Hunter Biden

Sure, for his expertise and hard work.
Tell me more about all these U.S. tax dollars that went to Hunter Biden.


Thanks for being such a good prop, lil fawn. How this works is that aid in the form of a billion or so federal reserve notes are digitally transferred and funneled into various accounts and through various channels for countries in good standing with USA.INC that "play ball" with them. In exchange for the largesse of these crooks that pull out the "American Express Gold Card" and sign it "USA.INC serfs" where our sweat equity makes good on the backing of this fiat currency. In exchange for their generosity, they receive what is known as "kickbacks" or what is also known (and a new term learned by leftards) as "quid pro quo" aka "You scratch my back and I will scratch yours". Leftards are a tad slow on the uptake so this has to read a bit like a first grade primer without using too many multi-syllable words. Politicians can't just have fiat money dumped into their campaign accounts without the fear of leaving a money trail even though some are either so fucking stupid or so secure in their position that they don't give a fuck.

So like in Biden's case for example, the money is funneled through a n'er -do-well like a Hunter Biden to the tune of 83K per month (as an example) by laundering dirty money through their "oil and gas" company and suddenly that previously dirty money comes out as pristine as new fallen snow. Lobbyists pay huge bribes in the form of campaign contributions to keep the American Express Gold card maxed worries, they just extend our credit limit. You really are stupid and willfully ignorant and will defend any corrupt politician as long as they have a "D" by their name. If Bashful Bernie Sanders was going to be the leftard nominee? You would be touting the virtues of Bolshevikism. You are one of the drones in the hive mind also known as collectivism. Thanks for the segue even though some of the terms I used will totally frighten and confuse you...for those that are "awake"? They understand fully and will wholeheartedly agree.


You're beyond fucking brain-dead with that false equivalence fallacy , delusional dale. :cuckoo:

First you present the reality that kickbacks exist. But then you follow up with the unbridled and unconfirmed nonsense that our money was funneled into Burisma, ultimately paying Hunter Biden. There's no proof either way but the evidence suggests not. At some point, the Ukrainian government did provide subsidies to Burisma, but that stopped when they accused Zlochevsky of stealing that money from his company. As with all your conspiracies, you lack any proof whatsoever to demonstrate you're not batshit insane.

Yeah, I could go into a long explanation as to how the funds trickle down and how shell companies work to avoid a money trail and how one hand washes the other, etc, etc.... but it would be a total waste of time on a joker that still defends "Pocahontas Warren even after she distanced herself from her alleged indigenous "made up" past. The biggest liar and spewer of bullshit is and has always been you and you have some decent competition in that department. You and Joe Blowhard must be related.
Her DNA test defends her even if you are too stupid to understand it.

As far as how shell companies operate, it's irrelevant since you lack the ability to demonstrate this was the case with Burisma after Hunter Biden joined.

And while I have no doubt you believe you, don't expect others to since you fail miserably to prove the bullshit you post.

So, Pocahontas Warren alleges that her great, great, great grandmother was a full blooded Cherokee? and the blood tests to check for DNA weren't even that of the Cherokee tribe but an alleged facsimile thereof by testing (snicker) "DNA" samples from Mexico, Peru and Columbia because the Stanford "Professor" wasn't able to use native Cherokee he "IMPROVISED" and she is .09 to 1.5 (HOLY SHIT! You can't make this up!!!) "NATIVE AMERICAN!!!!!" and so much so that she could "check off" that box from 1986 to 1994 declaring herself a :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap: MINORITY!!!!!!!!!! Best case
scenario is that SIX generations ago to TEN generations ago, Pocahontas was the descendant many generations removed from a tryst in a tepee after the smoking of a peace pipe and the great hunt with a squaw??? Or was it a buck and a white woman from back in the mid to late 1700's????

OH WAIT! Pocahontas told the story that her parents had to elope because her father's family didn't want him to marry a woman that had Cherokee blood!!!!!!! Let's do the math, shall we? Pocahontas Warren is 69 years old so she was born roughly around 1949...and her "mother", she of the Cherokee bloodline 5 generations removed was born roughly around 1929? So, please, do tell, how in THE fuck did Pocahontas Warren's father's "blue blood" parents know that his bride to be was of Cherokee blood five FUCKING generations removed??????? There was no back in those days, no internet, not much of a wide reaching scope of intelligence agents (not even Pinkertons did that kind of shit of tracing "Indian" bloodlines...but HOLY shit!!! You swallowed Warren's bullshit story that constantly changed and at the end of the day doesn't even correspond with her wildest tales.

Blast from the past over a year a go where I kicked your ass.........keep defending Miss Pochantas, dumb ass. I can keep shoving this up your ass for as long as it takes........

Yeah, I could go into a long explanation as to how the funds trickle down and how shell companies work to avoid a money trail and how one hand washes the other, etc, etc.
And it would all be made up.

The truth is something trolls like yourself avoid like Hollywood created vampires avoid like sunlight.

Cmon man. Who do you think you’re fooling with this cocky bullshit?

Learn where to place a "comma", dipshit. It totally changes the meaning of a sentence. Do you need examples? You prove my contentions of how "dumbed down" the sheeple are.
Yeah, I could go into a long explanation as to how the funds trickle down and how shell companies work to avoid a money trail and how one hand washes the other, etc, etc.
And it would all be made up.

The truth is something trolls like yourself avoid like Hollywood created vampires avoid like sunlight.

Cmon man. Who do you think you’re fooling with this cocky bullshit?

Learn where to place a "comma", dipshit. It totally changes the meaning of a sentence. Do you need examples? You prove my contentions of how "dumbed down" the sheeple are.

Is that the best you have?
Tell me more about all these U.S. tax dollars that went to Hunter Biden.


Thanks for being such a good prop, lil fawn. How this works is that aid in the form of a billion or so federal reserve notes are digitally transferred and funneled into various accounts and through various channels for countries in good standing with USA.INC that "play ball" with them. In exchange for the largesse of these crooks that pull out the "American Express Gold Card" and sign it "USA.INC serfs" where our sweat equity makes good on the backing of this fiat currency. In exchange for their generosity, they receive what is known as "kickbacks" or what is also known (and a new term learned by leftards) as "quid pro quo" aka "You scratch my back and I will scratch yours". Leftards are a tad slow on the uptake so this has to read a bit like a first grade primer without using too many multi-syllable words. Politicians can't just have fiat money dumped into their campaign accounts without the fear of leaving a money trail even though some are either so fucking stupid or so secure in their position that they don't give a fuck.

So like in Biden's case for example, the money is funneled through a n'er -do-well like a Hunter Biden to the tune of 83K per month (as an example) by laundering dirty money through their "oil and gas" company and suddenly that previously dirty money comes out as pristine as new fallen snow. Lobbyists pay huge bribes in the form of campaign contributions to keep the American Express Gold card maxed worries, they just extend our credit limit. You really are stupid and willfully ignorant and will defend any corrupt politician as long as they have a "D" by their name. If Bashful Bernie Sanders was going to be the leftard nominee? You would be touting the virtues of Bolshevikism. You are one of the drones in the hive mind also known as collectivism. Thanks for the segue even though some of the terms I used will totally frighten and confuse you...for those that are "awake"? They understand fully and will wholeheartedly agree.


You're beyond fucking brain-dead with that false equivalence fallacy , delusional dale. :cuckoo:

First you present the reality that kickbacks exist. But then you follow up with the unbridled and unconfirmed nonsense that our money was funneled into Burisma, ultimately paying Hunter Biden. There's no proof either way but the evidence suggests not. At some point, the Ukrainian government did provide subsidies to Burisma, but that stopped when they accused Zlochevsky of stealing that money from his company. As with all your conspiracies, you lack any proof whatsoever to demonstrate you're not batshit insane.

Yeah, I could go into a long explanation as to how the funds trickle down and how shell companies work to avoid a money trail and how one hand washes the other, etc, etc.... but it would be a total waste of time on a joker that still defends "Pocahontas Warren even after she distanced herself from her alleged indigenous "made up" past. The biggest liar and spewer of bullshit is and has always been you and you have some decent competition in that department. You and Joe Blowhard must be related.
Her DNA test defends her even if you are too stupid to understand it.

As far as how shell companies operate, it's irrelevant since you lack the ability to demonstrate this was the case with Burisma after Hunter Biden joined.

And while I have no doubt you believe you, don't expect others to since you fail miserably to prove the bullshit you post.

So, Pocahontas Warren alleges that her great, great, great grandmother was a full blooded Cherokee? and the blood tests to check for DNA weren't even that of the Cherokee tribe but an alleged facsimile thereof by testing (snicker) "DNA" samples from Mexico, Peru and Columbia because the Stanford "Professor" wasn't able to use native Cherokee he "IMPROVISED" and she is .09 to 1.5 (HOLY SHIT! You can't make this up!!!) "NATIVE AMERICAN!!!!!" and so much so that she could "check off" that box from 1986 to 1994 declaring herself a :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap: MINORITY!!!!!!!!!! Best case
scenario is that SIX generations ago to TEN generations ago, Pocahontas was the descendant many generations removed from a tryst in a tepee after the smoking of a peace pipe and the great hunt with a squaw??? Or was it a buck and a white woman from back in the mid to late 1700's????

OH WAIT! Pocahontas told the story that her parents had to elope because her father's family didn't want him to marry a woman that had Cherokee blood!!!!!!! Let's do the math, shall we? Pocahontas Warren is 69 years old so she was born roughly around 1949...and her "mother", she of the Cherokee bloodline 5 generations removed was born roughly around 1929? So, please, do tell, how in THE fuck did Pocahontas Warren's father's "blue blood" parents know that his bride to be was of Cherokee blood five FUCKING generations removed??????? There was no back in those days, no internet, not much of a wide reaching scope of intelligence agents (not even Pinkertons did that kind of shit of tracing "Indian" bloodlines...but HOLY shit!!! You swallowed Warren's bullshit story that constantly changed and at the end of the day doesn't even correspond with her wildest tales.

Blast from the past over a year a go where I kicked your ass.........keep defending Miss Pochantas, dumb ass. I can keep shoving this up your ass for as long as it takes........


You brain-dead conspiracy nut, that doesn't disqualify her test, which proved she could be 6 generations away from a Native American ancestor -- which very closely matched her life-long claim that it was 5 generations. All she couldn't prove was that great-great-great-grandmother was Cherokee, as she was told by her family. Even that doesn't mean she wasn't Cherokee, only that she couldn't prove it because there is no DNA test for that. Still, she proved she's of Native American lineage.

But I must admit I did get a good laugh at you patting yourself on the back like that. :mm:
Learn where to place a "comma", dipshit. It totally changes the meaning of a sentence. Do you need examples? You prove my contentions of how "dumbed down" the sheeple are.

Um, commas go inside quotation marks, delusional dale.

after 8 years of President Joe Biden, we need 8 years of President Hunter Biden

if only Beau was still alive, he should be president after that, my friends!
You said nothing about them until I posted it.
You said nothing about them until I posted it.

well that might be i didnt know the issue existed,,,

but you did ignore my post when you posted yours,,which is typical leftist behavior,,accuse others of what youre doing
Not as sad as calling out Biden's kid while ignoring Impeached Trump's.
when did I ignore it???

I read the article,,,
You said nothing about them until I posted it.

well that might be i didnt know the issue existed,,,

but you did ignore my post when you posted yours,,which is typical leftist behavior,,accuse others of what youre doing
Then maybe you're just brain-dead to the fact that all kids of presidents and vice presidents get secret service protection. I can't imagine anyone is so stupid not to know that? Or even dumber than stupid to think Biden's kids received such protection but Trump's kids don't. :confused:

And no, I didn't ignore your post. I educated you to the reality that kids of presidents and vice presidents get secret service protection.
using bad behavior to defend bad behavior is just sad,,,

Not as sad as calling out Biden's kid while ignoring Impeached Trump's.
when did I ignore it???

I read the article,,,
You said nothing about them until I posted it.

well that might be i didnt know the issue existed,,,

but you did ignore my post when you posted yours,,which is typical leftist behavior,,accuse others of what youre doing
Then maybe you're just brain-dead to the fact that all kids of presidents and vice presidents get secret service protection. I can't imagine anyone is so stupid not to know that? Or even dumber than stupid to think Biden's kids received such protection but Trump's kids don't. :confused:

And no, I didn't ignore your post. I educated you to the reality that kids of presidents and vice presidents get secret service protection.

of course I knew that,,,
Not as sad as calling out Biden's kid while ignoring Impeached Trump's.
when did I ignore it???

I read the article,,,
You said nothing about them until I posted it.

well that might be i didnt know the issue existed,,,

but you did ignore my post when you posted yours,,which is typical leftist behavior,,accuse others of what youre doing
Then maybe you're just brain-dead to the fact that all kids of presidents and vice presidents get secret service protection. I can't imagine anyone is so stupid not to know that? Or even dumber than stupid to think Biden's kids received such protection but Trump's kids don't. :confused:

And no, I didn't ignore your post. I educated you to the reality that kids of presidents and vice presidents get secret service protection.

of course I knew that,,,
"well that might be i didnt know the issue existed,,,"

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