Hur Hearing Backfires on Republicans

So why is Trump fighting to stay out of court, instead of fighting to prove his innocence in a court of law.

Trump is like a heavyweight boxer, who says he'll fight anyone, and then refuses to fight anyone.
His lawyers do the fighting and they're doing very well. Fani just got slapped again today. More to come.
Yeah, that's why they told observers they were shutting down for the day, sent them home and kept counting. This is a well known fact, why do you chose to lie?

What about January 5th 2021 Georgia elections. You had people from all 50 states watching ONE ELECTION.
"Indeed, Justice Story specifically reminded that while former officials were not eligible for impeachment or conviction, they were – and this is extremely important – "still liable to be tried and punished in the ordinary tribunals of justice."

Put anther way, in the language of today: President Trump is still liable for everything he did while he was in office, as an ordinary citizen, unless the statute of limitations has run, still liable for everything he did while in office, didn't get away with anything yet – yet.

We have a criminal justice system in this country. We have civil litigation. And former presidents are not immune from being held accountable by either one."

Consider if John Durham had actually found evidence of crimes committed by Barack Obama while still president with mostly democrat witnesses. Do you think Obama wouldn't have been indicted in a New York minute?
There's the rub.
What Trump did wasn't illegal.
They're still trying to fuck him in court with a rigged judge and jury.

So instead of arguing his case in front of a rigged judge and jury, he's claiming immunity because everything he did he had a perfect right to do.
The left says if Trump doesn't wipe his ass properly it's a FELONY.
So Trump is trying to end this before it gets to a rigged court and stretch this thing out till after he's re-elected.
After that it's all moot.
Nonsense. Cite the precedence that enables a Senator and VP to steal documents for the purpose of furthering a book deal.

Cite the code.
As I said, look at Ronald Reagan for the precedence.

Judge Greene's ruling was also the first time a judge has ordered a President or former President to turn over such private deliberative material for use in a criminal trial since former President Richard M. Nixon was ordered to turn over secretly recorded Oval Office tapes in the Watergate affair.

The judge also said he would provide Mr. Reagan's lawyers and the Justice Department with copies of the sealed legal papers filed by Mr. Poindexter that explained how the diary excerpts were relevant to his defense.

the former national security adviser may still face difficulties in trying to use the diary entries in court because the material is classified. As such, the excerpts are subject to the Classified Information Procedures Act, which could permit the Attorney General to prohibit their disclosure on national security grounds.
Ronald Reagan set a legal precedence, that allows ex-presidents / vp's to retain journals for the purpose of their memoirs, even if they contain classified information.
What about the classified docs he stole when he was just a senator?
Gee, that's too bad. Perhaps they should storm his home and machine gun down everyone. You'd love that, huh.
Speaking of which….consider the difference: they storm Trump’s mansion from the air, the sea, and land in the middle of the night in a surprise raid, and then give Biden a 2-week notice that they’re coming.

And even with that notice, Biden’s memory is so far gone that he didn’t destroy ALL the classified information at All four of the locations he had them, and so classified docs were STILL found. Yeeks.

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