so eager to interfere.
Many could not. I can't go to a polling place and not expect to collapse before I can get back to the car.
Then apply for an absentee the RIGHT way, instead of expecting a random mail out. And if you use a Ballot harvester ,forget it.
Anyone requesting an absentee ballot should be, by definition, absent.

That is, physically unable to attend a polling place.

Because of the extremely high potential for fraud in postal ballots, any safeguards to certify authenticity of both the ballot and the voter's qualification to vote are justified.

Parties are free to, and often do, provide free transportation to voters who have difficulty reaching designated polling places.

Here in Colorado, we have almost a zero fraud voting and we have over 70% of the votes done mail in.
Then apply for an absentee the RIGHT way, instead of expecting a random mail out. And if you use a Ballot harvester ,forget it.

I get a mail in ballot automatic. And so does every registered voter in the state. And we have almost a zero election fraud rate. Does that mean we are more honest than your bunch is or that we are just smarter?
Good, no valid ID, no vote for you.

Election officials in some of the state’s largest counties are rejecting an alarming number of mail-in applications because they don’t meet the state’s new identification requirements.

Hundreds of mail-in ballot applications are being rejected under Texas’ new voting rules
If you can put a serial number on a dollar bill,TV,fire arm or just about anything else you could put one on a voting ballot ....

I'm sure serial numbers would be declared Wayyyycissss!
I get a mail in ballot automatic. And so does every registered voter in the state. And we have almost a zero election fraud rate. Does that mean we are more honest than your bunch is or that we are just smarter?

You got away with it once ... congratulations.

Mostly because people were unwilling to believe in the sheer audacity of it.

I seriously doubt people will fall for the same trick twice.
If you can put a serial number on a dollar bill,TV,fire arm or just about anything else you could put one on a voting ballot ....

I'm sure serial numbers would be declared Wayyyycissss!

Serial numbers are pointless. Most of the checks on postal ballots are pointless if state electoral commissions are unwilling to conduct audits.

A complicit media announces the results and labels any oversight of the election as conspiracy.
You got away with it once ... congratulations.

Mostly because people were unwilling to believe in the sheer audacity of it.

I seriously doubt people will fall for the same trick twice.

How about 9 times from 2013 to 2022. Most people around here don't buy your BS. And see it as a way to decrease the voting in such a way that would benefit your party of criminals. Yes Dorathy, even the Republicans here don't want a change with the exception of a few politicians that are a laughing stock.
Serial numbers are pointless. Most of the checks on postal ballots are pointless if state electoral commissions are unwilling to conduct audits.

A complicit media announces the results and labels any oversight of the election as conspiracy.

We have pre election audits, audits during elections and post election audits. If you state doesn't have that then you are right, there may be a high degree of voter fraud and that includes the in person votes as well. Maybe you should hire Colorado to come and run your elections.
And yet, no counter argument in sight from you. You really are a loser; At least 1,688 polling places closed in southern US, as gutting voting rights act hits hard, report says To be exact, since 2018, 1688 polling places closed. This is how the Right can seriously impact minorities, not to mention the 400 voter suppression tactics. The Right, truly has abandoned their country over party. And the party doesn't even exist any more.
And if that;s the case, there isn't shit you can do about it, eunuch.

You are dismissed.
Allocations of polling places should be done with regard to the populations they service. A polling place requires poll workers, poll watchers, and needs to be in a place where independent press can also observe and corroborate actual poll attendance with number of votes cast.

We expect nothing less from the third-world elections where the US is so eager to interfere.
"Populations they service?" :laughing0301: Last I counted, our population in this country hasn't shrunk. Bad answer. Anyone who is honest and has a functioning brain, understands that closing 1688 polling places since 2018, has nothing to do with "populations they service." The voting Rights Act was gutted in2013. That's why your polling places have been closed in mostly minority areas.
You got away with it once ... congratulations.

Mostly because people were unwilling to believe in the sheer audacity of it.

I seriously doubt people will fall for the same trick twice.
Got away with what? Voting honestly and legally?

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