Hussein Obama's final stab in the back of our great ally, Israel

Its situations like this where I so wish Bernie was out incoming president and not this orange man child.
Bernie would do well in a communist country. Not here.
The asshole, piece of shit son of a Muslim commie bastard, had to give it one last stab before he leaves, he couldn't control himself. Yet we still have many American Jews that voted Democrat, like lambs being led to the slaughter. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
Fuck Israel. We have been trying to create peace but Israel really isn't interested. Those settlements are a well known stumbling block for peace talks yet Israel is accelerating building in those areas.

If your orange moron wanted it vetoed, how come his buddy Putin didn't veto it for him.

Fuck that son of a whore Obama, hope he rots in hell. It's the PaliNazis that never wanted peace. That has been proven. Oh don't worry, Trump is sure to make you leftist commies poop in your pantalones when he moves the US embassy to Jerusalem. He's already scouting a few locations. LOL.
Maybe your orange buddy should have called his real friend Putin & ask him to veto it.
Putin is no friend of Trump. But since nothing the UN says or does has any consequence anyhow, it wasn't necessary for Trump to do anything further.

Hussein Obama went against the wishes of the American people and prominent Democrats, throwing more shit on his own legacy.
Oh please. Don't let me start on spies, USA has spies in many places in the world. let's not forget the almost diplomat issues with Brazil and Germany over this.

If spies is what you base your claim on who are your friends, America wouldn't have any friends at all.
There is a significant difference between ordinary spying and espionage operations. Spying is looking around for readily available information -- and everybody does it. But espionage is something else.

By way of analogy, spying on a neighbor is furtively looking through the blinds at who is coming and going. Espionage is picking your neighbor's lock when they are out, planting listening devices, searching their records, bribing the mailman for information, etc.

Espionage is what our "ally" Israel has done to us (see Jonathan Pollard).
Pollard handed Israel information it was supppst to hold in the first place.It backed away from agreements so that was the result.
Pollard handed Israel information it was supppst to hold in the first place.It backed away from agreements so that was the result.
Sure. This is why he was tried and sentenced to prison. A mistake. Right?

Understand something, Lipush. I have nothing against you. I think you are a very pleasant, very smart young lady. Neither am I anti-Semitic. But I am cursed with an orientation that will not allow me to ignore the obvious -- especially when the obvious is something I would need to be stupid to ignore.

I have nothing against Jews and there are some things about Israel which I respect and admire, but the fact remains Israel is a foreign country. It is not the 51st state of our Union -- even though Bibi Netanyahu seems to think it is. With that in mind I tend to weigh the U.S. relationship with Israel in terms of plus vs minus and I see no advantage to our excessive proximity with that troublesome foreign nation in the Middle East. In fact I do believe our support of Israel's expansion into the Gaza region back in the '90s played a major role in the 9/11 attack. I believe it because bin Laden warned us about it and Bush ignored that warning.

So if you are Israeli I understand your position. But if you are a U.S. citizen I suggest that you look more closely at your loyalty and what it is based on.
They're not a military ally since there's no military alliance treaty, but they're an ally in every other sense of the word.
No such thing as an "ally in every other sense of the word" but militarily. The word "ally" when used in regard to separate nations, specifically means military alliance
-- along with certain other secondary considerations.

When pondering the etymology of the word "ally" I suggest you refer to the word "allies" in the context of World War Two. It leaves little question as to the meaning of the word where separate nations are concerned.

Again, Israel is a protectorate. Not an "ally." If you doubt that, tell us how many Israeli boots are, were, or have been on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan during the recent armed conflicts?
The asshole, piece of shit son of a Muslim commie bastard, had to give it one last stab before he leaves, he couldn't control himself. Yet we still have many American Jews that voted Democrat, like lambs being led to the slaughter. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
Fuck Israel. We have been trying to create peace but Israel really isn't interested. Those settlements are a well known stumbling block for peace talks yet Israel is accelerating building in those areas.

If your orange moron wanted it vetoed, how come his buddy Putin didn't veto it for him.

Fuck that son of a whore Obama, hope he rots in hell. It's the PaliNazis that never wanted peace. That has been proven. Oh don't worry, Trump is sure to make you leftist commies poop in your pantalones when he moves the US embassy to Jerusalem. He's already scouting a few locations. LOL.
Maybe your orange buddy should have called his real friend Putin & ask him to veto it.
Putin is no friend of Trump. But since nothing the UN says or does has any consequence anyhow, it wasn't necessary for Trump to do anything further.

Hussein Obama went against the wishes of the American people and prominent Democrats, throwing more shit on his own legacy.
Trump ^& putin are buddy buddy. Putin helped Trump win.

Israel was/is being an ass by accelerating settlement developments knowing darn well they are adverse to a peach treaty. I say fuck Israel if they are not willing to help garner peace.
The asshole, piece of shit son of a Muslim commie bastard, had to give it one last stab before he leaves, he couldn't control himself. Yet we still have many American Jews that voted Democrat, like lambs being led to the slaughter. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
Fuck Israel. We have been trying to create peace but Israel really isn't interested. Those settlements are a well known stumbling block for peace talks yet Israel is accelerating building in those areas.

If your orange moron wanted it vetoed, how come his buddy Putin didn't veto it for him.

Fuck that son of a whore Obama, hope he rots in hell. It's the PaliNazis that never wanted peace. That has been proven. Oh don't worry, Trump is sure to make you leftist commies poop in your pantalones when he moves the US embassy to Jerusalem. He's already scouting a few locations. LOL.
Maybe your orange buddy should have called his real friend Putin & ask him to veto it.
Putin is no friend of Trump. But since nothing the UN says or does has any consequence anyhow, it wasn't necessary for Trump to do anything further.

Hussein Obama went against the wishes of the American people and prominent Democrats, throwing more shit on his own legacy.
Trump ^& putin are buddy buddy. Putin helped Trump win.

Israel was/is being an ass by accelerating settlement developments knowing darn well they are adverse to a peach treaty. I say fuck Israel if they are not willing to help garner peace.
Oh don't worry, peace will arrive. As soon as president Hussein shithead gets thrown out on his ass this January 20. :clap2:

Did president DUMBFUCK not know that the US is the biggest funder of both the UN and the Paleshitians? Well, that'll come to an end soon as well. :clap2:

Lindsey Graham Warns UN: 'Congress Is a Player on Foreign Policy'
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Trump ^& putin are buddy buddy. Putin helped Trump win.

Israel was/is being an ass by accelerating settlement developments knowing darn well they are adverse to a peach treaty. I say fuck Israel if they are not willing to help garner peace.

A "peach treaty"? So how did PUTIN help Trump voting thousands of times in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Ohio? Did PUTIN make Hillary a scheming criminal witch who sold our national security to the highest bidder, just like her "husband" Willy did before her? Did PUTIN make Barry the Fairy slip and call Podesta's email dump a "leak" instead of a hack twice in his farewell presser? Fuck Israel? No, fuck you.
Trump ^& putin are buddy buddy. Putin helped Trump win.

Israel was/is being an ass by accelerating settlement developments knowing darn well they are adverse to a peach treaty. I say fuck Israel if they are not willing to help garner peace.

A "peach treaty"? So how did PUTIN help Trump voting thousands of times in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Ohio? Did PUTIN make Hillary a scheming criminal witch who sold our national security to the highest bidder, just like her "husband" Willy did before her? Did PUTIN make Barry the Fairy slip and call Podesta's email dump a "leak" instead of a hack twice in his farewell presser? Fuck Israel? No, fuck you.
I think Anthony Weiner also helped Trump win. Hillary's classified emails somehow ended up on his laptop while he was sending pictures of his Weiner all over the Internet. Surely the Russians were involved in this too.
I think Anthony Weiner also helped Trump win. Hillary's classified emails somehow ended up on his laptop while he was sending pictures of his Weiner all over the Internet. Surely the Russians were involved in this too.

I don't believe the Russians had anything to do with any of it. The Podesta email leak came from inside the DNC by a staffer named Seth Rich who was later murdered while walking home from a tavern. He was supposedly "mugged", yet his watch and wallet weren't taken. Another in the long list of Clinton enemies who wound up murdered.
Let me remind all of you white "Israel supporting" idiots that Jews don't care about you, at all.

You are just to be milked for everything you are worth until the system collapses. And you are willing to send your children to die to fight the Muslims for the benefit of Israel.

You are being played.
Pollard handed Israel information it was supppst to hold in the first place.It backed away from agreements so that was the result.
Sure. And Adolph Eichmann killed a lot of Jews who were going to die anyway someday. Right?

What kind of reasoning is that?
Let me remind all of you white "Israel supporting" idiots that Jews don't care about you, at all.

You are just to be milked for everything you are worth until the system collapses. And you are willing to send your children to die to fight the Muslims for the benefit of Israel.

You are being played.
Really? When exactly did ONE American soldier fight or die for Israel?

How does that compare to the tens of thousands currently stationed in Europe and the Korean DMZ, an area where nuclear war could break out any minute?
Pollard handed Israel information it was supppst to hold in the first place.It backed away from agreements so that was the result.
Sure. And Adolph Eichmann killed a lot of Jews who were going to die anyway someday. Right?

What kind of reasoning is that?
You aren't really interesting or original, going down the list of antisemtic canards, grabbed from a neo Nazi site. We've heard this shit a million times before, Achmed.
Pollard handed Israel information it was supppst to hold in the first place.It backed away from agreements so that was the result.
Sure. And Adolph Eichmann killed a lot of Jews who were going to die anyway someday. Right?

What kind of reasoning is that?
You aren't really interesting or original, going down the list of antisemtic canards, grabbed from a neo Nazi site. We've heard this shit a million times before, Achmed.
I've never visited a Nazi or neo-Nazi site so I I'll take full credit for my comments if you please. And if my expressed thoughts depict me as a neo-Nazi then I suppose that's what I am. But I wish you no harm, so I guess I'm not an effective one.
The asshole, piece of shit son of a Muslim commie bastard, had to give it one last stab before he leaves, he couldn't control himself. Yet we still have many American Jews that voted Democrat, like lambs being led to the slaughter. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.

Just read about it, and you're right, him and his cult followers are petty, infantile sociopaths and gimps; they've left no doubt at all about what they are and how sick they are. He is going to do worse in his remaining days, he has a 'scorched Earth' mentality most sick gimps have when they don't get their way on something, and the bodies will pile up as a result of his tantrums. He truly is representative of his 'Party' and its base of vermin and scum.
Pollard handed Israel information it was supppst to hold in the first place.It backed away from agreements so that was the result.
Sure. And Adolph Eichmann killed a lot of Jews who were going to die anyway someday. Right?

What kind of reasoning is that?
You aren't really interesting or original, going down the list of antisemtic canards, grabbed from a neo Nazi site. We've heard this shit a million times before, Achmed.
I've never visited a Nazi or neo-Nazi site so I I'll take full credit for my comments if you please. And if my expressed thoughts depict me as a neo-Nazi then I suppose that's what I am. But I wish you no harm, so I guess I'm not an effective one.
Yeah yeah yeah. With you Nazis and IslamoNazis it's always the same mantra, USS Liberty (never USS Cole), Jonathan Pollard, Jews did 9-11, Jews control media, banks, govt., Jooos Jooos Jooos, it's always the same exact shit you'll find on these garbage sites. Get a life, Achmed, there's a new sheriff in town.

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