Hunter Biden Investigation Being Torpedoed - 'Developments Don't Add Up'

As has already been pointed out to you it is explained in rhe VIDEO. You don't even have to hurt yourself trying to READ, snowflake.

It anazes me how people can defend and make excuses for crackheads, deadbeat dads, liars, criminals, and traitors KNOWING they are guilty but doing so anyway because they belong to their preferred political party. It shows a complete lack of morals, ethics ... and soul.

It means you are a POS.
LMBAO # "anazes me."

OP, what crime/s do they, or you, expect to DISCOVER that Hunter Biden has been involved in?

Its about money flowing through Hunter to his father in return for political favors. The implications of a Senator and Vice President being compromised for money is pretty important.

its not really so much about Hunter as, it is his father. Who claims he has Never talked to his son about his business dealings ... yeah right. What an uncaring father right?

Please explain why Hunter Biden was such an important player in the Ukraine oil business. You really think he had any value to Ukraine sitting on a board in an oil company? A guy who is a known addict and keeps losing his electronic devices in hotel rooms, because he's strung out half the time.
OP, what crime/s do they, or you, expect to DISCOVER that Hunter Biden has been involved in?


Sources: Federal investigators have reached a critical decision point on charging Hunter Biden.

Tax violations, gun charges, lying to authorities and possible money laundering, campaign finance, foreign lobbying”

Given that Hillary Clinton is still walking free, Epstein’s blackbook has not been revealed, and war criminals like George W. Bush and Barack Obama are free citizens, it seems unlikely that this Hunter scandal will go anywhere. The Establishment Elite live by different rules.

It’s amazing the rest of us put up with it.

Still, can you imagine if this were Donald Trump’s kid?
'With the grand jury reportedly disbanding, the case may now be in the hands of government prosecutors to make the next move, which former U.S. Attorney for Utah Brett Tolman told "The Story" leaves a very strange dynamic:'

"None of this adds up. None of it makes sense. Indictments should have been brought when you first started calling witnesses and close thereto, that's standard," he said.

"The fact that a grand jury is now terminating here fairly soon or has terminated, in essence, you have to start all over. If the new grand jury gets empaneled, you have to re-present all the evidence that you may have presented."

'...Normally charges or the threat thereof would be brought before the termination of the first grand jury.'

"Anybody who wanted to seek justice in this case would have charged Hunter Biden very quickly"

...however, the grand jury is being disbanded without charges being filed...far from how the process normally goes.

Justice is the opposite of what is being sought.

"I mean, this is so simple and so basic that the only conclusion I can make is political games are being played and have from the very beginning,"

Regarding how it should be so eady to prosrcute Hunter Biden considering the amount of verified evidence on his laptop:

"There's just so much that this is the equivalent of a softball being floated and you have an extremely large bat."

Charges are filed before the termination of a Grand Jury, but no charges were filed DESPITE there being a plethora of verified evidence on Hunter's laptop. Basic processes and procedures are being ignored.

The Grand Jury is already being disbanned despite the probe still investigating potential tax violations, foreign lobbying violations, false statements and gun infractions.

Both Hunter and Joe Biden are being protected, as any intelligent person knew they would be.

'prosecutors could have also elected to press him as a "source" if they wanted to investigate allegations Joe Biden was aware of or involved in his son's foreign business dealings – which the White House denies.'

All references to, all evidence involving Joe Biden was / has been ignored, attempting to keep the President out of the investigation and indictment of Hunter Biden.

Prosecutors seeking justice / prosecution, as stated above, would have used have pressed Hunter on this.

What is being reported is the undermining of Justice, the protection of both Hunter and Joe Biden.

Not surprising. There is no way that Garland would allow hunter to be indicted .

Democraps are above the law.
Its about money flowing through Hunter to his father in return for political favors. The implications of a Senator and Vice President being compromised for money is pretty important.

its not really so much about Hunter as, it is his father. Who claims he has Never talked to his son about his business dealings ... yeah right. What an uncaring father right?

Please explain why Hunter Biden was such an important player in the Ukraine oil business. You really think he had any value to Ukraine sitting on a board in an oil company? A guy who is a known addict and keeps losing his electronic devices in hotel rooms, because he's strung out half the time.
Like the influence Trump applied to the Ukrainian President? You know, he told him to just SAY they're investigating Biden. Said he wouldn't give him any weapons unless he complied.

Remember that?


Sources: Federal investigators have reached a critical decision point on charging Hunter Biden.

Tax violations, gun charges, lying to authorities and possible money laundering, campaign finance, foreign lobbying”

Given that Hillary Clinton is still walking free, Epstein’s blackbook has not been revealed, and war criminals like George W. Bush and Barack Obama are free citizens, it seems unlikely that this Hunter scandal will go anywhere. The Establishment Elite live by different rules.

It’s amazing the rest of us put up with it.

Still, can you imagine if this were Donald Trump’s kid?
Trump's kids are most likely good friends w/Hunter Biden, just like Tucker Carlson...

Remember when he said he won't report on what he found because "Hunter had been through enough?" I paraphrase here, but that was the jist of it.
Regarding how it should be so eady to prosrcute Hunter Biden considering the amount of verified evidence on his laptop:

Except none of the evidence on his "laptops" can be used in court. They've been through too many hands to be verified.

The Grand Jury is already being disbanned despite the probe still investigating potential tax violations, foreign lobbying violations, false statements and gun infractions.

Honestly, if that's the best you have, why are you wasting anyone's time.

If he made a mistake on his taxes, calculate what his actual taxes should be and have him pay them.
Like the influence Trump applied to the Ukrainian President? You know, he told him to just SAY they're investigating Biden. Said he wouldn't give him any weapons unless he complied.

Remember that?
Lol….Remember when Joe told Ukraine that the billion $ in aid would be withheld unless they fired the prosecutor looking into Hunter, then bragged about the extortion? Good times.
Lol….Remember when Joe told Ukraine that the billion $ in aid would be withheld unless they fired the prosecutor looking into Hunter, then bragged about the extortion? Good times.

No, what I remember was that after this prosecutor's deputies were caught with millions of dollars in foreign currency and uncut diamonds in their homes, the European Union, the International Monetary Fund and the US Congress, INCLUDING Republicans, insisted that this corrupt prosecutor needed to be removed before any more loans would be given to Ukraine.

A newly unearthed letter from 2016 shows that Republican senators pushed for reforms to Ukraine’s prosecutor general’s office and judiciary, echoing calls then-Vice President Joe Biden made at the time.

CNN’s KFile found a February 2016 bipartisan letter signed by several Republican senators that urged then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to “press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General’s office and judiciary.”

The 2016 letter, sent by members of the Senate Ukraine Caucus, was signed by Republican Sens. Rob Portman, Mark Kirk and Ron Johnson, as well as Democratic Sens. Dick Durbin, Jeanne Shaheen, Chris Murphy, Sherrod Brown, and Richard Blumenthal and focused on longstanding issues of corruption in Ukraine and urged reforms of the government.

“Succeeding in these reforms will show Russian President Vladimir Putin that an independent, transparent and democratic Ukraine can and will succeed,” the letter reads. “It also offers a stark alternative to the authoritarianism and oligarchic cronyism prevalent in Russia. As such, we respectfully ask that you address the serious concerns raised by Minister Abromavičius. We similarly urge you to press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General’s Office and judiciary. The unanimous adoption by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Basic Principles and Action Plan is a good step.”
The two tiered bifurcation of "justice" in this country is pathetic and DANGEROUS!!!
The two tiered bifurcation of "justice" in this country is pathetic and DANGEROUS!!!

Oh, get fucking real.

The affluent are ALWAYS going to get treated better than the rest of us. They are going to get better food, they are going to get nicer houses, they are going to be treated better by the criminal justice system.

The fact is, if Hunter wasn't the Presidents son, this wouldn't be an issue at all.
Like the influence Trump applied to the Ukrainian President? You know, he told him to just SAY they're investigating Biden. Said he wouldn't give him any weapons unless he complied.

Remember that?

I remember Biden extorting the former Ukraine President to get him to fire the DA investigating Hunter ...then bragging about it to the world...

Like the influence Trump applied to the Ukrainian President? You know, he told him to just SAY they're investigating Biden. Said he wouldn't give him any weapons unless he complied.

Remember that?

Weird, I don’t recall him saying that all. Can you provide an actual quote from this conversation. He did say can you do me a “favor”, which is completely on the up and up especially given the corruption smoke coming from Hunter/Joe and Ukraine. Did he ask for anything in return or tell them he was withholding anything? I’ll wait.
Weird, I don’t recall him saying that all. Can you provide an actual quote from this conversation. He did say can you do me a “favor”, which is completely on the up and up especially given the corruption smoke coming from Hunter/Joe and Ukraine. Did he ask for anything in return or tell them he was withholding anything? I’ll wait.

"Nice country you have there, Zelensky, it would be shame if something were to happen to it."
Who honestly ever thought that Hunter Biden would ever be punished for anything?
If you did I would like to talk to you about some lakefront property here in Arizona and an extended car warranty.

It won't ever happen.

The only way it will happen is after Biden is out and Democrats need to distance themselves from some fallout and they throw out hunter as the sacrifical lamb.

But as long as Biden and the current administration are in power he will be untouchable. Worst case scenario is he pays some fine, or gets a year and time suspended with like a year of probation.

As I keep saying, yes Biden is a evil bastard but the problem isn't just him. It's his entire administration he has seeded with his people in a lot of different branches of the government.
Like the influence Trump applied to the Ukrainian President? You know, he told him to just SAY they're investigating Biden. Said he wouldn't give him any weapons unless he complied.

Remember that?

You mean Trump wanted Zelenski to investigate Biden's Influence with Burisma? Yeah I remember something about that. Gee I wonder why? Could it be that we had a compromised VIce president and he needed to be investigated? All indicators were pointing that way. And of course once Democrat operatives found out what Trump was doing.. they sure couldnt let that investigation happen.

And then you have the Hunter Biden CHINA connection as well. DOnt tell me that boy is so valuable to these people that they just GIVE him millions of dollars. The Junky did jack shit.. it was his fathers influence... and THAT is not in the Interest of the United States. It's in the interest of the Biden family.
Trump's kids are most likely good friends w/Hunter Biden, just like Tucker Carlson...

Remember when he said he won't report on what he found because "Hunter had been through enough?" I paraphrase here, but that was the jist of it.
Trump’s kids would have never been able to get away with what Hunter has.

Tucker has been doing a lot of reporting on Hunter and it’s not been “friendly.”

It is still my opinion that Hunter will waltz off scot-free. He can do any damn thing he wants and never have to pay a price for it.


In all, Hunter Biden made more than $30 million from entities affiliated with China's communist government. Hunter Biden's biggest deal with China involved a Chinese investment fund called Bohai Harvest RST or BHR. In December of 2013, Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew to Beijing. It was a government trip on a government plane and that's when Hunter introduced his father to a BHR executive. Again, that's a flat-out violation of law. You can't take Air Force Two to China to lobby on behalf of the Chinese government, your own father. Full on time. The Bidens denied it, but Hunter eventually took a 10% stake in that company, a stake worth about $20 million.

Then a Chinese company called Harvest Global wired another $5 million to another company controlled by Hunter Biden, this one called Burnham Asset Management. He's got more companies than your average Mafia's done. According to the Washington Free Beacon, Hunter Biden, "reached out directly to the firm's chairman" and said the investment and we're quoting "would be important to the Biden family." Biden family, including his dad, the vice president, United States.

So, what's in it for Harvest Global? Well, per the Free Beacon, "Biden put together a financial proposal for Burnham to pitch to Harvest that promised 'Washington, D.C., access’ for investors." They're selling influence, selling influence with the U.S. government. Again, not to Belgium, not to Swaziland, to China, the country that has the United States in its sights.

They want to displace us as the leader of the world, and they will be cruel masters if they're ever able to do that. Hunter Biden also co-founded a firm famously called Rosemont Realty. This is a good one. Rosemont Realty owns commercial buildings all over the United States. Now, a Hong Kong based firm called Gemini Investments later snapped up Rosemont Realty. Gemini was controlled at the time by "Sino-Ocean Land" that was chaired by the head of China Ocean Shipping Corp., or COSCO. As Peter Schweizer reported, Japanese government agencies report that "Chinese intelligence services are closely linked" to COSCO. Well, of course they are and that's true of all big Chinese companies. It's not like the United States. They don't have independent big businesses in China.
Trump’s kids would have never been able to get away with what Hunter has.

Tucker has been doing a lot of reporting on Hunter and it’s not been “friendly.”

It is still my opinion that Hunter will waltz off scot-free. He can do any damn thing he wants and never have to pay a price for it.

Actually, he'll waltz away scott free because America WANTS to do business with China. Doing business with China is a GOOD thing.

They want to displace us as the leader of the world, and they will be cruel masters if they're ever able to do that. Hunter Biden also co-founded a firm famously called Rosemont Realty. This is a good one. Rosemont Realty owns commercial buildings all over the United States. Now, a Hong Kong based firm called Gemini Investments later snapped up Rosemont Realty. Gemini was controlled at the time by "Sino-Ocean Land" that was chaired by the head of China Ocean Shipping Corp., or COSCO. As Peter Schweizer reported, Japanese government agencies report that "Chinese intelligence services are closely linked" to COSCO. Well, of course they are and that's true of all big Chinese companies. It's not like the United States. They don't have independent big businesses in China.

Ah, yes, here comes the racism!!!! The Chinese are going to get us all! Maybe you should do a modern version of this cartoon. Just replace opium with Fentanyl, and Small Pox with Covid.


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