Hunter Biden agrees to open testimony

The President's bag man and number one money maker offers to answer any "pertinent and relevant" question. Pertinent and relevant as defined by who? He's going to be dodging them big time.
I am certain that Hunter Biden, a fine upstanding America Citizen and father, is doing this because he knows it is the right thing to do. If called upon by Congress to testify upon inquiry, any and all true American patriots will jump to the call, because they love the republic and always want to do what is best for her! He will sacrifice himself in order to save the republic.

He will not be deterred by the critics who point to his widespread drug use, nor the naysayers who speak of his gross whoring ways. He is willing to endure the uncomfortable questions about his profiting from pay-to-play influence peddling schemes involving China, Ukraine, Romania, and others. He will not worry about his money laundering operations. The many coverups he has been involved in, invoking notions of RICO and conspiracy charges will not keep him from giving testimony. He will refuse to worry about his own failures to register as a foreign agent many times over, in clear violation of the law. He will not be intimidated by those looking to tarnish his stellar reputation by pointing out that he is a BIG TIME dead-beat dad. Further, he will stand up to all those pointing out the fraudulent scheme involving the sale of his bogus artwork. He is unmoved by critics pointing to his frequently banging Russian prostitutes on video, thereby making him a serious extortion and national security risk to the USA. He will take whatever sleazy allegations come his way, such as banging his brother's wife while his body is still warm, using cocaine in the White House, and avoiding service of process in his child support cases. Nor will his testimony be influenced by the incriminating videos of him with large amounts of meth, or all the creepy nude photos.

Despite all the material that may be used by the gouache GOP to embarrass Hunter, his dad, the entire family, the Christian world, and the United States of America, Hunter will STAND TALL AND TESTIFY!! He is a true patriot, on the level of George Washington, nay, BIGGER than George Washington, as our first president never had to withstand such scrutiny. George never had to endure public questioning about HIS drug-fueled orgies and money laundering operations. This is what makes Hunter such a TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT, as he is willing to sacrifice his own comfort for the greater good: DUHMO-CkRISSeY!!
Still getting off on pics of Hunter's pen is, weirdo?
A little research says the OP is fake news. One, saying you'd do something is not the same as doing it. Two, primarily, this is the Biden family's twisted response to formal subpoenas.

This just in leftists, Subpoenas and Investigations are NOT equal to saying you'll do something else, just cuz it sounds neat to say. Congress can bring Hunter in regardless of what Hunter says he MIGHT do.
Hunter is volunteering to testify before Congress as long as his testimony is public.

Why would Comer not want that?

Oh right. He wouldn’t be able to lie about the testimony

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