Hunter Chinese payment sent to Pappy’s Delaware house.

Chan and Ridley make the necessary Metabiota (Rosemont-Seneca) connection to Huazhong GoF experiments on p. 208 of their book, Viral: The Search for the Origin of COVID-19. They make the October chron connection shown in the OP on p. 209:

'We need to recount one more furin cleavage site experiment to bring the story up to date. In October 2019, the Key Laboratory of Animal Epidemiology of the Ministry of Agriculture in Beijing published the results of an experiment on infectious bronchitis virus. This disease of chickens was the earliest coronavirus disease to be identified, back in the 1930s in America, decades before the name 'coronavirus' was coined.

The experiment showed that putting a furin cleavage site into the S2 domain resulted in a more lethal virus and one that could damage the blood-brain barrier and infect brain cells to cause encephalitis. The scientists feared that such a sequence could evolve naturally in infectious bronchitis virus and result in terrible losses in the poultry industry.

It is safe to say that by 2019, the practice of artificially introducing furin cleavage sites in the spike genes of coronaviruses, or their equivalents in other viruses, had become a routine experiment in virology (see Epilogue for more on this).'

We've already linked the Pirbright-Gates-IBV assemblage, above. The precise experiment Chan and Ridley refer to for IBV was published as Joe Biden was mouthing off to the press, 17 Oct 2019. Only a fool would call this a coincidence.
It is true?

Then why the fuk can’t they find any actual money going to Joe Biden or any actual favors?
Yes numbnuts it's been proven true
So numbnuts what services did the Biden family do to get all those millions of dollars?
Well then you need to show the other side of the bribe then

You know….Joe actually doing a favor
All he had to do was give the impression he was open to doing a favor. And he did that via all his meetings and phone calls with Hunter’s business associates.
Yes numbnuts it's been proven true
So numbnuts what services did the Biden family do to get all those millions of dollars?
Yup. The silence speaks volumes. If they did nothing nefarious, why not say what they were doing for the money?
Instead, Joe was mouthing off in an attempt to dismiss the money entirely.
….and with Garland’s DOJ blocking any turnover of additional evidence of Biden’s corruption. Now the Congress has subpoena power, though, and the walls are closing in.

It keeps coming more and more together.

It may not always be true that where there’s smoke, there’s fire. But if a place starts to stink like rotten fish, sooner or later it makes good sense to see if something fell out of the garbage can.

And this whole Biden Family Corruption thing is starting to stink to high Heaven.
Lots of smoke. No fire.
….and with Garland’s DOJ blocking any turnover of additional evidence of Biden’s corruption. Now the Congress has subpoena power, though, and the walls are closing in.
Didn't think to add Garland, too busy with ChiCom viruses.
And that, my friend, is the point

Hunter having something sent to his fathers home in no way shows that Joe Biden received money

Shows desperation on your part

Hunter Chinese payment sent to Pappy’s Delaware house.​

Now we know where the Big Guy got the money to afford that green Corvette!

Screen Shot 2023-09-27 at 11.05.38 AM.png

Say, according to forfeiture laws, doesn't that mean that Joe and the Bidens should have to be made to forfeit all of their property gotten through criminal racketeering means?
Now we know where the Big Guy got the money to afford that green Corvette!

View attachment 834846

Say, according to forfeiture laws, doesn't that mean that Joe and the Bidens should have to be made to forfeit all of their property gotten through criminal racketeering means?
Yes, it should all be confiscated and liquidated. If it turns out they profited by even the low estimate - $20 million - Hunter and Joe must turn over all assets, including selling the beach and Delaware mansions. Any future earnings - including book deals written by a ghost writer - could be captured until everything is paid back.

Of course, they will need to have a house to live SOMEWHERE. Perhaps this place in Eagle Pass, TX, near the border:

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You don’t come close to proving Hunter did anything wrong in conducting business with Chinese entities……let alone his father
well he didn't pay or even report his income from them for YEARS....why? what was he hiding? and why don't you think that is wrong?
Now we know where the Big Guy got the money to afford that green Corvette!

View attachment 834846

Say, according to forfeiture laws, doesn't that mean that Joe and the Bidens should have to be made to forfeit all of their property gotten through criminal racketeering means?
His father bought him that Corvette in 1967
All the tens of millions of dollars foreign governments spent at Trump hotels, the over-inflated prices foreigners and numbered shell companies buying condos in Trump Towers, the millions of dollars spent by the US government at Trump hotels and luxury properties, the foreign entities renting space in Trump-owned commercial real estate buildings that were unoccupied, Jared’s $2 billion Saudi deal. And on and on and on.

Yet MAGA desperately desperately wants to make a connection between Hunter Biden and his father. Must be a deep psychological need for supporting the most corrupt President ever.

Trump is an international business man and makes money on his hotels.

Hunter is the only crackhead in the world that conducts international business with zero business experience.

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