Hur Hearing Backfires on Republicans

Except….he was a SENATOR and had no authority to do it!

You libs are so determined to find fault with Trump and justify what Biden did that you deny the most obvious difference!

The most obvious difference isthat Biden was guilty of a good faith mistake while Trump deliberately and maliciously broke the law.

That's the most obvious difference.

If Trump had returned the records when he was first asked, there would have been no issue.
And the other thing - Biden cannot hide behind his memory lapses and be excused from prosecution due to his dementia - and then be allowed to run for president again. He should be removed entirely due to mental unfitness.

You can’t have it both ways.
Except Biden never hid behind his dementia, this was a claim that Hur made that was totally debunked by his own interview transcripts that showed that Biden was as sharp as a tack.
What Nixon did was illegal.

The Biden DOJ is trying to make things Trump did illegal, even though Biden and Hillary did worse.

"Indeed, Justice Story specifically reminded that while former officials were not eligible for impeachment or conviction, they were – and this is extremely important – "still liable to be tried and punished in the ordinary tribunals of justice."

Put anther way, in the language of today: President Trump is still liable for everything he did while he was in office, as an ordinary citizen, unless the statute of limitations has run, still liable for everything he did while in office, didn't get away with anything yet – yet.

We have a criminal justice system in this country. We have civil litigation. And former presidents are not immune from being held accountable by either one."

Consider if John Durham had actually found evidence of crimes committed by Barack Obama while still president with mostly democrat witnesses. Do you think Obama wouldn't have been indicted in a New York minute?
He told his ghost writer, "They don't know I have these." He knew he wasn't supposed to have them. That shows intent.

What are "these". That could be ice cream cones from the white house kitchen.
This was a disaster for Gym Jordan and the Republicans. Madeleine Dean and Eric Swalwell did some of the most effective questioning. By merely having Hur read his own words, his own transcript, his own report.

Thinking on this, imo the Hur's gop debacle is really a postive and so is Cannon, who is never going to let Trump go to trial in what is a slam dunk for DoJ. Even Trump's lawyers have said that he lied to them to, so they signed documents swearing all docs were returned .... When your lawyers contradict what you told them so as to not be charged with felonies too .... it's not good. lol

Once Biden got caught with a LOTTA DOCS IN DIFFERENT PLACES ..... most of us wondered .... "so what?" Has Trump sold stuff, blackmailed ... sure he's a tiny handed klepto .... but who gives a crap.

So now Cannon's gonna bail out the DoJ, and meanwhile Trump's getting money judgments against him with .... frequency

And I never thought Fanni would even get to trial without foc,ing it up. LOL
I wonder if the OP or any of the Democrat classified document "experts" in this thread held security clearances for 35 years like I did? Or handled classified documents or did work in classified labs like I did? So much bullshit from the Democrat pseudo-experts tells me the answer is "NO".
Trump is unfit for the job. Trump is charged with crimes for refusing to cooperate with the recovery of classified documents to their rightful owner, The National Archives.
Biden is not being charged because he wilfully returned the items.
Anything else I can clear up for you?
Now stop your whining snowflake.
Being charged with a crime isn't a crime in this country until you are found guilty. Fascist.
Biden's case is not the same as Trump's case as yesterday's testimony confirmed.

From the outset of the hearing, the strategy was apparent. Nadler used his opening statement to make a distinction between Biden’s cooperation with Hur’s probe and Trump’s refusal to turn over classified materials to the National Archives after leaving the White House.

Nadler said Trump was not charged because of “some vast conspiracy,” but because he was “fundamentally incapable of taking advantage of even one of the many, many chances he was given to avoid those charges.”

“What kind of man bungles not one but dozens of opportunities to avoid criminal liability? What does that say about his mental state? Here, too, the record speaks for itself,” he said, adding later that Trump should “think twice before accusing others of cognitive decline.”

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) asked Hur point by point if Biden directed his lawyer to lie for him, directed assistants to move boxes of classified materials, deleted security camera footage or showed a classified map to a campaign aide, all of which Trump is accused of doing.

Nadler is a commie toad.
I wonder if the OP or any of the Democrat classified document "experts" in this thread held security clearances for 35 years like I did? Or handled classified documents or did work in classified labs like I did? So much bullshit from the Democrat pseudo-experts tells me the answer is "NO".
And did you take "classified documents home"like Trump.

Did you refuse to return classified documents, like Trump.

Did they have to subpoena you to return classified document like Trump?
Georgia had some of the closest watched elections in America.
November 6th 2020, January 5th 2021

Yeah, that's why they told observers they were shutting down for the day, sent them home and kept counting. This is a well known fact, why do you chose to lie?

The Neo-GOP did a fine job putting lipstick and makeup all over that swine.

Well enough soundbites to satisfy the anger of their ever shrinking flock who have the memory of a goldfish.......
Ever-shrinking flock? Is that why Trump is polling ahead of Biden, including in the critical swing states?
Ronald Reagan set a legal precedence, that allows ex-presidents / vp's to retain journals for the purpose of their memoirs, even if they contain classified information.
Nonsense. Cite the precedence that enables a Senator and VP to steal documents for the purpose of furthering a book deal.

Cite the code.

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