Hunter Biden's business partner Devon Archer confirms under oath that Joe (as VP) was on more than 20 calls with Hunter's "business associates"

Even an idiot like you cannot possibly be so stupid as to really think that a senator/VP/president willing to use the power of his office to grant lucrative favors to foreign governments behind congress's back secretly in exchange for large "donations" of money to his family's coffers clandestinely done through careful money laundering using dozens of hidden bank accounts around the world is not only LEGAL, but nothing to write home about!

Meanwhile, had it been suggested that Trump did any of that, you'd be calling for life in prison! Butthole.

Let me explain it to you very simply, so you can understand:

IT IS ILLEGAL to exchange offical acts for money - 18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses

IT IS ALSO ILLEGAL to launder this money - 18 U.S. Code § 1956 - Laundering of monetary instruments

Learn that, stop publicly beclowning yourself and comeback when actually have evidence of Joe Biden commiting such corrupt act or any other gross impropriety. You imagining something about secret accounts is not evidence, it's just your wishful fantasy.

P.S. what Trump did will be carefully explained to the judge and jury by the prosecutors in a court of law. It's them who will be sending him to prison.
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I just cannot decide whether this is dangerously herculean stupidity by someone too dim to even be allowed free reign in our society or deliberate lies and misinformation propaganda injected by seditious conspirators looking to support and aid a covert attempt to overthrow our country with communist infiltrators.
I give them the benefit of the doubt and say they are lying,,

cause I just cant accept people that stupid are allowed to walk the streets without a helmet,,
Let me explain it to you very simply, so you can understand:
IT IS ILLEGAL to exchange offical acts for money
IT IS ALSO ILLEGAL to launder this money

:auiqs.jpg: :lmao: :laughing0301: Too funny! Dolt, you just MADE MY CASE and called yourself an idiot! :mm: Asshole, THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT-- what Joe Biden did is ILLEGAL! But thanks for making my own case and calling yourself a liar and an idiot for saying there was nothing illegal about it! :21: :laugh2:

comeback when actually have evidence of Joe Biden commiting such corrupt act

It is happening RIGHT NOW, asshole. Trump may be railroaded into jail yet on some twisted, tortured technicality, but Joe Biden and Hunter will be soon following right behind him.
:auiqs.jpg: :lmao: :laughing0301: Too funny! Dolt, you just MADE MY CASE and called yourself an idiot! :mm: Asshole, THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT-- what Joe Biden did is ILLEGAL! But thanks for making my own case and calling yourself a liar and an idiot for saying there was nothing illegal about it! :21: :laugh2:

It is happening RIGHT NOW, asshole. Trump may be railroaded into jail yet on some twisted, tortured technicality, but Joe Biden and Hunter will be soon following right behind him.

Lots emojis, lots of silly assertions, zero evidence.

AKA another day in nutter's life.
silly assertions
What is "silly?"

zero evidence.
BULLSHIT. Bank records, video recordings, phone calls, SARs, FBI records, eyewitness accounts, friends of the family, whistblowers. It is just beginning, fly-boi. Get your head out of Joe's ass.

But then, why should I listen to or respect the words of an idiot like you so stupid you make your own case of proving Biden's guilt while calling yourself a liar and an idiot?
What is "silly?"

BULLSHIT. Bank records, video recordings, phone calls, SARs, FBI records, eyewitness accounts, friends of the family, whistblowers. It is just beginning, fly-boi. Get your head out of Joe's ass.

But then, why should I listen to or respect the words of an idiot like you so stupid you make your own case of proving Biden's guilt while calling yourself a liar and an idiot?

Bank records....that Republicans reviewed and found nothing on Joe.

Video recordings...of good foreign policy conduct.

Phone calls...about nothing.

SARs and FBI records about someone saying something about someone else saying something.

Whistleblowers coming forward about Hunter getting convicted...too lightly, refrain from any claims about Joe.

Eyewitness...why I saw Joe Biden with my own eyes on TV just the other day, shoud I contact the authorities?

With evidence like that who needs hearsay?
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Bank records....that Republicans reviewed and found nothing on Joe.

Video recordings...of good foreign policy conduct.

Phone calls...about nothing.

SARs and FBI records about someone saying something about someone else saying something.

Whistleblowers coming forward about Hunter getting convicted...too lightly, refrain from any claims about Joe.

Eyewitness...why I saw Joe Biden with my own eyes on TV just the other day, shoud I contact the authorities?

With evidence like that who needs hearsay?
Listening to Jamie Raskin will rot your brain…
Dummy, talking to someone is not quid pro quo make.

There is nothing here establishing any corrupt act by Joe Biden.

No quid, no quo, just a bunch of beat around the bush bullshit to clickbait nutters.
Why in the world would Hunter put VP Biden on the phone when he’s meeting with his Burisma business partner, not once….not twice…but on 20 different occasions?

There is no valid reason. I had a business for 20 years, with hundreds of meetings, and never once during them did I dial in Daddy on the speakerphone just to say hi and how’s the weather.
Why in the world would Hunter put VP Biden on the phone when he’s meeting with his Burisma business partner, not once….not twice…but on 20 different occasions?

There is no valid reason. I had a business for 20 years, with hundreds of meetings, and never once during them did I dial in Daddy on the speakerphone just to say hi and how’s the weather.

No one claimed Biden discussed any business on those calls, let alone any business of the people.

So that's game over.
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Bank records....that Republicans reviewed and found nothing on Joe.

Video recordings...of good foreign policy conduct.

Phone calls...about nothing.

SARs and FBI records about someone saying something about someone else saying something.

Whistleblowers coming forward about Hunter getting convicted...too lightly, refrain from any claims about Joe.

Eyewitness...why I saw Joe Biden with my own eyes on TV just the other day, shoud I contact the authorities?

With evidence like that who needs hearsay?
Even an idiot like you cannot possibly be so stupid as to really think that a senator/VP/president willing to use the power of his office to grant lucrative favors to foreign governments behind congress's back secretly in exchange for large "donations" of money to his family's coffers clandestinely done through careful money laundering using dozens of hidden bank accounts around the world is not only LEGAL, but nothing to write home about!

Meanwhile, had it been suggested that Trump did any of that, you'd be calling for life in prison! Butthole.

It is so "Democrat Party" to keep moving the target.

Joe never once spoke with Hunter about any of his business dealings.

Okay, Joe spoke with Hunter and all of his business partners dozens of times, sat in on telephone calls when Hunter extorted money, which ended up in dozens of shell countries.
All with Biden family members names on them.

These were "proof of life" calls.
Bank records....that Republicans reviewed and found nothing on Joe[/URL].
Video recordings...of good foreign policy conduct.
Phone calls...about nothing.
SARs and FBI records about someone saying something about someone else saying something.
Whistleblowers coming forward about Hunter getting convicted...too lightly, refrain from any claims about Joe.
Eyewitness...why I saw Joe Biden with my own eyes on TV just the other day, shoud I contact the authorities?

Hey! You're pretty good at blowing white smoke up your big fat ass! Leftwing assholes write disposable shit stories then you link to them! Just remember clown that Trump was IMPEACHED over nothing more than a single phone call merely inquiring about suspected criminal activity we now know was really going on with Joe Biden to protect him and keep him in the race. And Trump's second IMPEACHMENT was over no evidence at all that Trump in any way personally organized, promoted or endorsed the protest at the Capitol! And there is scant evidence to support any of the other charges.

So you go right on stupidly telling yourself that Biden is clean and a good guy, meanwhile, the ship has only begun to sink around him and it will only be getting worse these next 15 months.

glug... glug... glug.

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