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Hunger Strikes Escalate 12 Detainees On Hunger Strike

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Children and Youth -
Soldiers' Testimonies 2005-2011

"This booklet is a compendium of testimonies given by over thirty IDF soldiers who served in the West Bank and in and around the Gaza Strip in the years 2005-2011. Like previous publications by Breaking the Silence, it portrays daily events in the Occupied Territories. The testimonies in this anthology illuminate the realities of everyday life for Palestinian children and youth who live under Israeli occupation. Although the events described here took place after the peak of the Second Intifada, at a time perceived as calm and uneventful from a ‘security’ standpoint, the reality that emerges from the testimonies shows that harsh treatment of Palestinian children continues unabated, and despite the overall security situation Having served in different units and regions, the testifiers depict a routine in which Palestinian minors, often under 10 years of age, are treated in a manner that ignores their young age, and how, in practicality, they are perceived by both the soldiers and the military system at large as subject to the same treatment as adults.

This booklet reveals how physical violence is often exerted against children, whether in response to accusations of stone-throwing or, more often, arbitrarily (see Testimonies 3, 6, 14 and 36). Such violence is often accompanied by harassment and humiliation (1, 7, 39 and 46). Testimonies describe child arrests (2, 13, 33 and 35) and cruel and indifferent treatment of children in custody (8 and 25). Despite Israel’s High Court of Justice’s ruling that sweepingly forbade the use of human shields, soldiers speak of commanders who continue to implement this procedure, at times using children for this purpose (15 and 17). The most disquieting tendency emerging from the soldiers’ testimonies relates to the wounding and killing of children in the West Bank and Gaza, whether by ignoring them at the scene of events, or by targeted shooting (see Testimonies 4, 9, 29 and 34)."

This is a 73 Page Document and can be downloaded at the link below.



This is a report from a children's human rights organization, DCI Palestine

Palestine ceased to exist in 1948. So, the organization lacks credibility

No, what a stupid statement you make

Palestine was spoken of by Herodotus and there have been Palestinians living there ever since.

Herodotus was from Greece, stupid twat. The indigenous Jewish population named the land Israel 3000 years ago

Palestinians didn't exist until 1967 when Arabs called themselves that fake name :lol:
Palestine ceased to exist in 1948. So, the organization lacks credibility

No, what a stupid statement you make.

Palestine was spoken of by Herodotus and there have been Palestinians living there ever since.

Herodotus was from Greece, stupid twat. The indigenous Jewish population named the land Israel 3000 years ago

Palestinians didn't exist until 1967 when Arabs called themselves that fake name :lol:

Herodotus was a Greek Historian who wrote about Palestine about 2500 years ago.

And a land called Palestine did exist, as proven by the fact he wrote about it.

He did not write about Jewish people in Palestine, I guess they were off somewhere on one of their Nomadic wanderings at the time or their numbers were so insignificant they did not warrant discussing.

Here is one of Herodotus references to Palestine in his writings.

“Of the triremes the number proved to be one thousand two hundred and seven, and these were they who furnished them:–the Phoenicians, together with the Syrians who dwell in Palestine furnished three hundred; and they were equipped thus, that is to say, they had about their heads leathern caps made very nearly in the Hellenic fashion, and they wore corslets of linen, and had shields without rims and javelins. These Phenicians dwelt in ancient time, as they themselves report, upon the Erythraian Sea, and thence they passed over and dwell in the country along the sea coast of Syria; and this part of Syria and all as far as Egypt is called Palestine.

Herodotus, History 2:89”


No, what a stupid statement you make.

Palestine was spoken of by Herodotus and there have been Palestinians living there ever since.

Herodotus was from Greece, stupid twat. The indigenous Jewish population named the land Israel 3000 years ago

Palestinians didn't exist until 1967 when Arabs called themselves that fake name :lol:

Herodotus was a Greek Historian who wrote about Palestine about 2500 years ago.

And a land called Palestine did exist, as proven by the fact he wrote about it.

He did not write about Jewish people in Palestine, I guess they were off somewhere on one of their Nomad wanderings at the time or their numbers were so insignificant they did not warrant discussing.


Fakestinians are merely re-branded Arabs originating from Arabia like all Arabs. They are illegal aliens in Israel.

The British named Israel "palestine" after World War I.

You really need to stop reading from the PLO Terrorist History Book

Archaeologist and Historian Dr. Eric Cline, Former Fulbright Scholar, Award-Winning Author, Teacher, and Advisor With Degrees in Classical Archaeology, Near Eastern Archaeology, and Ancient History from Dartmouth College, Yale University), and the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Cline is Chairman of the Department of Classical and Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, George Washington University; Director of the GWU Capitol Archaeological Institute
The claims that modern Palestinians are descended from the ancient Jebusites are made without any supporting evidence. Historians and archaeologists have generally concluded that most, if not all, modern Palestinians are probably more closely related to the Arabs of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan and other countries than they are to the ancient Jebusites, Canaanites or Philistines.
Oxford University Press: The Oxford Handbook of the Bronze Age Aegean: Eric H. Cline
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No, what a stupid statement you make.

Palestine was spoken of by Herodotus and there have been Palestinians living there ever since.

Herodotus was from Greece, stupid twat. The indigenous Jewish population named the land Israel 3000 years ago

Palestinians didn't exist until 1967 when Arabs called themselves that fake name :lol:

Herodotus was a Greek Historian who wrote about Palestine about 2500 years ago.

And a land called Palestine did exist, as proven by the fact he wrote about it.

He did not write about Jewish people in Palestine, I guess they were off somewhere on one of their Nomad wanderings at the time or their numbers were so insignificant they did not warrant discussing.

Here is one of Herodotus references to Palestine in his writings.

“Of the triremes the number proved to be one thousand two hundred and seven, and these were they who furnished them:–the Phoenicians, together with the Syrians who dwell in Palestine furnished three hundred; and they were equipped thus, that is to say, they had about their heads leathern caps made very nearly in the Hellenic fashion, and they wore corslets of linen, and had shields without rims and javelins. These Phenicians dwelt in ancient time, as they themselves report, upon the Erythraian Sea, and thence they passed over and dwell in the country along the sea coast of Syria; and this part of Syria and all as far as Egypt is called Palestine.

Herodotus, History 2:89”

THE HISTORY OF HERODOTUS, Volume 2 - Full Text Free Book (Part 3/7)


Herodotus was from Greece. The indigenous ancient Near East called the land Israel.

Louve, Paris: The Mesha Stele: Israel [ca. 830 BCE]
The stele of King Mesha constitutes one of the most important direct accounts of the history of the world that is related in the Bible. The inscription pays tribute to the sovereign, celebrating his great building works and victories over the kingdom of Israel during the reign of Ahab, son of Omri. The mention of "Israel" is its earliest known written occurence.
The Mesha Stele | Louvre Museum | Paris

Mesha Stele Inscription...
I am Mesha, son of Chemosh, the king of Moab. My father reigned over Moab for thirty years, and I reigned after my father. And I made this high-place for Chemosh [national god] in Qarcho.because he has delivered me from all kings, and because he has made me triumph over all my adversaries.

As for Omri, King of Israel, he humbled Moab for many years, for Chermosh was angry at his land. In my time he spoke, but I have triumphed over him and over his house, while Israel hath perished for ever!

Harvard University Semitic Museum: The Mesha Stele--Israel
Mesha ruled Moab, east of the Dead Sea, during the ninth century BCE. Mesha recounts his principal achievements as king. The most important of these was his recovery from Israel of Moabite lands north of the Arnon River.

There is also a measure of bombast: Mesha proclaims that "Israel perished utterly forever," which certainly was not the case, though in one town alone he says he slaughtered seven thousand Israelite "men, boys, women, girls and concubines" in devotion to Ashtar-Chemosh.

Omri, king of Israel, who ruled a generation before Mesha, is mentioned several times. The earliest known reference to Yahweh [Hebrew God] in a Semitic inscription is also to be found here. At the extant bottom of the stela, Mesha describes an encounter with the House of David, that is, Judah. Although the passage is badly broken, it is clear that Mesha takes credit for a victory over the House of David in the territory south of the Arnon. The words representing king of Israel, Yahweh and House of [Da]vid are highlighted at the top, middle and bottom of the stela respectively.

Mesha of Moab § Semitic Museum
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Hunger strikes are not practical... they should try this instead! :dunno:

Back to the topic, and it is getting really old that every thread in this Israel and Palestine discussion board keeps getting derailed by posters denying the existence of Palestinians.

The soldier's booklet tells story of incidents, like Incident 5, recounted below, telling the story of children caught stealing metal from stores, Jewish and Arab, and how they were treated differently. Here is how Arab children were treated. They were caught stealing and shackled and blindfolded for hours, until their arrest.

""Finding the solution ourselves" Unit: Nahal Brigade Rank: Lieutenant Hebron 2008 Were there people detained, sitting blindfolded at the sentry post? Yes, plenty. I’ll give you the simplest example – we had Arab kids who went into shops to steal metal. Those same shops that Jewish kids would steal from? [Note: This refers to a story mentioned earlier by the testifier] Yes, just like that. They have their spots. Now, kids are kids, and they come in, and steal. We got tired of it, you take them to the police once, and they come back, I guess their parents beat them and they have to bring the stuff. So we had no solution. We’d blindfold and shackle them, they’d sit in the army post, we’d bring them food and water… For the first time they’d be kept for five hours, longer the second time. That’s the punishment we’d give them. After the police picked them up we’d try to find a solution ourselves. They would not be beaten. It would surely help, by the way, but we don’t do that. So the punishment they got, and often, was to be detained until they were arrested – they'd be kept at the sentry post."


Back to the topic, and it is getting really old that every thread in this Israel and Palestine discussion board keeps getting derailed by posters denying the existence of Palestinians.

The soldier's booklet tells story of incidents, like Incident 5, recounted below, telling the story of children caught stealing metal from stores, Jewish and Arab, and how they were treated differently. Here is how Arab children were treated. They were caught stealing and shackled and blindfolded for hours, until their arrest.

""Finding the solution ourselves" Unit: Nahal Brigade Rank: Lieutenant Hebron 2008 Were there people detained, sitting blindfolded at the sentry post? Yes, plenty. I’ll give you the simplest example – we had Arab kids who went into shops to steal metal. Those same shops that Jewish kids would steal from? [Note: This refers to a story mentioned earlier by the testifier] Yes, just like that. They have their spots. Now, kids are kids, and they come in, and steal. We got tired of it, you take them to the police once, and they come back, I guess their parents beat them and they have to bring the stuff. So we had no solution. We’d blindfold and shackle them, they’d sit in the army post, we’d bring them food and water… For the first time they’d be kept for five hours, longer the second time. That’s the punishment we’d give them. After the police picked them up we’d try to find a solution ourselves. They would not be beaten. It would surely help, by the way, but we don’t do that. So the punishment they got, and often, was to be detained until they were arrested – they'd be kept at the sentry post."



Respectfully and in all honesty SherriMunnerlyn ...... the only thing that is getting old and boring is you.
Back to the topic, and it is getting really old that every thread in this Israel and Palestine discussion board keeps getting derailed by posters denying the existence of Palestinians.

Jews were called palestinians during the British Mandate. It's a completely invented name. They're just Arabs. :lol:

Arab American Journalist Joseph Farah: The Myth Of Palestine And Palestinians

The truth is that Palestine is no more real than Never-Never Land. The first time the name was used was in 70 A.D. when the Romans committed genocide against the Jews, smashed the Temple and declared the land of Israel would be no more. From then on, the Romans promised, it would be known as Palestine. The name was derived from the Philistines, a Goliathian people conquered by the Jews centuries earlier. It was a way for the Romans to add insult to injury. They also tried to change the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina, but that had even less staying power.

Palestine has never existed — before or since — as an autonomous entity. It was ruled alternately by Rome, by Islamic and Christian crusaders, by the Ottoman Empire and, briefly, by the British after World War I. The British agreed to restore at least part of the land to the Jewish people as their homeland.

There is no language known as Palestinian. There is no distinct Palestinian culture. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians (another recent invention), Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc. Keep in mind that the Arabs control 99.9 percent of the Middle East lands. Israel represents one-tenth of 1 percent of the landmass.

But that’s too much for the Arabs. They want it all. And that is ultimately what the fighting in Israel is about today. Greed. Pride. Envy. Covetousness. No matter how many land concessions the Israelis make, it will never be enough.

I know what you’re going to say: “Farah, the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem represent Islam’s third most holy sites.”

Not true. In fact, the Quran says nothing about Jerusalem. It mentions Mecca hundreds of times. It mentions Medina countless times. It never mentions Jerusalem. With good reason. There is no historical evidence to suggest Muhammad ever visited Jerusalem.

So how did Jerusalem become the third holiest site of Islam? Muslims today cite a vague passage in the Quran, the 17th Sura, entitled “The Night Journey.” It relates that in a dream or a vision Muhammad was carried by night “from the sacred temple to the temple that is most remote, whose precinct we have blessed, that we might show him our signs. …” In the seventh century, some Muslims identified the two temples mentioned in this verse as being in Mecca and Jerusalem. And that’s as close as Islam’s connection with Jerusalem gets — myth, fantasy, wishful thinking. Meanwhile, Jews can trace their roots in Jerusalem back to the days of Abraham.
Myths of the Middle East
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Back to the topic, and it is getting really old that every thread in this Israel and Palestine discussion board keeps getting derailed by posters denying the existence of Palestinians.

The soldier's booklet tells story of incidents, like Incident 5, recounted below, telling the story of children caught stealing metal from stores, Jewish and Arab, and how they were treated differently. Here is how Arab children were treated. They were caught stealing and shackled and blindfolded for hours, until their arrest.

""Finding the solution ourselves" Unit: Nahal Brigade Rank: Lieutenant Hebron 2008 Were there people detained, sitting blindfolded at the sentry post? Yes, plenty. I’ll give you the simplest example – we had Arab kids who went into shops to steal metal. Those same shops that Jewish kids would steal from? [Note: This refers to a story mentioned earlier by the testifier] Yes, just like that. They have their spots. Now, kids are kids, and they come in, and steal. We got tired of it, you take them to the police once, and they come back, I guess their parents beat them and they have to bring the stuff. So we had no solution. We’d blindfold and shackle them, they’d sit in the army post, we’d bring them food and water… For the first time they’d be kept for five hours, longer the second time. That’s the punishment we’d give them. After the police picked them up we’d try to find a solution ourselves. They would not be beaten. It would surely help, by the way, but we don’t do that. So the punishment they got, and often, was to be detained until they were arrested – they'd be kept at the sentry post."



Twat, I haven't seen your posts condemning Hamas for their "justice" system consisting of torture, arbitary arrests and unfair trials of your beloved so-called "palestinians," according to Human Rights Watch. Gaza: Arbitrary Arrests, Torture, Unfair Trials | Human Rights Watch

Can you post links to your posts condemning Hamas?
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the stories of IDF soldiers:

"There was this incident where a ‘straw widow’ was put up following a riot at Qalandiya
on a Friday, in an abandoned house near the square. Soldiers got out with army clubs
and beat people to a pulp. Finally the children who remained on the ground were
arrested. The order was to run, make people fall to the ground. There was a 10-12 man
team, 4 soldiers lighting up the area. People were made to fall to the ground, and then
the soldiers with the clubs would go over to them and beat them. A slow runner was
beaten, that was the rule...”

page 1

the stories of IDF soldiers:

"There was this incident where a ‘straw widow’ was put up following a riot at Qalandiya
on a Friday, in an abandoned house near the square. Soldiers got out with army clubs
and beat people to a pulp. Finally the children who remained on the ground were
arrested. The order was to run, make people fall to the ground. There was a 10-12 man
team, 4 soldiers lighting up the area. People were made to fall to the ground, and then
the soldiers with the clubs would go over to them and beat them. A slow runner was
beaten, that was the rule...”

page 1


I asked you to provide links to your posts condemning Hamas for torture, arbitary arrests and unfair trials of pallies in Gaza. Gaza: Arbitrary Arrests, Torture, Unfair Trials | Human Rights Watch

Where are they?
Maryland, This thread is addressing unlawfully detained Palestinian prisoners. I am not addressing unrelated issues you want to raise to divert the thread away from the topic. Why do you support Israel's unlawful detentions of Palestinians?
Maryland, This thread is addressing unlawfully detained Palestinian prisoners. I am not addressing unrelated issues you want to raise to divert the thread away from the topic. Why do you support Israel's unlawful detentions of Palestinians?

Human Rights Watch condemned unlawful detentions AND TORTURE of palestinians by Hamas in Gaza Gaza: Arbitrary Arrests, Torture, Unfair Trials | Human Rights Watch

Now, kindly provide links to your posts condeming Hamas so we can see your humanitarianism
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This is a report from a children's human rights organization, DCI Palestine

Palestine ceased to exist in 1948. So, the organization lacks credibility

No, what a stupid statement you make.

Palestine was spoken of by Herodotus and there have been Palestinians living there ever since.

No such thing. It was part of the Ottoman Empire before it was a British colony.

The Arab settelers are mostly Jordanian.

They should go home.
So many stories of IDF soldiers watching Palestinian children be beaten by their fellow soldier comrades.

"What did he do? First of all he faced the kid, who was this close to the wall. He looked at him for a second, then held him like this, pushed him with his elbow, choking him against the wall. The kid went totally wild, the commander kept screaming at him in Hebrew, not in Arabic. Then he let go, the kid lifted his hands to wipe off his tears, and the commander goes boom! at the kid, who lowers his hands to stop wiping his tears, keeping them at his sides. Then the slaps came, more and more slaps… This was a second phase of hitting and yelling. Then the kid began to really scream, it was frightening, and locals began to gather around the checkpoint, peek into the alley. I remember the commander coming out of the alley and telling them: "Everything’s fine." He yelled at the kid: "Stay right here, don’t go anywhere!" and went out to tell them everything was okay. He called the squad commander at the checkpoint, stood facing the kid and said: "This is how they should be treated," gave the kid another two slaps and let him go. It’s an insane story. I remember sitting in the vehicle, looking on and thinking: I’ve been waiting for this situation for 3 years, from the moment I enlisted, I joined the army to stop such things and here I am, not doing a thing choosing not to do anything. Am I fine with this? I remember answering myself: Yes. I’m fine with this. He’s beating an Arab and I’m doing nothing about it. I was conscious of not doing anything because I was really afraid of that company commander. What? Should I jump off the jeep and say to him: "Stop, it’s stupid what you’re doing."?
How old was the kid? A teenager. Under 18. Really – 13, 14, 15 years old."

Pg 53-54 Testimony 32, From Hebron, 2010


So many stories of IDF soldiers watching Palestinian children be beaten by their fellow soldier comrades.

"What did he do? First of all he faced the kid, who was this close to the wall. He looked at him for a second, then held him like this, pushed him with his elbow, choking him against the wall. The kid went totally wild, the commander kept screaming at him in Hebrew, not in Arabic. Then he let go, the kid lifted his hands to wipe off his tears, and the commander goes boom! at the kid, who lowers his hands to stop wiping his tears, keeping them at his sides. Then the slaps came, more and more slaps… This was a second phase of hitting and yelling. Then the kid began to really scream, it was frightening, and locals began to gather around the checkpoint, peek into the alley. I remember the commander coming out of the alley and telling them: "Everything’s fine." He yelled at the kid: "Stay right here, don’t go anywhere!" and went out to tell them everything was okay. He called the squad commander at the checkpoint, stood facing the kid and said: "This is how they should be treated," gave the kid another two slaps and let him go. It’s an insane story. I remember sitting in the vehicle, looking on and thinking: I’ve been waiting for this situation for 3 years, from the moment I enlisted, I joined the army to stop such things and here I am, not doing a thing choosing not to do anything. Am I fine with this? I remember answering myself: Yes. I’m fine with this. He’s beating an Arab and I’m doing nothing about it. I was conscious of not doing anything because I was really afraid of that company commander. What? Should I jump off the jeep and say to him: "Stop, it’s stupid what you’re doing."?
How old was the kid? A teenager. Under 18. Really – 13, 14, 15 years old."

Pg 53-54 Testimony 32, From Hebron, 2010



Still waiting for you to provide links to your posts condemning Hamas for unfair detentions and torture of palestinians in Gaza Gaza: Arbitrary Arrests, Torture, Unfair Trials | Human Rights Watch

What have you got for us?
from sherri

Palestine was spoken of by Herodotus and there have been Palestinians living there ever since.

Approximately 500 BC a greek historian described the middle east
in reference to some greek speaking people there----and persons who
spoke a language similar to greek---the historian was HERODOTUS
and he referred to people who were called PLESHTIM

Because of the ethno-centrism of the greeks---he called the area
PALESTINE (greeks saw non greek speaking people as "barbarians"
who were good for slaves or "LIVING TOOLS" but not much else.

The era in which Herodotus wrote was at the time of the Babylonian
captivity when Israel essentially was ---disabled. During that same
era----both forces from mesopotamia and egypt were engaging
each other in war----right there in the area of the world that
Herodotus called palestina Both the peleshtim centered
about what is today ASHDOT and the greeks of SYRIA are
an extinct society----but the name PALESTINA for the area
was retained by the ROMANS (the romans considered the greeks
to be top of the line scholars) and used as a new name for
ISRAEL/JUDEA. For about 2000 years the only people actually
called "PALESTINIANS" were jews. The people who in the 1960s
decided to adopt the moniker "palestinians" having absolutely
nothing to do culturally or linguistically with the people
HERODOTUS saw in the Middle east ie SHERRI IS A LIAR,
Her motivation is pure filth
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