Hussein Obama's final stab in the back of our great ally, Israel

Granny says, "Dat's right - it's Israel's land - dey got a right to do with it as dey want...

Obama Refuses to Veto Anti-Israel Resolution by UN Security Council
December 23, 2016 — In a striking rupture with past practice, the United States allowed the U.N. Security Council on Friday to condemn Israeli settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem as a "flagrant violation" of international law. In doing so, the outgoing Obama administration brushed aside Donald Trump's demands that the U.S. exercise its veto and provided a climax to years of icy relations with Israel's leadership.
The decision to abstain from the council's 14-0 vote is one of the biggest American rebukes of its longstanding ally in recent memory. And it could have significant ramifications for the Jewish state, potentially hindering Israel's negotiating position in future peace talks. Given the world's widespread opposition to settlements, the action will be almost impossible for anyone, including Trump, to reverse. The resolution said Israel's settlements in lands the Palestinians want to include in their future state have "no legal validity." It demanded a halt to such activities for the sake of "salvaging the two-state solution." Loud applause erupted in the council chamber after U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power permitted the resolution to pass. The condemnation, a day after Egypt suddenly postponed a scheduled showdown, capped days of frantic diplomacy in capitals around the world.

American officials indicated they would have been prepared to let the resolution pass, despite blocking such proposals for years. Israeli officials said they were aware of such plans and turned to Trump for support. The U.S. president-elect sent a tweet urging President Barack Obama to block the U.N. effort. Egypt then pulled its resolution, with U.S. officials citing fierce Israeli pressure as the reason. Israeli officials then accused Obama of colluding with the Palestinians in a "shameful move" against the Jewish state. Washington denied the charge.

Most of the world is united in opposition to Israel's construction of Jewish settlements in lands it seized in the 1967 Mideast War. The primary holdout at the U.N. has been the United States, which sees settlements as illegitimate but has traditionally used its veto power as a permanent member of the Security Council to block such resolutions on the grounds that Israeli-Palestinian disputes should be addressed through negotiation.

Obama Refuses to Veto Anti-Israel Resolution by UN Security Council

See also:

Mark Levin:‘It Appears Anti-Semite Obama is Working With Extremist Palestinians’ to Undermine Israel
December 23, 2016 | Nationally syndicated radio talk show host and conservative leader Mark Levin posted a message on his Facebook page on Friday, condemning the Obama administration’s treatment of a UN resolution condemning Israel.
Levin linked to a Reuter’s report, highlighted by The Right Scoop, that cited a senior Israeli government official who said that President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry were “behind” the move to put the resolution through. “President Obama and Secretary Kerry are behind this shameful move against Israel at the UN,” Reuters quoted the unnamed official as saying. “The U.S. administration secretly cooked up with the Palestinians an extreme anti-Israeli resolution behind Israel’s back which would be a tailwind for terror and boycotts,” he said.

Levin started his Facebook posting stateing: “It appears anti-Semite Obama is working with the extremist Palestinians, and using the Israel-hating UN, to undermine our ally Israel. Obama's a disgrace.”

Mark Levin:‘It Appears Anti-Semite Obama is Working With Extremist Palestinians’ to Undermine Israel
Instead of condemning Obama for simply abstaining to vote, maybe Israel firsters should ask themselves what to do about the entire rest of the planet opposing them.
The rest of the planet. Ha ha ha.
Pretty much. Icluding a unanimous vote by the UN security council

also meaningless
Tell that to all the outraged Israel firsters
Outrage at having a traitor as president, doesn't mean the resolution had any meaning, dufus.
Something that needs to be understood: Israel is a U.S. protectorate, not an "ally."

A national alliance is not a one-way street. It presumes a mutually protective capability, which does not exist in our relationship with Israel. We support Israel militarily and financially. Israel does absolutely nothing significant for us -- nor is it in a position to.

So lets back off with the slippery propaganda. I am anti-Islam, which means I stand with Israel against the Moslem world. But that doesn't mean Israel is a military ally of the U.S. Israel is in no position to stand with us in a significant military conflict. It is too small, too vulnerable, and too politically sensitive.

Bottom line: Israel needs the U.S. The U.S. does not need Israel. In fact we would be better off without any affiliation with Israel.
"That doesn't mean Israel is a military ally of the US"?!

Ha ha ha ho ho ho. Now THAT was funny. Israel and the US are allies, in every way possible. Deal with it, or not, who gives a Shiite.
obambam should be cursed by every member of the clergy throughout the world. He can suck on muslim ass while he's kneeling.
That won't change anything. He's been sucking on Moooslem $#*& since he took office. All the death, destruction, and division he's caused...karma is going to be a bitch.
Instead of condemning Obama for simply abstaining to vote, maybe Israel firsters should ask themselves what to do about the entire rest of the planet opposing them.
The rest of the planet. Ha ha ha.
Pretty much. Icluding a unanimous vote by the UN security council

also meaningless
Tell that to all the outraged Israel firsters
Outrage at having a traitor as president, doesn't mean the resolution had any meaning, dufus.
Then stop being so butthurt you snowflake
The asshole, piece of shit son of a Muslim commie bastard, had to give it one last stab before he leaves, he couldn't control himself. Yet we still have many American Jews that voted Democrat, like lambs being led to the slaughter. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
IMO he should have voted to condemn their asses. He actually let them off light.
good news is that's his last act of betrayal. All of that will be fixed after January 20.
By the way you were whining I thought it would never be "fixed". Are you sure you can change the vote after 20jan?
Oh please, since when did anything the UN do have any meaning? It just proves what a cork-soaker son of a Muslim traitor we have had as president. It is good that this is one of his last acts, basically more shit on his shitty disastrous legacy.
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Israel building settlements in disputed territory puts us in the middle of bailing their asses out

U.S. Should have voted to condemn it. We have been telling them to stop the shit for years
The rest of the planet. Ha ha ha.
Pretty much. Icluding a unanimous vote by the UN security council

also meaningless
Tell that to all the outraged Israel firsters
Outrage at having a traitor as president, doesn't mean the resolution had any meaning, dufus.
Then stop being so butthurt you snowflake
Speaking of butthurt you will experience that for sure after Jan 20. Enjoy your last licks of Hussien Obama's anus while you can. LOL
Israel building settlements in disputed territory puts us in the middle of bailing their asses out

U.S. Should have voted to condemn it. We have been telling them to stop the shit for years
Disputed? Ha ha ha.
Pretty much. Icluding a unanimous vote by the UN security council

also meaningless
Tell that to all the outraged Israel firsters
Outrage at having a traitor as president, doesn't mean the resolution had any meaning, dufus.
Then stop being so butthurt you snowflake
Speaking of butthurt you will experience that for sure after Jan 20. Enjoy your last licks of Hussien Obama's anus while you can. LOL
Okay little snowflake. Enjoy your armageddon.
also meaningless
Tell that to all the outraged Israel firsters
Outrage at having a traitor as president, doesn't mean the resolution had any meaning, dufus.
Then stop being so butthurt you snowflake
Speaking of butthurt you will experience that for sure after Jan 20. Enjoy your last licks of Hussien Obama's anus while you can. LOL
Okay little snowflake. Enjoy your armageddon.
Armageddon? So...not only are you delusional but also paranoid. How unusual, for a liberal. :rofl:
Instead of condemning Obama for simply abstaining to vote, maybe Israel firsters should ask themselves what to do about the entire rest of the planet opposing them.
Stand firm against the onslaught of evil, that is what Israel should do.
Leftists adore Islamo-terrorists, didn't you know? They can't even call them what they are, Islamic terrorist. Hussein Obama still can't use those two words. I wonder why?
The asshole, piece of shit son of a Muslim commie bastard, had to give it one last stab before he leaves, he couldn't control himself. Yet we still have many American Jews that voted Democrat, like lambs being led to the slaughter. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
Fuck Israel. We have been trying to create peace but Israel really isn't interested. Those settlements are a well known stumbling block for peace talks yet Israel is accelerating building in those areas.

If your orange moron wanted it vetoed, how come his buddy Putin didn't veto it for him.
The asshole, piece of shit son of a Muslim commie bastard, had to give it one last stab before he leaves, he couldn't control himself. Yet we still have many American Jews that voted Democrat, like lambs being led to the slaughter. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
Fuck Israel. We have been trying to create peace but Israel really isn't interested. Those settlements are a well known stumbling block for peace talks yet Israel is accelerating building in those areas.

If your orange moron wanted it vetoed, how come his buddy Putin didn't veto it for him.

Fuck that son of a whore Obama, hope he rots in hell. It's the PaliNazis that never wanted peace. That has been proven. Oh don't worry, Trump is sure to make you leftist commies poop in your pantalones when he moves the US embassy to Jerusalem. He's already scouting a few locations. LOL.
Israel building settlements in disputed territory puts us in the middle of bailing their asses out

U.S. Should have voted to condemn it. We have been telling them to stop the shit for years
Disputed? Ha ha ha.

According to this resolution Jews aren't allowed to live in Jerusalem near the western wall lol. I say fuck obozo and fuck the UN.
Israel building settlements in disputed territory puts us in the middle of bailing their asses out

U.S. Should have voted to condemn it. We have been telling them to stop the shit for years
Disputed? Ha ha ha.

According to this resolution Jews aren't allowed to live in Jerusalem near the western wall lol. I say fuck obozo and fuck the UN.
Exactly, Israel ahould just annex the West Bank and give the finger to the commie IslamoNazi block in the UN.
The asshole, piece of shit son of a Muslim commie bastard, had to give it one last stab before he leaves, he couldn't control himself. Yet we still have many American Jews that voted Democrat, like lambs being led to the slaughter. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
Fuck Israel. We have been trying to create peace but Israel really isn't interested. Those settlements are a well known stumbling block for peace talks yet Israel is accelerating building in those areas.

If your orange moron wanted it vetoed, how come his buddy Putin didn't veto it for him.
You are a confused idiot aren't you? You prove how stupid the left is. No, fuck you.
Ha ha ha ho ho ho. Now THAT was funny. Israel and the US are allies, in every way possible. Deal with it, or not, who gives a Shiite.
Is that your best response? "Ha ha, ho ho?"

Please tell us how Israel is an ally of the U.S. Specifically what has Israel ever done for the U.S.?

Would you like to talk about those things Israel has done to the U.S., such as numerous examples of espionage and the sinking of our Naval vessel, the USS Liberty? Or would you prefer we just forget those things?

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