Hunter Biden

Yes we can see what pact donated to the Johnson campaign.. let’s Investigate .. I’m open to see the miss information kerry Biden duo sent out.. let’s see the facts. Investigate
Knock yourself out. Let me know what you dig up
That’s all trump
Is doing blowing the whistle
Trump is doing his best to brand his opponent as a crook. I guess it works on dupes like you so that shows he knows what he’s doing. I’ll give him that... he knows how to play the low IQs

not trumps fault biden is one of the most corrupt politicians that weve ever seen,,,
More bullshit smears. Does it ever get old?
cant smear shit if theres no shit to smear,,,
Do you started that that movement to say he was dirty? Gonna get deep and expose your bias but go ahead and answer I have money that says you won’t admit it lol
Why do you think GOP senator and now Trump lackie Ron Johnson signed a letter calling for reform to this guys office? Why would Ron call it corrupt and want to pay Hunter Biden. Can you explain that?
Yes we can see what pact donated to the Johnson campaign.. let’s Investigate .. I’m open to see the miss information kerry Biden duo sent out.. let’s see the facts. Investigate
Knock yourself out. Let me know what you dig up
That’s all trump
Is doing blowing the whistle
Trump is doing his best to brand his opponent as a crook. I guess it works on dupes like you so that shows he knows what he’s doing. I’ll give him that... he knows how to play the low IQs
Well how did his son get the job
Why did Joe insert himself between the Ukraine government and his son?

That’s all anyone needs to know.
And we all know the answer.
How do you know Joe inserted himself. Do you have any proof that’s what he did or are you just making that up?
Uh, is that a trick question?

Joe said he he inserted himself. On video.
Quote his exact words mentioning his son!

Joe Biden brags about how he threatened to pull $1 billion in loan guarantees from Ukraine if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.
Have a nice day!

So? There's still nothing wrong with that.
Like I said earlier, Hunter was hired after Devon Archer had a sit down with daddy at the WH. Then you had Devon and Hunter together with Blue Star Strategies trying to influence US policy though the State Dept, I wonder if they were registered under FARA as foreign agents.

Oh, and the folks from Blue Star Strategies took it upon themselves to visit the prosecutor in Ukraine to apologize for US falsehoods perpetrated against his office. Here's a portion of the prosecutors memo of the meeting, you can read it all at the link.

View attachment 289238
Ukraine PGO Memo Translation

Ok so connect the dots to the crime. It seems that your highlighting lobbying efforts which I believe is legal business practice. What’s the crime?

IF it was all harmless, what's the harm of investigating to be sure? The commiecrats in the house seem to definitely object to looking into anything that might justify Trumps concern. Like I said, it would blow the hell out of this hoax. Hell even Kerrys kid was smart enough not to touch the Ukraine with a ten foot pole. Of course you're free to ignore the facts.

there would be no harm in investigating to be sure except for the precedent set around how and what we investigate. As I mentionEd before, if mere partisan suspicion warrants this investigation then that opens the door to investigating all of Trumps kids. Then anything we find that is smelly we get to use in a campaign against daddy. Do you see how toxic this becomes? That’s the harm.

OK, since you insist on deflecting to Trumps kids, let's take a look. Ivanka and Jared liquidated 38 million in assets to comply with ethics demands. His two boys are running the company and haven't started any new international projects and won't as long as Trump is president. All are watching everything they do because they know they're under a microscope. So exactly what would you propose to investigate?

This is a post I made in another thread on 10 Oct.

Well I haven't seen a commie that would address these little ditties.

Early 2014 Devon Archer joins the Berisma board.

16 April 2014 Devon Archer had a meeting in the WH with Joe Biden, the meeting went late in the night according to WH records.

18 April 2014 Hunter Biden was appointed to the Berisma board.

21 April 2014 Joe Biden announces as much as 1 billion in US aid to the Ukraine natural gas industry.

Investigation into the Berisma founder suddenly were suspended and the UK released 23 million in frozen Berisma funds.

Yeah, nobody has anything. LMAO


You can start here, I'm looking for something else.

Swamp Watch: The Biden family

OK, since you insist on deflecting to Trumps kids, let's take a look. Ivanka and Jared liquidated 38 million in assets to comply with ethics demands. His two boys are running the company and haven't started any new international projects and won't as long as Trump is president.
Here is Eric BRAGGING about his NEW Sept 2019 deal in Scotland!
Eric Trump ✔@EricTrump
Congratulations to our extraordinary @TrumpScotland team! Minutes ago, we received full & total approval for a new phase of development to include 500 homes, 50 cottages, sports center, retail & more. We also received approval to build a 2nd golf course! Very proud of them!

12:19 PM - Sep 26, 2019
Last edited:
There is no mind in the entire universe as willfully IGNORANT as yours!
The Mueller report cited over 200 instances of RNC collusion with Russia, as you well know.
so there are 200 cases and not a single indictment,,,sounds more like you lied and are scared shitless that the real corruption by the DNC is being exposed,,,
There have been 34 indicted.
Thank you for proving your absolute IGNORANCE!
Name the American's indicted for COLLUSION with Russia.
Roger Stone, for one.
So, when I say name an American indicted for COLLUSION... You reply with the name Roger Stone.

Roger Stone was indicted for obstruction, witness tampering, and perjury,

None of those indictments are for collusion, are they?

Who else was indicted for Collusion?
Involving his COLLUSION with WikiLeaks!
OK, since you insist on deflecting to Trumps kids, let's take a look. Ivanka and Jared liquidated 38 million in assets to comply with ethics demands. His two boys are running the company and haven't started any new international projects and won't as long as Trump is president.
Here is Eric BRAGGING about his NEW Sept 2019 deal in Scotland!
Eric Trump ✔@EricTrump
Congratulations to our extraordinary @TrumpScotland team! Minutes ago, we received full & total approval for a new phase of development to include 500 homes, 50 cottages, sports center, retail & more. We also received approval to build a 2nd golf course! Very proud of them!

12:19 PM - Sep 26, 2019

thats just the approval,,,the negotiations were started before the election,,,
Are you serious? Where did the money come from that paid hunter!? The money from American tax payers that joe Biden sent Ukraine!
“Hire my son and I will give you billions”
Typical DEEP FAKE quote from the worthless lying "human scum" Right, who hypocritically condemn Schiff for paraphrasing Tramp!
OK, since you insist on deflecting to Trumps kids, let's take a look. Ivanka and Jared liquidated 38 million in assets to comply with ethics demands. His two boys are running the company and haven't started any new international projects and won't as long as Trump is president.
Here is Eric BRAGGING about his NEW Sept 2019 deal in Scotland!
Eric Trump ✔@EricTrump
Congratulations to our extraordinary @TrumpScotland team! Minutes ago, we received full & total approval for a new phase of development to include 500 homes, 50 cottages, sports center, retail & more. We also received approval to build a 2nd golf course! Very proud of them!

12:19 PM - Sep 26, 2019

thats just the approval,,,the negotiations were started before the election,,,
Irrelevant, as you well know, the many abandoned FOREIGN projects from before Tramp was elected suddenly get approval AFTER the election.
For example: In 2017 Eric Trump went to the Dominican Republic to revive a deal from 2007. Trump Organization lawyers argued then that the deal was never dead and therefore did not count as the type of new foreign deal the company had promised to avoid. But according to the Associated Press, no new projects there had "been built or announced in a decade."
Are you serious? Where did the money come from that paid hunter!? The money from American tax payers that joe Biden sent Ukraine!
“Hire my son and I will give you billions”
Typical DEEP FAKE quote from the worthless lying "human scum" Right, who hypocritically condemn Schiff for paraphrasing Tramp!
Where did they get this Money to pay his son when the avg salary in Ukraine was 10,000 a year. Tell us.. if you can’t answer ten let an investigation begin
Are you serious? Where did the money come from that paid hunter!? The money from American tax payers that joe Biden sent Ukraine!
“Hire my son and I will give you billions”
Typical DEEP FAKE quote from the worthless lying "human scum" Right, who hypocritically condemn Schiff for paraphrasing Tramp!
Where did they get this Money to pay his son when the avg salary in Ukraine was 10,000 a year. Tell us.. if you can’t answer ten let an investigation begin
Mexico paid for it!
You are an IDIOT!
Are you serious? Where did the money come from that paid hunter!? The money from American tax payers that joe Biden sent Ukraine!
“Hire my son and I will give you billions”
Typical DEEP FAKE quote from the worthless lying "human scum" Right, who hypocritically condemn Schiff for paraphrasing Tramp!
Where did they get this Money to pay his son when the avg salary in Ukraine was 10,000 a year. Tell us.. if you can’t answer ten let an investigation begin

That's the whole question here. What qualified Hunter Biden for this job? How do the Ukrainian people and Ukrainian people feel about this job being given to an American? The unemployment rate in Ukraine is about 8% , and this job at Burisma could have provided a decent living for a Ukrainian family. But we're supposed to believe that there was no one in the country that could have done this?
Avg salary id 10,000 a year for Ukrainians but they gave hunter hundreds of thousand dollars a year
we dont know for sure how much he made,,,some reports put it in the millions,,,and joe may even have received some himself
OK, since you insist on deflecting to Trumps kids, let's take a look. Ivanka and Jared liquidated 38 million in assets to comply with ethics demands. His two boys are running the company and haven't started any new international projects and won't as long as Trump is president.
Here is Eric BRAGGING about his NEW Sept 2019 deal in Scotland!
Eric Trump ✔@EricTrump
Congratulations to our extraordinary @TrumpScotland team! Minutes ago, we received full & total approval for a new phase of development to include 500 homes, 50 cottages, sports center, retail & more. We also received approval to build a 2nd golf course! Very proud of them!

12:19 PM - Sep 26, 2019

So how long has that been in the works? Is it an expansion of an existing project?

OK, since you insist on deflecting to Trumps kids, let's take a look. Ivanka and Jared liquidated 38 million in assets to comply with ethics demands. His two boys are running the company and haven't started any new international projects and won't as long as Trump is president.
Here is Eric BRAGGING about his NEW Sept 2019 deal in Scotland!
Eric Trump ✔@EricTrump
Congratulations to our extraordinary @TrumpScotland team! Minutes ago, we received full & total approval for a new phase of development to include 500 homes, 50 cottages, sports center, retail & more. We also received approval to build a 2nd golf course! Very proud of them!

12:19 PM - Sep 26, 2019

So how long has that been in the works? Is it an expansion of an existing project?

Dormant since 2008.
Ok so connect the dots to the crime. It seems that your highlighting lobbying efforts which I believe is legal business practice. What’s the crime?

IF it was all harmless, what's the harm of investigating to be sure? The commiecrats in the house seem to definitely object to looking into anything that might justify Trumps concern. Like I said, it would blow the hell out of this hoax. Hell even Kerrys kid was smart enough not to touch the Ukraine with a ten foot pole. Of course you're free to ignore the facts.

there would be no harm in investigating to be sure except for the precedent set around how and what we investigate. As I mentionEd before, if mere partisan suspicion warrants this investigation then that opens the door to investigating all of Trumps kids. Then anything we find that is smelly we get to use in a campaign against daddy. Do you see how toxic this becomes? That’s the harm.

OK, since you insist on deflecting to Trumps kids, let's take a look. Ivanka and Jared liquidated 38 million in assets to comply with ethics demands. His two boys are running the company and haven't started any new international projects and won't as long as Trump is president. All are watching everything they do because they know they're under a microscope. So exactly what would you propose to investigate?

This is a post I made in another thread on 10 Oct.

Well I haven't seen a commie that would address these little ditties.

Early 2014 Devon Archer joins the Berisma board.

16 April 2014 Devon Archer had a meeting in the WH with Joe Biden, the meeting went late in the night according to WH records.

18 April 2014 Hunter Biden was appointed to the Berisma board.

21 April 2014 Joe Biden announces as much as 1 billion in US aid to the Ukraine natural gas industry.

Investigation into the Berisma founder suddenly were suspended and the UK released 23 million in frozen Berisma funds.

Yeah, nobody has anything. LMAO


You can start here, I'm looking for something else.

Swamp Watch: The Biden family


Well it seems Utube is censoring almost anything the has negative reporting on the BIdens. That information was covered again on Steve Hiltons Swamp Watch last night, but no video I can find has that portion of his show included in it. Your welcome to see if you can find it.

Are you serious? Where did the money come from that paid hunter!? The money from American tax payers that joe Biden sent Ukraine!
“Hire my son and I will give you billions”
Typical DEEP FAKE quote from the worthless lying "human scum" Right, who hypocritically condemn Schiff for paraphrasing Tramp!
Where did they get this Money to pay his son when the avg salary in Ukraine was 10,000 a year. Tell us.. if you can’t answer ten let an investigation begin
Mexico paid for it!
You are an IDIOT!
Don’t be so angry the investigation won’t hurt lol to much haha
Are you serious? Where did the money come from that paid hunter!? The money from American tax payers that joe Biden sent Ukraine!
“Hire my son and I will give you billions”
Typical DEEP FAKE quote from the worthless lying "human scum" Right, who hypocritically condemn Schiff for paraphrasing Tramp!
Where did they get this Money to pay his son when the avg salary in Ukraine was 10,000 a year. Tell us.. if you can’t answer ten let an investigation begin

That's the whole question here. What qualified Hunter Biden for this job? How do the Ukrainian people and Ukrainian people feel about this job being given to an American? The unemployment rate in Ukraine is about 8% , and this job at Burisma could have provided a decent living for a Ukrainian family. But we're supposed to believe that there was no one in the country that could have done this?
Yup trump blew the whistle of the dems and they are going crazy lol

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