Husband Files for Divorce from Marjorie Taylor Greene

Except AOC is beautiful. And smart.

She is dumb but she does look pretty, politics don't interfere with how a woman looks, unless you are a dumb ass partisan moron.
Conservative men, that means she's single. Time for you all to go a-courtin'. Take a bath, put on a clean shirt, slick your hair back, and head over to serenade her.

(Yes, she is attractive. Too bad she's stupid, crazy and evil. I can only tolerate two of those three at one time.)

Actually they probably can forgo bathing.
She looks like a Neanderthal.. He features are very thick and crude.

I don't wish to pile-on to this poor woman.
Only add context.
One poster ...above...likens Marjorie's appearance to a Neanderthal
However, on this very forum....USMessagboard....I have read where her appearance is more like a Cro-Magnon.

But, like Switzerland, I'm neutral on the issue.

So you be the judge.

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Cro Magnon:

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LefTard Logic:
Neanderthal / Cro Magnon-

Not Neanderthal / Cro Magnon-
Watch out when agnostic lefties quote scripture. It means that they are plumb out of ideas and agenda.
You can shove your sanctimony right back up your ass where it came from.

The Right does not have proprietary ownership of Christianity.

MTG has been waving the Bible in people's faces. She called good Catholics who are feeding starving people the border Satanists!

The Christian God I know does not recognize international borders for his mercy.

The Christian Right is a religion of hatred, cruelty, bigotry, and hypocrisy.

So when one of your own is caught out as a flaming hypocrite, you don't get to hide behind this "Who cares?" horseshit.

I guess when MTG told everyone she had an open marriage, she forgot to tell her husband.

Jesus had more to say about hypocrites than any other kind of person.

Christian Nation, my ass.

See you all in hell.
Tell us more things while totally avoiding addressing the comment. You sound smrt.

You need someone to explain to you what divorce is also?

I was thinking it was rather self explanatory, guess I should have considered that many in the audience can't distinguish between a man and a woman.

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