Hunter Chinese payment sent to Pappy’s Delaware house.

You need to take off your MAGA hat and talk like a rational human being would

You claim Joe Biden received money from Hunters business and provided favors in return.

A wire transfer addressed to Hunter in no way shows a money transfer to Joe

Being introduced to Hunters business associates in no way shows any personal favors
You need to explain the $20 million in fun-money that went into 20 shell companies owned by the Bidens.

With Chinese wire transfers referencing to Joe Biden's home address, you need to address Joe's stuttering and mumbling comment, "My son has not made money, in terms of thing about, what are you talking about? China. The only guy who made money in China is [President Trump],” Joe said at the time.
And I’d just like to point out to all the Pearl-clutching MAGA who pretend to give a shit about corruption, Trump’s son-in-law received $2,000,000,000 - that’s two billion with a “b” - to manage from the Saudis that will make him hundreds of millions of dollars even though he has zero, zip, nada experience in venture capital.

But that doesn’t matter to The Perpetual MAGA Rage Machine because what’s most important are the dopamine hits they get from believing that everyone is out to get them and all Democrats are corrupt all the time.
Do you have any evidence that Hunter had it sent there for himself? Right now the evidence shows hundreds of thousands of dollars from China going directly to Joey Xiden's home,

Guess what?
If a wire transfer is in Hunter Biden’s name, Joe does not get to take it to the bank and cash it just because he lives at that address.
The leading contenders for the duopoly's top spot are both under a pall of suspicion involving serious crime. This is just right for the duopoly's goal of maintaining power through division.

The Republican House has been investigating Biden for eight months. To date, they have yet to call Bobulinsky


Even partisan Republicans don’t consider him credible

Show any evidence of Joe Biden receiving money from Hunters business

Show any favors provided by Joe Biden

Showing that Hunter made money in international business dealings proves nothing

WHY did Hunter receive the money? Did he work for a company that was under investigation? Did that investigation stop when Biden himself said he withheld money? Yes, shortly after Shokin was fired. Does that seem like an obvious quid pro quo? Does it make sense that is why Hunter Biden’s son was randomly hired by Burisma? Again, you don’t need a smoking gun, just some common sense beyond a REASONABLE doubt. Your doubts are unreasonable at this point. I haven’t heard one reasonable argument for Hunter making the money he was making without something being given in return. What was he paid for? Simple question.
He did not host an event for Hunter's business partner, geesus!

Joe hosted an event of which Hunter brought his partner who met Joe, like all other guests who attended.

Republican twisting of reality gives Chubby Checkers a run for his money!
Only 12 year olds would make such an excuse.

There were at least 20 occasions where Hunter's business partners were at dinners, at the White House and held phone conversations with Joe Biden in attendance
Except Hunter wasn’t living there at the time.
Why do you lie so much?

YOUR RIGHT WING MEDIA made the claim he lived there earlier back in January of this year...

.... Were they lying to promote another one of their lies? How did you forget what your side, ad nauseam had repeatedly said???

"Hunter lived at Dad's from 2017 thru 2019 when classified docs were in Joe's garage", bull crap?

All the tens of millions of dollars foreign governments spent at Trump hotels, the over-inflated prices foreigners and numbered shell companies buying condos in Trump Towers, the millions of dollars spent by the US government at Trump hotels and luxury properties, the foreign entities renting space in Trump-owned commercial real estate buildings that were unoccupied, Jared’s $2 billion Saudi deal. And on and on and on.

Yet MAGA desperately desperately wants to make a connection between Hunter Biden and his father. Must be a deep psychological need for supporting the most corrupt President ever.
WHY did Hunter receive the money? Did he work for a company that was under investigation? Did that investigation stop when Biden himself said he withheld money? Yes, shortly after Shokin was fired. Does that seem like an obvious quid pro quo? Does it make sense that is why Hunter Biden’s son was randomly hired by Burisma? Again, you don’t need a smoking gun, just some common sense beyond a REASONABLE doubt. Your doubts are unreasonable at this point. I haven’t heard one reasonable argument for Hunter making the money he was making without something being given in return. What was he paid for? Simple question.
Hunter Biden owns Consulting Companies....
The funniest anecdote about Trump corruption was when Mike Pence was going to meetings in Dublin, but Trump made Pence stay at his resort two hours away on the west side of Ireland.

MAGA doesn’t know about this shit because their media doesn’t tell them because how dare anyone tell them anything bad about their Orange Jesus because precious snowflake safe space.
The funniest anecdote about Trump corruption was when Mike Pence was going to meetings in Dublin, but Trump made Pence stay at his resort two hours away on the west side of Ireland.

MAGA doesn’t know about this shit because their media doesn’t tell them because how dare anyone tell them anything bad about their Orange Jesus because precious snowflake safe space.
I remember it....Pence had to stay in Trump's Scotland Trump resort.

Our military had to refuel when heading to the middle east, or Italy NATO base, and we're forced to refuel at the airport servicing Trump's golf resort too, which helped the airport stay functioning, to service his hotel guests....
Guess what?
If a wire transfer is in Hunter Biden’s name, Joe does not get to take it to the bank and cash it just because he lives at that address.
to who's account? these are a lot of questions we don't have answers to....even odder it was sent to the Big Guy's home.

You know when Meyer Lanksey died he reported had nothing in his assets, no accounts, nothing....does that mean he wasn't a organized crime leader?
I remember it....Pence had to stay in Trump's Scotland Trump resort.

Our military had to refuel when heading to the middle east, or Italy NATO base, and we're forced to refuel at the airport servicing Trump's golf resort too, which helped the airport stay functioning, to service his hotel guests.... clowns are desperate to find something anything....I guess that helps deflect from the fact Joey "Big Guy" Xiden was getting hundreds of thousands of dollars wired to his home, the same place he horded boat loads of classified material he had been hiding since his time as a US Senator.

"The stopover of a U.S. Air Force C-17 in Glasgow, Scotland, is not unusual," Brig Gen. Ed Thomas said in an email.

"Every two-and-a-half minutes an Air Force transport aircraft takes off or lands somewhere around the globe. As our aircrews serve on these international airlift missions, they follow strict guidelines on contracting for hotel accommodations and all expenditures of taxpayer dollars. In this case, they made reservations through the Defense Travel System and used the closest available and least expensive accommodations to the airfield within the crews' allowable hotel rates."

"While we are still reviewing the trip records, we have found nothing that falls outside the guidelines associated with selecting stopover airports on travel routes and hotel accommodations for crew rest," Thomas added.

"The Trump property -- at $136 a night -- was less expensive than the Marriott property -- $161 a night -- and both were under the per diem rate of $166," Thomas said.

Thomas said the crew, consisting of seven active-duty and Guard crewmembers from Alaska, stayed at Turnberry when en route to Kuwait, "but it doesn't appear the Trump property was used on the return leg."

"A nearby Marriott property was used," Thomas said.
Only 12 year olds would make such an excuse.

There were at least 20 occasions where Hunter's business partners were at dinners, at the White House and held phone conversations with Joe Biden in attendance
Joe Biden called Hunter every day of his life. Hunter answering the phone when at dinner with business partners, does NOT show Joe's involvement in Hunter's business, even when Hunter put Joe on speaker phone to say hi.

Devon Archer testified there were about 20 occasions where this happened over a ten year period, and ALSO testified the discussions NEVER involved business, only niceties.

if you believe Archer on the 20 times, then you must believe Archer on business was never discussed. clowns are desperate to find something anything....I guess that helps deflect from the fact Joey "Big Guy" Xiden was getting hundreds of thousands of dollars wired to his home, the same place he horded boat loads of classified material he had been hiding since his time as a US Senator.

"The stopover of a U.S. Air Force C-17 in Glasgow, Scotland, is not unusual," Brig Gen. Ed Thomas said in an email.

"Every two-and-a-half minutes an Air Force transport aircraft takes off or lands somewhere around the globe. As our aircrews serve on these international airlift missions, they follow strict guidelines on contracting for hotel accommodations and all expenditures of taxpayer dollars. In this case, they made reservations through the Defense Travel System and used the closest available and least expensive accommodations to the airfield within the crews' allowable hotel rates."

"While we are still reviewing the trip records, we have found nothing that falls outside the guidelines associated with selecting stopover airports on travel routes and hotel accommodations for crew rest," Thomas added.

"The Trump property -- at $136 a night -- was less expensive than the Marriott property -- $161 a night -- and both were under the per diem rate of $166," Thomas said.

Thomas said the crew, consisting of seven active-duty and Guard crewmembers from Alaska, stayed at Turnberry when en route to Kuwait, "but it doesn't appear the Trump property was used on the return leg."

"A nearby Marriott property was used," Thomas said.
Rewrite of facts....and incident.... search further.

It keeps coming more and more together.

It may not always be true that where there’s smoke, there’s fire. But if a place starts to stink like rotten fish, sooner or later it makes good sense to see if something fell out of the garbage can.

And this whole Biden Family Corruption thing is starting to stink to high Heaven.
Not to be conflated with any Book Title like ...
- The Best of Biden ... The Worst of Biden -.
Or who is son Hunter about to file a lawsuit agin' now.
Maybe The Little Sisters of the Poor.Since in Biden world ...
Being poor is not saintly.No matter if a Catholic er s'not.
Rewrite of facts....and incident.... search further.
yes, we get you are trying to rewrite the facts....especially now, to deflect from Xiden getting hundreds of thousands of dollars sent to his stolen classified documents bunker, from China

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