Hunter Biden to plead guilty of two minor crimes (tax and a gun) Two year probation likely

Hunter Biden’s attorney said in a statement that the deal with federal prosecutors will “resolve” the Justice Department’s long-running criminal probe into the president’s son.

“Hunter will take responsibility for two instances of misdemeanor failure to file tax payments when due pursuant to a plea agreement,” said Christopher Clark. “A firearm charge, which will be subject to a pretrial diversion agreement and will not be the subject of the plea agreement, will also be filed by the Government. I know Hunter believes it is important to take responsibility for these mistakes he made during a period of turmoil and addiction in his life. He looks forward to continuing his recovery and moving forward.”

Yes, your repubs got him! Now, shut up and worry about your leader.
You said people doing this normally get 10 years in a Federal Prison.

Are you now walking that back?

I am not walking back anything. You are justifying the act of breaking a federal law.

Apparently you have no respect for the laws of this country.
What’s your source that this specific charge usually “normally brings a 10-year prison sentence”? Claiming it in a message board is enough. you have to prove you did not pull the information out of your ass, as you often do.

Federal guidelines are 7 years to life for gun offense by drug fiends. Hunter was blessed because of his old man.

I am not walking back anything. You are justifying the act of breaking a federal law.

I am not justifying anything, I am asking you to support your claim.

Can you do so or not?
Compared to $32 million on rhe Hillary Hoaz, Crossfie Hurricane, failed coup, & 2 Criminal Impeachments resulting in ZERO ... EXCEPT EXPOSED DEMOCRAT CRIMES.

We heard this ploy was coming for a while now, and as e pected tbe leftist snowflakes, trolls, and bots are claiming 'justice is served - no need to investigate the rest of the .ore serious crimes!'
but but but
You said people doing this normally get 10 years in a Federal Prison.

Are you now walking that back?
He’s basically asking you to prove his fake claim. LOL.
How about you provide a link to the federal law and the penalties that go with it, dickhead?

People commit murder every day and get away with it. Does that mean murder is not illegal?
The law only tells you the maximum sentence, not what the sentence usually is for the crime. And it mentions nothing about the sentencing when the person pleads guilty, which results in reduced charges as we all know.
Federal guidelines are 7 years to life for gun offense by drug fiends. Hunter was blessed because of his old man.

What the hell is it a “drug offense by drug fiend”? You made up the law and the seven year thing
but but but

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