Hundreds of thousands of WHITE MEN died to free the black man

NA's haven't moved on as you suggest.
Hey dumbass, I AM Native American. Trust me, I have moved on. No one owes me anything. I am not a victim. I don't hate whites because of how history unfolded. I am not sitting on my ass with my hand out demanding the government take care of me. When I experience racism I don't look for anyone to fix it, don't call the media - I deal with it.

Slavery began by tribes in Africa raiding other tribes, taking hostages, using them as slaves, and selling them to Muslims and eventually whites. If they want to get to the root of the problem why don't they begin by attacking their ancestors back in Africa who began the whole thing and who sold their own people?

Then let's address the fact that the only reason they are here in the Us instead of back in diseased-ravaged, Muslim Extremist-war-torn, starving, poverty-ridden Africa, having an infinitely better life than they would have had there, is because their ancestors were bought, brought here, and sold into slavery here in America.

Now that they are here they have infinitely more of just about everything, to include opportunities. After civil rights were passed they were handed POWER, RIGHTS, FREEDOMS...and what did they do with it? They traded it away for 'something but not enough to make a difference', as LBJ described it. True to his word, by offering them 'something' and convincing them they were victims and someone owed them something LBJ and Democrats have blacks voting for Liberals, well on the way to doing so for the next '200 years' as LBJ predicted.
Suuuuuure you have.
You think native Americans have moved on? Have you been to any reservation lately?

Yeah, I have...have you?

When is the last time you saw a NA holding a sign saying 'Red Lives Matter', calling for the deaths of all whites, claiming whites OWE us and demanding they give us everything we want, claim we are victims still inundated by horrors of what happened 100+ years ago?
You poor thing....your have BLM envy.....bad.
You sound like the white guys have done their jobs well in convincing you that pointing out their racism is somehow shameful. How did you let them fool you like that? Its know you dont have the guts to stand up for yourself but why let yourself be convinced that its shameful for others to do so? Is it fear of white people?
You are an idiot. And guts...fear? 20+ years in places for my country that would make you wet yourself. F* You! Talk to me when you have done what I've done and seen what I have.
You sound like the white guys have done their jobs well in convincing you that pointing out their racism is somehow shameful. How did you let them fool you like that? Its know you dont have the guts to stand up for yourself but why let yourself be convinced that its shameful for others to do so? Is it fear of white people?
You are an idiot. And guts...fear? 20+ years in places for my country that would make you wet yourself. F* You! Talk to me when you have done what I've done and seen what I have.
I only have your word you have done anything at all. For all I know you may be laying on the floor drunk at the local store somewhere on a reservation.
For all I know you may be laying on the floor drunk at the local store somewhere on a reservation.
And I only have your word that you are not a pedophile...There's no reason to lie to an anonymous jackass on the web. don't care what you think - as I said:

So knock it off with the racism bullshit already.
Hundreds of thousands of WHITE MEN died to free the black man
No, they died for the profits of corporations, just like they did for the industrial military complex during Vietnam and Iraq. Republicans have been running this con game for 150 years.

The Democrats took us into Vietnam, dipshit. Republicans took us out. You might want to check your history.
I am glad you said that. Your premise is PROOF that during the 60s Democrats were just as conservative as today's Republicans in general. How else can you explain the US aggressions against the encroachment of communism in south east Asia? Liberals wouldn't do that, would they?

Democrats were a more conservative party in those days for certain. Republicans were more liberal than they are today.
For all I know you may be laying on the floor drunk at the local store somewhere on a reservation.
There's no reason to lie to an anonymous jackass on the web. don't care what you think - as I said:

You saying something like that piece of literature right there is enough to question your honesty, your intelligence, your grasp of reality.
There's no reason to lie to an anonymous jackass on the web. don't care what you think - as I said:


You saying something like that piece of literature right there is enough to question your honesty, your intelligence, your grasp of reality.
Just because YOU feel the need to lie doesn't mean everyone does.
For all I know you may be laying on the floor drunk at the local store somewhere on a reservation.
And I only have your word that you are not a pedophile...There's no reason to lie to an anonymous jackass on the web. don't care what you think - as I said:

I'm not the one that said anything about being a pedophile. Sounds to me like you are projecting. Of course you care what I think. Why else would you have tried your best to impress me and prove you had guts?
So knock it off with the racism bullshit already.
Hundreds of thousands of WHITE MEN died to free the black man
No, they died for the profits of corporations, just like they did for the industrial military complex during Vietnam and Iraq. Republicans have been running this con game for 150 years.

The Democrats took us into Vietnam, dipshit. Republicans took us out. You might want to check your history.
You sure are a dumb fuck.
1955 President Eisenhower sends first military advisors to South Vietnam to train the South Vietnamese Army
Timeline of U.S. Involvement in Vietnam Conflict
So knock it off with the racism bullshit already.
Hundreds of thousands of WHITE MEN died to free the black man
No, they died for the profits of corporations, just like they did for the industrial military complex during Vietnam and Iraq. Republicans have been running this con game for 150 years.

The Democrats took us into Vietnam, dipshit. Republicans took us out. You might want to check your history.
You sure are a dumb fuck.
1955 President Eisenhower sends first military advisors to South Vietnam to train the South Vietnamese Army
Timeline of U.S. Involvement in Vietnam Conflict

Sending in military advisers to train an army is not engaging in war. It was Kennedy who started sending in masses of soldiers to die and then Johnson who went for the full monty.

So yeah, you can shut up now, hack.
So knock it off with the racism bullshit already.
Hundreds of thousands of WHITE MEN died to free the black man
No, they died for the profits of corporations, just like they did for the industrial military complex during Vietnam and Iraq. Republicans have been running this con game for 150 years.

The Democrats took us into Vietnam, dipshit. Republicans took us out. You might want to check your history.
You sure are a dumb fuck.
1955 President Eisenhower sends first military advisors to South Vietnam to train the South Vietnamese Army
Timeline of U.S. Involvement in Vietnam Conflict

Sending in military advisers to train an army is not engaging in war. It was Kennedy who started sending in masses of soldiers to die and then Johnson who went for the full monty.

So yeah, you can shut up now, hack.

Eisenhower was the one that got us involved in Vietnam. You lost that one, so you try to twist it. LBJ refused to run for POTUS again in 68' because he knew that he'd been duped by the military industrial complex profiteers. NIXON KEPT THE NAM WAR GOING FOR SEVEN MORE YEARS, AND THEN SURENDERED. Every time you try to take me on, you lose.

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