Hunter Biden? What about the Trumps?

Hunter Biden was a disaster in the interview, and they were trying to softball it for him.

Joe Biden is toast.

Its starting to look like the D's aren't going to nominate Sleepy Joe.

Although I don't know why they were so hot for Biden to start with. He was daffy as a young man in the 70's and 80's, and his goofiness has really accelerated since that point in time. I understand why B. Hussein O. liked him, Bite Me was his insurance policy against removal. A patriot would be concerned about deposing Obama.

Further, Biden was really good at kissing Barack's ass, if you bothered to hear the President's speech in Minneapolis last week
Money laundering, stiffing employees and vendors, and tax fraud are against the law, so unless you believe Trump is NOT a corrupt parasite, you might want to start thinking about who you'll vote for in 2020.

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"An analysis by USA Today published in June 2016 found that over the previous three decades, Donald Trump and his businesses have been involved in 3,500 legal cases in U.S. federal courts and state court, an unprecedented number for a U.S. presidential candidate.[1]

"Of the 3,500 suits, Trump or one of his companies were plaintiffs in 1,900; defendants in 1,450; and bankruptcy, third party, or other in 150.[1] Trump was named in at least 169 suits in federal court."
None of that happened. It's just the petulant hysteria of infantile Trump haters.
None of that happened. It's just the petulant hysteria of infantile Trump haters
Is that all you got?

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"Of Trump's involvement in the lawsuits, his lawyer Alan Garten said in 2015 that this was 'a natural part of doing business in [the United States]',[5][6] and in the real estate industry, litigation to enforce contracts and resolve business disputes is indeed common.[5]

"Trump has, however, been involved in far more litigation than fellow real-estate magnates; the USA Today analysis in 2016 found that Trump had been involved in legal disputes more than Edward J. DeBartolo Jr., Donald Bren, Stephen M. Ross, Sam Zell, and Larry Silverstein combined.[1]"

Also, for all the talk about the Clinton Foundation, Trump was forced to shut down his foundation because of illegal activity. How come this doesn't seem to phase Trump supporters.

Or the fact that Trump University was a scam?

And didn't Trump at one time say it's ok that he and his companies profit from him being in the White House?

A Look At President Trump's History Of Profiting Off His Presidency

The Trump Foundation was harassed into closing by the State of New York government.

In actuality,Trump has lost literally billions from serving as President, but he really doesn't care because the country needs him. I guess you didn't here Trump's speech last week in Lake Charles?

Further, he's living in the Spartan conditions in Washington DC just to serve the country. The WH is a 200 year old dump, compared to the Trump Family's New York domicile, the 3 story Golden Penthouse

Such horseshit. The Trump foundation was an illegal enterprise. Not the Clinton Foundation. Stop with this deep state conspiracy theories on why Trump is in trouble but Hillary never got in any trouble. Or Obama. They weren't dirty. Trump is.

Stop repeating Trump lies

No, Trump Is Not Losing ‘3 To 5 Billion’ Dollars From Presidency

And do you understand how much he and his family are going to make after he leaves office? Same way Hillary and Obama make money now that they are out of office. Favors will be repaid don't worry.

And how much did Trump make from the Trump tax breaks?

Under the Republican tax bill, President Donald Trump "and his family would walk off with more than a billion dollars personally."
Lloyd Doggett on Monday, November 20th, 2017 in an interview with Sinclair Broadcast Group
Dead wrong. Precisely the opposite is the case. CGI is a money laundering scheme. All the Trump Foundation did is make a couple of questionable donations - something many foundations have done.

Hillary doesn't get in trouble because the media protects and because the deep state protects her.
Money laundering, stiffing employees and vendors, and tax fraud are against the law, so unless you believe Trump is NOT a corrupt parasite, you might want to start thinking about who you'll vote for in 2020.

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"An analysis by USA Today published in June 2016 found that over the previous three decades, Donald Trump and his businesses have been involved in 3,500 legal cases in U.S. federal courts and state court, an unprecedented number for a U.S. presidential candidate.[1]

"Of the 3,500 suits, Trump or one of his companies were plaintiffs in 1,900; defendants in 1,450; and bankruptcy, third party, or other in 150.[1] Trump was named in at least 169 suits in federal court."
None of that happened. It's just the petulant hysteria of infantile Trump haters.
None of that happened. It's just the petulant hysteria of infantile Trump haters
Is that all you got?

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"Of Trump's involvement in the lawsuits, his lawyer Alan Garten said in 2015 that this was 'a natural part of doing business in [the United States]',[5][6] and in the real estate industry, litigation to enforce contracts and resolve business disputes is indeed common.[5]

"Trump has, however, been involved in far more litigation than fellow real-estate magnates; the USA Today analysis in 2016 found that Trump had been involved in legal disputes more than Edward J. DeBartolo Jr., Donald Bren, Stephen M. Ross, Sam Zell, and Larry Silverstein combined.[1]"

Also, for all the talk about the Clinton Foundation, Trump was forced to shut down his foundation because of illegal activity. How come this doesn't seem to phase Trump supporters.

Or the fact that Trump University was a scam?

And didn't Trump at one time say it's ok that he and his companies profit from him being in the White House?

A Look At President Trump's History Of Profiting Off His Presidency

The Trump Foundation was harassed into closing by the State of New York government.

In actuality,Trump has lost literally billions from serving as President, but he really doesn't care because the country needs him. I guess you didn't here Trump's speech last week in Lake Charles?

Further, he's living in the Spartan conditions in Washington DC just to serve the country. The WH is a 200 year old dump, compared to the Trump Family's New York domicile, the 3 story Golden Penthouse

Funny you put Democrats like Gore down for having big homes but brag about Trump's golden penthouse. And you think he cares about you? God Trump supporters are stupid.
Trump isn't constantly harping about how global warming is going to kill us all in 12 years. Having a big house doesn't contradict any of his principles. On the other hand, it contradicts all of Gore's principles.

You leftwing morons just don't understand the concept of hypocrisy.

God Trump haters are stupid.
You do understand that Trump’s children are some of the most successful people on earth ? They don’t smoke crack pipes , They have incredible skill in business .. they continue a brand that everybody wants if you ever went to any of their properties it’s some of the most magical experiences you’ll ever have in your life .

Hunter Biden is a crack head lol

George W Bush was a coke head & drunk until the age of 35 & you loved him.

Seems to me you confuse inheriting & using Daddy's money is success.
Any evidence!? Opps lol

1) George W Bush did coke & drank until the age of 35. He basically said it when he discussed how he changed his life.
2) Donald Trump used his father's money to get started. Used his father's contacts. His father bailed him else several times & then inherited a pile of money.

3) If you think Jr, Eric & Ivanka actually did anything on their own you are dumber than you look.
Trump is in a brand-name not because of a welfare check lol , his kids are fucking absolutely amazing ..

You democrats are the enemy of the USA

Where does it say bush was a crack head hunter Biden lol
He was recently caught outside his fathers debate smoking crack in the car Lol

Actually he is where he is because of a welfare check. He declared bankruptcy six different times.

Who do you think pays for that?

Well everybody except a loser like you of course.

And anyone that inherits $400 million and blows it, is worse than a crack head. They’re a total loser.

And most people who receive any kind of government assistance at least works some kind of job.

Nobody name Trump ever did a days work in their life.
He didn't inherit $400 million, he didn't blow it, and he didn't get any welfare checks. That's all made-up Trump hater propaganda.
The truest thing Hunter Biden said about his corrupt foreign deals in his ABC interview: "I'll let you guys in the media handle that."
cause you just feel it's so right?
Nah, because it is so. They are a global symbol of corruption. And his cult, you included, is a global laughingstock.

If the Trump family is so "corrupt", why did Hillary Clinton, Chuck U. Schumer, Bob Menendez, John McCain, etc., all accept his money and have not yet returned it?

Isn't it wrong to accept blood money from alleged gangsters reputedly involved with putative Russian oligarchs?

Those folks would have returned the donations if they had any decency.
George W Bush was a coke head & drunk until the age of 35 & you loved him.

Seems to me you confuse inheriting & using Daddy's money is success.
Any evidence!? Opps lol

1) George W Bush did coke & drank until the age of 35. He basically said it when he discussed how he changed his life.
2) Donald Trump used his father's money to get started. Used his father's contacts. His father bailed him else several times & then inherited a pile of money.

3) If you think Jr, Eric & Ivanka actually did anything on their own you are dumber than you look.
Trump is in a brand-name not because of a welfare check lol , his kids are fucking absolutely amazing ..

You democrats are the enemy of the USA

Where does it say bush was a crack head hunter Biden lol
He was recently caught outside his fathers debate smoking crack in the car Lol

Actually he is where he is because of a welfare check. He declared bankruptcy six different times.

Who do you think pays for that?

Well everybody except a loser like you of course.

And anyone that inherits $400 million and blows it, is worse than a crack head. They’re a total loser.

And most people who receive any kind of government assistance at least works some kind of job.

Nobody name Trump ever did a days work in their life.
He didn't inherit $400 million, he didn't blow it, and he didn't get any welfare checks. That's all made-up Trump hater propaganda.
Trump started getting money when he was a young boy. no one knows for sure how much it all totaled.
None of that happened. It's just the petulant hysteria of infantile Trump haters.
None of that happened. It's just the petulant hysteria of infantile Trump haters
Is that all you got?

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"Of Trump's involvement in the lawsuits, his lawyer Alan Garten said in 2015 that this was 'a natural part of doing business in [the United States]',[5][6] and in the real estate industry, litigation to enforce contracts and resolve business disputes is indeed common.[5]

"Trump has, however, been involved in far more litigation than fellow real-estate magnates; the USA Today analysis in 2016 found that Trump had been involved in legal disputes more than Edward J. DeBartolo Jr., Donald Bren, Stephen M. Ross, Sam Zell, and Larry Silverstein combined.[1]"

Also, for all the talk about the Clinton Foundation, Trump was forced to shut down his foundation because of illegal activity. How come this doesn't seem to phase Trump supporters.

Or the fact that Trump University was a scam?

And didn't Trump at one time say it's ok that he and his companies profit from him being in the White House?

A Look At President Trump's History Of Profiting Off His Presidency

The Trump Foundation was harassed into closing by the State of New York government.

In actuality,Trump has lost literally billions from serving as President, but he really doesn't care because the country needs him. I guess you didn't here Trump's speech last week in Lake Charles?

Further, he's living in the Spartan conditions in Washington DC just to serve the country. The WH is a 200 year old dump, compared to the Trump Family's New York domicile, the 3 story Golden Penthouse

Funny you put Democrats like Gore down for having big homes but brag about Trump's golden penthouse. And you think he cares about you? God Trump supporters are stupid.
Trump isn't constantly harping about how global warming is going to kill us all in 12 years. Having a big house doesn't contradict any of his principles. On the other hand, it contradicts all of Gore's principles.

You leftwing morons just don't understand the concept of hypocrisy.

God Trump haters are stupid.

You can have the largest house on the planet. If you use green energy, it doesn't matter.
Any evidence!? Opps lol

1) George W Bush did coke & drank until the age of 35. He basically said it when he discussed how he changed his life.
2) Donald Trump used his father's money to get started. Used his father's contacts. His father bailed him else several times & then inherited a pile of money.

3) If you think Jr, Eric & Ivanka actually did anything on their own you are dumber than you look.
Trump is in a brand-name not because of a welfare check lol , his kids are fucking absolutely amazing ..

You democrats are the enemy of the USA

Where does it say bush was a crack head hunter Biden lol
He was recently caught outside his fathers debate smoking crack in the car Lol

Actually he is where he is because of a welfare check. He declared bankruptcy six different times.

Who do you think pays for that?

Well everybody except a loser like you of course.

And anyone that inherits $400 million and blows it, is worse than a crack head. They’re a total loser.

And most people who receive any kind of government assistance at least works some kind of job.

Nobody name Trump ever did a days work in their life.
He didn't inherit $400 million, he didn't blow it, and he didn't get any welfare checks. That's all made-up Trump hater propaganda.
Trump started getting money when he was a young boy. no one knows for sure how much it all totaled.

It was all reported to the IRS on income tax, gift tax and estate tax forms, and those forms were all subject to audit, and signed under penalty of perjury.
Is that all you got?

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"Of Trump's involvement in the lawsuits, his lawyer Alan Garten said in 2015 that this was 'a natural part of doing business in [the United States]',[5][6] and in the real estate industry, litigation to enforce contracts and resolve business disputes is indeed common.[5]

"Trump has, however, been involved in far more litigation than fellow real-estate magnates; the USA Today analysis in 2016 found that Trump had been involved in legal disputes more than Edward J. DeBartolo Jr., Donald Bren, Stephen M. Ross, Sam Zell, and Larry Silverstein combined.[1]"

Also, for all the talk about the Clinton Foundation, Trump was forced to shut down his foundation because of illegal activity. How come this doesn't seem to phase Trump supporters.

Or the fact that Trump University was a scam?

And didn't Trump at one time say it's ok that he and his companies profit from him being in the White House?

A Look At President Trump's History Of Profiting Off His Presidency

The Trump Foundation was harassed into closing by the State of New York government.

In actuality,Trump has lost literally billions from serving as President, but he really doesn't care because the country needs him. I guess you didn't here Trump's speech last week in Lake Charles?

Further, he's living in the Spartan conditions in Washington DC just to serve the country. The WH is a 200 year old dump, compared to the Trump Family's New York domicile, the 3 story Golden Penthouse

Funny you put Democrats like Gore down for having big homes but brag about Trump's golden penthouse. And you think he cares about you? God Trump supporters are stupid.
Trump isn't constantly harping about how global warming is going to kill us all in 12 years. Having a big house doesn't contradict any of his principles. On the other hand, it contradicts all of Gore's principles.

You leftwing morons just don't understand the concept of hypocrisy.

God Trump haters are stupid.

You can have the largest house on the planet. If you use green energy, it doesn't matter.

Actually, Al Gore's Mansion is tied to the same electric grid as everyone else's in his city. It isn't any greener than any other customer.
More lies with no proof. Tell us cockroach, what have you ever seen any of the people do in your latest PATHETIC cry, with your own two eyes?
Sounds like Trump every day "More lies with no proof."
Any evidence!? Opps lol

1) George W Bush did coke & drank until the age of 35. He basically said it when he discussed how he changed his life.
2) Donald Trump used his father's money to get started. Used his father's contacts. His father bailed him else several times & then inherited a pile of money.

3) If you think Jr, Eric & Ivanka actually did anything on their own you are dumber than you look.
Trump is in a brand-name not because of a welfare check lol , his kids are fucking absolutely amazing ..

You democrats are the enemy of the USA

Where does it say bush was a crack head hunter Biden lol
He was recently caught outside his fathers debate smoking crack in the car Lol

Actually he is where he is because of a welfare check. He declared bankruptcy six different times.

Who do you think pays for that?

Well everybody except a loser like you of course.

And anyone that inherits $400 million and blows it, is worse than a crack head. They’re a total loser.

And most people who receive any kind of government assistance at least works some kind of job.

Nobody name Trump ever did a days work in their life.
He didn't inherit $400 million, he didn't blow it, and he didn't get any welfare checks. That's all made-up Trump hater propaganda.
Trump started getting money when he was a young boy. no one knows for sure how much it all totaled.
Yeah, I'll bet he got $5.00 for mowing the lawn when he was 10.
Any evidence!? Opps lol

1) George W Bush did coke & drank until the age of 35. He basically said it when he discussed how he changed his life.
2) Donald Trump used his father's money to get started. Used his father's contacts. His father bailed him else several times & then inherited a pile of money.

3) If you think Jr, Eric & Ivanka actually did anything on their own you are dumber than you look.
Trump is in a brand-name not because of a welfare check lol , his kids are fucking absolutely amazing ..

You democrats are the enemy of the USA

Where does it say bush was a crack head hunter Biden lol
He was recently caught outside his fathers debate smoking crack in the car Lol

Actually he is where he is because of a welfare check. He declared bankruptcy six different times.

Who do you think pays for that?

Well everybody except a loser like you of course.

And anyone that inherits $400 million and blows it, is worse than a crack head. They’re a total loser.

And most people who receive any kind of government assistance at least works some kind of job.

Nobody name Trump ever did a days work in their life.
He didn't inherit $400 million, he didn't blow it, and he didn't get any welfare checks. That's all made-up Trump hater propaganda.
Trump started getting money when he was a young boy. no one knows for sure how much it all totaled.
He uses electricity from coal fired power plants.

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