Hunter Biden agrees to open testimony

That's not how it works dummy.... give us the proof that what you accused Don Jr of is true... I know you can't but you should try or just stop lying... you libs must be getting desperate because the lies from you all lately is unbelievable....
That is how it works. Please show cites.
People aren't going to spoonfeed you links to things every nirmal adult knows. You are expected to know something about the topic before opening your idiot mouth. It's a site for adults, not for babies.
No link proving what you said yesterday?... go away until you find one liar.... shame on you to lie like you do...
Tha Donnie and Eric are sitting in a trial to determine damages from decades of fraud?

Nope, not for you, for the reasons I just stated. Put on your big girl panties and go read a newspaper.
More bullshit... goodbye....
The question then is whether his daddy's AG will indict him for the exact same thing he's indicted several Republicans. My money is on No.
Right after Gym Jordan.
No link proving what you said
I have no need to. outside of Pravda, er Russia Today, Breitbart and gatewaypundit, there is a whole world of information out there. I know its terrifying but you should look around once in a while.
looking up, you are correct. then his lawyers sue to quash it on the grounds that there is no legislative purpose. That will take a few years.

Then if the court says yes, he sends a letter pleading the fifth. More wasted time. More court challenges.

Then in five years he shows up, pleads the Fifth and leaves, while mooning them.

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