Hunter Biden agrees to open testimony

Duplicate thread, oh, and, since when do the suspects subpoenaed to appear before congress get to determine the conditions of the hearing?

When the suspect is the front man for a political crime syndicate involving a Democratic President.
Hunter is volunteering to testify before Congress as long as his testimony is public.

Why would Comer not want that?

Oh right. He wouldn’t be able to lie about the testimony
He can pull a Hillary and not remember anything or use the 5th amendment. And of course, since he was drugged up all the time he would be believed. The guy documented himself. Progs do come up with their stories. For they are on the stage. Flamboyant and colorful. And Americans fall for it. It seems we are not different than people in other nation. We are not different. Not special. And what is worse not educated.
The Neo-GOP should welcome his testimony. Why are they wanting to keep the proceedings secreted behind closed doors. If they don't like his offer to testify in front of God and the world then that is on them. Did Gym Jordan offer to testify in an open session? Did he respond to the committee at all?
Hunter is volunteering to testify before Congress as long as his testimony is public.

Why would Comer not want that?

Oh right. He wouldn’t be able to lie about the testimony
Remember whey Hillary made an ass out of them...

There case is even more bullshit than that one... They know this would be car crash TV..
So you have no evidence just vague innuendo
I used to wonder why I saw so many dimocraps walking around with headphones and earplugs. One day, a fellow worker who happened to be a dimocrap left his headphones on his desk so I picked them up to listen to what it was he/she/it found so interesting.

"Inhale.... Exhale....Inhale.... Exhale.... Inhale"
I used to wonder why I saw so many dimocraps walking around with headphones and earplugs. One day, a fellow worker who happened to be a dimocrap left his headphones on his desk so I picked them up to listen to what it was he/she/it found so interesting.

"Inhale.... Exhale....Inhale.... Exhale.... Inhale"
So you got nothing then?
Dear Chairman Comer:

This letter is in response to your November 8, 2023, subpoena and letter (and that from the Judiciary Committee) seeking a December 13, 2023, deposition of our client, Robert Hunter Biden, as part of your proclaimed impeachment inquiry of President Biden.

Even before taking leadership roles in 2023 (in fact before the 2022 election), you and your colleagues announced your intention to pursue an “impeachment first, justification later” crusade. Disposing of any possible confusion as to your motives, you agreed with a Fox News journalist on May 22, 2023, that yours was an improper political purpose to “absolutely” move the needle of political support for the 2024 election.1 Here we are, eleven months into your so-called investigation, and every objective review of your “revelations”—including by some of your colleagues—has declared your exploration as one turning up only dry holes. As one commentator noted, addressing the drawn-out and dried-up nature of your inquiry as well as the “debacle” that was your first hearing, it “takes longer to make progress when you’re not moving forward at all.”2

Your Committee has been working for almost a year—without success—to tie our client’s business activities to his father. You state that one of your purposes is to review how a President’s family’s business activities raise ethics and disclosure concerns to inform the basis for a legislative solution. But all your focus has been on this President’s family while turning a blind eye toward former President Trump and his family’s businesses, some of which the family maintained while serving in office—an area ripe to inform your purported legislative pursuits. Unlike members of the Trump family, Hunter is a private person who has never worked in any family business nor ever served in the White House or in any public office. Notwithstanding this stark difference, you have manipulated Hunter’s legitimate business dealings and his times of terrible addiction into apolitically motivated basis for hearings to accuse his father of some wrongdoing.

In spite of our misgivings about your motives and purpose, we have offered, on more than one occasion, to meet or speak with your Committee to discuss whether there was something we could do to understand the basis of your inquiry, provide relevant information, or expedite itsconclusion.3 You never responded, but now, in what appears to be a Hail Mary pass with your team behind in the score and time running out, you have subpoenaed or demanded interviews of Hunter Biden; his uncle James; James’s wife, Sara; Hunter’s brother’s widow, Hallie; Hallie’s sister, Elizabeth Secundy; Hunter’s spouse, Melissa Cohen; his lawyer Kevin Morris; the art gallerist who endeavors to help Hunter earn a living; an acquaintance who purchased a painting of Hunter’s; three of Hunter’s former business partners; two Biden-campaign donors; an inmate convicted for his involvement in a tribal bond scheme that never involved Hunter; and last, but certainly not least, a disgruntled and incredible “whistleblower” (Tony Bobulinski), from whom Hunter disassociated almost as fast as he met him. Your fishing expedition has become Captain Ahab chasing the great white whale. It is no wonder so many news articles report your own Republican colleagues criticizing your proceedings and commenting that your time would be better spent on critical issues facing the country.

The letter goes on.
Can someone explain why congress is investigating hunter biden? Congress doesn’t have authority to conduct criminal investigations. Congress’ only investigative authority is for the purpose of creating legislation.

This should be under the umbrella of the fbi shouldn’t it? Unless it has something to do with a potential impeachment of Biden, I don’t think this is in their wheelhouse…
It is his mouth

He gets to decide the conditions under which he will open it
Then the presidents son will be held in contempt of congress... ask Joe if he wants to have to answer questions about that all next year....
Then the presidents son will be held in contempt of congress... ask Joe if he wants to have to answer questions about that all next year....

Contempt of the Republican Kangaroo Court is expected

Hunter has Fifth Amendment Rights and doesn’t have to say a word
He will talk to an open inquiry, he just told the closed door bullshit to fuk off
Contempt of the Republican Kangaroo Court is expected

Hunter has Fifth Amendment Rights and doesn’t have to say a word
He will talk to an open inquiry, he just told the closed door bullshit to fuk off
Joe will be asked about it the rest of the year... good luck getting his message out....

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