Hunter committed a known felony, and no one cares

Lol, Hunter does work for Biden. Just because you're a hypocrite doesn't change that fact.

"Fact"? Do you even know what the word means? Can an idiot like you ever learn what it takes to seriously establish a fact?

You know Hunter doesn't work for ADMINISTRATION, so you backpedal to fantasies about hunter working personally with his dad.

Joe Biden files publicly disclosed taxes and if he ommited any serious income he would be CRIMINALLY LIABLE, just as he would be for any corrupt act while in office.

Take your little rumors and run along, you have no facts, all you have are wishful politico fantasies.
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It doesn't, but no rights are absolute.
sure joe biden,,, so you dont want people that use drugs to have guns without due process,, do I have that right??

and does that include pharma drugs that cause the same or similar effects?? or is it the unlawfulness of the drugs thats your problem??
there ya go defending bidens again,,

Nope, did not do that. Asked a simple question. Would ask the same question for anyone filling out the form. The question on the form is purposefully vague to ensure it is impossible to prosecute anyone for it
Nope, did not do that. Asked a simple question. Would ask the same question for anyone filling out the form. The question on the form is purposefully vague to ensure it is impossible to prosecute anyone for it
nothing vague about it,,, its pretty clear, are you an addict or user of drugs,,,

hunter is a well known addict and from what we know now from the laptop is hes a user,,
Can you or anyone prove he was using them or addicted to them at the time he signed the form? that is all it ask
Yes, I can.

Biden (Hunter) admitted to habitual drug use during that time..

“Then when the police the FBI the secret service came on the scene she said she took it from me because she was scared I would harm myself due to my drug and alcohol problem and our volatile relationship and that she was afraid for the kids.”

He also admits to doing dope, while owning/possessing a gun. That's another crime.
Once an addict, always an addict.
Is that a legal definition ?
This was the question…
“Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”
Biden left thousands of tactical vehicles in the hands of the Taliban.
Army Major Rob Lodewick said, "Nearly all equipment used by U.S. military forces in Afghanistan was either retrograded or destroyed prior to our withdrawal."

It quickly becomes non-operation due to lack of maintenance.
its also old tech.

To obtain a fire arm, Hunter was asked if he took any illegal substances

He answer no and later tested positive for them. Therefore, he lied.

But according to this article, this felony is common place and basically never enforced

So if we do not enforce the gun laws we have, why make more?
We don't enforce any of our federal gun laws which is the main reason we have the gun crimes we do

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