Hunter Chinese payment sent to Pappy’s Delaware house.

What is it ?
This is your link to the Gates Foundation which was toying with coronaviruses and their furin cleavage sites and to stinking Chinese communists who also were toying with the same precise virus furin cleavage site, astonishingly, publishing their findings (as [italics]) POSPOTUS Biden was in the act of lying to the press about his son (17 Oct 2019).

Thank RFK Jr. (The Real Anthony Fauci), for mentioning Battelle, because this is the Russian Ukrainian document link (multiple clicks to enlarge):
We believe the document tells the truth, and links Metabiota to Battelle.

'Metabiota Inc....Battelle.'

If one virus furin manipulation linking Metabiota is not enough, the Huazhong-Metabiota connection to PEDV will certainly be added to the Biden Investigation files. That would still be when Hunter was with RSTP/Metabiota. Chan and Ridley have also published this Huazhong GoF (gain of function) connection (Viral, p. 116, 158, & 208-9)
So, the lying effeminates at WaPo did not go back far enough to notice that dipshit Hunter was with RSTP when the Huazhong experiments were going on. Dipshit Hunter's link to that precise virus, PEDV, is at Metabiota, Nanaimo, British Columbia.
Hunter does business in China...he has a financial consulting business, one of many different consulting firms...his master's degree in Economics from Georgetown University, a premier school, and then a law degree from Yale Law, and passed his Delaware Bar Exam on first try! He's a smart guy, yet so messed up, who f----d up his life on, sex, drugs and rock n roll.... for years.... And for certain, tried to ride on daddy's coat tails and last name....

what I have not seen is Joe's direct involvement in business with Hunter while he was VP, or Joe getting paid by any of Hunter's foreign entities or paid by Hunter to him, to enact foreign policy or regulations in favor of a Hunter business partner entity, constituting a bribe.

Without that....all this amounts to nothing illegal, and simply unethical of Hunter to use his Father's name and imply his Father's approval kind of crap....low life stuff..... But again, not illegal and pretty common among the rich and famous here in America, Hunter has been particularly scummy in my opinion....

so far, there has been NO evidence that Joe was bribed while VP..... A quid pro quo, a Tit for Tat that has been put forth.
Then the investigation will see what's what.

So Hunter using the "big guy" to influence the Chinese so Hunter gets "business payments" to then channel some of the laundered money one way of another to the "big guy" is akin to seeing a puppy sat beside a big pile of poo. We all know what happened, but because no one saw it, did the blatant puppy do it?
Now we know where the Big Guy got the money to afford that green Corvette!

View attachment 834846

Say, according to forfeiture laws, doesn't that mean that Joe and the Bidens should have to be made to forfeit all of their property gotten through criminal racketeering means?
You can house Jos illegals in them
Then the investigation will see what's what.

So Hunter using the "big guy" to influence the Chinese so Hunter gets "business payments" to then channel some of the laundered money one way of another to the "big guy" is akin to seeing a puppy sat beside a big pile of poo. We all know what happened, but because no one saw it, did the blatant puppy do it?
Trump Russian collusion was a big pile of shit but you believed it
Not if you’re such an addict that you forget your laptop with all sorts of embarrassing content at a computer repair shop.

Do try to follow along, counselor.
In your universe of severe mental retardation, you think the drug addict addresses the company’s envelope to send his own pay to his pappy’s house.

You’re a worthless brain fart, toto.
Good news, the impeachment inquiry starts tomorrow, so now your beloved party will finally be able to give to the American people all this proof they have been talking about
Yeah. 🙄 That’s not the way it works.

But, at least it’s finally underway. All the coverups seem to have failed and a beam of light is now hitting the Brandon Crime Family. It’s good enough for now.
Hunter can sign a check over to his father regardless of where it was sent.
If he had, there would be a record of it

But there isn’t moron ….is there?
I don’t know, yet. Do you? What’s your source, Skippy? Or are you just making shit up in the spot some more you garbage skow motherfucker.
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Translation: You can't argue the science or the chron though feel the cringing desire to mouth off something. We boycott Biden-Trump 2024, and 'Swamy-Musk is just as absurd.
Hunter is with RSTP-Metabiota as the Chinese experiment with one of Metabiota's viruses, PEDV. The German study for this coronavirus says it can remain viable (infectious) on stainless steel surfaces for up to 28 days. That would definitely be a reason to fuck with it in the lab. The mutant's furin sequence was RQKR.

Meanwhile, the very coronavirus that links to POSPOTUS mouthing off ~ 17 Oct 2019, IBV, has a mutated furin sequence, RRKR. The mutated furin that links to The Elf, Anthony Fauci, has a furin sequence, RKKR and RAAR, the two middle amino acid residues can be any amino acid (RXXR). This elfin study comes after Ralph Baric fucks with rabbit coronaviruses to yield sudden death and cardiac arrest. Here is the chron for The Elf and the sociopath-virologist Baric, and note that here is The Elf's link to the Russian document from Ukraine mentioning Metabiota-Battelle, RFK Jr. saying that Battelle was one of the three possible sources of the anthrax attack just after 9/11:

Nov 1992 NIH, Bethesda, Md. / Anthrax Toxin Furin Cleavage
'The sequence specificity is similar to that of subtilisin-like protease furin....This mutant RKKR was also toxic but required > 13 times more protein to produce equivalent toxicity.'

Battelle didn't publish on B. anthracis itself, but did publish on B. subtilis (Dugway, Utah), linking The Elf's study.

But the Baric paper came before The Elf's NIH paper and was first received on 20 Jun 1991.

Jan 1992 UNC Chapel Hill / Rabbit Coronavirus-Induced Heart Failure
Yeah by a xiden donor, but that was after the fact. That’s like returning the gold after you robbed the bank…doesn’t change anything about what I said or the fact he did it
Linky, linky
We already know Hunter Biden received money from China. He was part of the general partnership in a private equity fund in China. The fund sucked, but the partnership was paid millions of dollars in management fees.

But there's no evidence Joe Biden received any of it.

And BTW, those wires were in 2019. Biden wasn't President.
Dimtards love them some felons....
The US does tens of billions of dollars business with China every year.
That Hunter does a few million of that is not extreme and hardly illegal
It could be perfectly legal. But you don’t know one way or the other. And the concern is far less about his doing business with China than it is about Pappy getting some kickback in exchange for having used his Office to assist the company.
They have. You simply choose to be willfully ignorant in a desperate effort to simply stir the pot.
Really? Fake "texts" from the "laptop" that never existed? That's what you're trying to pass off?

You are one devoted Russian patsy.

So do you get rubles for your service, or do you serve Mother Russia purely out of a fanatical devotion to communism?

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