Hunter Biden? What about the Trumps?

Is that all you got?

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"Of Trump's involvement in the lawsuits, his lawyer Alan Garten said in 2015 that this was 'a natural part of doing business in [the United States]',[5][6] and in the real estate industry, litigation to enforce contracts and resolve business disputes is indeed common.[5]

"Trump has, however, been involved in far more litigation than fellow real-estate magnates; the USA Today analysis in 2016 found that Trump had been involved in legal disputes more than Edward J. DeBartolo Jr., Donald Bren, Stephen M. Ross, Sam Zell, and Larry Silverstein combined.[1]"

Also, for all the talk about the Clinton Foundation, Trump was forced to shut down his foundation because of illegal activity. How come this doesn't seem to phase Trump supporters.

Or the fact that Trump University was a scam?

And didn't Trump at one time say it's ok that he and his companies profit from him being in the White House?

A Look At President Trump's History Of Profiting Off His Presidency

The Trump Foundation was harassed into closing by the State of New York government.

In actuality,Trump has lost literally billions from serving as President, but he really doesn't care because the country needs him. I guess you didn't here Trump's speech last week in Lake Charles?

Further, he's living in the Spartan conditions in Washington DC just to serve the country. The WH is a 200 year old dump, compared to the Trump Family's New York domicile, the 3 story Golden Penthouse

Funny you put Democrats like Gore down for having big homes but brag about Trump's golden penthouse. And you think he cares about you? God Trump supporters are stupid.

The Gore Family made their fortune as Public Service Tycoons, monetizing political favors. Big difference between that and making money in business, Reality TV, Sports Entertainment, real estate, etc.. The former is just selling influence.
You stupid assfuck. Gore made his money in investments in the internet.

Trump took daddy's money squandered it through stupid investments like Trump Air, Trump Steaks, Casinos in Atlantic City. He tried to survive by fucking over business partners.
...How about Don Jr? We wouldn't know the guy IF Trump weren't President & now he is raking in $50k to speak.

Hunter Biden Steps Down from Chinese Board Amid Trump Attacks
Hunter says: quick … look over there.

No matter … even if the CNN Mods fail to hold Slo-Joe's toes to The Ukraine Flame, other candidates will find a way to do so.
Hunter Biden did nothing wrong. You stupid fucks need to find someone else to lie about.

Trump will be impeached for his Ukraine actions regardless how how often you stomp your feet, whine, & writhe on the floor like a spoiled brat in the toy aisle at Walmart.
And how much did Trump make from the Trump tax breaks?

President Trump lost plenty. When he first made the proposition to reform taxes, he told him tax preparation man about the plan.

The man at Jackson-Hewitt told him, "Believe me, you are going to get killed by this, particularly the idea to limit state and local tax deductions"

President Trump said he had to do it anyhow, as it was the right thing to do.

I know it sounds crazy for an Obama devotee, but some people just naturally want to do the right thing.
Wow, you are really so fucking stupid that you believe what Trump says.

Any property taxes on Trump's businesses are written off as expenses you God damn stupid fuck.
...How about Don Jr? We wouldn't know the guy IF Trump weren't President & now he is raking in $50k to speak.

Hunter Biden Steps Down from Chinese Board Amid Trump Attacks
Hunter says: quick … look over there.

No matter … even if the CNN Mods fail to hold Slo-Joe's toes to The Ukraine Flame, other candidates will find a way to do so.
Hunter Biden did nothing wrong. You stupid fucks need to find someone else to lie about.

Trump will be impeached for his Ukraine actions regardless how how often you stomp your feet, whine, & writhe on the floor like a spoiled brat in the toy aisle at Walmart.

If the coke-snorting, whore-mongering Hunter Biden did nothing wrong and was worth every dime for the the work he did for Burisma or his Red China masters, why did he quit today?

You don't quit if you are innocent, you stand up for your right to work.
You do understand that Trump’s children are some of the most successful people on earth ? They don’t smoke crack pipes , They have incredible skill in business .. they continue a brand that everybody wants if you ever went to any of their properties it’s some of the most magical experiences you’ll ever have in your life .

Hunter Biden is a crack head lol

George W Bush was a coke head & drunk until the age of 35 & you loved him.

Seems to me you confuse inheriting & using Daddy's money is success.
Any evidence!? Opps lol

1) George W Bush did coke & drank until the age of 35. He basically said it when he discussed how he changed his life.
2) Donald Trump used his father's money to get started. Used his father's contacts. His father bailed him else several times & then inherited a pile of money.

3) If you think Jr, Eric & Ivanka actually did anything on their own you are dumber than you look.
Trump is in a brand-name not because of a welfare check lol , his kids are fucking absolutely amazing ..

You democrats are the enemy of the USA

Where does it say bush was a crack head hunter Biden lol
He was recently caught outside his fathers debate smoking crack in the car Lol

Actually he is where he is because of a welfare check. He declared bankruptcy six different times.

Who do you think pays for that?

Well everybody except a loser like you of course.

And anyone that inherits $400 million and blows it, is worse than a crack head. They’re a total loser.

And most people who receive any kind of government assistance at least works some kind of job.

Nobody name Trump ever did a days work in their life.

Trump never declared bankruptcy, those were companies that declared bankruptcy, there is a difference...dumbass.
And how much did Trump make from the Trump tax breaks?

President Trump lost plenty. When he first made the proposition to reform taxes, he told him tax preparation man about the plan.

The man at Jackson-Hewitt told him, "Believe me, you are going to get killed by this, particularly the idea to limit state and local tax deductions"

President Trump said he had to do it anyhow, as it was the right thing to do.

I know it sounds crazy for an Obama devotee, but some people just naturally want to do the right thing.
Wow, you are really so fucking stupid that you believe what Trump says.

Any property taxes on Trump's businesses are written off as expenses you God damn stupid fuck.

Brilliant...everyone that pays property taxes write them off as expenses.
And how much did Trump make from the Trump tax breaks?

President Trump lost plenty. When he first made the proposition to reform taxes, he told him tax preparation man about the plan.

The man at Jackson-Hewitt told him, "Believe me, you are going to get killed by this, particularly the idea to limit state and local tax deductions"

President Trump said he had to do it anyhow, as it was the right thing to do.

I know it sounds crazy for an Obama devotee, but some people just naturally want to do the right thing.
Wow, you are really so fucking stupid that you believe what Trump says.

Any property taxes on Trump's businesses are written off as expenses you God damn stupid fuck.

Brilliant...everyone that pays property taxes write them off as expenses.

But there are new Trump limitations on deductions of state and local Income taxes for the Wealthy. And these limitations, where previously there were no limits on this deductions, cost Donald J Trump plenty. Remember, his domicile is in New York City.
And how much did Trump make from the Trump tax breaks?

President Trump lost plenty. When he first made the proposition to reform taxes, he told him tax preparation man about the plan.

The man at Jackson-Hewitt told him, "Believe me, you are going to get killed by this, particularly the idea to limit state and local tax deductions"

President Trump said he had to do it anyhow, as it was the right thing to do.

I know it sounds crazy for an Obama devotee, but some people just naturally want to do the right thing.
Wow, you are really so fucking stupid that you believe what Trump says.

Any property taxes on Trump's businesses are written off as expenses you God damn stupid fuck.

Brilliant...everyone that pays property taxes write them off as expenses.

But there are new Trump limitations on deductions of state and local Income taxes for the Wealthy. And these limitations, where previously there were no limits on this deductions, cost Donald J Trump plenty. Remember, his domicile is in New York City.
On personal propperty assfuik. Tell me what Trump owns personally? Trump Tower is owned by the corp.

You people keep proving that you are dumber than shit.
And how much did Trump make from the Trump tax breaks?

President Trump lost plenty. When he first made the proposition to reform taxes, he told him tax preparation man about the plan.

The man at Jackson-Hewitt told him, "Believe me, you are going to get killed by this, particularly the idea to limit state and local tax deductions"

President Trump said he had to do it anyhow, as it was the right thing to do.

I know it sounds crazy for an Obama devotee, but some people just naturally want to do the right thing.
Wow, you are really so fucking stupid that you believe what Trump says.

Any property taxes on Trump's businesses are written off as expenses you God damn stupid fuck.

Brilliant...everyone that pays property taxes write them off as expenses.

Business property's taxes are expensed.

Personal property is not.
And how much did Trump make from the Trump tax breaks?

President Trump lost plenty. When he first made the proposition to reform taxes, he told him tax preparation man about the plan.

The man at Jackson-Hewitt told him, "Believe me, you are going to get killed by this, particularly the idea to limit state and local tax deductions"

President Trump said he had to do it anyhow, as it was the right thing to do.

I know it sounds crazy for an Obama devotee, but some people just naturally want to do the right thing.
Wow, you are really so fucking stupid that you believe what Trump says.

Any property taxes on Trump's businesses are written off as expenses you God damn stupid fuck.

Brilliant...everyone that pays property taxes write them off as expenses.

But there are new Trump limitations on deductions of state and local Income taxes for the Wealthy. And these limitations, where previously there were no limits on this deductions, cost Donald J Trump plenty. Remember, his domicile is in New York City.
On personal propperty assfuik. Tell me what Trump owns personally? Trump Tower is owned by the corp.

You people keep proving that you are dumber than shit.

On President Trump's INCOME, he pays plenty of INCOME tax to New York City as well as state.

But he's limited to a deduction of 10k.
George W Bush was a coke head & drunk until the age of 35 & you loved him.

Seems to me you confuse inheriting & using Daddy's money is success.
Any evidence!? Opps lol

1) George W Bush did coke & drank until the age of 35. He basically said it when he discussed how he changed his life.
2) Donald Trump used his father's money to get started. Used his father's contacts. His father bailed him else several times & then inherited a pile of money.

3) If you think Jr, Eric & Ivanka actually did anything on their own you are dumber than you look.
Trump is in a brand-name not because of a welfare check lol , his kids are fucking absolutely amazing ..

You democrats are the enemy of the USA

Where does it say bush was a crack head hunter Biden lol
He was recently caught outside his fathers debate smoking crack in the car Lol

Actually he is where he is because of a welfare check. He declared bankruptcy six different times.

Who do you think pays for that?

Well everybody except a loser like you of course.

And anyone that inherits $400 million and blows it, is worse than a crack head. They’re a total loser.

And most people who receive any kind of government assistance at least works some kind of job.

Nobody name Trump ever did a days work in their life.

Trump never declared bankruptcy, those were companies that declared bankruptcy, there is a difference...dumbass.

So just the business he ran.
President Trump lost plenty. When he first made the proposition to reform taxes, he told him tax preparation man about the plan.

The man at Jackson-Hewitt told him, "Believe me, you are going to get killed by this, particularly the idea to limit state and local tax deductions"

President Trump said he had to do it anyhow, as it was the right thing to do.

I know it sounds crazy for an Obama devotee, but some people just naturally want to do the right thing.
Wow, you are really so fucking stupid that you believe what Trump says.

Any property taxes on Trump's businesses are written off as expenses you God damn stupid fuck.

Brilliant...everyone that pays property taxes write them off as expenses.

But there are new Trump limitations on deductions of state and local Income taxes for the Wealthy. And these limitations, where previously there were no limits on this deductions, cost Donald J Trump plenty. Remember, his domicile is in New York City.
On personal propperty assfuik. Tell me what Trump owns personally? Trump Tower is owned by the corp.

You people keep proving that you are dumber than shit.

On President Trump's INCOME, he pays plenty of INCOME tax to New York City as well as state.

But he's limited to a deduction of 10k.

Jesus fuck you people are morons.
Any evidence!? Opps lol

1) George W Bush did coke & drank until the age of 35. He basically said it when he discussed how he changed his life.
2) Donald Trump used his father's money to get started. Used his father's contacts. His father bailed him else several times & then inherited a pile of money.

3) If you think Jr, Eric & Ivanka actually did anything on their own you are dumber than you look.
Trump is in a brand-name not because of a welfare check lol , his kids are fucking absolutely amazing ..

You democrats are the enemy of the USA

Where does it say bush was a crack head hunter Biden lol
He was recently caught outside his fathers debate smoking crack in the car Lol

Actually he is where he is because of a welfare check. He declared bankruptcy six different times.

Who do you think pays for that?

Well everybody except a loser like you of course.

And anyone that inherits $400 million and blows it, is worse than a crack head. They’re a total loser.

And most people who receive any kind of government assistance at least works some kind of job.

Nobody name Trump ever did a days work in their life.

Trump never declared bankruptcy, those were companies that declared bankruptcy, there is a difference...dumbass.

So just the business he ran.

A handful of businesses that Mr. Trump ran went into bankruptcy. But personally, President Trump was never bankrupt.
We hear how Trump is whining that Hunter Biden might have used his father's position as VP to boost his income. I am sure there are some that would consider a Biden's participation in a board might bring some legitimacy or fame & more income to a company.

So how would what Hunter did compare to all the Trumps?

No, let's not talk about the Trumps. All the whataboutery about them won't help if you can't justify Hunter's employment with Burisma on its own. It works just in the same way as justifying Trump's corruption with the Bidens'. That is, not at all.

It also doesn't change things significantly if others make more (or less) on the side out of public office - the corruption is exactly the same.

That said, if Hunter wasn't qualified for the job, if his skillset wasn't worth his pay, there is at least a whiff of corruption about it all.

If Joe ever intervened in a way to benefit Burisma prior or during Hunter's employment (no evidence for that so far), the corruption would be manifest.

So, the task at hand is to answer the question, was Hunter's work, were his skills what Burisma paid for, or was it the link to the Vice President of the U.S.? While doing that, bear in mind that Hunter already admitted to "bad judgment", which I suppose means he meanwhile is aware of the bad optics of working, as the son of the VP, for a corporation with a vast cloud of corruption hanging over it.

It goes without saying, if Hunter's bad judgment is all there is, and Joe never benefited Burisma in any way, Joe is still in the clear. We dropped the habit of condemning whole families for the misbehavior of one of them.

Yes, let's also go after the Trumps' corruption, but let's not link it to the Bidens', as they are not linked. And let's not establish whataboutery as if it were a valid argument. It is not.
Hunter Biden was a disaster in the interview, and they were trying to softball it for him.

Joe Biden is toast.
You do understand that Trump’s children are some of the most successful people on earth ? They don’t smoke crack pipes , They have incredible skill in business .. they continue a brand that everybody wants if you ever went to any of their properties it’s some of the most magical experiences you’ll ever have in your life .

Hunter Biden is a crack head lol

George W Bush was a coke head & drunk until the age of 35 & you loved him.

Seems to me you confuse inheriting & using Daddy's money is success.
Any evidence!? Opps lol

1) George W Bush did coke & drank until the age of 35. He basically said it when he discussed how he changed his life.
2) Donald Trump used his father's money to get started. Used his father's contacts. His father bailed him else several times & then inherited a pile of money.

3) If you think Jr, Eric & Ivanka actually did anything on their own you are dumber than you look.
Trump is in a brand-name not because of a welfare check lol , his kids are fucking absolutely amazing ..

You democrats are the enemy of the USA

Where does it say bush was a crack head hunter Biden lol
He was recently caught outside his fathers debate smoking crack in the car Lol

Actually he is where he is because of a welfare check. He declared bankruptcy six different times.

Who do you think pays for that?

Well everybody except a loser like you of course.

And anyone that inherits $400 million and blows it, is worse than a crack head. They’re a total loser.

And most people who receive any kind of government assistance at least works some kind of job.

Nobody name Trump ever did a days work in their life.
Lol he did in taxes for alll the other businesses he has produced you idiot.. every business man has used that chapter as a tool, with out it millions wouldn’t be working
And how much did Trump make from the Trump tax breaks?

President Trump lost plenty. When he first made the proposition to reform taxes, he told him tax preparation man about the plan.

The man at Jackson-Hewitt told him, "Believe me, you are going to get killed by this, particularly the idea to limit state and local tax deductions"

President Trump said he had to do it anyhow, as it was the right thing to do.

I know it sounds crazy for an Obama devotee, but some people just naturally want to do the right thing.
Wow, you are really so fucking stupid that you believe what Trump says.

Any property taxes on Trump's businesses are written off as expenses you God damn stupid fuck.

Brilliant...everyone that pays property taxes write them off as expenses.

Business property's taxes are expensed.

Personal property is not.

And they are all deducted....what a shock.
George W Bush was a coke head & drunk until the age of 35 & you loved him.

Seems to me you confuse inheriting & using Daddy's money is success.
Any evidence!? Opps lol

1) George W Bush did coke & drank until the age of 35. He basically said it when he discussed how he changed his life.
2) Donald Trump used his father's money to get started. Used his father's contacts. His father bailed him else several times & then inherited a pile of money.

3) If you think Jr, Eric & Ivanka actually did anything on their own you are dumber than you look.
Trump is in a brand-name not because of a welfare check lol , his kids are fucking absolutely amazing ..

You democrats are the enemy of the USA

Where does it say bush was a crack head hunter Biden lol
He was recently caught outside his fathers debate smoking crack in the car Lol

Actually he is where he is because of a welfare check. He declared bankruptcy six different times.

Who do you think pays for that?

Well everybody except a loser like you of course.

And anyone that inherits $400 million and blows it, is worse than a crack head. They’re a total loser.

And most people who receive any kind of government assistance at least works some kind of job.

Nobody name Trump ever did a days work in their life.
Lol he did in taxes for alll the other businesses he has produced you idiot.. every business man has used that chapter as a tool, with out it millions wouldn’t be working

Trump used the bankruptcy tools as many business people have done. For that matter, what millions of citizens have done under chapter 7 & 13. And, people call him a loser. No one uses bankruptcy or loses money, if you do, you are a loser.

Except every major bank, GM and others just 10 years ago when the tax payers bailed them out. Of course, they are now all "success stories".
A for-profit presidency is unconstitutional.

They're criminals because it's in their DNA.

How Donald Trump is monetising his presidency
That's proof of nothing. Making a profit is not against the law, moron.
That's proof of nothing. Making a profit is not against the law, moron.
Money laundering, stiffing employees and vendors, and tax fraud are against the law, so unless you believe Trump is NOT a corrupt parasite, you might want to start thinking about who you'll vote for in 2020.

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"An analysis by USA Today published in June 2016 found that over the previous three decades, Donald Trump and his businesses have been involved in 3,500 legal cases in U.S. federal courts and state court, an unprecedented number for a U.S. presidential candidate.[1]

"Of the 3,500 suits, Trump or one of his companies were plaintiffs in 1,900; defendants in 1,450; and bankruptcy, third party, or other in 150.[1] Trump was named in at least 169 suits in federal court."
None of that happened. It's just the petulant hysteria of infantile Trump haters.
None of that happened. It's just the petulant hysteria of infantile Trump haters
Is that all you got?

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"Of Trump's involvement in the lawsuits, his lawyer Alan Garten said in 2015 that this was 'a natural part of doing business in [the United States]',[5][6] and in the real estate industry, litigation to enforce contracts and resolve business disputes is indeed common.[5]

"Trump has, however, been involved in far more litigation than fellow real-estate magnates; the USA Today analysis in 2016 found that Trump had been involved in legal disputes more than Edward J. DeBartolo Jr., Donald Bren, Stephen M. Ross, Sam Zell, and Larry Silverstein combined.[1]"

Also, for all the talk about the Clinton Foundation, Trump was forced to shut down his foundation because of illegal activity. How come this doesn't seem to phase Trump supporters.

Or the fact that Trump University was a scam?

And didn't Trump at one time say it's ok that he and his companies profit from him being in the White House?

A Look At President Trump's History Of Profiting Off His Presidency
Trump's foundation was an actual charity. It wasn't a means of laundering bribes as the Clinton Global Initiative is.
And how much did Trump make from the Trump tax breaks?

President Trump lost plenty. When he first made the proposition to reform taxes, he told him tax preparation man about the plan.

The man at Jackson-Hewitt told him, "Believe me, you are going to get killed by this, particularly the idea to limit state and local tax deductions"

President Trump said he had to do it anyhow, as it was the right thing to do.

I know it sounds crazy for an Obama devotee, but some people just naturally want to do the right thing.
Wow, you are really so fucking stupid that you believe what Trump says.

Any property taxes on Trump's businesses are written off as expenses you God damn stupid fuck.

Brilliant...everyone that pays property taxes write them off as expenses.

Business property's taxes are expensed.

Personal property is not.

And they are all deducted....what a shock.
Only a leftwinger could believe that deducting property taxes as a business expense is some kind of crime.

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