Hungary Referendum: 95% NO 5% yes on following EU "migrant" quotas

Congratulations to the people of Hungary for their courage in rejecting forced Muslim immigration that would have eventually turned their nation into an Islamic theocracy. Sadly, nations like Sweden are doomed to become Islamic because of the EU's open borders policy. The USA will also probably go the way of Sweden, unless the ignorant public wakes up and stops the migrants from entering and tosses out most who entered.
You are mistaken; the Hungarian electorate did not support the racist nationalist prime minister Viktor Orbán's divisive referendum regarding European Union (EU) quotas for refugees. The majority of Hungarian voters stayed away Orbán short of the 50% turn-out required to give the outcome any legal standing.

The Hungarian people received far more than they contributed to the EU in infrastructure investment and modernizing after decades of communist oppression. You can be assured that most Hungarians are glad to be in the EU.
The result would have been a the same if everybody has shown up. It was a non binding vote anyway.

"The referendum was non-binding, but became a symbolic litmus test for Orban’s pro-sovereignty, anti-migrant and anti-Islamist policies."

98% of Hungarians reject EU refugee quotas, but low turnout rules referendum invalid

As this states, Refugees NOT Welcome, I don't care about any of them, we have no obligation on our Continent to take even one of them in, they are trouble just like their Islamic Ancestors were trouble, leopards don't change their spots.

We only have an obligation to our fellow European brothers and sisters, within a few years the EU will have collapsed as we have it now, there will be two EU's, the EU Cucks nations who can't wait to have their nations full of Diversity and the Cultural Enrichment of savage and low IQ peoples.

Then the rest of us who are nations who want to protect our own and preserve and protect our Culture and Heritage and our Borders.

The EU Cucks nations within 20 to 30 years will look like a mix of Lebanon and The DR Congo.

The rest of us within 20 to 30 years will have survived and our Culture and Heritage to live on for another Millennia and beyond.

Congratulations to the people of Hungary for their courage in rejecting forced Muslim immigration that would have eventually turned their nation into an Islamic theocracy. Sadly, nations like Sweden are doomed to become Islamic because of the EU's open borders policy. The USA will also probably go the way of Sweden, unless the ignorant public wakes up and stops the migrants from entering and tosses out most who entered.
You are mistaken; the Hungarian electorate did not support the racist nationalist prime minister Viktor Orbán's divisive referendum regarding European Union (EU) quotas for refugees. The majority of Hungarian voters stayed away Orbán short of the 50% turn-out required to give the outcome any legal standing.

The Hungarian people received far more than they contributed to the EU in infrastructure investment and modernizing after decades of communist oppression. You can be assured that most Hungarians are glad to be in the EU.

The No vote was 98.3% at 44% turnout, if 6% more people would have voted No would have still won.

Leftists with NGOs freaks in tow are saying that the vote is invalid because it wasn't 50% turnout. So did the MINORITY Leftists win? Of course they didn't, Leftism is in the minority in Hungary, it's a Conservative nation going further to the Right.

So our great friend and European Patriot Viktor Orbán has declared victory and gave the press conference saying he's going to get Parliament to change the Constitution. Great news, lots of MINORITY Leftist bedwetting now.

He's going to introduce a measure this week, an amendment to the Hungarian Constitution which will make it ILLEGAL to accept ANY "poor refugees" in Hungary and he's going to win this vote.

Sorry Leftists, Hungary doesn't want the filth making Hungary into a crapheap.

I forgot I should have included the situation in the State Assembly in Budapest, there are 199 seats, this is how it is.

The Rightist parties are.

Fidesz who are Viktor Orbán's party, seats 114
KDNP who are in coalition with Fidesz, seats 17
Jobbik seats 24

The Leftist parties are.

MSZP who are Socialists, seats 29
LMP who are an environmentalist party, seats 5
DK seats 4
Együtt who are very Left-Wing, seats 3
PM who are another environmentalist party, seats 1
MLP who began as Centre-Right but now are Left of Centre, seats 1

So as I commented, Hungary isn't of the Leftist mindset and the amendment to the Hungarian Constitution will succeed this week, it needs two thirds to vote to agree and with the above Rightist party seats it will succeed.

The MINORITY Leftist party seats if they all attend for the vote, they can only achieve 43 votes combined.

Edited to add comment.
History is full of ifs. You wrote " if 6% more people would have voted No would have still won". But failure to get a 50% turnout means that the racist nationalists lost. Your use of the word "still" is inappropriate since they lost by virtue of a low turnout. Encouraged by the English Brussels-bashing with their Brexit, Viktor (aka Viktator) Orbán put a loaded question on the ballot paper: "Do you want the European Union to be able to prescribe the mandatory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens in Hungary even without the consent of parliament?" Orbán was counting on the electorate to do as the English had done and "send a message to Brussels".
Viktor Orbán and Huxit: Hungary may be the next to leave the European Union
He failed to learn the lesson that David Cameron discovered, namely, a referendum can go against a prime minister. Most opposition parties called for a boycott and this worked.

This is Off Topic for a moment, but do you like Bullfighting?

I'm a lifelong fan of Bullfighting, so I have before thought of having a thread about it, but I'm not sure how many others are fans of this Art, it's an Art it's not a Sport.
Congratulations to the people of Hungary for their courage in rejecting forced Muslim immigration that would have eventually turned their nation into an Islamic theocracy. Sadly, nations like Sweden are doomed to become Islamic because of the EU's open borders policy. The USA will also probably go the way of Sweden, unless the ignorant public wakes up and stops the migrants from entering and tosses out most who entered.
You are mistaken; the Hungarian electorate did not support the racist nationalist prime minister Viktor Orbán's divisive referendum regarding European Union (EU) quotas for refugees. The majority of Hungarian voters stayed away Orbán short of the 50% turn-out required to give the outcome any legal standing.

The Hungarian people received far more than they contributed to the EU in infrastructure investment and modernizing after decades of communist oppression. You can be assured that most Hungarians are glad to be in the EU.
The result would have been a the same if everybody has shown up. It was a non binding vote anyway.

"The referendum was non-binding, but became a symbolic litmus test for Orban’s pro-sovereignty, anti-migrant and anti-Islamist policies."

98% of Hungarians reject EU refugee quotas, but low turnout rules referendum invalid

As this states, Refugees NOT Welcome, I don't care about any of them, we have no obligation on our Continent to take even one of them in, they are trouble just like their Islamic Ancestors were trouble, leopards don't change their spots.

We only have an obligation to our fellow European brothers and sisters, within a few years the EU will have collapsed as we have it now, there will be two EU's, the EU Cucks nations who can't wait to have their nations full of Diversity and the Cultural Enrichment of savage and low IQ peoples.

Then the rest of us who are nations who want to protect our own and preserve and protect our Culture and Heritage and our Borders.

The EU Cucks nations within 20 to 30 years will look like a mix of Lebanon and The DR Congo.

The rest of us within 20 to 30 years will have survived and our Culture and Heritage to live on for another Millennia and beyond.

As it stands at the present Russians are the only hope. Globalist war against Russia has to be stopped by all and any means....
Congratulations to the people of Hungary for their courage in rejecting forced Muslim immigration that would have eventually turned their nation into an Islamic theocracy. Sadly, nations like Sweden are doomed to become Islamic because of the EU's open borders policy. The USA will also probably go the way of Sweden, unless the ignorant public wakes up and stops the migrants from entering and tosses out most who entered.
You are mistaken; the Hungarian electorate did not support the racist nationalist prime minister Viktor Orbán's divisive referendum regarding European Union (EU) quotas for refugees. The majority of Hungarian voters stayed away Orbán short of the 50% turn-out required to give the outcome any legal standing.

The Hungarian people received far more than they contributed to the EU in infrastructure investment and modernizing after decades of communist oppression. You can be assured that most Hungarians are glad to be in the EU.
The result would have been a the same if everybody has shown up. It was a non binding vote anyway.

"The referendum was non-binding, but became a symbolic litmus test for Orban’s pro-sovereignty, anti-migrant and anti-Islamist policies."

98% of Hungarians reject EU refugee quotas, but low turnout rules referendum invalid

As this states, Refugees NOT Welcome, I don't care about any of them, we have no obligation on our Continent to take even one of them in, they are trouble just like their Islamic Ancestors were trouble, leopards don't change their spots.

We only have an obligation to our fellow European brothers and sisters, within a few years the EU will have collapsed as we have it now, there will be two EU's, the EU Cucks nations who can't wait to have their nations full of Diversity and the Cultural Enrichment of savage and low IQ peoples.

Then the rest of us who are nations who want to protect our own and preserve and protect our Culture and Heritage and our Borders.

The EU Cucks nations within 20 to 30 years will look like a mix of Lebanon and The DR Congo.

The rest of us within 20 to 30 years will have survived and our Culture and Heritage to live on for another Millennia and beyond.

As it stands at the present Russians are the only hope. Globalist war against Russia has to be stopped by all and any means....

All who are banging war drums for a war with our Russian brothers and sisters, these people must be insane, who in their right mind would WANT a war with Russia?

This a Third War would be unlike any other wars, it would involve nuclear weapons and the potential to not only kill the whole of our Continent but also nuclear strikes on the North American Continent killing most of your population also.

Why would anyone WANT this Apocalyptic situation? Who would win? Nobody, those who would think they had won, will also end up with nothing and as nothing turning to dust.
All who are banging war drums for a war with our Russian brothers and sisters, these people must be insane, who in their right mind would WANT a war with Russia?

This a Third War would be unlike any other wars, it would involve nuclear weapons and the potential to not only kill the whole of our Continent but also nuclear strikes on the North American Continent killing most of your population also.

Why would anyone WANT this Apocalyptic situation? Who would win? Nobody, those who would think they had won, will also end up with nothing and as nothing turning to dust.
Globalists, who want to eradicate Western civilization...
Congratulations to the people of Hungary for their courage in rejecting forced Muslim immigration that would have eventually turned their nation into an Islamic theocracy. Sadly, nations like Sweden are doomed to become Islamic because of the EU's open borders policy. The USA will also probably go the way of Sweden, unless the ignorant public wakes up and stops the migrants from entering and tosses out most who entered.
You are mistaken; the Hungarian electorate did not support the racist nationalist prime minister Viktor Orbán's divisive referendum regarding European Union (EU) quotas for refugees. The majority of Hungarian voters stayed away Orbán short of the 50% turn-out required to give the outcome any legal standing.

The Hungarian people received far more than they contributed to the EU in infrastructure investment and modernizing after decades of communist oppression. You can be assured that most Hungarians are glad to be in the EU.

The No vote was 98.3% at 44% turnout, if 6% more people would have voted No would have still won.

Leftists with NGOs freaks in tow are saying that the vote is invalid because it wasn't 50% turnout. So did the MINORITY Leftists win? Of course they didn't, Leftism is in the minority in Hungary, it's a Conservative nation going further to the Right.

So our great friend and European Patriot Viktor Orbán has declared victory and gave the press conference saying he's going to get Parliament to change the Constitution. Great news, lots of MINORITY Leftist bedwetting now.

He's going to introduce a measure this week, an amendment to the Hungarian Constitution which will make it ILLEGAL to accept ANY "poor refugees" in Hungary and he's going to win this vote.

Sorry Leftists, Hungary doesn't want the filth making Hungary into a crapheap.

I forgot I should have included the situation in the State Assembly in Budapest, there are 199 seats, this is how it is.

The Rightist parties are.

Fidesz who are Viktor Orbán's party, seats 114
KDNP who are in coalition with Fidesz, seats 17
Jobbik seats 24

The Leftist parties are.

MSZP who are Socialists, seats 29
LMP who are an environmentalist party, seats 5
DK seats 4
Együtt who are very Left-Wing, seats 3
PM who are another environmentalist party, seats 1
MLP who began as Centre-Right but now are Left of Centre, seats 1

So as I commented, Hungary isn't of the Leftist mindset and the amendment to the Hungarian Constitution will succeed this week, it needs two thirds to vote to agree and with the above Rightist party seats it will succeed.

The MINORITY Leftist party seats if they all attend for the vote, they can only achieve 43 votes combined.

Edited to add comment.
History is full of ifs. You wrote " if 6% more people would have voted No would have still won". But failure to get a 50% turnout means that the racist nationalists lost. Your use of the word "still" is inappropriate since they lost by virtue of a low turnout. Encouraged by the English Brussels-bashing with their Brexit, Viktor (aka Viktator) Orbán put a loaded question on the ballot paper: "Do you want the European Union to be able to prescribe the mandatory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens in Hungary even without the consent of parliament?" Orbán was counting on the electorate to do as the English had done and "send a message to Brussels".
Viktor Orbán and Huxit: Hungary may be the next to leave the European Union
He failed to learn the lesson that David Cameron discovered, namely, a referendum can go against a prime minister. Most opposition parties called for a boycott and this worked.

This is Off Topic for a moment, but do you like Bullfighting?

I'm a lifelong fan of Bullfighting, so I have before thought of having a thread about it, but I'm not sure how many others are fans of this Art, it's an Art it's not a Sport.
I wonder what gave you that notion.
Congratulations to the people of Hungary for their courage in rejecting forced Muslim immigration that would have eventually turned their nation into an Islamic theocracy. Sadly, nations like Sweden are doomed to become Islamic because of the EU's open borders policy. The USA will also probably go the way of Sweden, unless the ignorant public wakes up and stops the migrants from entering and tosses out most who entered.
You are mistaken; the Hungarian electorate did not support the racist nationalist prime minister Viktor Orbán's divisive referendum regarding European Union (EU) quotas for refugees. The majority of Hungarian voters stayed away Orbán short of the 50% turn-out required to give the outcome any legal standing.

The Hungarian people received far more than they contributed to the EU in infrastructure investment and modernizing after decades of communist oppression. You can be assured that most Hungarians are glad to be in the EU.

The No vote was 98.3% at 44% turnout, if 6% more people would have voted No would have still won.

Leftists with NGOs freaks in tow are saying that the vote is invalid because it wasn't 50% turnout. So did the MINORITY Leftists win? Of course they didn't, Leftism is in the minority in Hungary, it's a Conservative nation going further to the Right.

So our great friend and European Patriot Viktor Orbán has declared victory and gave the press conference saying he's going to get Parliament to change the Constitution. Great news, lots of MINORITY Leftist bedwetting now.

He's going to introduce a measure this week, an amendment to the Hungarian Constitution which will make it ILLEGAL to accept ANY "poor refugees" in Hungary and he's going to win this vote.

Sorry Leftists, Hungary doesn't want the filth making Hungary into a crapheap.

I forgot I should have included the situation in the State Assembly in Budapest, there are 199 seats, this is how it is.

The Rightist parties are.

Fidesz who are Viktor Orbán's party, seats 114
KDNP who are in coalition with Fidesz, seats 17
Jobbik seats 24

The Leftist parties are.

MSZP who are Socialists, seats 29
LMP who are an environmentalist party, seats 5
DK seats 4
Együtt who are very Left-Wing, seats 3
PM who are another environmentalist party, seats 1
MLP who began as Centre-Right but now are Left of Centre, seats 1

So as I commented, Hungary isn't of the Leftist mindset and the amendment to the Hungarian Constitution will succeed this week, it needs two thirds to vote to agree and with the above Rightist party seats it will succeed.

The MINORITY Leftist party seats if they all attend for the vote, they can only achieve 43 votes combined.

Edited to add comment.
History is full of ifs. You wrote " if 6% more people would have voted No would have still won". But failure to get a 50% turnout means that the racist nationalists lost. Your use of the word "still" is inappropriate since they lost by virtue of a low turnout. Encouraged by the English Brussels-bashing with their Brexit, Viktor (aka Viktator) Orbán put a loaded question on the ballot paper: "Do you want the European Union to be able to prescribe the mandatory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens in Hungary even without the consent of parliament?" Orbán was counting on the electorate to do as the English had done and "send a message to Brussels".
Viktor Orbán and Huxit: Hungary may be the next to leave the European Union
He failed to learn the lesson that David Cameron discovered, namely, a referendum can go against a prime minister. Most opposition parties called for a boycott and this worked.

This is Off Topic for a moment, but do you like Bullfighting?

I'm a lifelong fan of Bullfighting, so I have before thought of having a thread about it, but I'm not sure how many others are fans of this Art, it's an Art it's not a Sport.
I wonder what gave you that notion.

The Torero that you sport.

There are some excellent contemporary ones, but none as yet have reached the greatness of Manolete and Juan Belmonte and I think none will ever be considered as great as Manolete.

A regret as I was born in 1990 I could never watch him of course, but members of my family got to see him, which they said was just like watching one of the great Prima ballerina assoluta.

Manolete - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Juan Belmonte - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You are mistaken; the Hungarian electorate did not support the racist nationalist prime minister Viktor Orbán's divisive referendum regarding European Union (EU) quotas for refugees. The majority of Hungarian voters stayed away Orbán short of the 50% turn-out required to give the outcome any legal standing.

The Hungarian people received far more than they contributed to the EU in infrastructure investment and modernizing after decades of communist oppression. You can be assured that most Hungarians are glad to be in the EU.

The No vote was 98.3% at 44% turnout, if 6% more people would have voted No would have still won.

Leftists with NGOs freaks in tow are saying that the vote is invalid because it wasn't 50% turnout. So did the MINORITY Leftists win? Of course they didn't, Leftism is in the minority in Hungary, it's a Conservative nation going further to the Right.

So our great friend and European Patriot Viktor Orbán has declared victory and gave the press conference saying he's going to get Parliament to change the Constitution. Great news, lots of MINORITY Leftist bedwetting now.

He's going to introduce a measure this week, an amendment to the Hungarian Constitution which will make it ILLEGAL to accept ANY "poor refugees" in Hungary and he's going to win this vote.

Sorry Leftists, Hungary doesn't want the filth making Hungary into a crapheap.

I forgot I should have included the situation in the State Assembly in Budapest, there are 199 seats, this is how it is.

The Rightist parties are.

Fidesz who are Viktor Orbán's party, seats 114
KDNP who are in coalition with Fidesz, seats 17
Jobbik seats 24

The Leftist parties are.

MSZP who are Socialists, seats 29
LMP who are an environmentalist party, seats 5
DK seats 4
Együtt who are very Left-Wing, seats 3
PM who are another environmentalist party, seats 1
MLP who began as Centre-Right but now are Left of Centre, seats 1

So as I commented, Hungary isn't of the Leftist mindset and the amendment to the Hungarian Constitution will succeed this week, it needs two thirds to vote to agree and with the above Rightist party seats it will succeed.

The MINORITY Leftist party seats if they all attend for the vote, they can only achieve 43 votes combined.

Edited to add comment.
History is full of ifs. You wrote " if 6% more people would have voted No would have still won". But failure to get a 50% turnout means that the racist nationalists lost. Your use of the word "still" is inappropriate since they lost by virtue of a low turnout. Encouraged by the English Brussels-bashing with their Brexit, Viktor (aka Viktator) Orbán put a loaded question on the ballot paper: "Do you want the European Union to be able to prescribe the mandatory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens in Hungary even without the consent of parliament?" Orbán was counting on the electorate to do as the English had done and "send a message to Brussels".
Viktor Orbán and Huxit: Hungary may be the next to leave the European Union
He failed to learn the lesson that David Cameron discovered, namely, a referendum can go against a prime minister. Most opposition parties called for a boycott and this worked.

This is Off Topic for a moment, but do you like Bullfighting?

I'm a lifelong fan of Bullfighting, so I have before thought of having a thread about it, but I'm not sure how many others are fans of this Art, it's an Art it's not a Sport.
I wonder what gave you that notion.

The Torero that you sport.

There are some excellent contemporary ones, but none as yet have reached the greatness of Manolete and Juan Belmonte and I think none will ever be considered as great as Manolete.

A regret as I was born in 1990 I could never watch him of course, but members of my family got to see him, which they said was just like watching one of the great Prima ballerina assoluta.

Manolete - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Juan Belmonte - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As you say.
The No vote was 98.3% at 44% turnout, if 6% more people would have voted No would have still won.

Leftists with NGOs freaks in tow are saying that the vote is invalid because it wasn't 50% turnout. So did the MINORITY Leftists win? Of course they didn't, Leftism is in the minority in Hungary, it's a Conservative nation going further to the Right.

So our great friend and European Patriot Viktor Orbán has declared victory and gave the press conference saying he's going to get Parliament to change the Constitution. Great news, lots of MINORITY Leftist bedwetting now.

He's going to introduce a measure this week, an amendment to the Hungarian Constitution which will make it ILLEGAL to accept ANY "poor refugees" in Hungary and he's going to win this vote.

Sorry Leftists, Hungary doesn't want the filth making Hungary into a crapheap.

I forgot I should have included the situation in the State Assembly in Budapest, there are 199 seats, this is how it is.

The Rightist parties are.

Fidesz who are Viktor Orbán's party, seats 114
KDNP who are in coalition with Fidesz, seats 17
Jobbik seats 24

The Leftist parties are.

MSZP who are Socialists, seats 29
LMP who are an environmentalist party, seats 5
DK seats 4
Együtt who are very Left-Wing, seats 3
PM who are another environmentalist party, seats 1
MLP who began as Centre-Right but now are Left of Centre, seats 1

So as I commented, Hungary isn't of the Leftist mindset and the amendment to the Hungarian Constitution will succeed this week, it needs two thirds to vote to agree and with the above Rightist party seats it will succeed.

The MINORITY Leftist party seats if they all attend for the vote, they can only achieve 43 votes combined.

Edited to add comment.
History is full of ifs. You wrote " if 6% more people would have voted No would have still won". But failure to get a 50% turnout means that the racist nationalists lost. Your use of the word "still" is inappropriate since they lost by virtue of a low turnout. Encouraged by the English Brussels-bashing with their Brexit, Viktor (aka Viktator) Orbán put a loaded question on the ballot paper: "Do you want the European Union to be able to prescribe the mandatory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens in Hungary even without the consent of parliament?" Orbán was counting on the electorate to do as the English had done and "send a message to Brussels".
Viktor Orbán and Huxit: Hungary may be the next to leave the European Union
He failed to learn the lesson that David Cameron discovered, namely, a referendum can go against a prime minister. Most opposition parties called for a boycott and this worked.

This is Off Topic for a moment, but do you like Bullfighting?

I'm a lifelong fan of Bullfighting, so I have before thought of having a thread about it, but I'm not sure how many others are fans of this Art, it's an Art it's not a Sport.
I wonder what gave you that notion.

The Torero that you sport.

There are some excellent contemporary ones, but none as yet have reached the greatness of Manolete and Juan Belmonte and I think none will ever be considered as great as Manolete.

A regret as I was born in 1990 I could never watch him of course, but members of my family got to see him, which they said was just like watching one of the great Prima ballerina assoluta.

Manolete - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Juan Belmonte - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As you say.

I like most Spaniards who I've met and I appreciate the passion of the Catalans and of course support in a moral sense their desire for Independence, although I'm not sure they'll get it, but even if they don't the passion will remain in their hearts and within their souls.
Congratulations to the people of Hungary for their courage in rejecting forced Muslim immigration that would have eventually turned their nation into an Islamic theocracy. Sadly, nations like Sweden are doomed to become Islamic because of the EU's open borders policy. The USA will also probably go the way of Sweden, unless the ignorant public wakes up and stops the migrants from entering and tosses out most who entered.
You are mistaken; the Hungarian electorate did not support the racist nationalist prime minister Viktor Orbán's divisive referendum regarding European Union (EU) quotas for refugees. The majority of Hungarian voters stayed away Orbán short of the 50% turn-out required to give the outcome any legal standing.

The Hungarian people received far more than they contributed to the EU in infrastructure investment and modernizing after decades of communist oppression. You can be assured that most Hungarians are glad to be in the EU.

The No vote was 98.3% at 44% turnout, if 6% more people would have voted No would have still won.

Leftists with NGOs freaks in tow are saying that the vote is invalid because it wasn't 50% turnout. So did the MINORITY Leftists win? Of course they didn't, Leftism is in the minority in Hungary, it's a Conservative nation going further to the Right.

So our great friend and European Patriot Viktor Orbán has declared victory and gave the press conference saying he's going to get Parliament to change the Constitution. Great news, lots of MINORITY Leftist bedwetting now.

He's going to introduce a measure this week, an amendment to the Hungarian Constitution which will make it ILLEGAL to accept ANY "poor refugees" in Hungary and he's going to win this vote.

Sorry Leftists, Hungary doesn't want the filth making Hungary into a crapheap.

I forgot I should have included the situation in the State Assembly in Budapest, there are 199 seats, this is how it is.

The Rightist parties are.

Fidesz who are Viktor Orbán's party, seats 114
KDNP who are in coalition with Fidesz, seats 17
Jobbik seats 24

The Leftist parties are.

MSZP who are Socialists, seats 29
LMP who are an environmentalist party, seats 5
DK seats 4
Együtt who are very Left-Wing, seats 3
PM who are another environmentalist party, seats 1
MLP who began as Centre-Right but now are Left of Centre, seats 1

So as I commented, Hungary isn't of the Leftist mindset and the amendment to the Hungarian Constitution will succeed this week, it needs two thirds to vote to agree and with the above Rightist party seats it will succeed.

The MINORITY Leftist party seats if they all attend for the vote, they can only achieve 43 votes combined.

Edited to add comment.
History is full of ifs. You wrote " if 6% more people would have voted No would have still won". But failure to get a 50% turnout means that the racist nationalists lost. Your use of the word "still" is inappropriate since they lost by virtue of a low turnout. Encouraged by the English Brussels-bashing with their Brexit, Viktor (aka Viktator) Orbán put a loaded question on the ballot paper: "Do you want the European Union to be able to prescribe the mandatory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens in Hungary even without the consent of parliament?" Orbán was counting on the electorate to do as the English had done and "send a message to Brussels".
Viktor Orbán and Huxit: Hungary may be the next to leave the European Union
He failed to learn the lesson that David Cameron discovered, namely, a referendum can go against a prime minister. Most opposition parties called for a boycott and this worked.

This is Off Topic for a moment, but do you like Bullfighting?

I'm a lifelong fan of Bullfighting, so I have before thought of having a thread about it, but I'm not sure how many others are fans of this Art, it's an Art it's not a Sport.

Ahh...Lucy...Bullfighting is bloody cruelty :( Sport and art would be Bull Dancing.
Congratulations to the people of Hungary for their courage in rejecting forced Muslim immigration that would have eventually turned their nation into an Islamic theocracy. Sadly, nations like Sweden are doomed to become Islamic because of the EU's open borders policy. The USA will also probably go the way of Sweden, unless the ignorant public wakes up and stops the migrants from entering and tosses out most who entered.
You are mistaken; the Hungarian electorate did not support the racist nationalist prime minister Viktor Orbán's divisive referendum regarding European Union (EU) quotas for refugees. The majority of Hungarian voters stayed away Orbán short of the 50% turn-out required to give the outcome any legal standing.

The Hungarian people received far more than they contributed to the EU in infrastructure investment and modernizing after decades of communist oppression. You can be assured that most Hungarians are glad to be in the EU.

The No vote was 98.3% at 44% turnout, if 6% more people would have voted No would have still won.

Leftists with NGOs freaks in tow are saying that the vote is invalid because it wasn't 50% turnout. So did the MINORITY Leftists win? Of course they didn't, Leftism is in the minority in Hungary, it's a Conservative nation going further to the Right.

So our great friend and European Patriot Viktor Orbán has declared victory and gave the press conference saying he's going to get Parliament to change the Constitution. Great news, lots of MINORITY Leftist bedwetting now.

He's going to introduce a measure this week, an amendment to the Hungarian Constitution which will make it ILLEGAL to accept ANY "poor refugees" in Hungary and he's going to win this vote.

Sorry Leftists, Hungary doesn't want the filth making Hungary into a crapheap.

I forgot I should have included the situation in the State Assembly in Budapest, there are 199 seats, this is how it is.

The Rightist parties are.

Fidesz who are Viktor Orbán's party, seats 114
KDNP who are in coalition with Fidesz, seats 17
Jobbik seats 24

The Leftist parties are.

MSZP who are Socialists, seats 29
LMP who are an environmentalist party, seats 5
DK seats 4
Együtt who are very Left-Wing, seats 3
PM who are another environmentalist party, seats 1
MLP who began as Centre-Right but now are Left of Centre, seats 1

So as I commented, Hungary isn't of the Leftist mindset and the amendment to the Hungarian Constitution will succeed this week, it needs two thirds to vote to agree and with the above Rightist party seats it will succeed.

The MINORITY Leftist party seats if they all attend for the vote, they can only achieve 43 votes combined.

Edited to add comment.
History is full of ifs. You wrote " if 6% more people would have voted No would have still won". But failure to get a 50% turnout means that the racist nationalists lost. Your use of the word "still" is inappropriate since they lost by virtue of a low turnout. Encouraged by the English Brussels-bashing with their Brexit, Viktor (aka Viktator) Orbán put a loaded question on the ballot paper: "Do you want the European Union to be able to prescribe the mandatory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens in Hungary even without the consent of parliament?" Orbán was counting on the electorate to do as the English had done and "send a message to Brussels".
Viktor Orbán and Huxit: Hungary may be the next to leave the European Union
He failed to learn the lesson that David Cameron discovered, namely, a referendum can go against a prime minister. Most opposition parties called for a boycott and this worked.

This is Off Topic for a moment, but do you like Bullfighting?

I'm a lifelong fan of Bullfighting, so I have before thought of having a thread about it, but I'm not sure how many others are fans of this Art, it's an Art it's not a Sport.

Ahh...Lucy...Bullfighting is bloody cruelty :( Sport and art would be Bull Dancing.

Bullfighting is amazing, an amazing experience, it's the passion and the elegance of the moves and the spectacle of the Death Dance and there's also something very sensual about it, the atmosphere, the array of colours, the sweat and the blood.
You are mistaken; the Hungarian electorate did not support the racist nationalist prime minister Viktor Orbán's divisive referendum regarding European Union (EU) quotas for refugees. The majority of Hungarian voters stayed away Orbán short of the 50% turn-out required to give the outcome any legal standing.

The Hungarian people received far more than they contributed to the EU in infrastructure investment and modernizing after decades of communist oppression. You can be assured that most Hungarians are glad to be in the EU.

The No vote was 98.3% at 44% turnout, if 6% more people would have voted No would have still won.

Leftists with NGOs freaks in tow are saying that the vote is invalid because it wasn't 50% turnout. So did the MINORITY Leftists win? Of course they didn't, Leftism is in the minority in Hungary, it's a Conservative nation going further to the Right.

So our great friend and European Patriot Viktor Orbán has declared victory and gave the press conference saying he's going to get Parliament to change the Constitution. Great news, lots of MINORITY Leftist bedwetting now.

He's going to introduce a measure this week, an amendment to the Hungarian Constitution which will make it ILLEGAL to accept ANY "poor refugees" in Hungary and he's going to win this vote.

Sorry Leftists, Hungary doesn't want the filth making Hungary into a crapheap.

I forgot I should have included the situation in the State Assembly in Budapest, there are 199 seats, this is how it is.

The Rightist parties are.

Fidesz who are Viktor Orbán's party, seats 114
KDNP who are in coalition with Fidesz, seats 17
Jobbik seats 24

The Leftist parties are.

MSZP who are Socialists, seats 29
LMP who are an environmentalist party, seats 5
DK seats 4
Együtt who are very Left-Wing, seats 3
PM who are another environmentalist party, seats 1
MLP who began as Centre-Right but now are Left of Centre, seats 1

So as I commented, Hungary isn't of the Leftist mindset and the amendment to the Hungarian Constitution will succeed this week, it needs two thirds to vote to agree and with the above Rightist party seats it will succeed.

The MINORITY Leftist party seats if they all attend for the vote, they can only achieve 43 votes combined.

Edited to add comment.
History is full of ifs. You wrote " if 6% more people would have voted No would have still won". But failure to get a 50% turnout means that the racist nationalists lost. Your use of the word "still" is inappropriate since they lost by virtue of a low turnout. Encouraged by the English Brussels-bashing with their Brexit, Viktor (aka Viktator) Orbán put a loaded question on the ballot paper: "Do you want the European Union to be able to prescribe the mandatory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens in Hungary even without the consent of parliament?" Orbán was counting on the electorate to do as the English had done and "send a message to Brussels".
Viktor Orbán and Huxit: Hungary may be the next to leave the European Union
He failed to learn the lesson that David Cameron discovered, namely, a referendum can go against a prime minister. Most opposition parties called for a boycott and this worked.

This is Off Topic for a moment, but do you like Bullfighting?

I'm a lifelong fan of Bullfighting, so I have before thought of having a thread about it, but I'm not sure how many others are fans of this Art, it's an Art it's not a Sport.

Ahh...Lucy...Bullfighting is bloody cruelty :( Sport and art would be Bull Dancing.

Bullfighting is amazing, an amazing experience, it's the passion and the elegance of the moves and the spectacle of the Death Dance and there's also something very sensual about it, the atmosphere, the array of colours, the sweat and the blood.

It's bloody cruelty to me...there is no joy or dance for the animal, only pain and confusion and ultimately a senseless death. If poeple want to engage in bloodsports - let it be with other people, not innocent animals.
The No vote was 98.3% at 44% turnout, if 6% more people would have voted No would have still won.

Leftists with NGOs freaks in tow are saying that the vote is invalid because it wasn't 50% turnout. So did the MINORITY Leftists win? Of course they didn't, Leftism is in the minority in Hungary, it's a Conservative nation going further to the Right.

So our great friend and European Patriot Viktor Orbán has declared victory and gave the press conference saying he's going to get Parliament to change the Constitution. Great news, lots of MINORITY Leftist bedwetting now.

He's going to introduce a measure this week, an amendment to the Hungarian Constitution which will make it ILLEGAL to accept ANY "poor refugees" in Hungary and he's going to win this vote.

Sorry Leftists, Hungary doesn't want the filth making Hungary into a crapheap.

I forgot I should have included the situation in the State Assembly in Budapest, there are 199 seats, this is how it is.

The Rightist parties are.

Fidesz who are Viktor Orbán's party, seats 114
KDNP who are in coalition with Fidesz, seats 17
Jobbik seats 24

The Leftist parties are.

MSZP who are Socialists, seats 29
LMP who are an environmentalist party, seats 5
DK seats 4
Együtt who are very Left-Wing, seats 3
PM who are another environmentalist party, seats 1
MLP who began as Centre-Right but now are Left of Centre, seats 1

So as I commented, Hungary isn't of the Leftist mindset and the amendment to the Hungarian Constitution will succeed this week, it needs two thirds to vote to agree and with the above Rightist party seats it will succeed.

The MINORITY Leftist party seats if they all attend for the vote, they can only achieve 43 votes combined.

Edited to add comment.
History is full of ifs. You wrote " if 6% more people would have voted No would have still won". But failure to get a 50% turnout means that the racist nationalists lost. Your use of the word "still" is inappropriate since they lost by virtue of a low turnout. Encouraged by the English Brussels-bashing with their Brexit, Viktor (aka Viktator) Orbán put a loaded question on the ballot paper: "Do you want the European Union to be able to prescribe the mandatory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens in Hungary even without the consent of parliament?" Orbán was counting on the electorate to do as the English had done and "send a message to Brussels".
Viktor Orbán and Huxit: Hungary may be the next to leave the European Union
He failed to learn the lesson that David Cameron discovered, namely, a referendum can go against a prime minister. Most opposition parties called for a boycott and this worked.

This is Off Topic for a moment, but do you like Bullfighting?

I'm a lifelong fan of Bullfighting, so I have before thought of having a thread about it, but I'm not sure how many others are fans of this Art, it's an Art it's not a Sport.

Ahh...Lucy...Bullfighting is bloody cruelty :( Sport and art would be Bull Dancing.

Bullfighting is amazing, an amazing experience, it's the passion and the elegance of the moves and the spectacle of the Death Dance and there's also something very sensual about it, the atmosphere, the array of colours, the sweat and the blood.

It's bloody cruelty to me...there is no joy or dance for the animal, only pain and confusion and ultimately a senseless death. If poeple want to engage in bloodsports - let it be with other people, not innocent animals.

The bulls are especially bred darling for the bullfights.

There's no difference between killing those bulls and killing a cow for food, isn't therefore killing animals for food cruelty, considering that humans don't have to eat meat to survive?
History is full of ifs. You wrote " if 6% more people would have voted No would have still won". But failure to get a 50% turnout means that the racist nationalists lost. Your use of the word "still" is inappropriate since they lost by virtue of a low turnout. Encouraged by the English Brussels-bashing with their Brexit, Viktor (aka Viktator) Orbán put a loaded question on the ballot paper: "Do you want the European Union to be able to prescribe the mandatory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens in Hungary even without the consent of parliament?" Orbán was counting on the electorate to do as the English had done and "send a message to Brussels".
Viktor Orbán and Huxit: Hungary may be the next to leave the European Union
He failed to learn the lesson that David Cameron discovered, namely, a referendum can go against a prime minister. Most opposition parties called for a boycott and this worked.

This is Off Topic for a moment, but do you like Bullfighting?

I'm a lifelong fan of Bullfighting, so I have before thought of having a thread about it, but I'm not sure how many others are fans of this Art, it's an Art it's not a Sport.

Ahh...Lucy...Bullfighting is bloody cruelty :( Sport and art would be Bull Dancing.

Bullfighting is amazing, an amazing experience, it's the passion and the elegance of the moves and the spectacle of the Death Dance and there's also something very sensual about it, the atmosphere, the array of colours, the sweat and the blood.

It's bloody cruelty to me...there is no joy or dance for the animal, only pain and confusion and ultimately a senseless death. If poeple want to engage in bloodsports - let it be with other people, not innocent animals.

The bulls are especially bred darling for the bullfights.

There's no difference between killing those bulls and killing a cow for food, isn't therefore killing animals for food cruelty, considering that humans don't have to eat meat to survive?

Yes, but we have laws about how they are killed - to make it humane. That's not the case with bulls in bull fighting. They ought to have bull dancing instead like the ancient Cretes.
This is Off Topic for a moment, but do you like Bullfighting?

I'm a lifelong fan of Bullfighting, so I have before thought of having a thread about it, but I'm not sure how many others are fans of this Art, it's an Art it's not a Sport.

Ahh...Lucy...Bullfighting is bloody cruelty :( Sport and art would be Bull Dancing.

Bullfighting is amazing, an amazing experience, it's the passion and the elegance of the moves and the spectacle of the Death Dance and there's also something very sensual about it, the atmosphere, the array of colours, the sweat and the blood.

It's bloody cruelty to me...there is no joy or dance for the animal, only pain and confusion and ultimately a senseless death. If poeple want to engage in bloodsports - let it be with other people, not innocent animals.

The bulls are especially bred darling for the bullfights.

There's no difference between killing those bulls and killing a cow for food, isn't therefore killing animals for food cruelty, considering that humans don't have to eat meat to survive?

Yes, but we have laws about how they are killed - to make it humane. That's not the case with bulls in bull fighting. They ought to have bull dancing instead like the ancient Cretes.

I think if you experienced a Bullfight you'd change your mind, you'd be enthralled and captivated.

Bull dancing, a typical Hippy comment :smoke: :poke:
Ahh...Lucy...Bullfighting is bloody cruelty :( Sport and art would be Bull Dancing.

Bullfighting is amazing, an amazing experience, it's the passion and the elegance of the moves and the spectacle of the Death Dance and there's also something very sensual about it, the atmosphere, the array of colours, the sweat and the blood.

It's bloody cruelty to me...there is no joy or dance for the animal, only pain and confusion and ultimately a senseless death. If poeple want to engage in bloodsports - let it be with other people, not innocent animals.

The bulls are especially bred darling for the bullfights.

There's no difference between killing those bulls and killing a cow for food, isn't therefore killing animals for food cruelty, considering that humans don't have to eat meat to survive?

Yes, but we have laws about how they are killed - to make it humane. That's not the case with bulls in bull fighting. They ought to have bull dancing instead like the ancient Cretes.

I think if you experienced a Bullfight you'd change your mind, you'd be enthralled and captivated.

Bull dancing, a typical Hippy comment :smoke: :poke:

I think I'd barf seeing an animal brutalized :(

Bull dancing is cool....and dangerous....more so than bull fighting....


Bullfighting is amazing, an amazing experience, it's the passion and the elegance of the moves and the spectacle of the Death Dance and there's also something very sensual about it, the atmosphere, the array of colours, the sweat and the blood.

It's bloody cruelty to me...there is no joy or dance for the animal, only pain and confusion and ultimately a senseless death. If poeple want to engage in bloodsports - let it be with other people, not innocent animals.

The bulls are especially bred darling for the bullfights.

There's no difference between killing those bulls and killing a cow for food, isn't therefore killing animals for food cruelty, considering that humans don't have to eat meat to survive?

Yes, but we have laws about how they are killed - to make it humane. That's not the case with bulls in bull fighting. They ought to have bull dancing instead like the ancient Cretes.

I think if you experienced a Bullfight you'd change your mind, you'd be enthralled and captivated.

Bull dancing, a typical Hippy comment :smoke: :poke:

I think I'd barf seeing an animal brutalized :(

Bull dancing is cool....and dangerous....more so than bull fighting....



He's got to be gay, look at him in the right hand picture, how gay is that :smoke::popcorn:

It's bloody cruelty to me...there is no joy or dance for the animal, only pain and confusion and ultimately a senseless death. If poeple want to engage in bloodsports - let it be with other people, not innocent animals.

The bulls are especially bred darling for the bullfights.

There's no difference between killing those bulls and killing a cow for food, isn't therefore killing animals for food cruelty, considering that humans don't have to eat meat to survive?

Yes, but we have laws about how they are killed - to make it humane. That's not the case with bulls in bull fighting. They ought to have bull dancing instead like the ancient Cretes.

I think if you experienced a Bullfight you'd change your mind, you'd be enthralled and captivated.

Bull dancing, a typical Hippy comment :smoke: :poke:

I think I'd barf seeing an animal brutalized :(

Bull dancing is cool....and dangerous....more so than bull fighting....



He's got to be gay, look at him in the right hand picture, how gay is that :smoke::popcorn:


The one guy....well...I wouldn't want to do a belly flop on the horns....just saying...
Congratulations to the people of Hungary for their courage in rejecting forced Muslim immigration that would have eventually turned their nation into an Islamic theocracy. Sadly, nations like Sweden are doomed to become Islamic because of the EU's open borders policy. The USA will also probably go the way of Sweden, unless the ignorant public wakes up and stops the migrants from entering and tosses out most who entered.
You are mistaken; the Hungarian electorate did not support the racist nationalist prime minister Viktor Orbán's divisive referendum regarding European Union (EU) quotas for refugees. The majority of Hungarian voters stayed away Orbán short of the 50% turn-out required to give the outcome any legal standing.

The Hungarian people received far more than they contributed to the EU in infrastructure investment and modernizing after decades of communist oppression. You can be assured that most Hungarians are glad to be in the EU.

There doesn't need to be 50% because the politicians in control share the same views on the forced immigration.

95% of 47% is still quite significant.

This is more about ending shengen. Which is supported.

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