Hundreds Show up at Florida School Board Meeting. Dems, how does that make you feel?

You lose, rube. I have many disagreements with both repulsive parties.

You nutters hate anyone who can think for themselves. Tough shit. That's on you, not me. Man up for a change.

You have to take him with a grain of salt.
I thought the thread was about high turnout for school board meetings, I did not realize it was yet one more CT thread from you

Silly me
So you only read the headline? Next time read the whole OP and you'll know what the thread is about. I mentioned both the parent threat tag and the FBI intelligence gathering at School Board meetings in the first post of the thread.

Typical Democrat. Y'all read the news the same way. Always fun to debate people who get all their information from clickbait headlines that they did not even click on.
Sounds like a good community school board meeting. Looks like the community thinks Rodrigues would better serve the community if she resigned from the board. Apparently, the PG movie was just that a PG movie and was OK, after all. Sounds like Republican attacks on teachers and public education in Florida is progressing well, and teachers are quitting at a rate, never seen before, so the only place to get an education in the state may become private schools. It would not surprise me if many of the public school teachers quitting showed up with jobs a private schools next year. Since Trump did finish killing public education with the hiring of the Amway lady, if public education is to be destroyed, it will have to be destroyed at the state level, and they are doing a good job of destroying it down there. Next, maybe the state can do away with local school boards. Then there would be no local school board meeting, where people get to speak out against what the political right wing is doing to the schools, the teachers, the students, etc, with meetings only at the state capital, where they can better be controlled, and rejection of the right wing agenda and radical right wing trouble makers, kept silent. I don't really care. It is not my state. Who knows? After DeSantis loses the 2024 primary, maybe Florida will back off the state interference at the local level. Or, maybe he won't. It is not like he has kids in the public school system.


Number Fucking One....

"Public Education" ceased being a "public service" immediately as it was implemented. Leftists, soviet agents, and other treasonous elements promoted and established "public education" in order to indoctrinate America's youth into the acceptance of a collectivist global government. PE is a significant tenet of marxism.

Number Fucking Two...

BED WETTERS DESTROYED PE by doing exactly what they intended to do rather than actually just teach America's children math, science, literacy and history. Over the course of decades the results of PE have only decreased, NOTHING IMPROVES regardless of how much money is dumped into the effort. We have illiterate teen agers exiting these institutions early to enter the prison system, rather than get a job at a steel mill....,

AND THAT's because the fuckin bed wetters regulated and taxed most of our industry across the fuckin oceans.

Thanks assholes.

That's why everyone hates you.


The best possible outcome is for public education to be eradicated and for the states and localities to contract with education providers so that satisfactory results are either produced, or mother fuckers don't stay employed at something they're clearly either just not good at doing or they're doing it wrong deliberately.

Well, I reckon Hernando County ain't good fer public scools.

Anymore. I think my friend's kid turned out OK and he went there.

It's been almost a decade since he graduated.

Now I just feel old. :(

Where do I stand on race?
Single payer?
The Border?
PC/Identity Politics?
Green Energy?

I agree with the Dems wholeheartedly on all those issues, right Einstein?
Mac1958 is a democrat in sheep’s clothing
Trumpsters have definitely become hyper-politically active. It's their freaking LIVES now, as they struggle to save America from Evil and Satan and Hillary 'n stuff.

No doubt.
Libtards think they can cram down their filthy queer agenda on Floridians.

Number Fucking One....

"Public Education" ceased being a "public service" immediately as it was implemented. Leftists, soviet agents, and other treasonous elements promoted and established "public education" in order to indoctrinate America's youth into the acceptance of a collectivist global government. PE is a significant tenet of marxism.

Number Fucking Two...

BED WETTERS DESTROYED PE by doing exactly what they intended to do rather than actually just teach America's children math, science, literacy and history. Over the course of decades the results of PE have only decreased, NOTHING IMPROVES regardless of how much money is dumped into the effort. We have illiterate teen agers exiting these institutions early to enter the prison system, rather than get a job at a steel mill....,

AND THAT's because the fuckin bed wetters regulated and taxed most of our industry across the fuckin oceans.

Thanks assholes.

That's why everyone hates you.

View attachment 790661
The best possible outcome is for public education to be eradicated and for the states and localities to contract with education providers so that satisfactory results are either produced, or mother fuckers don't stay employed at something they're clearly either just not good at doing or they're doing it wrong deliberately.

So you don't approve of public education and get emotional over it's continued existence, I assume in this country and all others. Position noted.


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So you don't approve of public education and get emotional over it's continued existence, I assume in this country and all others. Position noted.
View attachment 790680
Good to see you got NOTHING to support your position though, whatever the fuck that could possibly be BTW....

Would you also argue the drug war is a great success and we should kick in more doors and throw more people in prison?


Good to see you got NOTHING to support your position though, whatever the fuck that could possibly be BTW....

Would you also argue the drug war is a great success and we should kick in more doors and throw more people in prison?


No. I have never been a big supporter of the so-called "war on drugs". Whenever the fed announces a domestic "war" on something, it usually signals, the war is already lost.
No. I have never been a big supporter of the so-called "war on drugs". Whenever the fed announces a domestic "war" on something, it usually signals, the war is already lost.
Yet "education" is a great success? More money for dumber people was the objective after all?

Just want to be clear, and I didn't mention any other country because many others spend fucktons less and get much better results.
Yet "education" is a great success? More money for dumber people was the objective after all?

Just want to be clear, and I didn't mention any other country because many others spend fucktons less and get much better results.
Noted: You support public education in other countries, but wish it did not exist in this country.

Number Fucking One....

"Public Education" ceased being a "public service" immediately as it was implemented. Leftists, soviet agents, and other treasonous elements promoted and established "public education" in order to indoctrinate America's youth into the acceptance of a collectivist global government. PE is a significant tenet of marxism.

Number Fucking Two...

BED WETTERS DESTROYED PE by doing exactly what they intended to do rather than actually just teach America's children math, science, literacy and history. Over the course of decades the results of PE have only decreased, NOTHING IMPROVES regardless of how much money is dumped into the effort. We have illiterate teen agers exiting these institutions early to enter the prison system, rather than get a job at a steel mill....,

AND THAT's because the fuckin bed wetters regulated and taxed most of our industry across the fuckin oceans.

Thanks assholes.

That's why everyone hates you.

View attachment 790661
The best possible outcome is for public education to be eradicated and for the states and localities to contract with education providers so that satisfactory results are either produced, or mother fuckers don't stay employed at something they're clearly either just not good at doing or they're doing it wrong deliberately.

MAGA / Russobot priority - get rid of public education.

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