Hundreds of thousands of WHITE MEN died to free the black man

"Your education regarding the advent of slavery is severely lacking in facts. However, its not worth the time to correct you. You'll just insist on remaining willfully ignorant even though the very word slave comes from the european Slavic people."

Please, enlighten me. I am sure you can provide so much more accurate information than my collegiate professor from Sierra Leone. (That's in Africa, by the way. :p )
Enlightening you would be a waste of time. I mentioned this not for you to agree. It was to give you the inspiration to research the facts for yourself. I cant be responsible for you lack of motivation to get that job done.
I'm not speaking for NA's. I'm telling you the facts. NA's are in bad shape just like Blacks are. BTW I have NA on both sides of family do I do know what I am talking about.

No one has said NAs are NOT in bad shape. I am saying we don't / haven't sat around whining like bitches with our hands out, justifying not doing anything because we are 'victims', calling for the deaths of white people, and tearing the country apart based on race, the likes of which NONE of the blacks alive today have ever experienced! (most of the BLM crowd calling for the deaths of whites were never slaves, their parents were never slaves, grandparents were never slaves, don't know of anyone whose family members were hung, etc.... yet they live off of the hate.)

As I said, you can sit on your ass, claim to be a victim, declare someone owes you, live off of and fuel that hate, and use it to justify why you're not doing anything, OR you can move on with your life. Work to make things better. End the hate.

You seem to want to justify why blacks do the latter and say doing so is ok. If that's your thing, go for it. We just disagree.
Hundreds of thousands of Germans died protecting Jews but I'm not sure what that has to do with anything
Not all Germans are bad? Where's the 'German Privilege'? yadda yadda yadda....'re right. None of that has anything to do with this specific discussion.
NA's haven't moved on as you suggest.
Hey dumbass, I AM Native American. Trust me, I have moved on. No one owes me anything. I am not a victim. I don't hate whites because of how history unfolded. I am not sitting on my ass with my hand out demanding the government take care of me. When I experience racism I don't look for anyone to fix it, don't call the media - I deal with it.

Slavery began by tribes in Africa raiding other tribes, taking hostages, using them as slaves, and selling them to Muslims and eventually whites. If they want to get to the root of the problem why don't they begin by attacking their ancestors back in Africa who began the whole thing and who sold their own people?

Then let's address the fact that the only reason they are here in the Us instead of back in diseased-ravaged, Muslim Extremist-war-torn, starving, poverty-ridden Africa, having an infinitely better life than they would have had there, is because their ancestors were bought, brought here, and sold into slavery here in America.

Now that they are here they have infinitely more of just about everything, to include opportunities. After civil rights were passed they were handed POWER, RIGHTS, FREEDOMS...and what did they do with it? They traded it away for 'something but not enough to make a difference', as LBJ described it. True to his word, by offering them 'something' and convincing them they were victims and someone owed them something LBJ and Democrats have blacks voting for Liberals, well on the way to doing so for the next '200 years' as LBJ predicted.
Not me I want my little piece of my Indian heritage land down in the Everglades. Piss on the the other racist shit if reparations begin I have dibs in for the first shot.
NA's haven't moved on as you suggest.
Hey dumbass, I AM Native American. Trust me, I have moved on. No one owes me anything. I am not a victim. I don't hate whites because of how history unfolded. I am not sitting on my ass with my hand out demanding the government take care of me. When I experience racism I don't look for anyone to fix it, don't call the media - I deal with it.

Slavery began by tribes in Africa raiding other tribes, taking hostages, using them as slaves, and selling them to Muslims and eventually whites. If they want to get to the root of the problem why don't they begin by attacking their ancestors back in Africa who began the whole thing and who sold their own people?

Then let's address the fact that the only reason they are here in the Us instead of back in diseased-ravaged, Muslim Extremist-war-torn, starving, poverty-ridden Africa, having an infinitely better life than they would have had there, is because their ancestors were bought, brought here, and sold into slavery here in America.

Now that they are here they have infinitely more of just about everything, to include opportunities. After civil rights were passed they were handed POWER, RIGHTS, FREEDOMS...and what did they do with it? They traded it away for 'something but not enough to make a difference', as LBJ described it. True to his word, by offering them 'something' and convincing them they were victims and someone owed them something LBJ and Democrats have blacks voting for Liberals, well on the way to doing so for the next '200 years' as LBJ predicted.
Youre only one person dumb ass. You dont represent all NA's. Your claim that NA's have moved on only applies to yourself. If youre fine with being a second class citizen you are entitled to accept your mandated position of inferior.

Your education regarding the advent of slavery is severely lacking in facts. However, its not worth the time to correct you. You'll just insist on remaining willfully ignorant even though the very word slave comes from the european Slavic people.
You are only a second class citizen when you support or are complicit with any corruption regardless of which race it comes from.
Hundreds of thousands of Germans died protecting Jews but I'm not sure what that has to do with anything
Not all Germans are bad? Where's the 'German Privilege'? yadda yadda yadda....'re right. None of that has anything to do with this specific discussion.

No, not all Germans are bad. The only people who think all of one group is bad are bigots and Vicky Victims from that group. So when a cop says "not all cops are bad" you know which group he belongs...
So knock it off with the racism bullshit already.
Because white people up north didn't want to have to compete with slave labor. Similar to why us liberals today want to make all the illegals legal. If they are legal you won't be able to pay them slave wages and they won't bring our wages down.
Enlightening you would be a waste of time. I mentioned this not for you to agree.
You claimed I was wrong but that 'you did not have the time to enlighten me'.

You intended to sound big when you really didn't know what you were talking about. As I said, I am pretty sure my collegiate professor from Sierra Leone, who I studied under, knows / knew quite a bit more than you about African history and the slavery that originated in Africa.
Stop talking about racism because

1. It makes racism worse and
2. White people fought for blacks after they ignored it so that means racism shouldnt be discussed because a white boy feels uncomfortable:boohoo:
I'm not speaking for NA's. I'm telling you the facts. NA's are in bad shape just like Blacks are. BTW I have NA on both sides of family do I do know what I am talking about.

No one has said NAs are NOT in bad shape. I am saying we don't / haven't sat around whining like bitches with our hands out, justifying not doing anything because we are 'victims', calling for the deaths of white people, and tearing the country apart based on race, the likes of which NONE of the blacks alive today have ever experienced! (most of the BLM crowd calling for the deaths of whites were never slaves, their parents were never slaves, grandparents were never slaves, don't know of anyone whose family members were hung, etc.... yet they live off of the hate.)

As I said, you can sit on your ass, claim to be a victim, declare someone owes you, live off of and fuel that hate, and use it to justify why you're not doing anything, OR you can move on with your life. Work to make things better. End the hate.

You seem to want to justify why blacks do the latter and say doing so is ok. If that's your thing, go for it. We just disagree.
Since a lot of NA's are on welfare I would disagree with your claim of having your hands out. Even though NA's have land given to them (I know thats pretty messed up in of itself) they are still in bad shape. With all that you have as a group you should be concentrating on helping your people not whinging about Blacks fighting for their rights along with yours.
Enlightening you would be a waste of time. I mentioned this not for you to agree.
You claimed I was wrong but that 'you did not have the time to enlighten me'.

You intended to sound big when you really didn't know what you were talking about. As I said, I am pretty sure my collegiate professor from Sierra Leone, who I studied under, knows / knew quite a bit more than you about African history and the slavery that originated in Africa.
You are wrong but since you have proven you are vested in remaining ignorant I can see I was right about you.
No, not all Germans are bad. The only people who think all of one group is bad are bigots and Vicky Victims from that group. So when a cop says "not all cops are bad" you know which group he belongs...
Agreed, if someone says all people from one group ARE bad they are biggots...and if a cop says 'not all cops are bad' he is right. He might not be one of the ones that aren't bad, but he's right about not all cope not being bad.
Enlightening you would be a waste of time. I mentioned this not for you to agree.
You claimed I was wrong but that 'you did not have the time to enlighten me'.

You intended to sound big when you really didn't know what you were talking about. As I said, I am pretty sure my collegiate professor from Sierra Leone, who I studied under, knows / knew quite a bit more than you about African history and the slavery that originated in Africa.

He doesnt have time to educate you and this isnt a match between your professor and Asclepias with you being the rep for this imaginary person
No, not all Germans are bad. The only people who think all of one group is bad are bigots and Vicky Victims from that group. So when a cop says "not all cops are bad" you know which group he belongs...
Agreed, if someone says all people from one group ARE bad they are biggots...and if a cop says 'not all cops are bad' he is right. He might not be one of the ones that aren't bad, but he's right about not all cope not being bad.

He's right and he's also making an arguement no one is making to pretend to be the victim
NA's haven't moved on as you suggest.
Hey dumbass, I AM Native American. Trust me, I have moved on. No one owes me anything. I am not a victim. I don't hate whites because of how history unfolded. I am not sitting on my ass with my hand out demanding the government take care of me. When I experience racism I don't look for anyone to fix it, don't call the media - I deal with it.

Slavery began by tribes in Africa raiding other tribes, taking hostages, using them as slaves, and selling them to Muslims and eventually whites. If they want to get to the root of the problem why don't they begin by attacking their ancestors back in Africa who began the whole thing and who sold their own people?

Then let's address the fact that the only reason they are here in the Us instead of back in diseased-ravaged, Muslim Extremist-war-torn, starving, poverty-ridden Africa, having an infinitely better life than they would have had there, is because their ancestors were bought, brought here, and sold into slavery here in America.

Now that they are here they have infinitely more of just about everything, to include opportunities. After civil rights were passed they were handed POWER, RIGHTS, FREEDOMS...and what did they do with it? They traded it away for 'something but not enough to make a difference', as LBJ described it. True to his word, by offering them 'something' and convincing them they were victims and someone owed them something LBJ and Democrats have blacks voting for Liberals, well on the way to doing so for the next '200 years' as LBJ predicted.
Youre only one person dumb ass. You dont represent all NA's. Your claim that NA's have moved on only applies to yourself. If youre fine with being a second class citizen you are entitled to accept your mandated position of inferior.

Your education regarding the advent of slavery is severely lacking in facts. However, its not worth the time to correct you. You'll just insist on remaining willfully ignorant even though the very word slave comes from the european Slavic people.
You are only a second class citizen when you support or are complicit with any corruption regardless of which race it comes from.
I disagree. Thats not what "second class citizen" means.
NA's haven't moved on as you suggest.
Hey dumbass, I AM Native American. Trust me, I have moved on. No one owes me anything. I am not a victim. I don't hate whites because of how history unfolded. I am not sitting on my ass with my hand out demanding the government take care of me. When I experience racism I don't look for anyone to fix it, don't call the media - I deal with it.

Slavery began by tribes in Africa raiding other tribes, taking hostages, using them as slaves, and selling them to Muslims and eventually whites. If they want to get to the root of the problem why don't they begin by attacking their ancestors back in Africa who began the whole thing and who sold their own people?

Then let's address the fact that the only reason they are here in the Us instead of back in diseased-ravaged, Muslim Extremist-war-torn, starving, poverty-ridden Africa, having an infinitely better life than they would have had there, is because their ancestors were bought, brought here, and sold into slavery here in America.

Now that they are here they have infinitely more of just about everything, to include opportunities. After civil rights were passed they were handed POWER, RIGHTS, FREEDOMS...and what did they do with it? They traded it away for 'something but not enough to make a difference', as LBJ described it. True to his word, by offering them 'something' and convincing them they were victims and someone owed them something LBJ and Democrats have blacks voting for Liberals, well on the way to doing so for the next '200 years' as LBJ predicted.
Youre only one person dumb ass. You dont represent all NA's. Your claim that NA's have moved on only applies to yourself. If youre fine with being a second class citizen you are entitled to accept your mandated position of inferior.

Your education regarding the advent of slavery is severely lacking in facts. However, its not worth the time to correct you. You'll just insist on remaining willfully ignorant even though the very word slave comes from the european Slavic people.
You are only a second class citizen when you support or are complicit with any corruption regardless of which race it comes from.
I disagree. Thats not what "second class citizen" means.
Whatever. You can remain banging your head against a wall if you like. Unless you can deal with corruption on a whole anyone who isn't one of those willing to sell out or buy in is a second class citizen. That is a matter of personal choice.
So knock it off with the racism bullshit already.
Making something better doesn't change the fact that something was done wrong...
Less racist doesn't mean not racist...

Life is hard, it sucks sometime, and you can either use it as a crutch and an excuse to sit on your ass, do nothing, whine about it, claim someone owes you something, and use it to fuel your hate OR move on.

Native were slaughtered, their land stolen, forced onto some of the most God-awful land in existence, fed rancid meat / starved, treated like shite...all before blacks were ever brought to this country...and they have moved on.

Japanese internment camps were created after Pearl Harbor. American citizens rounded up, forced into 'refugee' / 'POW' camps....and they have moved on, dealt with it. They don't claim anyone OWES them something, that life is unfair and that whites are evil!

You think blacks are the only ones to have it hard, to have something terrible happen to them? Wake the F* Up!
You think native Americans have moved on? Have you been to any reservation lately?
Since a lot of NA's are on welfare I would disagree with your claim of having your hands out. Even though NA's have land given to them (I know thats pretty messed up in of itself) they are still in bad shape. With all that you have as a group you should be concentrating on helping your people not whinging about Blacks fighting for their rights along with yours.
Not all people who are on welfare, who NEED welfare, are sitting on their ass REFUSING to work and claiming they are victims who are owed something because of something that happened decades ago.

Again, no one said many native Americans do not 'have it bad'. I have and do help my people. What are you talking about? Are you saying since I don't scream out how whites are racists, NAs are victims, and how whites OWE US that I am somehow 'not helping my people' or, as you put it, am an 'Uncle Tonto'? (Yeah, THAT'S not racist at all!)

I am also not whining about blacks playing the 'victim' / 'you owe me' card - as I said, for the most part I ignore them, step around them, and get on with my life. Instead of playing those cards they need to do something to help themselves and THEIR people - get moving. Stop blaming 'whitey'.
NA's haven't moved on as you suggest.
Hey dumbass, I AM Native American. Trust me, I have moved on. No one owes me anything. I am not a victim. I don't hate whites because of how history unfolded. I am not sitting on my ass with my hand out demanding the government take care of me. When I experience racism I don't look for anyone to fix it, don't call the media - I deal with it.

Slavery began by tribes in Africa raiding other tribes, taking hostages, using them as slaves, and selling them to Muslims and eventually whites. If they want to get to the root of the problem why don't they begin by attacking their ancestors back in Africa who began the whole thing and who sold their own people?

Then let's address the fact that the only reason they are here in the Us instead of back in diseased-ravaged, Muslim Extremist-war-torn, starving, poverty-ridden Africa, having an infinitely better life than they would have had there, is because their ancestors were bought, brought here, and sold into slavery here in America.

Now that they are here they have infinitely more of just about everything, to include opportunities. After civil rights were passed they were handed POWER, RIGHTS, FREEDOMS...and what did they do with it? They traded it away for 'something but not enough to make a difference', as LBJ described it. True to his word, by offering them 'something' and convincing them they were victims and someone owed them something LBJ and Democrats have blacks voting for Liberals, well on the way to doing so for the next '200 years' as LBJ predicted.
Youre only one person dumb ass. You dont represent all NA's. Your claim that NA's have moved on only applies to yourself. If youre fine with being a second class citizen you are entitled to accept your mandated position of inferior.

Your education regarding the advent of slavery is severely lacking in facts. However, its not worth the time to correct you. You'll just insist on remaining willfully ignorant even though the very word slave comes from the european Slavic people.
You are only a second class citizen when you support or are complicit with any corruption regardless of which race it comes from.
I disagree. Thats not what "second class citizen" means.
Whatever. You can remain banging your head against a wall if you like. Unless you can deal with corruption on a whole anyone who isn't one of those willing to sell out or buy in is a second class citizen. That is a matter of personal choice.
I dont understand what your post has to do with the fact none of that is what second class citizen means?

"A second-class citizen is a person who is systematically discriminated against within a state or other political jurisdiction, despite their nominal status as a citizen or legal resident there."
You think native Americans have moved on? Have you been to any reservation lately?

Yeah, I have...have you?

When is the last time you saw a NA holding a sign saying 'Red Lives Matter', calling for the deaths of all whites, claiming whites OWE us and demanding they give us everything we want, claim we are victims still inundated by horrors of what happened 100+ years ago?

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